Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century ❯ Prepare for sweet revenge, revenge! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century part 2
Prepare for sweet revenge, revenge!
I do not own Yu-gi-oh! or anything else but my name and ideas! R&R
Yugi: That's the most stupidest idea I have ever herd of.... I like it! Any way, you've answered all of my questions anyway, so I'm in!
Duke: Joey, you DO know that Kaiba will hunt you down and kill you if he finds out that this was your idea right?
Joey: Yup! But the key is, he WONT find out, will he?
Duke: Ok then, I'm in! How about you Ryou?
Ryou: I see I'm out numbered, so I'm in!
Joey: Yay's! What about you Tristan?
Tristan: Of course I'm in! Revenge is sweet!
???: Hold it!
Joey: Oh, Hi authoress!
Me/Melody: Hey! Listen! None of you are going to T.P anything, you here me?!?!
Everyone: Awwww man! That sucks!
Me: That is, none of you are going to T.P anything...... With out me! I'm in! If that's ok with you all.
Ryou: Of course it is!
Joey: Authoress, you rock!
Me: ^.^
Ryou: When do we do this any way?
Me: Well, it has to be at night so no one can see us and when everyone should be asleep! But why stop there? Let's boobie trap Rich boy's room!
Joey: Good idea, but he would probably wake up while we are in there!
Me: Just chill! If you're in, then I will bring some stuff that will garentee our success!
Joey: Ok, I'm in, but only three people should go so it's not too dangerous!!
Mai: And I'm that other person!!
Ryou: While you three boobie trap his room, I'll give it a girly make over, then take pictures!
Tristan: Sweet! I'll help!
Yami: Ok, we all need to bring some stuff so we don't fail!
Duke: Let's make a list!
The list reads:
Joey: lots of toilet paper.
Mai: Flash lights, a make up kit, and paint ball grenades.
Melody/authoress: Boobie trap stuff, a make up kit, and guns with ammo for their escape. (Like the guns Ellie owns on Rave master)
Ryou: Gloves so our finger prints don't show, eye lenses so our eye color will change, and a flash camera.
Tristan: Snacks, soda, Camcorder, extra batteries, and Sleeping powder grenades.
Yami: Toilet paper, honey, tar, and suction cups.
Yugi: Smoke screen grenades, permanent marker, and a lab top computer.
Duke: Micro chips to implant viruses in Kaiba's computers, a screw driver and wrench set, and super glue.
End list
I hope you liked it!