Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh, Snow on Halloween ❯ Joey's bad bad day ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Meleniumwriter123450 
disclaimer:I'll get Marik to kill the person who made this thing up, anyways, I don't own anything
Seto:this is my X-mas party all over again, except this fic has got guest stars that you bash like Bill Clinton and Micheal Jackson!
mw:plot construction
Bakura: shakes with rage so he shoves a condom down his pants and sighs with releif
everyone: (((((00))))))
Joey: why are yah makeing me go to the bathroom outside?
mw:plot construction!
Seto: why is Serenity gettin mad at me?
mw: plot construction
Mai: why has Joey whatched that Porno movie?
mw:plot construction!!!
Yugi: why did you make me wet my pants and make me gay?!?
mw: PLOT CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bakura: now who's annoyed, heheheh
Joey was walking in frustration to the front doors
Joey: stupid Malik, makeing me go to the bathroom outside...mft...stupid Kaiba, makeing fun o me right infront of Mai and me own sister...*opens door*
he looks up with the widest eyes ever in the history of anime
there was the largest blizzard ever outside,not only that, but the snow was now 30 feet high so nobody could go outside at all and the snow was raising a foot every 8 minutes
Joey: GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! how the hell am I supposed to take a fuckin piss now!!!!!!!
everyone runs to find Jeoy looking dissapointed while doing his bathroom dance
Kaiba laughed loudly and pointed his finger at Joey
Joey was so angry he ended up wetting his pants without knowing he did so
Yugi: ha! now who wet his pants
Mai: oh dear
just then a loud yell came from outta nowhere and Bil Clinton was sent running from outta the basement, slamming the door shut, screaming at the top of his lungs
BC:Holly Shit!!!Holly Shit!!! HOLLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yami: I see why you were fired from the president's job now!
Tea: what's wrong BC
Mai suddenly rushes to Bill Clinton's side and hugs him
Joey was to buisy whipeing the pee on his pants off while everyone was looking at Bc to notcie Mai's hug at Clinton
BC: Jason's back!!! we're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone: (((((((OO)))))))
Mai: what's that?
BC finally calms down: I was just downstairs to get us all some wine when..when...I thought it was Micheal Jackson in his Halloween outfit but I remebered he was dressing up in the hours outfit, just then Jason Vorhees came after me with a mashette!!!
Joey:*finally looking up from his pants* Jason?, I thought he was just a legend?
Tristan: isn't he the dude with the hocky mask?
Bakura: yes, I've seen Jason before, well, I've seen Friday the 13th part 1 threw 7 anyways
Mokuba: oh, so have I, what one did you like the most Bakura?
everyone: ((((((Oo)))))))
Seto: Mokuba, I told you, you are forrbiddon to whatch those movies!!!
Mokuba: oh lighten up big brother
Seto get's a angry vein on his forhead while Serenity frowns at the way Seto treats Mokuba
Yami: what are you doing haveing Jason in you basement?
BC:he's been there for a while, come around here and I'll tell you the story alright
BC sat down on a sofa, Mai sitting next to Clinten, crossing her legs seductivly
Joey sat down on the sofa next to Mai's. Serenity and Tristan followed
Isis sat down on the sofa next to Clinton and Ryou huridly sat down next to Isis and Yugi sat down right next to Yugi
Ryou:*in thought* oh bloody hell, he's got a fuckin gay crush on me, Ra help me!!!!
Tea sat down and Yami, Bakura and Malik fought to sit in the last two remaining spots next to Tea, Malik and Yami won makeing Bakura leave to sit next to duke and Seto while Mokuba sat in the middle of the floor eating popcorn.
Seto: oh great, Serenity hates me and now we got another guest star in this story who's gonna kill us all
mw: well, it's all plot construction really
Ryou: hey! quit acting british!
mw: *stick tongue out at Ryou*
Yugi: dumdedadumdumdumdedadumdum
Mokuba: is Jason going to kill us all
Seto: he'd better not kill me, Serenity or Mokuba mw, or I'll have your head!!!
mw:meh, pc
Bakura: what the hell?
Yugi: what's pc?
Mw: sigh, foolish anime people...it means plot construction
Bakura flinches and shoves more condoms dow his pants
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 247 | Status: Completed

disclaimer:I'll get Marik to kill the person who made this thing up, anyways, I don't own anything
Seto:this is my X-mas party all over again, except this fic has got guest stars that you bash like Bill Clinton and Micheal Jackson!
mw:plot construction
Bakura: shakes with rage so he shoves a condom down his pants and sighs with releif
everyone: (((((00))))))
Joey: why are yah makeing me go to the bathroom outside?
mw:plot construction!
Seto: why is Serenity gettin mad at me?
mw: plot construction
Mai: why has Joey whatched that Porno movie?
mw:plot construction!!!
Yugi: why did you make me wet my pants and make me gay?!?
mw: PLOT CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bakura: now who's annoyed, heheheh
Joey was walking in frustration to the front doors
Joey: stupid Malik, makeing me go to the bathroom outside...mft...stupid Kaiba, makeing fun o me right infront of Mai and me own sister...*opens door*
he looks up with the widest eyes ever in the history of anime
there was the largest blizzard ever outside,not only that, but the snow was now 30 feet high so nobody could go outside at all and the snow was raising a foot every 8 minutes
Joey: GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! how the hell am I supposed to take a fuckin piss now!!!!!!!
everyone runs to find Jeoy looking dissapointed while doing his bathroom dance
Kaiba laughed loudly and pointed his finger at Joey
Joey was so angry he ended up wetting his pants without knowing he did so
Yugi: ha! now who wet his pants
Mai: oh dear
just then a loud yell came from outta nowhere and Bil Clinton was sent running from outta the basement, slamming the door shut, screaming at the top of his lungs
BC:Holly Shit!!!Holly Shit!!! HOLLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yami: I see why you were fired from the president's job now!
Tea: what's wrong BC
Mai suddenly rushes to Bill Clinton's side and hugs him
Joey was to buisy whipeing the pee on his pants off while everyone was looking at Bc to notcie Mai's hug at Clinton
BC: Jason's back!!! we're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone: (((((((OO)))))))
Mai: what's that?
BC finally calms down: I was just downstairs to get us all some wine when..when...I thought it was Micheal Jackson in his Halloween outfit but I remebered he was dressing up in the hours outfit, just then Jason Vorhees came after me with a mashette!!!
Joey:*finally looking up from his pants* Jason?, I thought he was just a legend?
Tristan: isn't he the dude with the hocky mask?
Bakura: yes, I've seen Jason before, well, I've seen Friday the 13th part 1 threw 7 anyways
Mokuba: oh, so have I, what one did you like the most Bakura?
everyone: ((((((Oo)))))))
Seto: Mokuba, I told you, you are forrbiddon to whatch those movies!!!
Mokuba: oh lighten up big brother
Seto get's a angry vein on his forhead while Serenity frowns at the way Seto treats Mokuba
Yami: what are you doing haveing Jason in you basement?
BC:he's been there for a while, come around here and I'll tell you the story alright
BC sat down on a sofa, Mai sitting next to Clinten, crossing her legs seductivly
Joey sat down on the sofa next to Mai's. Serenity and Tristan followed
Isis sat down on the sofa next to Clinton and Ryou huridly sat down next to Isis and Yugi sat down right next to Yugi
Ryou:*in thought* oh bloody hell, he's got a fuckin gay crush on me, Ra help me!!!!
Tea sat down and Yami, Bakura and Malik fought to sit in the last two remaining spots next to Tea, Malik and Yami won makeing Bakura leave to sit next to duke and Seto while Mokuba sat in the middle of the floor eating popcorn.
Seto: oh great, Serenity hates me and now we got another guest star in this story who's gonna kill us all
mw: well, it's all plot construction really
Ryou: hey! quit acting british!
mw: *stick tongue out at Ryou*
Yugi: dumdedadumdumdumdedadumdum
Mokuba: is Jason going to kill us all
Seto: he'd better not kill me, Serenity or Mokuba mw, or I'll have your head!!!
mw:meh, pc
Bakura: what the hell?
Yugi: what's pc?
Mw: sigh, foolish anime people...it means plot construction
Bakura flinches and shoves more condoms dow his pants
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.25.2003 | Updated On: 10.26.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 247 | Status: Completed
duel city
duel city