Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spirit Detectives and Soul Reapers ❯ Shinigami meets Reikai Tantei ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Spirit Detectives and Soul Reapers
Summary: Yusuke and Botan are on patrol duty in Karakura Town. How will it turn out?
Disclaimer: Im only saying this once! I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Bleach. The characters do NOT belong to me.
A/N: This is my First Crossover Yaoi Fanfic! So Leave me reviews and let me know what you think. Don't flame too hard.
Ichigo: Yo Urameshi, what d'you think about Soul Reapers, real awesome right?
Yusuke: Yeeeah, but Spirit Detectives are way better.
Ichigo: No way, Soul Reapers kick ass.
Yusuke: I suppose, *Eyes narrow* If you feel like wearing a rediculous costume and carrying a useless sword.
Ichigo: What did you say!?
Yusuke: You'll what? Bring out that dull piece of scrap metal you call a Zanpak---whatever and try to cut me with it!
Ichigo: Why you!
(Ichigo & Yusuke begin fighting)
Rukia: *Sighs* Boys...
(Yusuke and Ichigo are rolling around on the floor fighting)
Ichigo: Im gonna' kill you!
Yusuke: Oh yeah...Let's see you try it!
Botan: Please stop fighting you two
Rukia: Oh let them fight Botan. It's no use trying to stop them. *Yawns* Well heres chapter one to "Of Spirit Detectives and Soul Reapers." Enjoy...
Ichigo: No Rukia Stop! I wanted to tell them that. *Cries*
Chapter 1: Shinigami meets Reikai Tantei
"I don't see anything here, Botan." Yusuke said very irritated. "Thats impossible, Koenma said the demon is located in this area." She answered back. The Spirit Detective scowled hearing that name. "Damn brat, he's probably just pulling our leg. You know the little bastard always had it out for me." he pouted shoving both hands in his pockets. "Don't be so naive Yusuke, you know Koenma wouldn't joke like that." Her eyes narrowed at him. "Well at least not with me anyway."
"Yeah whatever but---Hey! What the hell d'you mean by `at least not with me'?" He mocked. "Hmmm...I don't know maybe because in his Loyal Assistant!"
"More like his ass-kisser." He mumbled
Yusuke matched her tone of voice with his own. "YOU HEARD ME!"
"Heelp mee!" A woman's cry was heard not far from them. "Who was that!?" Yusuke wondered. "It's coming from the alley way." Botan answered
"Lets go!"
"Right." She nodded.
The Demon was approaching helplessly horrified woman. Hunger filled his eyes as the woman backed up begging for her life. "Please, Please don't kill me, I beg of you." The woman fell to her knees. The youkai grabbed a fist full of the young woman's brown hair pulling her face up to his. "You are going to make a fine meal for me wench." The demon said licking his lips distastefully. The woman began to cry shutting her eyes closed ready for what was fixing to happen next.
"Hey you!" a voice called from behind the monster. "Whats this..." he looked behind him. "How about you pick a fight with me, now let the girl go!" The monster pushed the girl back to the ground showing no interest in her anymore. He began running at the dark haired boy in anger. "You'll pay for interfering with my meal!" He ran jabbing at Yusuke with his claws. Yusuke dodged his attack and forced a powerful punch to the youkai's stomach. The demon fell to his knees gasping for air.
"Now listen hear you son-of-a-bitch..." The Spirit Detective grabbed the monster by his throat raising him in the air. "Your lucky im in a good mood and giving you a chance to go back to demon world and never return." The youkai stammered "S-Sure whatever you say, just don't kill me." With that Yusuke threw the monster to the ground and before you know it the monster was out of sight. "Hmmph, you call that a challenge?" He said to Botan as he walked towards the petrified woman. He extended his hand out to her. "You okay?"
She greatfully grabbed his hand pulling herself up. "Yes im fine."
"You gotta' be more careful wandering around alone in a place like this." She nodded. "I will, and thank you kind stranger." She said. "The name's Yusuke and its no---" He stopped his speech and his face became a scarlet red. The woman had kissed him on the cheek. Botan's mouth dropped. "Well thank you, Yusuke." she smiled at his blushing face.
"Y-Yeah its n-no problem ma'am!" he turned around scratching his head bashfully. "Oh brother." Botan rolled her eyes. "I should be going now." She said walking away. "Yeah see ya 'round." he waved. "Hey Yusuke!" Botan called. "It's Koenma, he's spotted another monster." He gave a depressing groan as he walked over looking into Botan's crystal ball. "What is it now Koenma?" Koenma cleared his throat before speaking. "Im not sure...I've never came across something like this before."
"Well can you give us a description of what it looks like?" The blue-haired woman asked. "All I can tell you is that they are spirits that devour souls of deceased humans, and as far as appearance, they wear a distinctive mask which is white and skull-like. They also have a huge hole in the center of their bodies.Yusuke, Botan, I need you to return back to the spirit realm so we can discuss this issue further. "On our way sir." Botan said with her crystal ball simply disappearing.
Botan held out her hands making an oar appear infront of her. She sat on the front of it. "Get on..." Yusuke just crossed his arms looking away. "No way im getting on that paddle again, the last time I got on that thing with you and your stupid kamikaze flying, my ass was sore for three days straight." She sighed. "Why are you always so difficult." They stared at each other with Yusuke just turning his head away childishly. "Ugh! we don't have time for this." She grabbed Yusuke's collar as she took off like a rocket into the sky. "Boooootaan, waiiiiit!" Yusuke cried.
Back at the Spirit Realm, Koenma was bored out of his mind deciding who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell. "Hell, Hell, Heaven, Heaven, Hell" he ended in a sigh. "My father should be doing this job instead of me, but nooo he's too busy on business trips all the time..." he said sighing again. All of a sudden he heard yelling outside of his door getting louder and louder. "Yusuke?" He thought. The doors bursted open with Yusuke flying through falling flat on his butt. Botan flew in behind him jumping off her oar. "Sorry were late Koenma, I had a slight...delay." she said sneering at the dark haired teen.
"Shut-up would you Botan." Yusuke said getting up rubbing his ass. "No matter, im glad you're here because I have a mission for you two." Koenma said. "Well what is it?" Yusuke asked annoyed. "That monster that I was telling you about earlier, its been spotted in a place called Karakura town and im assigning you to eliminate it and patrol there for a while in case anymore of them show up. I've already created a portal linking there so---" Yusuke interrupted. "And how long is `a while'?" he asked. "About two weeks..."
"Is that a problem Yusuke?"
"Damn right its a problem! Theres no freakin' way that I can miss anymore days of school. I'm already behind enough as it is, and not to mention my grades suck." Koenma smiled. "Don't worry about that, I will go to Sarayashiki when you Take your leave and talk to the principal."
"And what will you tell him?" Curiosity plagued him. "I'll think of something. That is the least of your worries so be off on your way now. Farewell and goodluck." The Spirit Detective and The Grim Reaper marched through the portal.
When they exited the end of the portal they looked around for the menace that was causing trouble. "Damn that Koenma, can you believe him? 'I'll go and talk to your principal for you.' " he said mocking the infant. "Like he's my damn parent or something." Botan sighed. "Give it a rest would you?" Yusuke put his hands behind his head. "Ok fine...Lets just find whatever it is were looking for and get this over with." Yusuke wandered off on his own while Botan saw something ahead of her. "Ummm...Yu-Yu-Yusuke?" Yusuke stood up from checking something that was on the ground. "What?"
"Found it..." The snake like monster roared in anger.
Meanwhile at Karakura High School...
The Lunchbell rang and Ichigo walked down the hall with Keigo, Uryu, Chad, and Rukia. "Man, Im starving." Ichigo said rubbing his stomach. "Who are you telling?" Keigo said with his stomach growling. "We should hurry before the line gets long." Chad added slowly. "Yeah." Ichigo nodded.Uryu didn't say nothing as he was marking something down in his agenda. "Hey Rukia, wheres Orihime and Tatsuki?"
"Oh I told Orihime to go and save us a seat. I saw Tatsuki with her too."
"Alright..." he said.
"Shoot! I forgot my money." Rukia said as she was now behind the group. "Hey Rukia, you comin' or what?" Ichigo said looking behind him. "Yeah go on ahead, ill catch up. I have to go to my locker."
"Suit yourself, ill see you in the cafeteria then." Rukia ran down the hall to the left and you can tell which locker was hers because it had a Chappy the Rabbit sticker on it. She got her purse out of the locker. She dug into it pulling out her money. When she began to close the locker, her moblie phone started ringing. She fished into her school-girl uniform's pocket pulling it out. A Hollow...right now?" Rukia ran towards the cafeteria to notify Ichigo.
The orange haired teen sat at a long rectangular table with his friends. Orihime now finishing her lunch stood to take her tray to the trashcan for emptying. She stopped beside Ichigo who was munching on some spicy chicken tenders. "Ichigo..." Orihime said shyly.
"Huh?" was all that escaped his mouth with a chicken tender hanging out. Orihime couldnt help but smile and at his childish eating habits. "Im afraid that im full and was wondering would you like to have my milk." Ichigo smiled back. "Sure. Thanks, this will do some good for my burning mouth...Its on fire." He started to laugh. "No sweat." She giggled.
He began to chug down the milk. Two nearby students she walked by began to talk about her. "Man that Orihime has such a huge rack." Ichigo choked on the milk having it shoot through his nose. "Yeah its just makes me wanna' squeeze those beautiful voluptuous breasts of hers." the other student added. Ichigo hated it when people would talk about or degrade his friends in such a way, expecially his lady friends. "You assholes! Thats my friend your talking about!" Ichigo said thrashing about on the two students. "Yeah kick their pig-headed asses carrot-top!" Tatsuki said cheering him on.
Orihime hearing Tatsuki's voice turned with her eyes opening wide looking at the two guys face down on the floor. "I-Ichigo..." She studdered. The substitute soul reaper grabbed the collar of the most conscious student he had beaten up and raised his fist at him."Ichigo!" he looked back at where his name was being called. "What's the matter Rukia?" He dropped the student rising to his feet. "It's a---" She looked around seeing all the student stare at her. "Umm...Uhhh...My locker!" Ichigo blinked once before answering showing the blankest look on his face.
"Your locker? What about it?"
She began giggling. "Well you see I can't seem to open it and I need your help." Rukia grabbed his hand. "Hurry this way!" She ran dragging him out of the cafeteria. They ran into the hallway with Ichigo having his hands on his knees catching his breath. "what the hell was that all about?" he asked. "A Hollow's been spotted right outside Urahara's Shop."
"Well why are we just standing around here for, lets go and kill it."
"We will but we can't just walk out with teachers everywhere."
"Yeah you're right." Ichigo cupped his chin looking around for an exit. "Lets go out the back."
Rukia nodded as they darted out the back tracking the location of the hollow.
The hollow launched an attack knocking Yusuke into a car. "Ok, that hurt." Yusuke said rubbing his head. "Yusuke! Are you hurt?" Botan asked helping him up. "I'm fine, but this bastards askin' for it."
"How do you suppose we get rid of it?"
"I say hit it till' it's had enough." he began popping his knuckles. Ichigo and Rukia continued running after the hollow. "Almost there, the hollow is about six feet from us." She began to slip on a red glove. The female Soul Reaper suddenly jumped in front of Ichigo startling him as she sent her hand throught the orange haired teens face knocking out his soul reaper body. She caught his original body hauling his arm over her neck."Dammit, warn me next time when you do that! Ichigo retorted.
"No time, get out of the way!" Rukia said pushing him out of the way and then jumping back herself from an oncoming car flying toawrds them. "There it is!" Rukia yelled. Ichigo held out his sword. "What is that?"
"Thats Acidware..."
"Yes remember, it's what Orihime's brother, Sora turned into."
"Oh yeah...don't remind me, but its all the more reason to take this thing out." As the bandages began to unwrap from the blade they heard a loud voice up ahead. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT YOU BASTARD!"
"Huh, what was that?" Ichigo thought. Yusuke ran at the hollow top speed. Acidware swung it tail at Yusuke. The black haired teen flipped over the sweep of the tail landing on it running up along its slender body towards it's face. "TAKE, THIS!" Yusuke yelled swinging and hitting the hollow at the temple of it's skull-like mask cracking it quite a bit. He knocked the hollow down jumping off then landing. Ichigo and Rukia had put on the biggest confused looks on both their faces.
"Nice punch,Yusuke!" Botan said from above on her oar, with Yusuke giving her a thumbs up in reply. "Who the hell are these guys?" Ichigo wondered.
So what did you think? Please Review so I can see if I need to continue this story. I need at least 5 reviews or more so I can get alot of constructive criticism and know what to work on.
Yusuke: C'mon c'mon hurry up and review so you can see what happens next!
Ichigo: Yeah I wanna' know what will happen in the next chapter too.
Botan: So do I.
Rukia: Don't forget me.