Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh Dating Game ❯ Joey ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Words: Hi all! Welcome to the Yugioh Dating Game! With your hosts: Bilbo- san and Legolasluver123!

{LegolasLuver123, and Bilbo-san come out in cheap suits, and wave}

LegolasLuver123: 'Ello!

Bilbo-san: MOO!

Words: First thing: the Disclaimer!

Disclaimer: We don't own Yugioh. This is not one of those fanfics where we need the reviewers' votes. We figured them out by ourselves. We don't own words either. (-.-;;)

Bilbo-san: Let the games begin!

*random game show song plays*

LegolasLuver123: Today we have the unlucky contestant.. I mean.. Joey!

Audience: *Scattered clapping*

Joey Fan Girls: WE LOVE YOU JOEY!!!

Joey: ^-^..

Bilbo-san: Our other contestants are Tea, Mai, and Yugi.

Joey: Why Yugi?

LegolasLuver123: Well.. You might be a homo. you never know!

Everyone: o.O

Bilbo-san: Anyway.. On with the Torturing.. I mean.. Fun!

*Mysterious cards pop up*

Joey: What ta?

Bilbo-san: *Mouths* Read the questions.

Joey: Whaa?

Bilbo-san: *Whispers* Read the questions.

Joey: Whaaaa?


Joey: ^-^' I knew that!

Everyone: *Anime Fall*

Joey: Okay, bachelor one, what is your secret fantasy?

Yugi: *thinking* Please don't say anything that Tea will go nuts....no wait...I want to see that...

Bachelor One (Tea): Well. I want to be King of the world.

Joey: Don't ya mean queen?

Tea: Er.. what he said.

Everyone: o.O

Tea: Anyway.. I would be queen and there would be no wars.. Everyone would be friends! WORLD PEACE!! *Peace sign*

Everyone: -.-;;

Joey: err.. okay? Bachelor number two, Are you having a secret relationship with Yami?

Bachelor Two (Yugi): Yami said it was just between us!!

Everyone: O.O

Joey: *blink blink* Ur. anyway.. Bachelor number three.. What is your worst nightmare?

Bachelor Three (Mai): A world without make-up!


Everyone: -.-;;

LegolasLuver123: Erm.. Just go to commercial..

*** Voice: Are you lonely?

Bakura: *is walking around in a field of dead plants*

Voice: Do you wish to have friends?

Bakura: NO! *grins evilly as he whips out a flamethrower* NOW DIE!

Voice: Then come to Dr. Lonu's friendship farm! Where you will find the love!

Bakura: WHY WON'T YOU DIE!!!

Voice: I'm immortal! MWHA!!

*small disclaimer* We don't give refunds if your friend turns out to be a homicidal maniac

Bakura: Now that's my kind of friend!

Words: I'm sure it is..

Bakura: Quiet you....bunch of letters of no meaning!

Words: *runs off crying*

Ryou: /That's just weird, YOU'RE STILL THERE! /

*Words doesn't answer*


Bilbo-san: Yeah! He was soo hot.. every time he bent down you could see his underwear..

Producer: We're filming.

Bilbo-san: ^-^' We're back!!

Everyone: -.-;;

LegolasLuver123: Okay we have our first game! Pin the tail on Joey!!

{Joey is dressed in a dog costume. He is in one of those mental hospital rooms.}

Bilbo-san: The rules for this game is one of the contestants to pin the tail on our dog.. I mean Joey.. All the contestants are blindfolded.. so BEWARE! Whoever wins gets 20 points!!

LegolasLuver123: Let the pain begin!

{The three contestants are released; Joey is franticly running away from them.}

Joey: MOMMY! HELP ME!!!!

Joey's Mom: NEVER! *Insert evil laugh here*

{Tea is bumping into random things.}

Tea: I think I got it! *Pins the tail on 'Joey'*

Mai: OWW!!! WHO DID THAT?! *Takes off blindfold*

{Tea does the same}

Tea: *Realizes it wasn't Joey* oops. ^-^;;

Mai: *Eye twitches* Tea..

Tea: Yea?


{Cat Fight}

Mai: You made me break a nail! DIE, BAITA!!!

{Fight continues..}

Everyone: o.O

{Somehow Yugi manages to get the tail on Joey.}

Bilbo-san: We have a winner! Yugi!!

Yugi: Woot! Yami and I do this all the time. I mean.. er.

Everyone: O.O

Bilbo-san: Now a word from our sponsor.


Voice: Do you like bats?

Mokuba: *Jumps up and down* I DO!! I DO!!

Voice: Do you often find yourself asking your older sibling to buy bats?

Mokuba: *Nods*

Voice: Then buy the Guano Dish set.. This set is made by the Wachati Tribe.. Their precious bat, Shikaka as they refer to it has made the bowls you see here..

*Bowls appear*

Mokuba: WOWIE!!

Voice: this set is only. 95.99.. if you call now we will throw in lent!! So call now!

*Number Flashes around*

Voice: Did you get?

*Number moves*

Voice: How about now?

Mokuba: I got it!

Voice: Damn.


Bilbo-san: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee're back!

LegolasLuver123: That was really cheesy.

Bilbo-san: It was? I thought it was pretty cool..

LegolasLuver123: Well it's not!

Bilbo-san: *sniff* WAAAAHHHHHH! *runs off crying*

LegolasLuver123: *Calls to Bilbo-san* CAN WE STILL BE FRIENDS?!?

Bilbo-san: *No answer*

LegolasLuver123: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!...ah, whatever. Our next game is called Piñata.. the idea of this game is to pretty much beat Joey with the METAL bats until the candy comes out..

{Joey is in a Dog piñata suit filled with candy. The contestants are blindfolded.}

Mai, Tea, and Yugi are all swinging at Joey.

Joey: Don't hit my candy!! It will be needed later!!

Yugi trips over his own feet, and accidentally hits Joey where the sun doesn't shine..

Joey: Oww. There goes my chance at children..

{Tea accidentally hits herself in the head with the bat, causing her to fall on Yugi. Her bat eventually collides with Yugi's head, leading them both to unconscious.}

Mai: *Still hitting the Piñata, she hits it so hard it breaks another nail* OWWWW!!!!!!! MY NAIL!! NOT ANOTHER ONE!! *Whacks the Piñata so hard the candy drops out*

Mokuba: *Appears out of nowhere grabs all the candy, and runs away. *

Everyone: o.O

*Bilbo-san reappears*

LegolasLuver123: She's back!

Bilbo-san: Must obey the Taco man!

Everyone: O.o

LegolasLuver123: Our last segment is *sigh* questions.

*Cards appear*

Joey: Bachelor One, Where would we go on date?

Bachelor One (Tea): We would go to a ballet recital.


Tea: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BALLET!! *Whips out mallet* Now is there?

Joey: ^-^' No.. Ballet is cool!!

Bilbo-san: ANYWAY!

Joey: Bachelor Two, What would we do on our date?

Bachelor Two (Yugi): Well.. we would go to the Turtle Game Shop, and look at the cards. We would then go upstairs, and lay by the fire, and cuddle.

Everyone: O.O

Joey: Ur.. umm.. er.. Bachelor number three, What is your favorite song?

Bachelor Three (Mai): It would have to be Oops I did it again by Britney Spears

Legolasluver123: BOOOOOOO!!!! *Chucks fruit at Mai*

Mai: Who threw that?!

LegolasLuver123: *Whistles, and walks behind Bilbo*

Bilbo-san: Er.. okay! Stay tuned! Next Chapter you will find out who get to go on a date with our torture victim.. Joey!

LegolasLuver123: *Waves* Okay then Buh-bye now!!


*Scary Music*
