Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh, Snow on Halloween ❯ the room of 100 frights ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Meleniumwriter123450 
Disclaimer: tis is getting really annoying
Bakura: just like you
MW:*snaps fingers*
Bakura starts runing around hugging everyone while screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Yami:hey, I thought you said you weren't going to write anymore till tommorrow
Bakura: YEAH!!!!
mw:meh, changed my mind I guess
Bakura: you WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!! your just like GW, do you know her or something
mw: no, but I look up to her as a writing idol
Bakura: you-you, erg...
Yami, Bakura, and Malik walk up to the hallway full of rooms.
Malik: jumping geronimoe!*his voice echos makeing it sound creepy!!!!!!!!*
Bakura: it's dark, and it's only 9:30 pm!
Yami: well duh
Bakura: shut up!
Yami:make me!
Bakura dives at Yami and they have a dust cloud fight
10 minutes after...
Yami: *panting* you can't beat me at a staring contest...and you can't get Tea neather!
Bakura: HA, you got lucky on that staring contest, and I dated Tea for 5 months!
Yami: I dated her for 6 and 1/2! HAHAHA!
Bakura: yeah well I...wait...where's Malik, not that I'm complaining or anything
Yami and Bakura look around and they hear a low moaning come from down the hallway makeing Yami and Bakura shreak like little school girls.
Yami: *still in high pitched voice* what the fudge was that!
Bakura: *regaining control over his normal dark voice* no freakin idea, let's go see, if it's scary I'll banish it to the shadow realm!
they walk onward till they reach the door labeled
Yami: hey! this is out room, yah thing the moan came from here?
Bakura: no shit sherlock!
they slowly open the door, shivering with fear, when they open it they see a neatly dressed room, no sign of Malik at all.
in the room were 3 beds, 2 were perfect while one had a large lump that looked like someone was hidding underneath the covers.
across the room there was a T.V. with suddenly came out and scratchy noise came from it and then it showed a picture of a forest and wel when suddenly the picture changed to a dark ring (remind you of something?) and then it changed to...
Everyone is downstaires except for Yami, Bakura, and Malik, they are all in the dinning hall eating their dinner
Tristen: let's all say our grace..ahem, oh god, thank you for this dinner, but god please grant me two wishes, 1, please don't let me get diaria again like last night from my mom's chicken stu, 2, please make it so Tea will shut up on her freind rants for at least tonight? thank you
Everyone has a quer look twards Tristan
Tristan: what? do I got a booger?
Mai: that's getting so old...*looks at Tristan* but yes, you got a booger
everyone laughs as Tristen picks his nose to get it out.
suddenly two loud shreaks are heard from upstairs makeing everyone jump and Yugi wet his pants
Joey: haha Yugi wet his-I mean, what the hell was that!
just then two figures are sent zooming down the stairs like rocket ship and are yelling their heads off. Yami and Bakura run into the room and stop and start panting, leaning against the table
Yami: holly shit!
Bakura: crap...crap...shit....
Tristan: hey! we're trying to eat here!
Tea gets up and puts her hands on Bakura and Yami's shoulder which makes them feel suddenly better again
Tea: what happened, why were you yelling like girls?
Bakura:we saw something horrifying!
Seto: *sudeenly grabs his...well...you know what* what did you see!
Yami:er, nothing to do with you Seto
Seto starts laughing nerviously
Bakura: anyways, we were looking for Malik becuase he dissapeared when we opened our door to our room we saw...er....
Yami: we saw a video tape that showed Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee going at it on a boat, then in a car, then in a bathtub!
Joey: hey, I've seen that tape before!
Mai: WHAT!!!!
Joey: I mean, I've never seen that tape before, hehe
Yami: anyways, there was a bed next to the T.V. and it had someone under the covers, yah think Malik is up there whatching the tape right now?
Isis: oh, my brother, what is he thinking *gets up and marches off to Ymi, and Bakura's bedroom, Bakura and Yami following close behind
Mw: don't worry Malik fans, Malik will be alright, you'll see, it's all part of plot contru0
Bakura comes at him with a mashette
mw snapes his finger and the mashette turns into a box of condums
Bakura: yah damn hill billy!
Yami: *laughing like a school girl*
mw: oh well, the next chappy is gonna get funny so put on your funny caps
Bakura/Yami/Malik/Joey/Tristan/Ryou: that was LAME!!!
Duke: yay! I won the age of empires game!
everyone: Oo
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 203 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer: tis is getting really annoying
Bakura: just like you
MW:*snaps fingers*
Bakura starts runing around hugging everyone while screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Yami:hey, I thought you said you weren't going to write anymore till tommorrow
Bakura: YEAH!!!!
mw:meh, changed my mind I guess
Bakura: you WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!! your just like GW, do you know her or something
mw: no, but I look up to her as a writing idol
Bakura: you-you, erg...
Yami, Bakura, and Malik walk up to the hallway full of rooms.
Malik: jumping geronimoe!*his voice echos makeing it sound creepy!!!!!!!!*
Bakura: it's dark, and it's only 9:30 pm!
Yami: well duh
Bakura: shut up!
Yami:make me!
Bakura dives at Yami and they have a dust cloud fight
10 minutes after...
Yami: *panting* you can't beat me at a staring contest...and you can't get Tea neather!
Bakura: HA, you got lucky on that staring contest, and I dated Tea for 5 months!
Yami: I dated her for 6 and 1/2! HAHAHA!
Bakura: yeah well I...wait...where's Malik, not that I'm complaining or anything
Yami and Bakura look around and they hear a low moaning come from down the hallway makeing Yami and Bakura shreak like little school girls.
Yami: *still in high pitched voice* what the fudge was that!
Bakura: *regaining control over his normal dark voice* no freakin idea, let's go see, if it's scary I'll banish it to the shadow realm!
they walk onward till they reach the door labeled
Yami: hey! this is out room, yah thing the moan came from here?
Bakura: no shit sherlock!
they slowly open the door, shivering with fear, when they open it they see a neatly dressed room, no sign of Malik at all.
in the room were 3 beds, 2 were perfect while one had a large lump that looked like someone was hidding underneath the covers.
across the room there was a T.V. with suddenly came out and scratchy noise came from it and then it showed a picture of a forest and wel when suddenly the picture changed to a dark ring (remind you of something?) and then it changed to...
Everyone is downstaires except for Yami, Bakura, and Malik, they are all in the dinning hall eating their dinner
Tristen: let's all say our grace..ahem, oh god, thank you for this dinner, but god please grant me two wishes, 1, please don't let me get diaria again like last night from my mom's chicken stu, 2, please make it so Tea will shut up on her freind rants for at least tonight? thank you
Everyone has a quer look twards Tristan
Tristan: what? do I got a booger?
Mai: that's getting so old...*looks at Tristan* but yes, you got a booger
everyone laughs as Tristen picks his nose to get it out.
suddenly two loud shreaks are heard from upstairs makeing everyone jump and Yugi wet his pants
Joey: haha Yugi wet his-I mean, what the hell was that!
just then two figures are sent zooming down the stairs like rocket ship and are yelling their heads off. Yami and Bakura run into the room and stop and start panting, leaning against the table
Yami: holly shit!
Bakura: crap...crap...shit....
Tristan: hey! we're trying to eat here!
Tea gets up and puts her hands on Bakura and Yami's shoulder which makes them feel suddenly better again
Tea: what happened, why were you yelling like girls?
Bakura:we saw something horrifying!
Seto: *sudeenly grabs his...well...you know what* what did you see!
Yami:er, nothing to do with you Seto
Seto starts laughing nerviously
Bakura: anyways, we were looking for Malik becuase he dissapeared when we opened our door to our room we saw...er....
Yami: we saw a video tape that showed Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee going at it on a boat, then in a car, then in a bathtub!
Joey: hey, I've seen that tape before!
Mai: WHAT!!!!
Joey: I mean, I've never seen that tape before, hehe
Yami: anyways, there was a bed next to the T.V. and it had someone under the covers, yah think Malik is up there whatching the tape right now?
Isis: oh, my brother, what is he thinking *gets up and marches off to Ymi, and Bakura's bedroom, Bakura and Yami following close behind
Mw: don't worry Malik fans, Malik will be alright, you'll see, it's all part of plot contru0
Bakura comes at him with a mashette
mw snapes his finger and the mashette turns into a box of condums
Bakura: yah damn hill billy!
Yami: *laughing like a school girl*
mw: oh well, the next chappy is gonna get funny so put on your funny caps
Bakura/Yami/Malik/Joey/Tristan/Ryou: that was LAME!!!
Duke: yay! I won the age of empires game!
everyone: Oo
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 203 | Status: Completed
duel city
duel city