Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh, Snow on Halloween ❯ the first victem of Jason!!! ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Meleniumwriter123450 
Disclaimer:I own a bunch of playboy...wait, I shouldn't let that get out
Yugi: eeeeeeewwwwww, playboy!!!!
every guy: (((((((OO)))))))
Yami: that's Yugi for yah
Yugi:what? who wants to look at naked babes and little-
MW/Yami/Joey/Seto/Ryou/Tristan/Malik/Mokuba: me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me!!!!
Yami: haha, Bakura, how come you don't wanna?
Bakura:because I'm loyal to Tea! unlike you who will look at anyone naked because you don't care for Tea!
Yami:why I outta!
big cloud fight while Tea and Malik whatch stupidly
mw: back to the fic I guess
Bill Clinton: alright everyone comfy?, alright, now, the legend of Jason Vorhees!
Mokuba: WAIT!!! HOLD UP!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone gives Mokuba a quer look
Mokuba runs upstaires and grabes something and runs downstaires with a teddy that looked like the teddynater that could of blown up the porno bomb at Kaiba's X-mas bash.
Mokuba: what?"
BC: anyways the leg-
Malik: HOLD UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone: what now!?!?!?
Malik:I gotta go to the bathroom!
Isis: AGAIN!!!
Malik:*in a small whiny voice* I really gots to go baaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!
Isis:fine, just don't stink up the place worse than it already is!
Malik runs up to the bathroom like his heels were on fire and after a few minutes everyone could hear some loud and quit stinky voices comeing from above them.
10 minutes later Malik came down the stairs and everyone was plugging their noses
Joey: oh shit!!! look what yah did Malik, now the entire house smells like cow turds!!!!!!!!!!!
Bakura: and we can't go outside niether unless we wanna die of frostbite!!!!
Malik: well sooooooooooory!
just then all the t.v.'s came on around them and all the lights whent out causing a bundle to happen.
Mai jumped like a cat onto BC's lap, Yugi yelled out like a little scottish girl, Malik farted a giganto one, Ryou yelled out eincient british swearwords, Joey wet his pants again, Tea punched both Yami and Malik who were sitting next to her in fright, and Serenity somehow ended up hanging from the chandelier from above the family room and Mokuba threw the teddy he was holding right into Joey's face
Joey quickly grabbed the stuffed teddy and started to fluff the spot where he wet himself ti get the bear all soggy and himself clean again.
BC raised his eyebrows and ended up slipping a notecard into Mai's pocket.
Joey, was again, too buisy to notice that. Mokuba yelled out at the top of his lungs
Mokuba: where the FUCK IS MY TEDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serenity:um, little help
Tea: oh my, I'm so so sorry Malik and Yami!!!!
Serenity: er, guys...
Duke:aw crud, I was just about to win my chess game against JoeSchmo2000! but the power went out!
Tristen: (in an small yet echoing voice) I can see up your skirt Serenity!!!
Serenity:you guys!!!
Bakura is luaghing his head off like a little school girl at Yami and Malik
Mokuba: my baby, where's my baby!!! FOR RA'S SAKE SOMEONE HELP ME FIND MY BABY!!!!....I mean teddy!!!!
Yugi had tooken the darkness to his advantage and out his hand on Ryou's hand makeing Ryou shreak like a little school girl
Yugi:opps, must've slipt
Yami got up and punched Bakura to the ground and they ended up haveing a dust fight while Joey threw Mokuba his teddy and helped Duke and Tristen get Serenity down from the chandelier
after about 10 minutes of all this chaos everyone was sitting neatly before Serenity took notice to something "hey...where's Isis!!!???" Serenity asked
everyone looks around
Tristen: oh lord in heaven, Jason took Isis! we're all gonna DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joey slaps Tristan
Joey: put yourself together man!!!
Ryou: Tristan's right, this is just like Kaiba's X-mas party, next we're all going to wake up and find a bunch of pranks hanging on our walls and someone else will be missing, oh god, we're all gonna die!!!!!!!
Joey slaps Ryou: god dammit, put yourself together man!!!
Tristan: man, your the one who wet your pants Joey so you should be the one putting yourself togehter man!!!!!
Joey:make me!!!
Yami/Bakura: this reminds me of someone
Yami and Bakura look at each other and fight eachother again
Tea stands ontop of a T.v.
Tea: everyone SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!!!!*just then she falls of the T.V. and lands on the ground unconcious
Malik runs over to Tea
Malik:don't worry Tea, I'll bring to back to conciousness with my rod!*un-zips his pants*
Yami and Bakura grap Malik
Yami/Bakura: oh no you don't kiddo, we just lost Isis, we don't need you to kill Tea with your evil needs!
Malik:I ment my melenium rod...what! my rod is missing!!!!(I know that didn't sound right) Marik must have it!!!!
Seto who wasn't really doing anything decided to look at what was in the closet BC had. he opened it and shreaked like a little school boy
Seto: oh shit!!! guys, I found Isis!!!
everyone stops fighting and runs over to were Seto was standing
Isis lay on the ground curled up in a ball, dead, the life in her looked like she had had the life sucked outta her
Malik: oh crap, you killed off my sister!!!
MW:there's many more people I'm about to kill as well, MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Mw:whatch, there will be a connection on why the killer is killing people in which order
Bakura: your going to kill me next because you hate me
Malik: your going to kill me because I stunk up the entire house!!
Yugi: your going to kill me off because I'm gay
Ryou: your gonna kill me because your a racest
mw:er..no I'm not
mw:it's all part of plot construction, mwhahahaha
Bakura: I'm outta condoms!!! *starts to cry like a baby
mw:well, the rateings for who should get Tea are pretty close, I'm not going to say who's in the leade....oh hell, Malik's in the lead!
Malik:guess I look pretty sexy and pretty
Yami: your gay, you think your sexy!! eeeewww, go make-out with Yugi Malik you sick bastard!!!
mw:hey, I got an idea, we should get Marik into this fic
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 235 | Status: Completed

Disclaimer:I own a bunch of playboy...wait, I shouldn't let that get out
Yugi: eeeeeeewwwwww, playboy!!!!
every guy: (((((((OO)))))))
Yami: that's Yugi for yah
Yugi:what? who wants to look at naked babes and little-
MW/Yami/Joey/Seto/Ryou/Tristan/Malik/Mokuba: me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me!!!!
Yami: haha, Bakura, how come you don't wanna?
Bakura:because I'm loyal to Tea! unlike you who will look at anyone naked because you don't care for Tea!
Yami:why I outta!
big cloud fight while Tea and Malik whatch stupidly
mw: back to the fic I guess
Bill Clinton: alright everyone comfy?, alright, now, the legend of Jason Vorhees!
Mokuba: WAIT!!! HOLD UP!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone gives Mokuba a quer look
Mokuba runs upstaires and grabes something and runs downstaires with a teddy that looked like the teddynater that could of blown up the porno bomb at Kaiba's X-mas bash.
Mokuba: what?"
BC: anyways the leg-
Malik: HOLD UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone: what now!?!?!?
Malik:I gotta go to the bathroom!
Isis: AGAIN!!!
Malik:*in a small whiny voice* I really gots to go baaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!
Isis:fine, just don't stink up the place worse than it already is!
Malik runs up to the bathroom like his heels were on fire and after a few minutes everyone could hear some loud and quit stinky voices comeing from above them.
10 minutes later Malik came down the stairs and everyone was plugging their noses
Joey: oh shit!!! look what yah did Malik, now the entire house smells like cow turds!!!!!!!!!!!
Bakura: and we can't go outside niether unless we wanna die of frostbite!!!!
Malik: well sooooooooooory!
just then all the t.v.'s came on around them and all the lights whent out causing a bundle to happen.
Mai jumped like a cat onto BC's lap, Yugi yelled out like a little scottish girl, Malik farted a giganto one, Ryou yelled out eincient british swearwords, Joey wet his pants again, Tea punched both Yami and Malik who were sitting next to her in fright, and Serenity somehow ended up hanging from the chandelier from above the family room and Mokuba threw the teddy he was holding right into Joey's face
Joey quickly grabbed the stuffed teddy and started to fluff the spot where he wet himself ti get the bear all soggy and himself clean again.
BC raised his eyebrows and ended up slipping a notecard into Mai's pocket.
Joey, was again, too buisy to notice that. Mokuba yelled out at the top of his lungs
Mokuba: where the FUCK IS MY TEDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serenity:um, little help
Tea: oh my, I'm so so sorry Malik and Yami!!!!
Serenity: er, guys...
Duke:aw crud, I was just about to win my chess game against JoeSchmo2000! but the power went out!
Tristen: (in an small yet echoing voice) I can see up your skirt Serenity!!!
Serenity:you guys!!!
Bakura is luaghing his head off like a little school girl at Yami and Malik
Mokuba: my baby, where's my baby!!! FOR RA'S SAKE SOMEONE HELP ME FIND MY BABY!!!!....I mean teddy!!!!
Yugi had tooken the darkness to his advantage and out his hand on Ryou's hand makeing Ryou shreak like a little school girl
Yugi:opps, must've slipt
Yami got up and punched Bakura to the ground and they ended up haveing a dust fight while Joey threw Mokuba his teddy and helped Duke and Tristen get Serenity down from the chandelier
after about 10 minutes of all this chaos everyone was sitting neatly before Serenity took notice to something "hey...where's Isis!!!???" Serenity asked
everyone looks around
Tristen: oh lord in heaven, Jason took Isis! we're all gonna DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joey slaps Tristan
Joey: put yourself together man!!!
Ryou: Tristan's right, this is just like Kaiba's X-mas party, next we're all going to wake up and find a bunch of pranks hanging on our walls and someone else will be missing, oh god, we're all gonna die!!!!!!!
Joey slaps Ryou: god dammit, put yourself together man!!!
Tristan: man, your the one who wet your pants Joey so you should be the one putting yourself togehter man!!!!!
Joey:make me!!!
Yami/Bakura: this reminds me of someone
Yami and Bakura look at each other and fight eachother again
Tea stands ontop of a T.v.
Tea: everyone SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!!!!*just then she falls of the T.V. and lands on the ground unconcious
Malik runs over to Tea
Malik:don't worry Tea, I'll bring to back to conciousness with my rod!*un-zips his pants*
Yami and Bakura grap Malik
Yami/Bakura: oh no you don't kiddo, we just lost Isis, we don't need you to kill Tea with your evil needs!
Malik:I ment my melenium rod...what! my rod is missing!!!!(I know that didn't sound right) Marik must have it!!!!
Seto who wasn't really doing anything decided to look at what was in the closet BC had. he opened it and shreaked like a little school boy
Seto: oh shit!!! guys, I found Isis!!!
everyone stops fighting and runs over to were Seto was standing
Isis lay on the ground curled up in a ball, dead, the life in her looked like she had had the life sucked outta her
Malik: oh crap, you killed off my sister!!!
MW:there's many more people I'm about to kill as well, MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Mw:whatch, there will be a connection on why the killer is killing people in which order
Bakura: your going to kill me next because you hate me
Malik: your going to kill me because I stunk up the entire house!!
Yugi: your going to kill me off because I'm gay
Ryou: your gonna kill me because your a racest
mw:er..no I'm not
mw:it's all part of plot construction, mwhahahaha
Bakura: I'm outta condoms!!! *starts to cry like a baby
mw:well, the rateings for who should get Tea are pretty close, I'm not going to say who's in the leade....oh hell, Malik's in the lead!
Malik:guess I look pretty sexy and pretty
Yami: your gay, you think your sexy!! eeeewww, go make-out with Yugi Malik you sick bastard!!!
mw:hey, I got an idea, we should get Marik into this fic
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 235 | Status: Completed
duel city
duel city