Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Outlaw Star Fan Fiction / RG Veda Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss by a Rose ❯ Present Love ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8~ Present Love

By: Arctic_kitsune_gypsy

Disclaimer: Nun but the story Yulia, and Ayu.

{><=Thoughts, ~~= Telepathic communication}

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: LEMON ALERT, LEMON ALERT. This beautiful chapter has the lemon that I was gonna write. So all little brats stay away

>What's wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking about him< I asked myself while sitting on the bathroom sink and leaning my head against the huge mirror. I raised my hands up to my face.

"My hands are stained with the blood of others." I whispered. Lowering my hands I thought about Kendapa's past and how she was Kuronue's little sister but loved him like a lover and not like a brother. I closed my eyes and a black and blue water vortex swirled around me. It disappeared and I was sitting there as Kendapa, the demon that could slay more than a million men, and the demon that was related to Kuronue. I ran a clawed hand through my midnight black hair. >I once had feelings for Kuronue but now they are gone but my love for Youko is still there. Why? Why do I love somebody that is not of my bloodline but of my species more than I love my big brother< I thought. A strong smell of blood flooded Kurama's bathroom.

"I smell blood, but where is it coming from?" A black cloud of smoke appeared up from the floor. "You do remember me, don't you?" I gasped when I saw two ruby red eyes peering out from the dark cloud.

>She so beautiful, I've always had feelings for her but why can't I just say I love you. Is it because she's a Cheerleader... nah, couldn't be. Mya was a cheerleader and I liked her hell I went out with her, but that was when Setsuna was in Moscow, Russia. She was gonna come back that summer and I would get to see her again. Why can't I just say I love you to her< Kurama thought standing out on the balcony listening to the faint whispers in the wind coming from the plants.

"Yo fox-boy" Urd said walking out on the balcony, jumping up, and sitting on the ledge.

"Hm" Kurama answered.

"What's wrong?"


"Tell old Urd what's going on in the fox head of yours"



"Your big sister"

"Oh yea, right, Setsuna"


"What about her?"

"I love her"

"Heh, I already knew that"


"Reading minds is a skill not an art"


"Setsuna loves you too and not in a godly type of way. I mean she loves you in the flesh type of way. You understand?"

"Yes, I do, but it seems like she loves Hiei more than me"

"Never trust your eyes, always trust your heart" Kurama looked in Urd's eyes and smiled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Kurama's Bathroom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kendapa, don't tell me that you have forgotten your own blood." Kuronue said placing his hands on my waist.

"Kuronue, please stop. Why are you alive, you're supposed to be dead." I asked with sternness in my voice.

"Kendapa, Kendapa, Kendapa can't a big brother see his little sister again?" Kuronue said whispering in my ear.


"SHUT UP! That son of a bitch Youko is gonna come up here if he hears you!" Kuronue told her.


"What did you say!"

"YOU HEARD ME, GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I screamed. That was it Kuronue couldn't take it no more. He raised his hand, hand opened wide, and smacked me across my right cheek. A sharp pain resided in my cheek after Kuronue smacked me.


"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP... oh my GOD!" Youko shouted while rushing into the bathroom. Youko's eyes widened when he saw me on the floor holding my right cheek eyes shut because of the acute pain. Youko kneeled down to me, gently took my head and laid it on his chest.

"What have you done to her?" Youko asked eyes wide in anger.

"I did what I had to do to get her to listen to me." Kuronue told him pointing his index finger at me.

"Kuronue I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, but nobody gave you the right to smack her

"Stay out of this Youko! You have noting to do with me and Kendapa, so shut your mouth."

"As a matter of fact I do"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Kendapa is mine, not yours. I didn't give you any permission to harm her body or touch her in any sexual way."

"No, no, NO! She's MINE! ALL MINE, NOT YOURS!" Kuronue said while clenching his hands into fists.

"Look for yourself" Youko said while moving my black hair back reviling the bite mark on the right side of her neck that Youko gave me to claim that I am his.

"Look I've got one too" Youko spoke while moving his own hair back to revile the bite mark on the right side of his neck that I gave him to claim that he is mine.

"You filthy, slutty, BITCH!" Kuronue screamed about to punch me. I closed my eyes ready for the pain that was coming towards my face. Then a smell of blood filled the room. Youko hand ran up and scratched him in the left eye making him howl in unbearable pain.

"Now do you see how it feels."

"Youko, you bastard. You've become like that bitch Hiei. Heh, I thought that this day would never come." Kuronue disappeared in the same black cloud of smoke that he appeared in.

"Are you alright?" Youko asked me with concern on his face.

"Yea, I think so." I answered. He bent down and carried me to Kurama's bed, laid me down, and tucked me under the covers. Then he got under the covers with me. Youko turned to me, his eyes gleaming again. I giggled and tried to back slowly away, but when I reached behind me and found nothing but air instead of more bed, Youko pounced on me. My squeals of delight rang in his ears and he tickled me. He was more careful about not ripping her shirt, wanting to prolong the playful moment. He only stopped when she

gasped his name.

"Oh *gasp* Youko-sama*giggle* I surrender!" Grinning, he sat on the bed and pulled me into his lap. He was so warm.

"Kendapa-chan..." he murmured into my hair. He could hear me breathing slow; it warmed his heart that I was so comfortable with him that I could fall so easily into sleep in his arms. Not wanting to disturb me, he settled for rubbing me head gently and staring down at his pretty little mizu kitsune. I moved slightly, and my gorgeous black hair fell away from my neck, the pale white skin calling to his lips. He lowered his head and began to nibble gently, his soft lips barely touching my neck. My breath caught in my throat. It was so peaceful in his arms, I'd almost been lulled into sleep. But sleep didn't seem nearly as attractive as the feel of his lips on my neck. I moved ever so slightly, allowing him better access, and moaned when he took full advantage of it. His nibbles became stronger and his lips began

to pull. Shivering as Youko flicked his tongue lightly over my neck, I reached up to curl her fingers in his hair. I was melting. His hands had moved to cup my breasts, I couldn't remember when, it seemed like they'd always been there. It was almost more than I could stand. But he always seemed to know just how much I could take, and he delighted in tormenting me with his sweet caresses. Youko felt his manhood harden as I moaned softly. It was the most erotic sound he'd ever heard. His hands went down my sides, then came back up my thighs and up under my robe. He pushed out on the thin material, revealing my perfect breasts. The shock of the cold air after his warm hands made my nipples harden, and his lips ached to kiss them. >Soon,< he thought, >but I'm not quite finished here yet< His hands slid down my body again, this time moving between my thighs and rubbing over my legs. He spread my legs and rubbed over me, feeling the jolt in my body as he caressed me. He could feel a wetness on his fingertips and smiled against my neck. Sucking harder on my skin, he moved his hands back and forth over me, rubbing faster and faster until he felt my thighs lock and I moaned again as a soft shudder passed through me. Moving so that I was lying underneath him, Youko gazed down into my eyes.

"Kendapa-chan." he whispered. I looked up at him and licked my lips, pleading with him to kiss me and not torture me anymore. I reached an arm up around his neck, pulling him down to capture his mouth with my own. I smiled to myself as he groaned when his hard chest encountered my soft one, and then again when I opened my lips under his. I loved the feeling of power I could have over him. He was *mine*. I reached down to stroke his manhood. >She tastes so sweet, and oh, Kendapa-chan, I want to hear you say my name like *that* again< were his only thoughts until he felt my hands fumbling with his pants, trying to open them and release his straining manhood. >Soon, love,< he thought as he muffled my protests with his lips. >But first...< He reached down and moved my hands away, then used one hand to hold both her above her head. I still cringed when he pulled off the patch, expecting him to turn away from me in disgust. But not as much as he used to. That was a good sign. I was really starting to not just accept it when he said he loved me no matter what, but believe it. He smiled at me and kissed me again. Moving his lips over my face, down my chin and neck, he lovingly suckled each beautiful pink nipple. He could feel my back arch as I pushed into him, my cries growing louder as he laid with each nipple with his tongue. His other hand moved back between my legs and reached to undo my bed shorts. I cried out as he slipped his fingers inside me, first one, then two, pressing them against her walls and rubbing my inside. As his thumb stroked my jewel, I came again into his hand, soaking his fingers and my pants. His hard member began to throb as I rubbed myself against him, using the only thing I could to try to drive him as crazy as he was making me. It was enough. He pulled open the drawstring and I used her legs to help kick his pants to the floor. My legs spread wide for him, and he looked at the pretty picture I represented. My hands held above my head, my pink center spread open before him, welcoming him. I could do nothing, and he wanted to take advantage of it. He released her hands only to push her legs further apart, his mouth descending hungrily onto that wet treasure. I almost screamed as his lips engulfed my core, his tongue flicking over around and inside me. My thighs tried to tighten around his face, but his hands held me wide and he ate me out to his heart's content. My breathless cries only enticed him further, and he probed his tongue into me repeatedly, wanting to taste more of my honey. I flipped him over and started to suck his length. Pushing it deeper into my throat almost gagging myself drinking down the fluid that he was producing. The only sound I could make was whimpering sounds. I could feel Youko moving his hips and his sounds of lust was ringing in my ears, but it was hard because I was pressing my hands against them. I stopped, got up, and was sucking every bit of skin there was. Youko stopped me, and got on top of me. He slid up my body, sucking every bit of skin he could find until his lips reached my again. He slid his leg between mine and moved his hand down to fondle me once more, spreading me open as he entered me breaking my virgin wall. My warm wetness enfolded his member and he was the one to cry out. I was like soft velvet. My knees went up as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in deeper. He pushed harder and harder as my hips came up to meet his every thrust. My cries of passion rang in his ears, I screamed his name as I orgasmed around him. My tight muscles pulled on him and he came as well, finally releasing himself into me and collapsing on top of me. He kissed my damp cheek and started to pull out of me, but I whimpered.

"Please stay." I whispered. "I love the way you feel inside me." I reached out to stroke his cheek, then drew his face closer and kissed him.

"I love you, Youko-sama." His heart caught as it always did when I looked at him like that.

"I love you too, Kendapa-chan. My Kendapa-chan." He smiled at me and I smiled back, he stayed inside of me, and wrapped his arms around me in a tight protective embrace. Then we both fell into a deep sleep. The door to Kurama's room opened slightly to revile a nosey Urd poking around in my business, again. Urd looked in, smiled, and said,

"Guess Youko's and Kendapa's Legacy will pass on. Oh god no."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy- Well how did you like my 1st lemon

Youko- It sucked shit

*loads castor gun with castor shells and fires them all at Youko, but she misses every shot*

Youko- Ha, HA! Ya missed me, you got bad aim.

*Runs up and hits him upside the head with a pillow*

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy- Please review

Youko- Please, or she'll kill me.

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy- NO I WON'T!!

*Crosses her fingers behind her back*

Youko- Help me

Arctic_kitsune_gypsy- Bye-bye