Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century ❯ Feeding Frenzy! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century part 8
Feeding frenzy!
Duke: Well, better him then us, right?
Ryou and Me: True!
Ryou: Hey! Let's set this up so when Kaiba opens the door in the morning, then this banner will fall!
Duke: Yeah! And then we can put glitter and stickers on it to make people think he's gay!
Me: Cool! And then we can Put his phone number on it and then put “Call me sweet thang! All guys and girls, especially guys!”
Duke, Ryou, and Me: *Snickers*
*After everything was done, and in place, we headed home*
Mai: We sure did a lot tonight!
Me: Yup! Sure did!
Joey: What time is it anyway?
Ryou: It's 12:45
Duke: Damn, that sure took us a long time!
Yugi: Yup! But it was worth it!
Yami: I can't wait to watch the news at 7:00am!
Mei_lynn: All of that work sure took it out of me! I'm so tired!
Tristan: So am I! Who knew that T.P ing and spray painting could be so much fun, yet tiring!
Mei_lynn: Yup!
Me: Hey, let's go back to my mansion and order pizza, whose hungry?
Everyone: I am!
*At my Mansion*
Me: This way to the guest room, you can stay in here as long as you like, I already asked my mom.
Yugi: What about your dad?
Me: He doesn't care, besides, he wouldn't notice if he saw you with his own eyes!
Yami: O..... K.....
Me: I'm gonna go order the pizzas, is there any thing pacific you wanted on them?
Ryou: Anchovies!
Duke: Cheese!
Mai: Pepperoni!
Yami: Meat!
Yugi: Pine apple!
Mei_lynn: Bacon!
Joey and Tristan: Everything!
Me: O.O Ok...... I'll be right back, make your selves comfortable!
*5 minutes later*
Me: Pizzas are here!
Everyone: Yay!
Joey & Tristan: Feeding frenzy!
I hope you liked it and
please review so I can
write more!