Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century ❯ This'll be good! ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century part 9
This'll be good!
Me: Pizzas are here!
Everyone: Yay!
Joey & Tristan: Feeding frenzy!
*While eating the Pizza*
Mai: Do you all think that Kaiba will know that the whole home makeover thing was us?
Mei_lynn: I don't know, but if he does, then we can always move to Canada or something.
Me: And if we die, we'll die laughing at him and how pathetic he is!
Joey: Yeah, but knowing rich boy, he's gonna blame us for it!
Me: Not if we get rid of all of the evidence!
Duke how are we gonna do that?
Me: Get ourselves back to how we used to look and out of these outfits!
Ryou: But we didn't bring a change of cloths, and this hair die doesn't come out easily!
Me: If you need a change of cloths, then you can look in the closet, I think I got all of your sizes right.
Mai: Were did you get all of these cloths?!?!?
Me: I amthe authoress!
Ryou: What about the hair dye?
Me: There's some product in the bathroom.
Joey: What about the hair gel?
Me: Try and brush it back down!
*FFW, were about to go to sleep*
Mai: I'm so tired!
Ryou: Me to!
Mei_lynn: let's get some sleep!
Joey: I'll set my alarm clock so we can wake up at 7:00am to see the live news about the home makeover our addition!
Tristan: Like you'll wake up to it! You're so lazy, especially in the morning!
Joey: Watch it!
Duke: Just set the alarm, one of us will wake up to it and wake everyone else up.
Me: Ok, we all get it! Just try to get some sleep!
Mai: Seriously, but I'll probably laugh my self to sleep since we just caused the Biggest T.P in T.P ing history!
Me: That's what I told my mom! She laughed her head off and said “That's what that rich boy, stuck up snob deserves, I think we should share this laughter with the world! That will be my top story!”
Joey: I just hope she won't tell anyone that it was you who told her, or he'll know it was us!
Me: I hope not.
Mai: We'll worry about that when we wake up, just get to sleep already!
*FFW when we all wake up at 6:59am*
Joey: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Tristan: Wake up!!!!!!!!!
Joey: Ahhhh! What the hell was that for Tristan?
Tristan: If you keep sleeping, then you'll miss everything!
Joey: Oh yeah! I forgot!!
Duke: *Turns on TV*
Kyoko on TV: This just in, I am standing in front or the Kaiba mansion and it seems that it has been T.P'd, this is known as the biggest T.P in T.P ing history!!
Everyone: Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Ryou: Duke, Melody I think Kaiba is gonna come out soon!
Ryou, Duke, and Me: Mwahahahahahaha! >:D
*On TV*
Kyoko: Who ever did this must have a great sense of humor, I wonder if Kaiba knows that this news is live and his mansion is looking like a dump!
*Seto Kaiba comes out and banner falls*
Kyoko: It seems like Seto Kaiba has found out the state of his home and he's coming this way I Wonder why that banner is there! *Snicker!*
Seto: What the hell happened here?!?!?!?
Kyoko: We thought you could tell us..... What happened to your face? *Snicker*
Seto: What do you mean?
Kyoko: *Snicker* That! *Takes out a compact mirror and holds it up to him*
Seto: What the FUCK?!?!?
Kyoko: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Sorry if we caught you at a bad time! What's up with the banner?
Seto: What Banner?
Kyoko: That banner! *Points to banner*
*Camera zooms in on the banner*
Ryou, Me, and Duke: It worked! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Seto: What the Fuck! *Walks up to the camera and uses microphone* I know who did this! Yugi and his little friends! I know were you all live! I will hunt you all down and kill you all with my bare hands! This is unforgivable!
*Walks in side and slams the door and the banner falls*
Kyoko: Well, there you have it, I'm Kyoko Leonheart and this is entertainment news!
*Back to us*
Yugi: How did he know?
Yami: It's simple, if something goes wrong and/or bad, he blames us!
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