Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Outlaw Star Fan Fiction / RG Veda Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss by a Rose ❯ Morning Madness ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9~ Morning Madness

By: Arctic_kitsune_gypsy

Disclaimer: Yulia, Ayu and the story is all that I own

{><=Thoughts, ~~= Telepathic communication}

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Violence in some parts, and cursing

A/N: YAY! Finaly I updated this story! Sorry it's taken so long for an update, but with me being back in school, it seems I just don't have the time. Don't worry! I'm finding time in my schedule to do this, I promise you I will finish this! You can count on it!

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>Youko's blood is going to be awakened into this world. NO! It can't happen, I won't let it happen. This world isn't ready for Youko's child, his child will be twice as powerful as him. He would never be able to control his or her power< Urd thought while looking in Kurama's room to see me sleeping in his arms. Urd stepped back from the door and awoke Youko. He shot up and was staring into Urd's eyes with glowing golden eyes.

~ So you don't think I can control the power of my daughter. ~ Youko telepathically spoke to her.

~ Wait how did you know what I was saying, and how do you know that the child in Kendapa's womb is a girl? ~ Urd asked with a astonished look on her face. Youko pulled out of her, slid down the sheets past my bellybutton, laid the right side of his face on my stomach and took a deep breath.

~ One Kendapa taught me the ways of sorcery, and telepathy. Two I smell my baby girl growing fine, and her sent is enchanting. I bet she'll look just like her mama. ~ Youko told her.

~ Youko you must tell Kendapa to kill that child. ~

~ NEVER! How dare you tell me to destroy my own blood! Kendapa will give birth to this child 6 months from now on December 25. The same day as Startica on Juri and Christmas here on this filthy ningen world. I will call her Sakuya, yes Sakyua. Wouldn't that be a beautiful name for her? ~

~ Youko you've gone mad. Nothing good is coming out of this child. Your daughter is a demonic beast that is going to reek havoc in this world when she gets old enough ~ Youko's eyes turned into a blood red.

~ You fucking wench! How dare you say that about my child! For saying that about my baby girl, I shall plant a curse on your head. Every time you say something bad about Kendapa, Sakuya, or me you shall loose 10% of all you power, Urd. ~

~ You BASTARD! ~

~ I hope you say anything bad about my love, my daughter, or me every again. You can say bad things about my human form Suuichi Minamino but not me. ~

Urd slammed the door of Kurama's room, backed away, and then ran downstairs. I awoke from my slumber to see Youko's head lying on my stomach.

"Ohayo gozai-mass, Youko-sama." I said while rubbing the sleep from my eyes

"Ohayo gozai-mass, Kendapa-chan." he spoke taking his head from my stomach, gently holding my chin and placing a short kiss on my lips

"Ogenki dess ka?" he asked

"Hakike ga shi-mass, memai ga shi-mass, to shikyu ga itami-mass"

"Ahhh, anata no kutsu ninshin shite-iru."

"To ish-sho ni anata no kutsu kodomo."

"Ie, anata no kutsu watashi-tatchi no kodomo" Youko said while nuzzling my neck.

"Namae?" I asked

"Sakuya" he answered


"Hontoo desu ka?"


"Anata no kutsu chibusa"

"Nani kurai" Youko gently touched my breasts and I flinched at his touch.

"Karera wa itaitari nakami to ish-sho ni miruk"

"Hai, watashi no karada wa no junbi de no Sakuya" Youko slipped out of bed and opened to curtains to his bedroom.

"It a beautiful day, isn't it?" he asked me looking out the window.

"Yes, it is" I said placing a hand on my stomach. Youko sniffed the air,

"Mmmm, sausage, eggs, bacon, pancakes, grits, oatmeal, toast, pop-tarts for breakfast. Good." Youko said while taking the bathrobe from behind Kurama's door and putting it on then grabbing Setsuna's bathrobe and wrapping putting it on me. He picked me up, bridal style, and carried me downstairs. Kuwabara was sitting on the living room sofa reading the paper... upside down.

"Well good morn... Hey! Wait a minuet, you ain't Kurama!" Kuabara shouted jumping up from the sofa and throwing the paper down on the floor.

"No shit, dumb-ass." Youko said glaring at Kurabara. "You ain't Setsuna!" Kuabara shouted. "If you touch her you die!" Youko stated growling at him.

"Wha, whatever y, you s, say Y,Y,Youko" Kuabara stammered.

"Good, now where is everyone?" Youko demanded.

"In dining room, PLEASE DON'T HURT MEEEE!" Kuabara screamed. I clutched onto Youko's robe glared at Kuabara,

"Since you did what I said, I shall spare your filthy life." Youko stated. He walked past a shaking Kuabara. Asuka was sitting at the dining room table singing,

"Kizutsuki kokoro ga kowasa wo oboete'ku

setsunaki kokoro ga nanika ni motarete'ku

tsuyosa wa subete wo tsutsumikonda toride

yasashisa namida wo shirazu ni katarenai

Tonight...... Tonight......

yureru honoo e to kazashita midnight blue

yami yo... ame yo... ima, oshiete

tsuki yo... kaze yo... ima, kotaete

tooku... tooku... haruka, tooku

tabi no hate ni nani ga aru no. Oh! Hi Youko, watup?" Asuka spoke up waving. Youko looked at her, growled and rolled his eyes at her.

"Well sorrrrrrrry if I got on yer bad side, you son of a bitch" Asuka snapped.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU FILTHY HUMAN!!!" Youko shouted. He sat me down in one of the chairs.

"F.Y.I. I ain't no human. I'm a demon just like your filthy, bitch ass and you are the son of a bitch." Asuka yelled.

"I swear I'm gonna..."

"YOUKO!!!" I shouted. He was surprised at my outburst and was speechless. "Youko, stop this nonsense. That was unnecessary, and uncalled for. " I stated.

>O.M.G. Kendapa's pregnant or she has a really bad stomach ace because she wouldn't be holding her stomach and she wouldn't of yelled at Youko like that< Asuka thought. Jin walked into the dining room with some buttered toast in his mouth carrying a cup of milk. Jin walked up on Youko and was staring eye to eye with him.

"Back off, wind bastard" Youko coldly sneered standing in front of me in a protective way. "Sheesh, ya got an attitude problem. You need to go and do a little number on that if that baby gal

Kendapa has in her uterus is to come with no issues" Jin said spitting the toast on the table.

"Jin, you're disgusting." I spoke.

"Why thank yer." Jin thanked.

"I didn't mean that as a COMPLEMENT!" I screamed.

"Ahh no screaming, I can't bear it. The ears ya know." Jin told me pointing and wiggling his ears. "I know" Yuske walked in with a green terry towel around his waist so that he could show off his

wet 6-pack

"Temptation Yuske." Asuka stated.

"Well I'm just trying to get Kendapa in the bed with me." Youko growled at his smart remark.

"Awwww, does wittle Youko have PMS?" Yuske said in a baby voice. "For that smart remark, when you sleep you will never wake up." Youko told him.

"Harsh" Asuka stated.

"Youko, stop it" I said. He growled at my remark and sat next to me at the table. Hiei walked in carrying seven plates and a big bowl filled with grits.

"Hiei, do you need a hand?" Botan asked.

"No, I'm just fine." He retorted. He sat the plates and the bowl down on the table and went back in the kitchen.

"What is up with the Youko today? He's been snapping at everybody that talks to him... except Kendapa." Botan complained

"I think I know the reason for Youko's mood today." Asuka said quietly, rubbing her chin.

"Asuka, What the hell are you talking about?" Urd said

"I'll tell ya later. Meet me in front of the mall at 12:00 and bring the rest of the girls, cept' Kendapa." Asuka whispered. Youko sat me on his lap and started to kiss up and down my neck.

"Mmmmm" He moaned

"Nani" I asked

"The baby." He whispered

"What about"

"It's growing rapidly"

"I know, I can feel it." Youko lifted up my robe and gently slid his finger inside me.

"Ow" I whispered

"I'm sorry" He ran his finger along the embryo, and smiled at the feel of it.

"Our baby, our daughter, our creation" Youko said pulling his finger out of me. He licked my fluid off his finger and kissed me on the lips. Asuka looked at us like we were crazy. >Like, ewww < She thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Mall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Asuka looked around looking for the girls.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY," Asuka shouted. "they were supposed to be here 30 minuets ago!"

"Calm down, Asuka. We're here." Urd spoke putting a hand on Asuka's shoulder to calm her down.

"What took ya?" Asuka asked

"It's kinda hard to get out of the house with a killer reynard sitting on the sofa, holding his mate, and keeping his eye on you until you get to the door." Botan spoke fixing her ponytail.

"Yea, whatever. I'd punch his fucking lights out." Asuka stated

"Asuka, shutup. You know you wouldn't do a damn thing." Urd spoke.

"Yea, yea I would... no I wouldn't. SHIT! If he didn't have a child on the way I would of killed him by now."

"YOUKO'S PREGNANT!" Aisha screamed.

"No, dumb-ass. Kendapa's pregnant with his kit." Asuka told her

"Oh" Aisha said

"I already knew that" Urd said in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Keiko asked

"This morning I saw Kendapa and Youko sleeping together. Youko heard me and I started telepathically saying bad things about his child. Then he put a curse me." Urd said

"What was the curse?" Yukina asked

"If I say anything bad about his daughter, Kendapa, or him. 10% of all ,my power will be taken away frome me"

"That's terrible. ARGH! He's such a mother fuckn' son of a bitch!" Botan yelled

"Damn Botan, I've never seen you say that many curse words in my life." Asuka said.

"Well he is."

"We need to be careful about what we say around him. Don't say anything bad about his unborn daughter, Kendapa, or him. Now that his has a child, he will be especially vicious and moody." Urd spoke up.

"Should we tell the guys." Keiko asked.

"Hiei already knows" Yukina spoke up.

"Does the rest of the guys know?" Keiko asked.

"Kuwabara." Urd said.

"How does Yuske, and Vash know?" Botan asked.

"Vash sensed it and Yuske sensed it too." Asuka stated.

"Awww, do we have to tell Kuabara?" Aisha whined

"Yes, even though we don't like him..." Urd was interrupted by Yukina

"I like Kuabara." Yukina spoke

"Ok, even though MOST of us don't like him," Urd stated "he could do something idiotic and it could seriously injure or kill him. So I don't want to have a death in our house."


"Yukina, me, Kurama, Yuske, Vash, Jin, and Shizuru don't hate him." Botan said

"I, er, well, uhhh." Aisha stuttered. Urd rubbed her chin and looked around the mall entrance and saw Spike and Faye walking toward the mall entrance.

"Is your older sister going out with Spike again?" Botan asked Urd.

"Yea, guess so." Urd retorted.

"I thought Faye said that she was never going back out with Spike because he called her a `bitch'" Botan spoke.

"Spike never called her a bitch" Asuka told her.

"He didn't?" Botan asked

"No! Who told you that?" Asuka replied.

"Uhhh, Juila... No! Wait, I think... yea it was Julia because in gym class I over heard her in the locker room talking about Spike and that he called her a bitch." Botan said.

"Wait, Isn't Setsuna, Faye, and Asuka in your gym class?" Keiko asked Botan.

"Asuka, Setsuna, and Faye wasn't in the locker room when they were talking about it. When those three came in, Julia and some of her other snotty friends. Sorry I couldn't tell you their names but I don't remember who they were." Botan responded. Faye was walking up on the curb and saw Urd,

"Hey sis, how ya doing?" Faye asked.

"Fine, Faye. Listen, I have to tell you something about our older sister." Urd said placing her hands on Faye's unclothed shoulders.

"Ah, what's wrong with Setsuna?" Faye asked. Urd put an arm around Faye's shoulders and walked her a few feet away from Spike. Urd leaned up against the wall,

"Now Faye, you promise you won't freak out." Urd spoke.

"I won't." Faye declared crossing her arms. Urd took a deep breath,

"SetsunaturnedintoKendapa,shehadunprotectedsexwithKuramawhobeca meYouko,andnowshe'spregnantwiththeirunbornchild." Faye looked at her with crossed green eyes.

"Urd, what the HELL did you FUCKN' say?"

"Setsuna turned into Kendapa, she had unprotected sex with Kurama who was became Youko, and now she's pregnant with their unborn child." Urd said.

"NANI!" Faye screamed.

"SHHHH! Shut up, Faye! You promised that you wouldn't freak out." Urd uttered slaping a hand to Faye's mouth.

"Mmmhmh." Faye muffled.




"MMMHMH!" Faye shouted.

"Oh, heh, oops. Sorry, Faye." Urd chuckled.

"Thank you. Sorry about that, but I- I- I can't believe I'm gonna be a aunt." Faye spoke, smiling.

"Yea I know, amazing ain't it?" Urd sighed. Urd looked over to where Asuka and the rest were standing. She saw Asuka close her cell phone flap, clip it on her belt, and run toward her.

"Asuka, what's wrong?" Urd said. Asuka lowered her head and crossed her arms.

"That was Hiei who just called. He told me that something is wrong with Kendapa and we need to get home right away." Urd's eyes filled with tears and she stared in shock at Asuka.

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Arctic_kitsune_gypsy- *gasp* What's happened to Kendapa? Is she ok, is she gonna die? You'll know next chapter. When I get no less than 3 reviews, I'll put chapter 10 up. I'll start writing it today, but I won't submit it until I get 3 reviews. So please review if you want to see what happens to Kendapa.