Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*Youko telepathic*
+Kurama telepathic+
~Izzy telepathic~
(Hiei telepathic)
-Dark telepathic-

Chapter 3.

Izzy groaned as the sun beamed in through the window. Expecting to feel the warmness of her boyfriend Izzy reached out to pull him closer only to feel the softness of the blanket covering her. Izzy opened her eyes as she sat up and looked around. Memories flooded her mind of the last night and the day before. She sighed as she brought up her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she laid her head on them. A silent tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of her boyfriend or boyfriends if you like to count Dark and Daisuke as separate people.

Izzy heard footsteps coming closer towards her door and she quickly wiped her tear away. She stood up and walked over to her door and opened it to a surprised Kurama.

Kurama smiled, “good morning, breakfast is ready.”

Izzy smiled as she nodded, “oh, great. Oh and…thanks for helping me out Kurama.”

“Oh, no its my pleasure to help beautiful women such as yourself.”

Izzy blushed, “thank you. Oh and Kurama, here.”

Izzy pulled out a necklace that had a beautiful small sapphire feather hanging from it with two blue diamonds on the sides of it and placed it in his hands. Kurama held up the necklace towards the sun and stared in awe as it glistened from the shiny light. He looked down at Izzy.

“Oh I couldn’t…”

Izzy smiled, as she shook her head, “Go ahead, and take it. It’s a gift from me as a thank you present. Please, Kura.”

Kurama nodded and then blinked, “Did you just call me Kura?”

Izzy nodded, “I decided that you needed a nickname from me, so I chose to shorten your name. If you don’t like it then I-“

Kurama cut her off, “Oh, no. I like it; it’s just that you surprised me. Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you, why did you tell Master Genkai that you was a black wing angel instead of sapphire?”

Izzy smiled, “Well, it was a secret and the only people that know I’m an sapphire winged midnight angel are Dark, his family, Koe, and you. So only the people I know so well know that secret. Don’t get me wrong, I trust Genkai but I don’t want to tell her until the time is right.”

Kurama nodded, “Well, shall we go down and eat breakfast? I’m sure Yukina would like it if you ate her cooking.”

Izzy smiled as she nodded, “Oh, Kura.”

Kurama looked at her, “Yes?”

Izzy grinned sheepishly as she fingered her necklace that she stole, “um…is it okay…if I keep this necklace? I kinda stole it from the demons hide out.”

Kurama chuckled, “Sure, I don’t see why not. They did steal from other innocent demons.”

Izzy smiled, “Thank you.”

Kurama nodded and Izzy followed him down the hallway to a big room with a low table and cushions around it for the people to sit at. She sat down and Kurama sat down beside her.

Yukina served their bowls as Genkai came in the room and sat down across from them. Izzy looked up at Genkai and smiled, “Good morning Genkai.”

Genkai smiled at her and nodded, “Good morning. Did you have a good nights sleep?”

Izzy nodded and then tensed, “um…there’s three people coming near the shrine, one human and two demons. Genkai do you want me to go check?”

Genkai blinked and then laughed, “Well, you must be very powerful if you can sense something that far away. No, you may continue eating, that’s just the dimwits and Hiei.”

Izzy nodded and continued to eat her food. She looked at Kurama and noticed him staring at her.


Kurama blinked, “Oh, nothing.”

Izzy nodded and continued eating. Kurama noticed Genkai looking at him with a knowing look and blushed as he continued eating. Just then two guys walked in the room. Izzy looked at them and grinned as she felt their spiritual energies. She looked around and noticed that the demon hasn’t come in. Deciding to just mind her own business she continued to eat.

Yusuke grinned, “Hey old hag, what’s up?”

Genkai frowned, “Look here dimwit, if you came here to do something then do it. Otherwise you’re wasting my precious time.”

Yusuke’s eyebrows twitched as he growled and got in her face, “What you say?!?”

Genkai sighed, “Just a thing an idiot would do.”

Yusuke was about to retort back when all of a sudden he heard a giggle come from across the table. He looked up and smirked as he saw Izzy watching them with an amused expression. He walked over to her and smiled, “Well, hello there. What’s your name cutie?”

Izzy blinked and then frowned, “None of your business. I don’t give it out to stupid monkeys who think they’re a hot shot.”

Yusuke blinked and frowned as he heard Genkai and Kuwabara laugh as Kurama chuckled, “whatever.”

Izzy rolled her eyes and looked up at Genkai, “Genkai is it alright if I use your training grounds?”

Genkai smiled at the girl, “Sure, you may take as long as you want.”

Izzy grinned and got up, “Thank you.”

Shoving past Yusuke, making sure to push him, Izzy ran out of the room as she stifled a giggle. Yusuke looked at the girl and smirked. If that’s how she wants to play, then let the games begin. Yusuke followed the girl out followed by Genkai, Kurama and Kuwabara and was surprised at what they saw…


Izzy giggled as she ran out and stopped. Putting a hand in front of her face she looked up at the sun and smiled. She looked at a nearby tree and grinned as she spotted a pair of ruby red eyes staring down at her. Izzy walked up to the tree and smiled at the forbidden child, “Hey! Wanna spar with me? I promise I won’t go too hard on you.”

Hiei glared at her, “hn.”

Izzy pouted, “Fine. I would’ve kicked your ass anyway.”

Hiei jumped down from his spot and glared at her as he landed in front of her, “I’d like to see you try, human.”

Izzy giggled, “For your information I’m not a human. Anyways, come on so I can wipe the ground with your face.”

Hiei growled as they took their fighting stances. Izzy pulled out a blue feather and transformed it into a black sword with sapphire color writings graved into it. Hiei unsheathed his katana and glared at the girl. Izzy grinned as she waited for Hiei to make the first move. She grinned as he ran towards her with the look on intent to kill in his eyes. Izzy giggled as she jumped in the air to dodge his attack just as Kurama, Yusuke, Genkai, and Kuwabara came out and saw her jump onto Hiei’s head and land behind him. Doing a 360 degree turn, Izzy caught Hiei in a deadlock and she grinned. She took notice of how cute he was and smiled as she looked at his beautiful eyes. “By the way, I’m Izzy.”


Izzy smirked, “You’re not half bad Hiei.”

Hiei smirked, “neither are you.”

Izzy jumped back and ran back at Hiei before her feet could even touch the ground. Hiei smirked as they clashed every second with their swords. Izzy laughed as they kept on going, not even tiring each other out. She looked at Hiei and noticed that he was enjoying himself. Alright time to end this She said to herself as she jumped back from another attack. Izzy smirked as her pupils became slits and she disappeared. Hiei frowned as he tried to sense the girl but couldn’t find her. Where is she? Hiei thought to himself . As if answering his thoughts, Izzy appeared right behind him and quickly put her sword to his throat. She giggled as she stepped back and released her hold on him to walk in front of him. She made her sword disappear and smiled at him, “Wow. Hiei, you’re really good. Maybe we could do this again sometime, hm?”

Hiei frowned, “hn.”

Izzy pouted, “awe, come one don’t be like that.”

Hiei rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. Izzy sighed and then looked at the others, “oh! Hey you guys!”

They looked at her and smiled as she walked over to them. Izzy grinned, “hey, Kurama. Can you show me around the city? I need some clothes since I left all of mines in Dark’s house.”

Kurama smiled at her, “sure.”

Izzy grinned, “thanks!”

She looked at the others and smiled, “Do you guys want to come too?” Kuwabara shook his head, “No, I’m gonna stay and keep my precious Yukina company.” Izzy looked at Hiei questioningly, “Hn.”

Izzy frowned, “then I’ll take that as a no. Yusuke?”

Yusuke smirked, “Sure I’ll come. I can’t leave a cute girl with a perverted fox now can I?”

Kurama blushed as Izzy looked at him with confusion in her eyes, “Fox?”

Kurama nodded, “well, yes. You see, I share my body with the soul of Youko Kurama who is a fox demon to be precise. He can be very rash at times and a pervert but he is very reliable and a good friend.”

Izzy grinned, “Oh, that Youko Kurama. No wonder your name sounded familiar. Yes, I’ve heard about the famous thief who had died. So, you both talk to each other?”

Kurama nodded, “yes but for some reason ever since I’ve been on that mission Koenma sent me on. He didn’t speak to me and I couldn’t contact him though I could feel him there.”

Izzy smiled, “can I help?”

Kurama shook his head, “Oh, no. I wouldn’t want for you to waste your energy. Besides I couldn’t ask that of you.”

Izzy shook her head, still smiling, “Don’t worry. I want to help. God, if I didn’t know any better I would think that you were related to Dai.”

They all looked at her confused, “Who?”

Izzy shook her head, “Nothing. Anyways, lets see if I can get him to speak.”

Izzy closed her eyes as she concentrated on a link into Kurama’s mind. Finally making a link with Kurama she appeared in a forest with all kinds of plants surrounding her. Exotic flowers, rare plants, deadly plants, beautiful plants, you name it, was all there. Izzy walked around, looking at different flowers on the way as she headed deeper in the forest. Seeing a flower she liked, she walked over to it. Getting down on her knees, she studied it. It was a sapphire color rose. She gingerly touched it as she smelled the essence. Sighing, she smiled, failing to noticed the figure walking up behind her. Izzy jumped as a hand came to rest on her arm. Looking up she got to her feet quickly, staring into golden eyes. Izzy backed up a step as the figure watched her with amusement. Izzy studied him. Taking notice of his long silver hair that reached his waist and his creamy skin. A flicker of something silver caught her attention and she noticed the soft tail that seemed to move on purpose, tempting her to touch it and rub her face in it’s softness. She looked up as another movement caught her gaze, Oh my GOD! Is that? It’s…it’s…it’s so CUTE!!! Izzy squealed to herself as she gazed longingly at the silver cute fox ears on top of his head.

Izzy shook her head Okay Izzy snap out of it. Don’t fall for the ears. Izzy scolded herself as she frowned, “Who’re you?”

The guy smirked as he noticed her eyes kept on looking at his ears and tails, “I should be asking you that. Since you are in my mind.”

A look of realization dawned on her, “Oh you must be Youko!”

Youko nodded as he stepped closer to her until just an inch of space separated them. Leaning down until e was nothing but a mere inch away from her face, so close that he could actually feel he breathing on his skin, “So, what is a cute girl like you doing in my domain?”

Izzy smiled, “I’m here on Kurama’s behalf. We wanted to know why you haven’t been talking lately. Well, to Kurama to be precise.”

Youko blinked, “Oh, well I’ve been resting. I was very tired so I just felt like sleeping but I guess that I’ve probably overslept.”
Izzy grinned, “Well that explains it. So are you going to talk to Kurama soon? He’s been very worried.”

Youko nodded and then gave Izzy a sly smirk, “Now that that’s been taken care of, why don’t we go somewhere comfortable and have fun?”

Izzy giggled, “Sorry but I’m taken. My boy wouldn’t want his flower to be tainted.”

Youko frowned, “and who might this boy be?”

Izzy rolled her eyes, “Bye Youko. Talk to ya soon, okay?”

Youko opened his mouth to speak when Izzy suddenly disappeared. Damn! Just when I was about to find out who this little boyfriend of hers was too. Oh well, I’ll find him soon enough and get rid of him so I can have her to myself. She’s cute, she’s also different. I don’t know what but, she’s different from all of the other vixens I had in the past. Oh, well. Better talk to Red.

Izzy sighed as she opened her eyes and looked at Kurama, “Youko’s okay. He said that he was just sleeping but over slept. So you don’t have to worry cause he should be talking now.”

Kurama nodded and smiled, “Thank you.”

Izzy grinned as she rubbed the back of her neck, “No prob. It’s the least I can do for the person who saved my life.”

Yusuke blinked, “Hold up, wait. Kurama saved your life? When?”

Izzy shook her head, “He saved me from my enemy yesterday.”

Genkai frowned, “Now who’s this enemy?”

Izzy shook her head, “It’s a long story but I’ll tell you after we come back from exploring Tokyo. Come one, I wanna see the malls up here.”

They all shook their heads and followed Izzy as she walked down the steps, except Genkai, Kuwabara, and Hiei. Kurama smiled as a familiar presence entered his mind.

+Hello Youko.+

*Miss me?*

Kurama sighed +Kinda.+

*Oh now I feel loved!! Anyways, hey red, who’s that cute girl?*

+That’s Izzy. I had saved her from someone yesterday. Now she is staying at Genkai’s until we find out where she lives.+

*What?!! Why?!? Can’t we please keep her? Please? Come on Red, where else can we find a cute human girl who’s not afraid of demons and likes them?*

+Youko!! She’s only fourteen years old!!+

*So? If I recall, you went out with a fourteen year old before. You’re only sixteen, only two years apart. Come on, all we have to do is use our fox charms on her and she’ll be ours.*

+Youko!! If you hurt her I swear you won’t have an avatar any longer because I will kill myself!+

*Ah-Ha!! I knew you liked her!! Come on Red, what makes you think I will hurt her? I love her!! She’s the only human girl that likes us for who we are and she isn’t afraid.*

+Correction, she isn’t a human.+

*What really?*

+Yes, she is a midnight angel to be exact.+


+Yes, why are you so excited? It’s not like she’s our girlfriend or mate anyway.+

*Yet, Red, Yet.*

Kurama shook his head and looked up as they turned a corner, heading towards the nearest mall. Izzy smiled sadly as she thought of an English song that she and her best friend used to sing together all the time. Humming it she moved her head to the beat, not realizing that she was singing out loud.

“Brothers and sisters,
put this record down.
Take my advice ‘cause we are bad news.
We will leave you high and dry.
It’s not worth the hearing you’ll lose.
It’s just past 8:00 and I’m feeling young and reckless.
The ribbon on my wrist says ‘Do not open before Christmas’.

We’re only liars but we’re the best.
We’re only good for the latest trends.
We’re only good ‘cause you can have almost famous friends,
Besides we’ve got such good fashion sense.

Brothers and sisters,
yeah put these words down,
into your notebook spit lines like these:
“We’re good friends when you’re on your knees”
Make them dance like we were shooting their feet.

It’s just past 8:00 and I’m feeling young and reckless.
The ribbon on my wrist says ‘Do not open before Christmas’.

We’re only liars but we’re the best.
We’re only good for the latest trends.
We’re only good ‘cause you can have almost famous friends,
Besides we’ve got such good fashion sense.

We’re only liars but we’re the best.
We’re only good for the latest trends.

We’re only lairs but we’re the best.
We’re only good for the latest trends.
We’re only good ‘cause you can have almost famous friends,
Besides we’ve got such good fashion sense.”

“Wow. You’re a good singer. Hey, what song was that?” Yusuke asked as he looked down at her.

Startled Izzy jumped as she giggled nervously, “Was I singing out loud?”

They nodded and she sighed, “That was a song me and my friend used to sing all the time together. It’s and American song called ‘Ur Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued’ by the group called Fall Out Boy.”

Yusuke grinned, “That’s a weird name.”

Izzy nodded as she smiled sadly as she thought of the time when she and her friend went to a Fall Out Boy concert. Kurama noticed the smile and frowned as he looked at her with concerned eyes. Why’s she so sad?

Kurama moved to Izzy’s side and put a hand on her shoulder, “What’s wrong?”

Izzy smiled up at him, “nothing, I was just thinking of my best friend back in America but I’m fine, really.”

Kurama smiled faintly, “well, if you say so.”

Izzy smiled up at Kurama to reassure him, even though she really did feel home sick and really missed her best friend a lot. And when she means a lot, she means that she might die of it a lot. Izzy looked forward and grinned as a mall came into view. Rushing from excitement, Izzy ran ahead towards the doors and looked back at the guys grinning from excitement.

“Hurry up you guys!!”

Yusuke and Kurama chuckled at her excitement as they ran up ahead to catch up. Izzy smiled as she grabbed the guys’ hands and ran inside. Her face lightened up as she looked at all the stores. Seeing one that she might like, Izzy dragged the boys over into ‘Hot Topic’. Looking around, she found a section with all kinds of chokers, chains, necklaces, and earrings. Seeing a choker that caught her interest Izzy picked it off the shelf. It was a leather black choker that had a Sapphire fox with black diamond wings. Izzy smiled as she fingered the choker. Kurama and Yusuke noticed her look and smiled as they pulled out their money.

“Go ahead and take it, it’s alright I’ll pay for it.” Yusuke said as he grinned at her. Izzy blinked as she shook her head, “No I couldn’t. That’d be too much Yusuke. It cost so much too.” Izzy said. She was going to put it back when Kurama grabbed it and gave it to her. Yusuke grinned at her, “It’s alright. I want to buy it for you. Come on, Kurama will handle the clothes for you while I’ll handle anything else you want.”

Izzy smiled, “really? You sure?”

Kurama nodded as he smiled at her, “Yes really. Just like Yusuke said, I’ll buy the clothes and he’ll buy the rest.”

Izzy smiled a heart stopping smile, “Thanks you guys! You’re the best.”

Grabbing the choker, Izzy picked up some earring she also liked. It had blue skulls with small blue feathers hanging on small chains around the skulls. She grabbed a black chain that was crowned by blue skulls, a spiked bracelet with a black armband warmers that had Jack Skelington’s face on it from The Nightmare Before Christmas. She went to the clothes section and picked out a couple of black baggy pants with some black and blue shirts and some black miniskirts with a blue collar shirts and some black collar shirts. She picked out some black netted shirts and red shirts with some black and white striped stockings and some black boots. She also picked out some red and black striped stockings and some blue and black stockings. She also picked out some belts that had skulls on it and some with foxes on it. She picked out a black leather jacket that had black and white striped sleeves. They went up to the counter and paid for it as. Kurama and Yusuke smiled as they got dragged again to another store but unlike the other one, this one was a restaurant. They sat down and ordered a large pizza some drinks.

Izzy grinned, “Thanks again you guys.”

Yusuke smirked, “Don’t mention it. Anyways, I know you’re from America but I was wondering, how did you learn to speak our language so good?”

Izzy laughed, “When I lived in America, I learned from my friend, Lien Tran. Then after that I had spoken it so often that eventually I spoke like a natural. You see, my friend and I always dreamed of running away from home to come live up here by ourselves and make a life of our own but when my parents decided to move up here, I was so shocked and upset that I didn’t speak to my parents ever since. Even now I don’t speak to them.”

Yusuke shook his head, “But wait, weren’t you planning on coming up here? Why are you upset then?”

Izzy sighed, “Because it was suppose to be just me and my friend.”

Kurama frowned, “I’m sorry.”

Izzy shook her head, “Don’t be, it’s not your fault that my parents moved up here.”

Kurama shook his head, “So you still don’t talk to your parents?”

“Yeah but I never did talk to them that much so its nothing really important.” Izzy said as she shook her head and their pizza arrived. Izzy took her slice of mushroom pizza and bit into it. Yusuke and Kurama followed suit and decided not to question her. Izzy looked up at them ,”well, enough about me. What about you two?”

Yusuke shook his head, “Nothing really. I work as a spirit detective for Koenma and so does Kurama too. I also rule over Makai now so really I have to work a lot but I get my self out of the paper work though.”

Izzy laughed, “I know what you mean, when I was living in America, my father owned the wealthiest company and since I was his oldest, I was next in line to take over the company but with that came stacks of paper work that I thought my hand would fall off, so whenever I had a mission I would leave right away.”

Yusuke laughed and Kurama chuckled. “So what about you Kurama?” Izzy asked as she smiled at him. Kurama smiled, “Same thing as Yusuke, I work for Koenma and was in the fight for Makai as one of Yomi’s lieutenants. Now I live on my own.”

Izzy grinned, “really? So, how is Yomi now?”

“He’s fine now, living with his son. Do you know him?” Kurama asked as Izzy smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I know Yomi very good. We were ‘close’ friends but now I only see him probably once in every five months.”

Kurama and Yusuke blinked in confusion. “How exactly close were you guys?” Yusuke asked and Izzy giggled, “Enough to have his son always call me mom. It’s cute.”

Yusuke frowned, “Wait a second! You two were going out!?!”

Izzy smiled as she nodded, “yeah but then things kind of happened and we split. We’re still ‘close’ but not that close to be together.”

Kurama frowned, “How long was you guys together and when?”

Izzy tapped her chin as she thought about it, “About four years. We met when I was just ten. Yeah, two years before I stole that artifact from Koenma and got him in trouble with his dad.”

Yusuke sweat dropped, “t-ten years old?!?”

Izzy nodded, “yeah. Why, is there something wrong with that?”

Kurama smiled, “Well, kinda. Yomi is at least seven hundred years old and in human years that’s about twenty seven years old.”

Izzy nodded, “Yeah and? He was twenty three when we met so I don’t see the problem. I mean, if you think about it. Age isn’t anything but a number.”

Yusuke sighed as he shook his head, “whatever but you’re still a virgin aren’t you?”

Izzy’s eyebrow twitched, “What?”

Yusuke blinked, “Are you a virgin?”

Kurama winced as Izzy punched Yusuke in his face as her face was red from anger and embarrassment. “Idiot! You don’t ask a girl that!!!”

Yusuke rubbed his face as he glared at her, “what ever.”

Izzy sighed, “No we didn’t do anything! You happy now?”

Yusuke grinned, “Never better.”

Izzy growled as she got up and walked out of the restaurant with her bags of clothes and accessories. Kurama got up and ran after her as Yusuke paid for the food and ran after them. They headed outside and started to cross the street when Izzy started to sing.

“You don’t remember me but I remember you.
I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you.
But who can decide what they dream and dream I do.

I believe in you, I’ll give up everything just to find you.
I have be with you, to live to breathe you’re taking over me.

Have you forgotten all I know and all we had.
You saw me mourning my love for you and touched my hand.
I knew you loved me then.

I believe in you, I’ll give up everything just to find you.
I have be with you, to live to breathe you’re taking over me.

I look in the mirror and see your face, if I look deep enough.
So many things inside that just like you I’m taking over.

I believe in you, I’ll give up everything just to find you.
I have be with you, to live to breathe you’re taking over me.

I believe in you, I’ll give up everything just to find you.
I have be with you, to live to breathe you’re taking over me.

You’re taking over me.
Taking over me.”

Kurama smiled, “That’s a nice song.”

Izzy nodded as she smiled another sad smile, “Yeah, it’s a special one. I always sang it-” Izzy abruptly stopped walking as she dropped her bags, staring with shocked eyes straight ahead. Yusuke and Kurama looked at her blinking, “Izzy?” Yusuke waved his hands in front of her as he called her name, “Izzy!! Hey Izzy!”

Izzy took a step forward, “D-Daisuke?”


Daisuke got off the bus and walked down the steps as he said thanks to the driver. Getting off he looked around and saw a mall in front of him. Sighing he stopped to take a breath.

-Daisuke!! You’ll get sicker! You looked long enough! Now let me take over.- Dark yelled and Daisuke shook his head.

^No Dark! I’m not stopping until I find her!!^

-Daisuke!! If you get sicker and pass out then how are we going to find her?!?-

^DARK!!! Let me do this!! At least a little longer!!^

-Daisuke…fine. But only for a little longer.-


Daisuke grunted as he pushed himself to walk and went over to the corner. Crossing the street he walked to another corner and stopped abruptly when he heard singing.

“I believe in you, I’ll give up everything just to find you.
I have be with you, to live to breathe you’re taking over me.

You’re taking over me.
Taking over me.”

Looking forward he saw Izzy walked across the street with two guys walking with her. His breathe got caught in his throat as she looked up and saw him, dropping her bags and stopped walking.

^DARK!!! It’s her!! We found her!!^

-YEAH!! WOOHOO!! Come on Daisuke!!-

Izzy smiled happily as her face lit up and tears started to pour down her face. “Daisuke!!!” Kurama and Yusuke looked up and saw a red headed boy that looked to be a year older than her looking at Izzy. Before they could figure out what was going on, Izzy ran ahead towards the boy, forgetting her bags and them. Grabbing her bags Yusuke and Kurama ran after her. Kurama stopped in his tracks as Izzy jumped on the boy and hugged him. He felt jealousy wrap around his heart as Izzy kissed the boy. Catching up to them Yusuke and Kurama looked at Izzy expecting an explanation.

Izzy shook her head, “Daisuke? How’d you get here?”

Daisuke smiled, “I took the bus.”

Izzy nodded, “yeah but how did you know where to look?”

Daisuke shrugged, “I figured that if you got away from Krad that you’d come to Tokyo since you did always talk about how you wanted us to live up here.”

Izzy grinned, “Well, I’m glad you found me.”

Daisuke nodded and then passed out in her arms from exhaustion. Izzy panicked, “Daisuke? Daisuke?!?”

Izzy put her hand on Daisuke’s forehead and gasped, “Daisuke, you idiot!! You have a high fever!! Kurama! Yusuke! Help, please!”

Kurama and Yusuke nodded. Yusuke picked Daisuke up and ran ahead towards Genkai’s. Kurama grabbed Izzy’s hand and followed him.

Reaching Genkai’s shrine, they rushed him into an empty room and laid him on the bed and covered him up with blankets so he could sweat it out. Izzy sat down beside him and sighed as she held his hand. Closing her eyes she opened a mind link with Dark.


-IZZY!! Boy you don’t know how glad we are to have found you! Are you alright? Krad didn’t hurt you did he? If he did I swear I’ll kill him!-

Izzy giggled and then sighed ~No Dark he didn’t hurt me. He was about to but Kurama saved me. Dark…happened?~

Dark sighed –We were out all night looking for you when Daisuke wanted to stay out and got caught in the rain. I tried to tell him to change into me but he was being stubborn and just pushed himself to look for you. I heard something about your parents wanting to talk to you but we left and went searching for you, so I couldn’t hear what they said.-

Izzy smiled ~thanks you guys, for looking for me. I love you both.~

Dark smiled –Hey, what kind of boyfriend would we be if we didn’t look our girlfriend when she went missing? We would look for you even if it killed us. We love you Izzy and no one else.-

Izzy nodded.

-Izzy, I’m gonna switch with Daisuke so he could rest more.-

Izzy nodded, ~okay.~

Izzy watched as Daisuke’s body grew taller as his hair grew longer and turn purple. She smiled when his eyes fluttered open, revealing a beautiful purple color. Izzy grinned as she jumped on him and hugged him as if he was going to disappear. Dark chuckled as he sat up and hugged Izzy closer. Izzy buried her face in his chest as tears poured down her cheeks.

“Dark…I was so…scared. I didn’t know where I was and I wondered…where you were and why you wasn’t there.”

Dark smiled softly as he pulled Izzy onto his lap and buried his face in her hair. Izzy sniffled as she nuzzled his neck. Dark sighed, “I’m sorry I couldn’t find you on time but I swear on my life that I’ll never let you go again.”

Izzy nodded and then wiped her face and smiled, “Well, lets go to the others. I know they must be worrying over me since they don’t know who you are yet.”

Dark smirked mischievously, “Why don’t we let them wait a little longer and do something more fun?”

Izzy blushed as she elbowed Dark but not too hard, “Dark!”

Dark chuckled, “Come on, it’s been a while since we’ve had each other!”

Izzy face turned redder as she just got up and stormed out of the room with Dark running after her, “Damn, Izzy! I was joking!”

Izzy rolled her eyes, “what ever Dark.”

Dark laughed as they walked into another room.