Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh Play ❯ Dressings Rooms? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(At rehearsal after school ok this is kinda dedicated to my friends fan girls just pretend your them…)

Yami- God I should have never have came….

Bakura- Why not? Just leave and go home.

Yami- Well that girl Caitlin is going to kill or maul me to death..

Bakura- On second thought stay…..hehee

Yami- >.O

Big Gay Al- Ok everyone now the big night is coming up soon and we need to rehearse!

Bakura- Hahaha and I still didn't wash my feet yet haha!

Yami- >.O

Marik- God this is so gay…

Mariku- Yeah why did we try out for this anyways?

Big Gay Al- Ok everyone lets start on page 50! And remember do a super job!

All- *twitch*

Big Gay Al- You start Seto.

Seto- My wife Allie. The war seems to be outta control. I'm afraid that I may be able to have to fight I have to ask you a favor my wife…

Allie- Yes what is it dear?

Seto- I need you to bear me a son *blushes at thought*

Allie-….Uh Seto that's not even in the script….

Seto- What? Yes it is…oh wait, no it's not…

Big Gay Al- Ok you two why don't you go in the back room and rehearse.

Seto- GLADLY!!! *picks up Allie and runs to the back room*

Allie- :D

Marissa- Uh I don't think that was such a good idea..

Big Gay Al- Why ever not?

Marissa- *hears something from backroom* Uh never mind….

Yami- Oh dear ra….

Mariku- Hey maybe me and Marissa should go in the back room to rehearse our lines too!

Big Gay Al- You don't have any lines silly you're a tree.

Mariku- Well she could help me put on my costume then right?

Big Gay Al- Well ok…

Mariku- :D *grabs Marissa*

Marik- Hey wait I'm coming to!!! *runs after them*

Big Gay Al- Ok while their getting dressed they rehearse the part where the loyal guard is talking to the peasant that's you Yami.

Yami- Damnet!

Caitlin- Let the torture begin!

Yami- Dear Ra will this insanity ever stop…

Big Gay Al- Ok you two begin.

Yami- I hear that the pharaoh is holding a party tonight at his palace.

Caitlin- Why yes and your not invited…

Yami- Peasants should be allowed to come!

Caitlin- Well there not!

Yami- Well mean stuck up guards like you should burn!….then Die!

Caitlin- Ahhh that's it!!! *tackles Yami*

Big Gay Al- Hey none of that's in the script what in the name of fruitcake is going on?!

Yami- *being strangled by Caitlin*

Caitlin- DIE DIE DIE!!!! *banging Yami's head*

Yami- I'm Ahhh!! sorry!

Caitlin- You are?

Yami- Yes I am and…I really….well…like you….

Caitlin- *helps Yami off the floor*

Yami- *hugs Caitlin*

Caitlin- :D

Yami, Caitlin- *gives each other a loving look*

Yami-*picks Caitlin up and carries her off stage to a dressing room*

All- O.O

Bakura- Do we even want to know where they are going?

Ryou- No we don't…..

Joey- God everyone is gone backstage….

Bakura- Well lets not go back there….

Big Gay Al- Well everyone lest continue rehearsing….

Well that was the end of chap. 8 I'm getting writers block help me! That chapter was dedicated to my friends so don't ask…