Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spirit Detectives and Soul Reapers ❯ Getting to Know One Another ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Of Spirit Detectives and Soul Reapers
Summary: The four learn more about each other
Disclaimer: Since I was off of this thing I'll make myself clear once more . . . I don't own Yu Yu
Hakusho or Bleach.
A/N: Sorry for the really long wait ladies and gentlemen. I've been doing schoolwork and stuff like that.
I hope you will forgive me . . . well anyway here's the second chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter 2: Getting to know one Another
"Wait a minute. If he can see hollows . . . then Rukia could he be a--" Rukia cuts him off. "I
highly doubt that he's a Soul Reaper because he doesn't wear the typical Shinigami garb like
we do, nor does he wield a Zanpakuto." She begins to think to herself. "He has to be some
kind of possessor of spiritual energy. No ordinary human can detect spiritual matter as
such as a hollow.
Botan flew lower toward Yusuke. "Did you kill it?" The Spirit Detective just shrugged his
shoulders. "Im not sure." The dark-haired teen began dusting himself off. "Ah, damn! I think I
fractured my hand from that skull of his." The girl held his hand and a bluish light began to glow.
"Are you sure they aren't from the Soul Society then?" Ichigo went on.
"Im positive, there wouldn't be any reason for anyone from the Soul Society to come here."
Ichigo gave her a narrowed look. "I mean maybe you did something to piss them off again."
Just what are you implying?" She said giving him a glare. "It means that you're the reason I
had to fight Renji and go to the Soul Society to save you, not to mention fight that psychopath
Zaraki and your high-and-mighty brother Byakuya.
"Shut up, I told you not to come for me in the first place and Byakuya had said that--" Rukia
checks over at where the hollow had fallen. "It's not over yet. You two get out of the way, it's
not dead!" Cautious Yusuke quickly pushes Botan out of the way. "Move!" Acidware's tail
flung at him coiling itself around the Spirit Detective's body. "No Yusuke!" Botan cried flying at
the hollow trying to release his bing on the boy. Acidware swatted her knocking her into a
nearby tree.
"Shouldnt we . . . help them?" Ichigo asked. "Not just yet . . . I want to see what they can do."
The snake-like fiend brought Yusuke up to his face. "Im going to enjoy crushing you, human!"
It began tightening its constriction. The detective's shattering cry was heard throughout the
neighborhood. Half-conscious Yusuke started to talk through clenched teeth. "Bastard, don't
you know how to die!?"
"It's head, aim for its head in order to destroy it!" Rukia yelled. Irritated Ichigo just couldn't
wait around and spectate anymore. "Look screw this, he doesn't stand a chance, I'm going to
help him." He takes off toward the hollow. "Ichigo, hold on!" But it's useless, the Soul Reaper
doesn't listen. "Huh, who is that?" the detective wondered. "Its head you say?" He formed his
right index finger and thumb into the shape of a gun and pointed at the hollow's skull.
"Ok . . . whoever this girl is had better be right . . . Spirit Gun!" A laser-like blast of spiritual
energy shot through Acidware's head cracking its mask fully. Ichigo stopped in his tracks. "He just
manipulated his Reiki into a projectile . . . but how?" He pondered. "Got him." The dark-haired boy
said before knocking out unconscious. The hollow started to disappear leaving a falling unconscious

Yusuke. "Aah dammit!" Ichigo exclaimed dropping Zangetsu running in order to catch his free-falling
body. The orange haired teen slid and caught him in his arms. Rukia then comes running up to them. "Is
he all right?"
"Yeah he's just unconscious. Wait, wasn't there a girl with him too?"
"Over here!" Botan waved running up to him. "How is he?" She asked. "He's fine . . . " Ichigo
continued. "So you mind tellin' me who you guys are?" She jumped up dusting herself off giving a bow.
"Oh right, my name is Botan and this is Yusuke Urameshi." The Grim Reaper cupped her chin in
thought. "Although, Koenma never said he had other Spirit Detectives working this case."
Ichigo faced her."Whoa, whoa, were not Spirit Detectives and who in the heck is Koenma?"
"Koenma is the son of Enma or Yama, the ruler of the Spirit Realm. He's the one responsible for
appointing Yusuke as Spirit Detective."

"King Enma?" Rukia questioned. "Yes." She answered. "Do you know this King Enma or
something Rukia?" Ichigo wondered. "No, but I read about him in a book of Japanese Mythology
once. Enma is the Japanese name for Yama, the ruler of the Underworld in Buddhist Mythology. Like
Yama, Enma is the God and judge of the dead who presides over the "Hells" and "Purgatories."
"You seem to know a lot about our king." Botan added. Ichigo rose to his feet while carrying
Yusuke. "We'll talk more about it later, but for now lets get this guy to safety and tend to his wounds.
My dad has a private clinic that's not far from here. It's this way." They hurry to the Kurosaki Clinic.
"How close are we to this clinic?" Botan asked. "Not very far, just a few more houses up from here."
The four finally makes it to the clinic as they burst through the doors. "Dad!" Ichigo called.
"Ichigo?" Isshin looked up to where his name was being called. "Wha--Wha--What are you doing
here!? And why aren't you at school!?"

"Look ill explain it later, this guy got hurt pretty badly and needs medical attention."

"Ok, Karin! Yuzu! Get me a stretcher!"

"Right . . . " They both say in unison. Ichigo lays him onto the stretcher, and Isshin pushes him into the
"Ichigo what happened to him?" Yuzu wonders. "It's a long story." Karin looks over at Ichigo.
"It had to have been a hollow for sure . . . I've been getting headaches all day." She turned to
Botan and Rukia. "Im sure your friend will be okay. Why don't you wait for him here? Yuzu! Get them
something to drink." The elder sister ordered. "Ok . . . " The innocent sandy haired girl said hurrying to
the water dispenser. "It was a hollow, wasn't it Ichigo?" Karin asked. "Yeah, he got banged up quite
He takes a look around "Seems like you've been keeping an eye on things here." She laughed.
"Yeah someone has to keep an eye on Dad. Sit and rest." The orange haired teen obeys taking a seat
by Rukia and Botan. "Thank you for helping him." She says with her head lowered. "Don't mention it."
"Here's your water." Yuzu said softly. She hands a cup to Botan, the Rukia. "Oh thank you." Botan
gestured. "Thanks." Rukia followed as she drank.
"You're both very welcome." She said politely. "Oh Ichigo, did you want anything?"
"No thanks . . . " He answered. "Im fine."
"Ok . . . well . . . I hope your friend will be all right." Karin grabbed her sister's hand. C'mon
Yuzu, lets see if Dad needs our help." The waiting room fell quiet. Ichigo spoke first to break the
silence. "So how long have you and Yusuke, were Spirit Detectives?' She looks up. "Oh, im not a
Spirit Detective . . . I'm a Grim Reaper." Ichigo blinked before starting again. Rukia was also puzzled.

"You're a Shinigami?" They both asked. "Correct, Im the guide for the dead across the Sanzu
River or the River Styx." Ichigo glances over at Rukia with a smirk. "See Rukia, she's a Shinigami and
she doesn't wear a Soul Reaper uniform or carry a Zanpakuto . . . shows how much you know . . .
stupid." The female Soul Reaper glared giving him a `shut-the-hell-up' look "A zanpa-- what?" She
said confused. "You know, a soul-cutting sword?"
"I don't fight them, that's Yusuke's job, I'm just their guide."
"Ok let me get this straight. Yusuke kills them and you take them to the Sanzu River or wherever?" The
blue haired girl nods. "Yep, that's just about it." She ended smiling. "All right, but . . . it's kinda' hard to
see you as a Shinigami."
"Why is that?" She giggles. "I mean look at you . . . You're an attractive young girl dressed in a
bright pink kimono with blue hair and a ponytail, so I can see why Rukia had her doubts. "You're
pretty much the completely atypical version of Death." Rukia adds. The Grim Reaper laughs. "Yeah I
get that a lot . . . in fact, Yusuke immediately points this out to me the first time we met."
Her laughing ceases. "Yusuke please be okay." Ichigo puts his hand on her shoulder. "Hey
don't worry, he's going to be fine." She smiles to appreciate his comfort. "Yeah, I hope you're right."
Isshin walks in and they run up to him anxious to know if he's all right. "Is he ok?" Botan questioned.
"Yeah Dad, how is he?" Ichigo included. He shoved his hands into his pockets before answering.
"Your friend is going to be fine. He has only some minor injuries and multiple lacerations, but
nothing too serious. He's resting right now." The Grim Reaper took a great sigh of relief. "Thank you so
much for your help Mr. Kurosaki." She bowed. "You're welcome young lady, its no problem at all."
He turns to Ichigo. "The girls are sound asleep in the other room. It looks like im not going anywhere
tonight. Im up to my neck with work to do."
"You and your friends can also stay here. We have spare beds just right down the hall."
"Ok later Dad." Ichigo says with Isshin just walking off with a wave. "Hey Botan, I'll keep an eye on
Yusuke incase he wakes up. Get some rest . . . you too, Rukia. The two girls nodded in agreement and
dispersed going their separate ways to their rooms. Ichigo spun on one heel and headed for the
Emergency Room.
The Soul Reaper walked in looking around. He spots Yusuke as he grabs a chair sitting in it
backwards beside him. Ichigo continues to watch him slumber. "He looks so peaceful asleep." The
look in the teen's eyes became so intense and focused on the boy, almost as if he fell in a trance. He
motioned forward leaning over the Spirit Detective until their noses barely touched. Then, Ichigo
suddenly stops his movements on Yusuke unaware of what he was doing.
Confusion came over him. "What the hell am I doing?" He backs up and Yusuke's eyes began
to twitch, showing signs of awakening. Yusuke opened his eyes looking around and closed them again
because everything was intensely bright. He opens his eyes once more, this time seeing a body standing
over him. Startled, he hastily sets up grabbing Ichigo's collar. Ichigo manages to loosen the detective's
grip trying to calm him down.
"Hey easy, easy."

"Where the hell am I? Where is Botan!?" He demanded. "Don't worry your safe, and so is Botan,
she's asleep right now." Yusuke releases him, and begins to twinge in pain. "Hey what's the matter?"
Ichigo asks worriedly.
The pain had dissipated. "Nothing . . . it's nothing." He said beginning to rub his head lying
back down on the bed. "Ow, my head, what happened?"

"You were fighting a hollow and got pretty banged up. I carried you here."
"Thanks . . . I feel like I got hit by a train." Yusuke sat up again placing his feet on the floor and rose
slowly. Ichigo had to catch him and steady him to the couch. "Hey you sure your all right?"
Yusuke coldly pushes him away. "Yeah, yeah, im fine." Ichigo stood shoving his hands into his
pockets. "Ok, well im Ichigo Kurosaki by the way."

"I'm Yusuke--"

"Urameshi." Ichigo said cutting him off. "I know, and Botan filed me in."
"She did, did she?" Ichigo walks over to the vending machine. "But what she didn't tell me was
why you two came here in the first place." Ichigo said sitting back in his seat handing him a drink. He
took a swallow of it before he started to explain.
"We were sent here to investigate these things; I don't know, hollows I guess their called
terrorizing this town, and me being Spirit Detective and all protects the Human Realm from monsters
and demons." He takes a drink of the rest of it. "We sorta' have that in common." Yusuke shooting the
can in a nearby trash can. "What, you're a Spirit Detective too?" He asked. "More like, a Soul
"A Soul--Reaper?" Yusuke asked in bewilderment. "Yeah, soul reapers are departed human
souls that have gained supernatural powers." Yusuke's face changed from confused to a little frightened
as he began backing up some. He stammered. "Y-Y-You mean . . . YOU'RE DEAD!?" He shouted.
Ichigo agilely covered his mouth with his hand before he could wake anyone up.
"Hey you idiot! Do you want to wake up everyone in here? No im not dead . . . you see im a
different kind of Soul Reaper, got it?" The Spirit Detective nodded slowly. Ichigo removed his hand,
with Yusuke heaving a great sigh. "Whew, thought I was talking to the dead for a moment." He
Ichigo gives him a stupid look with a sweat drop rolling down the back of his head. "Geez, you
would think that something like this wouldn't scare him at all since he deals with these kinds of
things every day."
Ichigo thought. "Only in my Soul Reaper body, will I act as a ghost and can only be
seen by other spiritually aware entities, like yourself for instance."
Yusuke sits on the couch crisscrossed. You could tell he was interested. "Ok so your saying
when you're a Soul Reaper, no other human can see you . . . unless they have spirit energy like us?
"Right." He answers. "Ok, I think I'm starting to understand, but I have one question." He says.
"What's that?"
"Just what do Soul Reapers do exactly?" He wondered.

"We govern the flow of souls between the human world and the afterlife. Our duties are to
protect the souls to make them rest in peace as well as to fight against hollows, which are souls that
cannot rest."
"These hollows or whatever the hell they're called had better watch out because once im back
on my feet in going to make those bastards wish hey never met Yusuke Urameshi!" He exclaimed
pounding his fist into his hand. "Wait a minute . . . " The image of Yusuke fracturing his hand popped
into his head, "His hand . . . I thought that he fractured it in the fight with that hollow. And didn't
Dad say he had multiple lacerations, but I hardly see a scratch on him. It has to be his spirit
energy as to why he healed so fast."

Ichigo stands up stretching, then yawning. Yusuke glances, looking at his abdominal area then
slyly looking away. "Enough about me, lets talk about you."

"What do you want to know?" Ichigo sits back down. "Who else did you come here with, other than
"No one else, just me and Botan. Why? Should I have?" Yusuke said coldly. "No I was just
asking. Well where are your parents, I mean, shouldn't they be here?" Ichigo hesitated some knowing
he shouldn't have asked that question.
"My father is dead, and my mom . . . who knows, my best bet is that he's probably out at some
late night bar getting drunk. It wouldn't surprise me if she hasn't recognized my absence by now."
Ichigo puts a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, I'm sure she's worried about you." Yusuke just gave an
indecisive laugh. "You don't understand, she never cared about me . . . when I died--" Ichigo's head
shot up. "W-When you died?" He stuttered.
"Yeah . . . I was walking around town until some kid wandered out into the streets in front of an
oncoming car. I ran shoving him out of the way and was struck by the car, and killed."

"Man, then what happened?" Now Ichigo was interested. "I became a ghost, and was greeted by
Botan, you know . . . the bubbly, cheerful blue haired woman you met earlier?"
Ichigo nodded. "The Grim Reaper chick right?" Yusuke nodded back. "Yeah . . . she told me
that they didn't expect me to selflessly save the kid's life and that they didn't have any place for me in
the afterlife. Botan also said that I could return to life, but I refused." The orange haired teen raised an
eyebrow. "Why did you refuse?" Yusuke gave a shrug. "Im not sure, I guess it was all because I was at
the point where I was fed up with life."
Ichigo knew that feeling, especially when his mother died. He dwelled on that the longest he can
remember. "So what made you change your mind then?" He wondered. "What made you think I
changed my mind?" Yusuke retorted. "Well you're here, aren't ya'?" Ichigo said. The dark-haired boy
grimaced before he started again.
"When I attended my wake . . . people I knew were there to pay their condolences to Atsuko,
my mother." He spat in disgust when he said his mother's name. "She was there, but I don't know
why." He shook his head. "She certainly did fool the people there with her false tears. She was just
putting on an act." Ichigo watched him tense up, his fist clenched.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt so bad for Yusuke. He couldn't imagine how
his life would be if his mother didn't love him. "To answer your question from before, I came back
because of the despair I saw from the people who actually cared about me."

"You had a hard life you know being alone and all." The orange haired teen said.
"I did get some good out of it at least. The many times that I was alone made me a more
independent person. Having no mother or father figure made me a stronger person. Strong enough to
handle the obstacles that this world throws at me. How to survive on my own against the punks in the
city that's always wanting to try and take me on."
Again, Ichigo could relate. "Tell me about it, many upperclassmen in my school are annoyed by
my natural orange colored hair and are constantly picking fights with me."

"What a stupid reason to start a fight with someone. Stuff like that really pisses me off!" Yusuke said
angrily. "Yeah, I know what you mean but don't get me wrong, I do enjoy kicking their asses from time
to time." He chortled.
"Ichigo can I ask you another question." Yusuke said looking down. "Sure, ask away."
"Do you regret your orange hair?" Ichigo looked at him. "No, I don't give a damn about what those
bastards think or say about me or my hair . . . I say screw `em." Hearing that made Yusuke feel a bit

better. "Good, because I think this orange hair looks good on you." He said ruffling his orange spikes.
The Soul Reaper scowled telling Yusuke to cut it out.
Yusuke just ignores him as he continued with his teasing. "I said knock it off!" Ichigo
backwards startled as he grabbed Ichigo's arm pulling him down with him." Soon after, Ichigo was on
top of Yusuke. Their eyes met, brown staring into a second set of brown. Both in a daze, eyes locked
onto each other, and blushing uncontrollably. Ichigo wanted to kiss the boy beneath him, and Yusuke
wanted to be kissed. Ichigo went in for their lips to touch until . . .
All of a sudden the door bursts open with two feminine silhouettes at the entrance. "Ichigo a
hollow has revealed itself!" The Soul Reaper frantically jumped up off of Yusuke with some of his
assistance pushing him off. They both were hoping that the girls didn't see them in their gazing positions.
They didn't . . .
Ichigo and Yusuke released a heavy sigh in unison. "Lead the way Rukia!" Ichigo said as he
and Yusuke ran toward the door. "Ichigo wait!" The orange haired teen froze in his tracks. "What is it
now?" He said agitated. "Why not let me extract the soul from your body here so we wouldn't have to
worry about it when were fighting the hollow." Rukia said putting on the glove. Ichigo scorned himself
for not thinking.
"Good idea." He was still shaken up a little from being startled by Rukia and Botan, well Rukia
mostly. Botan and Yusuke are just befuddled at what they're talking about. She ran at Ichigo and drove
her hand through his back knocking out his Soul Reaper body. Yusuke sort of twitched. He didnt like
that at all, It was just weird. Botan caught it falling lifelessly in her arms. She dragged his body back into
the E.R. "Now can we go? Botan can catch up."
"Hold on!" Yusuke interrupted. "It's just that I don't even know what I'm up against, much less
know what a hollow actually is." Ichigo sighed irksomely. "You pick now to want to know what a
hollow is?" He sighed again before explaining. "A hollow is-- Gah!" Rukia pushes him out of the way.
"Ichigo let me explain this." She said as she pulled out a small notepad and a pen from out of nowhere,
took a seat on the floor and started drawing.
"What the hell is she doing?" He thought. Yusuke leans over toward Ichigo. "She isn't
serious, is she?" Ichigo buried his face in his hand shamefully. "That's the sad part. She is serious."
Botan walked out of the room. "Ichigo's body is safely discarded." She said saluting.

She looked over at Rukia wondering what on earth was she doing but didn't care to ask.
"Done!" Rukia said. "Ok here's what hollows are . . . Hollows are deceased souls of formerly normal
humans." She flipped the page showing the next illustration. "They crave other human souls living or
dead, to fill the void left in their hearts and eat them. Starting with the souls of people they had loved the
most in their past lives." Her drawing showed an evil rabbit with a hole in its chest eating a spirit
notifying it as a hollow.
She continued. "They are malevolent beings that have a skull-like mask, a monster-like body, a
large hole somewhere through its body, and acquires an animalistic level of intelligence and superhuman
powers." As she flipped the page, it showed a rabbit wearing a mask with a hole in its chest picking up
something massive. "They're a nasty bunch of creatures so be careful when engaging in contact with
them. Do you understand now?"
Yusuke bursts out into laughter. "Thanks for the explanation, but your sucky ass little drawings
didn't give me any kind of visual idea of what hollows are and where they came from. You should have
just stuck to the explaining." He just couldn't stop laughing. A bolt of electricity shot through Ichigo

feeling Rukia's anger rise. He took a few steps back knowing what was about to happen next.
Rukia ran at Yusuke, kneeing him in the stomach. His eyes widened as big as possible when
she connected knocking the breath out of him. The dark-haired boy fell to his knees wrapping his arms
around his stomach helplessly gasping for air. "Wh-Wha-What the hell was that for!?" He exerted now
falling forward on his hands coughing trying to catch his breath. "Yusuke are you all right?" Botan
Ichigo walked over to him and kneeled. "You shouldn't have done that . . . you never make fun
of her drawings . . . I also learned that the hard way." Yusuke managed to stand back up still coughing
some. "How was I suppose to know that whack job would knee me in the stomach!?" He turned his
head away mumbling something that sounded like "Soul Snatcher" at Rukia. She heard him and faced
him giving an evil glare making him jump a bit.
A cacophonic roar was heard outside of the building. "We've wasted enough time guys, quit
foolin' around!" Ichigo proclaimed. The four spiritual aware teens ran, Ichigo and Yusuke leading
making it out of the clinic following the noise they just heard. "Who is it this time Rukia, can you tell?"
"Just a minute . . . " She said looking up to the sky. "Everyone get out of the way!" Rukia yelled
jumping in the air. Ichigo, Yusuke and Botan scattered jumping in different directions when something
flew right at them crashing into the ground. "It's Shrieker." Rukia classified. The hollow turned to where
he heard its name. "Oh my . . . " he said. "That enormous amount of spirit energy coming from you four
kiddies." Shrieker drew out his fork tongue. "I think I'll start with the women." Botan yelped hiding
behind Yusuke.
"The only thing you will be eating is cold hard steel!" Ichigo spat with the bandages unraveling
itself from Zangetsu running at the hollow. The Soul Reaper swiped his Zanpakuto at the hollow
targeting his head only to miss as it dodged his attack. "Ah, a Soul Reaper. Im going to relish devouring
your soul especially boy." Shrieker licked his lips distastefully. It opens its mouth expelling out five
leech-like creatures.
"Watch out . . . Don't let him touch you with those!" Rukia warned. Catching Ichigo slightly off-
guard he swung Zangetsu destroying four of the creatures as one was stuck to his sword. Shrieker
lashed his tongue out creating this high pitched wave causing the leech that was on his sword to
explode. Ichigo quickly covered his face hiding behind his Moon Cutter.
He lowered his sword and the hollow ran at him tackling him into a nearby building. "That's it
dammit! I can't stand around any longer!" He looked back at Rukia and Botan. "Im going to go back
up Ichigo." He said with Rukia nodding. Yusuke rushed at him full speed. "Hey ugly! How about trying
that move with me!" Shrieker faced him. "Oh, so you want some of my artillery too, huh? Well take
these!" He said spitting the leeches at the Spirit Detective. He punched one of them getting green gunk
on his fist. "Ahhh . . . Gross." He said shaking it off.
While he was trying to wipe it off, he didnt realize two of the leeches attached to his legs.
"Gotcha!" The hollow said. Yusuke looked down at his legs seeing them there. "What the--" Before he
could get them off the hollow created that sonic wave again causing them to detonate. He fell to his
knees. "Dammit, my legs won't move."
"You look so tasty in your own blood boy." Just as the hollow was about to take a chomp into
the teen, Ichigo flash steps just in time to block the bite with his sword. He looks down at Yusuke.
"Can you get up?" He asked. "I think so." The detective answered. He staggered as he rose but he
stood on his feet. Ichigo slashes the monster in the mouth. He shrills in terrible pain. "Augh! My mouth

you little . . . " The hollow backs up and spreads his wings.
Ichigo was about to strike it again until he was stopped by Rukia. "Stop attacking Ichigo. It's
about to take flight." She said. "That's one tough bastard." Yusuke said. "Yeah, he is." Ichigo agreed.
"So how are we going to get him now that he's in the air?" Rukia wondered. "I'll shoot him down!"
Yusuke thought.
He concentrated his spirit energy into his right index finger and released it into a beam of
energy. "Spirit Gun!" He shouted. The projectile beam shot straight at Shrieker but missed as he
evasively maneuvered it. "Damn I missed." Yusuke said. Ichigo looked at him stupidly. "You missed!?
How could you miss something that huge!?" The Soul Reaper bickered. "Spare me Kurosaki! I don't
see you trying to kill this thing!" He squabbled back "Alright then let me try."
He pointed Zangetsu at the hollow. "Getsuga Tensho!" He called out as a wave of spirit
particles released from his blade's edge. The crescent energy was evaded by the hollow. "Oh wow
looks like you didn't get it either." Yusuke mocked the orange-haired teen. "Shut up . . . " Ichigo said.
"Damn, this is getting us no where!" Rukia thought. "How are you brats suppose to kill me if you
can't even get me outta the sky? !" The hollow laughed.
"You won't be laughing for long you bastard!" Yusuke outcried. Rukia turns to Botan with an
idea. "Hey Botan you can fly right?" She asked. "Of course I can." She said making her oar appear in
her hands. They both get on." And fly off into the sky. "Ichigo! Yusuke! Keep shooting at it!" She
exclaimed. "Just what is her plan?" Yusuke wondered. "Lets just do it." Ichigo said obeying. "As long
as he is too busy eluding their attacks, he won't notice us."
Rukia guessed. "This isn't working!"
Yusuke said agitated. "Yeah he keeps dodging our attacks." Ichigo added.
"Botan get in closer." Rukia ordered as she made these signs with her hand. "Are you sure
Ru--" She cuts Botan off. "Just do it, trust me it will work." Botan nodded flying in at Shrieker as
Rukia started to chant an incantation. "Disintegrate! You black dog of Rondanini. Look upon yourself
with horror and then claw out your own throat." She jumps off the back of Botan's oar getting even
closer to the hollow. "Bakudo number 9, HIT!"
"What's this, I can't move!" The hollow squirmed. "Yusuke! Ichigo! Do it now!" Rukia called
out free falling until Botan caught her and brought her upon her oar once again. Yusuke saw the hollow
engulfed in a red light. "What did she do to it?" Ichigo interrupted. "It's a binding spell. This is our
chance! Lets take it out."
Ichigo targeted his sword at Shrieker once again, while Yusuke followed aiming his right index
finger at it. "Getsuga Tensho! Spirit Gun!" The two called out. The two blasts of spirit energy
skyrocketed at Shrieker. One blast hitting one wing, and the second blast hitting his other wing. The
hollow fell to the ground sliding. Yusuke and Ichigo headed toward it to finish it off.
As they walk up to it. The Soul Reaper raises his sword high in the air. "I hop your journey to
Hell is a swift one." He said. Suddenly, Shrieker's head shot up whipping his tongue out at Ichigo only
to be intercepted by The Spirit Detective. "You know what . . . I've had just about enough of this
damn tongue of yours!" Yusuke ripped the tongue out the hollow's mouth. He blares out in agonizing
pain soon being silenced by Ichigo and within one sweep he split its head in two.
The hollow dissolves until out of sight. "Glad that's over." Ichigo said. Botan and Rukia flies in.
"You two handled that quite wonderfully." Rukia praised. "Yep, it's all in a days work." Yusuke said
flexing his muscle. Botan hugs him. "Im just glad your okay." She smiles. "So what now Ichigo?"
Yusuke wondered.

"You guys can stay at my house." He glances over at Rukia. "Hey let me see your phone."
Rukia nods giving him her phone. "Sure." He dials the number waiting for a response. "Hey Dad, yeah
I'm just going to the house and crash, yes I know what time it is, yep I have the key. What!? Okay
whatever, bye. "Alright lets go."
They walk off and Rukia stops him. "Hey Ichigo aren't you forgetting something?" He looks
back at her and starts to think. "Nooo, nothing I can think of, just what is it that I'm forgetting?" Rukia
smirks before she answers. "Your body is back at the clinic."
"OH CRAP!" He shouted.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Done... So is it still good so far? I hope it is to all my readers
Rukia: I like it.
Botan: Yeah me too, very interesting.
Yusuke: Yep, I'm into it. What about you Ichigo?
Ichigo: *Takes off running* Screw this! I gotta go get my body!

Document Outline

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