Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Outlaw Star Fan Fiction / RG Veda Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss by a Rose ❯ Past Love ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7~ Past Love

By: Arctic_kitsune_gypsy

Disclaimer: Nun but the story Yulia, and Ayu.

{><=Thoughts, ~~= Telepathic communication}

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Cursing, and a dream sequence lime, nothin' big.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Y-Y-Y-Youko?" I whispered.

"I don't see Youko. Ha! Setsuna finally fliped her lid, she's lot her marbles and they can't be found. " Yuske said. Suddenly there was a big slap,

"YUSKE. That wasn't nice." Kayko told him. I blinked and looked at Kurama's eyes >They're green again, but I saw yellow eyes before< I thought.

"Boku wa koko ni." I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I sat down in a chair next to the window, and begain to stare out into space.

"Setsuna, Setsuna are you ok?" Kurama asked waving a hand in front of my face.

"You won't get her attention that way." Urd told him.

"Why." Kurama asked.

"Setsuna is very close to the Reikai. Therefore, she is able to connect with the Reikai even if she's awake." Urd told him.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minuet. Botan I thought you said that people were only able to be in contact with the spirit world only in their sleep." Yuske asked.

"Leme explain" Urd told her.

"Setsuna has a close wave link with the Reikai because she's a 1st Class Ultimate Goddess. Thus, she is able to contact the Reikai without putting her body to rest. Ya gettn' it now?" Urd said with the `if-you-don't-get-it-I'm-gonna-kill-you' look to Yuske. Yuske nodded his head.

"Good because I don't want to repeat myself again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setsuna's Thoughts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Youko-sama, Youko-sama." I yelled after him. A beautiful kitsune demon with silver hair, golden eyes, a silver fox tail, and silver fox ears upon his head. He turned around and smiled at me



"Atashi ga inaku natte sabishiku omou anata."



"Doshite ga inaku natte sabishiku omou watashi?"


"Boku ishi itsumo desu koko ni."

"Wakari-masen." Youko pulled me in a strong loving embrace. He stroked my long black hair, and whispered into my ear.

"Watashitashi ishi itsumo desu doji ni.Boku ishi hanasu subete, konban."

"Ok-ke." With that he disappeared.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Setsuna's Thoughs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Setsuna, Setsuna, SETSUNA!" Asuka said. I snapped out of my trance and stared into the eyes of my best friend.

"Are ya hungry?" She asked holding up a big bowl of Watermelon slices.

"Saved it just fo ya." I smiled and grabbed to bowl from her hands. I took a bite out of one piece,

"Mmmm, oooo, ahhhh. This is so sweet. Thanks for saving it for me." I said stuffing the piece of watermelon in my mouth.

"Glad you like it. Kurama was complaining about how it wasn't sweet enough, and how you deserve the best." Asuka spoke. The door opened and the Doctor stood in the doorway.

"Mr Minamino and Miss Meioh."

"Yes" Kurama and I said at the same time.

"Mr. Jaganshi will be ok. In fact he can go home today."

"Really" I asked.

"Really, really" the doctor asked. We all started cheering and celebrated.

"WILL ALL OF YOU SHUT UP AND LET ME SLEEP IN PEACE!" Hiei shouted. I turned around and saw the beautiful, glimmering, ruby eyes that I had missed and longed to see.

"Oh, Hiei-sama." I said as I flew over to Hiei and hugged him.

"Hiei-sama, do you know how much I missed you. I thought that you was going to die." I said crying in his bare chest. Hiei ran his fingers through my hair,

"I had heard what you said. That's what gave me the urge to live." Hiei said. I released my hold on him and looked at him and he dried the tears from my eyes.

"Ok you two lovebirds, I wanna get out of here and go back home. So can we get the steppn'?" Yuske asked.

"Ok. Hiei-sama do you need help getting dressed?" I asked.

"No thanks." He said. I was the last one out his room,

"If you need any help, page me, ok, bye-bye." I said with a smile on my face and shut the door.

"What was that all about." Urd asked.

"Nothin I just told him something."



"Oh so that's how it is"

"Yep, ya M.F S.O.B." Urd and I started laughing as we floted down the hall, Urd carrying Aya in her car seat. The guys were all behind us and Yuske, Kuwabara, and Vash were all checking out our butts.

"Ooooo-wee. Look I don't care what you think, but Setsuna has the best ass. Hands down." Yuske said.

"Setsuna my ass. Everybody knows that Yukina has the best booty of all of them." Kuwbara said.

"You're just saying that just because you like her. Let's ask Vash. Vash which one of the girs have the cutest, best, most beautiful ass in that group of girls?" Vash thought for a minuet,

"I have made my decision, and the winner of the best booty contest is... SETSUNA!"

"Look I this is wrong we shouldn't do this. It's disrespecting them." Kurama told them.

"Kurama I can't even spell disrespecting, let alone know what the damn word means and guess what I give a damn." Yuske said. He put his arm over Kurama's shoulder,

"You know that you like Setsuna's ass. You would do anything to be with her for one night." Kurama stared Yuske in the face.

"No I won't. She's has respect for my body, so I will have respect for hers" Kurama said.

"Besides, she's like a little sister to me. She thought I was her big brother. So I want to treat her like that." He said smiling with his perfect teeth. Kurama walked faster and caught up wtih me.

"Want a piggy back ride, imoto-chan." Kurama asked. I was suprised when he said that, I nodded my head `yes'. I flew onto his back and he gave me a piggyback ride all the way to the car. I looked to my right and saw Hiei standing right next to us.

"Hiei-sama, are you ok?" I asked wondering why he was walking when he was just in the Hospital.

"Yes, don't worry about me. I don't have a feeble body like these ningens. I was alright but Kurama saw me an8d called 911." Kurama smiled,

"I thought you were hurt." Hiei glared up at him,

"Why did you call 911? They stuck little, sharp, shiny swords with a bottle filled with white fluid that made me sleepy in my arm for god sake." We made it out to the car with out Hiei trying to kill Kurama.

"Well who's riding in which car?" Botan asked.

"Same as we did last time." Asuka stated.

"Aisha you can ride with Kurama, Setsuna, and Hiei." Botan said. Aisha just nodded her head and jumped in the trunk of Kurama's Rondevouz.

"Aisha why are you riding in the trunk?" I asked. "It's fun to ride back here." She said smiling.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back Home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ahhhhh, it's great to be home isn't it Hiei." Botan spoke.

"Hn" Hiei said and walked over to the sofa, sat down and turned on the TV, and stereo.

"Why are you turning on stereo when the TV is on?" Asuka asked.

"Cos' I feel like it. Gotta problem?" Hiei said.

"Nope, hahaha, nope." Asuka said backing away. Kurama put a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up at him. >There's those yellow eyes< I thought. ~You remember what I said~ Youko telepathically said to me. I nodded my head, I blinked and I stared in to Emerald eyes. Kurama picked me up and sat me on the sofa next to Hiei.

"Are you ok." Kurama asked looking deeply into my eyes, it seemed he was trying to read my eyes.

"Yea" I told him

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1:00 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm gonna hit the sack. Asuka are ya comming?" I asked.

"Yea, I should be hitting the bed. Hey where's the guys?" Asuka asked.

"In the bed." I told her.

"All of them?" she said with her mouth gaped open.

"Yea, those guys were tired. Night Asuka." I said teleporting up the stairs.

"Night." I floated past Kurama's room and I heard someone calling me,

~Kendapa-chan, come to me, be with me, relax with me. Don't you miss my body's warmth. Don't you miss when I used to hold you close to my body on cold nights. Don't you miss the scent of my body?~ Youko telepathically asked me. I could not control my body my kitsune demon, Kendapa, was in control of my body now. I walked over to Kurama's bed and hoped in. Once my head hit the pillow I was off in my dream world.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setsuna's Dream ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kendapa-chan, Kendapa-chan are you awake?" a deep, horse voice asked me. I woke up inside a palace, on a bed with black satin sheets, the confiter was of the same material as the sheets, and with somebody licking my face.

"Youko-sama, where are we?" I asked.

"In the palace silly. I'm Lord of the Eastern Lands, remember? " He told me.

"Oh yea. Duh!" I kissed him on the lips after I said that and I broke the kiss.

"How do you feel?"

"Fine." He took off all of his clothes and got in the bed with me. I had just realized that all of my clothes were off to. Youko sat up on his side and looked down my body. He bent down and whispered into my ear.

"I'm in heat this week. Can I slide these covers down more. I wanna get a good view of your body." He whispered. I nodded my head yes, and he slowly slid the covers down to just below my bellybutton.

"Kami, your body is beautiful." He spoke and slowly slid his hand up my body.



"Your hand is so warm" He stopped at my breasts and stared at them. >She's so full, but she's so young. Kendapa has every thing that I want in her to bear my daughter or son, and she's mine. The bite mark that I created on her neck proves that she is mine, and I am hers because of the bite mark on the opposite side of my neck< Youko thought. He climbed on top of me, I looked in his eyes and it seemed like he was gonna cry.


"Hai, Youko-sama"

"Will you bear my child?" I smiled,

"Youko-sama, I would love to be the mother of our child." He bent down and gave me a long kiss, he slid his tongue across my lips asking for entrance to my mouth. I opened my mouth and he slid his tongue inside it and started playing with my tongue. We broke the kiss at the same time to take a breath and look into one another's eyes. Youko made a trail of kisses down my jaw and neck, that made a low moan escape from the back of my neck. He kissed all the down to my breasts and then stopped.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"I don't know. It feels like I'm doing something wrong." He told me. I ran my hands through his silver tresses,

"It ok. Nothing is wrong with this"

He nodded his head, bent down and shoved my left breast in his mouth. A low groan came from my mouth. He started playing with my nipple with his tounge, and playing with the other with his thumb.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End Dream ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Setsuna, Setsuna, SETSUNA!" Kurama yelled while shacking me.

"Whatever it was it wasn't me. Mr. Umpa-lumpa, I swear! It was all Hiei's falt. He talked me into it." I shot up saying. Kurama put an arm around my shoulders,

"You're not in College, silly. You're at home."

"Ohhhhh." I brushed Kurama's arm off my shoulders, and got out of his bed.

"How's your ankle."

"It's healed"

"That quick?"

"`Fraid so."

"Hmm. Where are you going?"

"To take a shower, duh! I don't want to smell like a pig, Kurama." He smiled and ran his fingers through his red hair. Watching me head off to the bathroom.