Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Outlaw Star Fan Fiction / RG Veda Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss by a Rose ❯ Hospital ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5~ Hospital

By: Arctic_kitsune_gypsy

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story and Yulia, and Ayu.


Warnings: Cursing

A/N: Another cliffhanger last chapter, I know how much people hate these. I know how you feel

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"Kurama why is Hiei going to the hospital?" I asked trying not to cry.

"Kuwabara was getting angry at Edward. So he picked up you sword from the wall and threw it towards her, but it missed and stabbed Hiei in the back. When I found him, he was laying at the base of the stairs...unconscious with a puddle of blood around his body. " Kurama answered. Suddenly the door flung open,


"Well not exactly." I told her.

"Ed no kill Hiei."

"Yea, it was realy Kuwabara."

"Ohh poo. Well Ed got other people to kill." I got out of the bed and was about to grab my clothes, but Kurama grabbed my clothes and helped me put them on. He carried me out to the car, and sat me in the front seat. He ran back in the house grabbed Edward, and drove out the driveway.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kom-ban wa okyaku-san. Do yatte ka mo shirenai watashi tasuke anata no?" The woman at the front desk asked.

"What room is Jaganshi Hiei in." Kurama told her. The lady typed up Hiei's 1st name but not his last.

"Can you please repeat his last name again?" She asked.

"Jaganshi." Kurama spoke.

"Ah, here he is. Jaganshi Hiei, he's in Room. 912, the top floor."

"Arigato." Kurama said. With me still in his arms and Edward still hugging his leg he ran to the elevator and pressed # 9 button. To break the silence I spoke first,

"I wonder how's he doing?" I asked.

"So do I, everybody else either rode in the ambulance with Hiei, or followed them. Vash took Ayu in his car." Kurama told me.

"Oh, well why didn't you go with them?"

"Because, I couldn't leave you behind." I smiled and looked up at the place where the elevator shows the floor that we're on. >The 8th floor, just hold on for a little bit longer. I'm coming< I thought.

"Well this is the 9th floor." Kurama spoke up. In the hospital halls, an eerie silence, and the smell of death loomed in the halls. I grabbed on to Kurama's shirt. He looked down and felt me tense up.

"We're here." Kurama said while staring at the door. Edward began to bang at the door. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, ANYBODY HOME. ED WANT FOOD, ED HUNGRY!!!!!" Edward yelled.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, this is a hospital. That means you need to shut your mouth." I whispered to Edward.

"Ed sees no reason to be mad." I turned my head to the door. Somebody was coming, the door opened... it was Yuuske.

"Hey Kurama, hey Setsuna, oh hey Ed." He said with a depressing tone to his voice.

"Yuuske, where's Hiei-sama." I asked trying to hold back the tears.

"Go see for yourself." I teleported out of Kurama's arms to Hiei's bedside. My eyes were wide and aware of what was going on around him. Machines, and lots of them, trying to keep him alive. Needles in his arm flowing with IV fluids, a heart monitor to watch his heart beat, a monitor that watches his brain waves, a life support system. I looked over at the heart monitor,

"8 beats per minuet." I whispered.

"He might not make it. We're planing to take him off life support real soon if he doesn't wake up." The doctor said.

"Setsuna, Hiei might die." Urd said while putting a hand on my shoulder. I could not hold back the tears, I ran to Kurama buried my head in his chest and cried my eyes out and pear shaped gems fell out of my eyes. Amethysts, Aquamarines, Garnets, Blue Topazes, and Blue Zirconium were the gemstone's colors.

"Setsuna, everything is going to be alright. If you believe that he will live then he will live." He said. Kurama wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace and rested his head on mine;

"Hiei will make it through... I just know it." Edward got off of Kurama's leg and looked around,

"ED IS HUNGRY!" she screamed.

"Edward go to the food court and get us some food. Oh and another thing. While you're in the halls, SHUT UP!" Asuka told Edward. Edward soluted Asuka,

"Edward Hau Pepplu Triverski III reporting for duty SIR!" Edward said.

"DISMISED!" Asuka told Edward. Asuka opened the door and Ed ran out on all fours.

"Piece of cake." Asuka told to us. Vash grabbed her shoulder,

"I really don't think that she's coming back." Asuka looked up at him, " Heh, you're just jealous that I have a better way with children than you." Asuka said. I broke myself free from Kurama strong embrace, ran to Hiei's bedside rested my head on his chest and whispered,

"Atashi wa iyoku no aru e katsuyo suru subete no watashi no tsuyo-sa tsurete kuru anata senaka. Dozo suru nai shinu, Hiei-sama" I whispered in his chest, hoping he would hear me. Then I felt a strange warm aura around me like a tight, protective embrace.

"Boku wa zento-yubo anata sore anata ishi desu kankaku netsu no watashi wa karada totemo, totemo mo sugu, Setsuna-chan" deep voice whispered into my ear.

"HIEI-SAMA!" I yelled and turened around.

"Setsuna, why did you yell Hiei-sama?" Yukina asked me.

"I-I-I thought that he was behind me. I'm sure I heard his voice." I told her. >Weird, I am sure I heard his voice. I felt his touch, I heard his voice, and I even smelled his sent. Why isn't he there< I thought.

"Boku wa koko ni. You won't be waiting that long to feel the burning desire of my body. Aishiteru Setsuna." The voice whispered in my ear. Kurama walked over to me and wrapped me in a tight loving embrace,

"Aishiteru Setsuna and don't wory, Hiei will be back." I turned around and huged Kurama

"Thanks for giving me the strengh I need. You're like the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven. Only a couple of people can give me that kind of strengh." I told him.

"You're welcome." He said.

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A/N: Here's the English Translation to the Japanese sentences:

1: Good Evening Sir. How may I help you?

2: I am willing to use all of my strengh to bring you back. Plese don't die Hiei-sama.

3: I am promising you that you will be feeling the heat of my body very, very soon Setsuna-chan

4: I am here.

5: I love you


Arctic_kitsune_gypsy - So sad, so sad

Youko- Hiei better come out alright.

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy - He will, oh, he will

Youko- I'll kill you if he dosen't

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy - Damn you dumb!

Youko- I heard that!

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy - Whatever! Review, please