Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Heroes Unite ❯ Missing ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


I want to think all that reviewed, I like to read all I get. Without all my readers, my story wouldn’t exist. Thanks again. ^_^


Heroes Unite

Chapter 21 of 30



Kaihei followed the scent trail, his parents right behind him. They came upon a small burrow under a tree. The kit sat down and looked up to his parents.

“This is it, the end of the trail.”

“Good.” Hiei huffed, annoyed at how far they actually was from the Saiyans home.

“Kaihei, turn back into your humanoid form.” Kurama instructed telepathically. The little kit only nodded before transforming.

“Now what, daddy?” Kaihei asked the silver fox at his feet.

You’re going to hold this kit for me.” Kurama held the baby animal up to his son. The boy gently took the tiny fox, not wanting to get bit.

The silver fox turned towards his lover. “I’ll be right back.”

“Be careful, we don’t need you getting rabies, fox.” Hiei stated, sounding quite harsh, but the fox didn’t pay him no attention. Kurama just turned and went down the dark hole. A couple of minutes passed for the fire demon and his son as they watched the hole for signs of movement. Finally Kurama emerged, smudged with dirt and carrying another little kit in his mouth.

“You hold him, Koi.” Kurama padded over to his mate.

“Why?” Hiei asked, offended by the notion. He didn’t mind holding or carrying his on fox or kits, but he didn’t generally like animals. He didn’t know why, he just didn’t like them.

“There’s one more.” Kurama answered quickly. Hiei grudgingly took the baby animal from his mate. The silver fox turned and disappeared down the hole yet again. It wasn’t long this time before he reappeared, carrying a another identical kit to the other two. Kurama laid the kit on the ground and quickly transformed into his redheaded form. He then stooped down and picked the little kit back up.

“Now what?” Hiei asked, glancing between the three baby foxes.

“We need to get back to Capsule Corp. and get them some milk.” Kurama looked down to the kit he held. It was very weak after not eating in a couple of days. He didn’t even know if it would live.

“Are we going to keep them, daddy?” Kaihei asked, looking hopefully up to his father.

“For now, until they get old enough to be released, but we still have to see if the Saiyans mind us keeping them in their home.” Kurama answered the boy.

Kaihei grinned and nuzzled the kit he held. Kurama and Hiei only smiled and shook their heads at the sight. Their son went from one extreme to another. It wasn’t even an half hour before that the kit seemed to be scared of his own shadow and now he had completely forgotten about it, thrilled that he had a new pet.

“Hn, let’s get back to Capsule Corp. then.” Hiei turned and walked off. The fox hurried to catch up to his lover, his son right beside him.

It took a little over fifteen minutes to get back to the dome shaped building. The Saiyan women fell in love with the tiny kits immediately. Bulma agreed that they could stay and came up with a box and some old clothes for them. Trunks ran Kurama to the nearest pet store for animal formula and bottles. Kurama then got the foxes fed and situated in the box which was currently in the room he shared with his mate. Hiei was none to happy about this development, but he didn’t say anything. He would get his reward later and he knew it. Currently both Toushi and Kaihei were in their fox forms, snuggled asleep in the box with the other kits.

“We’re never going to get them out of there now or get rid of those animals for that matter.” Hiei said, staring down into the box.

“Leave them be, Koi.” Kurama smiled gently. “And we will let them go when they get old enough. You can’t keep a wild animal and our boys will learn that.”

“Hn, then we’re never getting rid of them.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because I was wild and you kept and tamed me.” Hiei smirked, slipping an arm around the fox’s waist.

“So I did, but you’re hardly tamed, but I like you that way.” Kurama returned his lover’s hold. “Let’s go out on the balcony for awhile.”

“Hn.” Hiei led his fox out the double glass doors. He sat down in a white chair with blue cushions.

Kurama was about to sit down in the next chair, but found himself sitting in his mate’s lap. The fire demon slid an arm under his legs and pulled them up and over the chair arm. The fox grinned as he got comfortable, sliding his arms around his lover’s neck.

“Is this what you wanted?” Hiei asked softly, squeezing his fox slightly.

“It is.” Kurama was just as quiet. He laid his head on the fire demon’s shoulder. He just had to cuddle with his pretty mate at least once a day. He gasped though when Hiei brought a hand down and settled it in his lap. “Koi, stop! Our kits are just inside the room.”

“Then, you’ll have to be quiet.” Hiei winked, cupping his fox and adding pressure.

“But…But….” Kurama tried, yet he had to bite off a moan.

“Shhh…….. we’ll only going to have a little fun.” Hiei unzipped Kurama’s pants and slipped his hand inside. He then worked his hand into the flap of his mate’s briefs. The fox moved up against the hand when he felt it wrap around him. Just when things were getting good, Hiei suddenly withdrew his hand.

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m not giving you a hand job, if I’m not getting one.”

“Now, who said I wasn’t going to do that?” Kurama lifted a leg and turned in his mate’s lap. He now sat facing the fire demon, a leg over each chair arm. He leaned close and whispered. “You keep watch behind me and I’ll keep watch behind you.”

Hiei didn’t answer. He just closed the distance between their mouths and kissed his mate passionately. Kurama kissed back while working on the sash of his mate’s pants. He got it undone and his hand slipped inside. Hiei gasped, breaking the kiss. He quickly unbuttoned the fox’s pants and slid his hand inside, returning the delicious sensations his lover was causing in him.

Kurama passionately kissed the fire demon while slowly pumping his hand. Hiei moaned into his mate’s mouth and picked up the pace on him, making the fox moan too. They parted, both panting for air and smiling at each other. Hiei pulled his lover’s erection from his pants. The fox began to thrust into his mate’s hand, he was almost done. Normally, he would last much longer, but he wasn’t holding back and they really didn’t have much time to play. Plus, he was still tired and stressed after the last several days. The fox climaxed into the fire demon hand, groaning softly.

Hiei smirked, quickly bringing his hand up and beginning to lick it clean. He groaned around the finger in his mouth when Kurama speeded up the moving and squeezing of his hand. The fox pulled his hand and the hard flesh from the pants. Just as he finished cleaning his hand, Hiei’s erection melted. Kurama brought his hand up and proceeded to lick his hand clean very slowly, quite enjoying the taste of his fire demon. A taste he would always crave day and night.

The fox moaned softly while Hiei put his spent member back into his boxers and pants. He buttoned and slowly zipped up the pants his mate wore. He then reached down to do up his own pants, but his hands was gently pushed out of the way.

“Let me.” Kurama whispered, cupping the fire demon’s soft member and slipping it back inside the black pants. He then retied the red sash tightly and looked up, meeting his lover’s red eyes. “Let’s go take a nap. Everything that has happened has taken a toll on my body and energy.”

“Me as well.” Hiei agreed quietly. He hated to show any weakness to anybody, but the fox wasn’t just anybody and he had been showing it to him for years. Kurama got up and sauntered slowly into the bedroom, adding a little extra swing to his hips. He chuckled when he heard the hungry growl come from the fire demon. They wouldn’t be truly sated until one of them found his pleasure in the other’s body.

Hiei jumped up and quickly followed his mate. The fox checked on the kits in the box and smiled when he saw his two kits still snuggled with the three real ones. They were all sleeping in a pile of multi colored fur. The fire demon walked up beside his mate, firmly running a hand over his rear.

“Hn, they’re too cute, looking like that.” Hiei said, staring down into the box. “Especially since they’re demons.”

“No, they’re not. They’re perfect to me.” Kurama responded softly with an equally soft smile. Hiei didn’t say anything, he just took his mate’s hand and led him to the bed. They climbed in and snuggled close to each other, getting quite comfortable. After a few shared gentle kisses, both demons were napping.


Two weeks passed with more jokes being played. One of those days, everyone woke up and found goggily eyes glued to everything. At dinner one night, all the Saiyans got stomach aches and had to make a mad dash to the many bathrooms. To make things worse, they all ended up on the floor after slipping off the Vaseline covered toilets. At least they thought it was Vaseline until it started heating up and found out it was actually icy hot. Needless to say, they all ended up in the showers quite quickly.

Another incident was when the whole group was outside and found themselves bombarded with stink bombs. Hiei pulled Kurama behind some shelter, but everyone else got hit including all the kids. The group pretty much stunk for the next few days, nothing could get the smell off. Gohan ended up with bleached hair after he shampooed it. After that, he got tripped into the pool and it turned green.

By far the worse joke was the disappearance of treasured items. The person would get a ransom note and a picture of the item that had been taken from them. So far taken items were Vegeta’s black shorts, Bulma’s pocket tool kit, Chi Chi’s favorite frying pan, Bra’s favorite set of clothes, Gohan’s glasses, Videl’s fingerless gloves, Trunk’s purple g-string, Pan’s purple g-string and bra, Goku’s boots, and Goten’s cell phone.

As promised, Kurama and Hiei were not gotten by the prankster. Also in every incident, there was the ever present flash of light. Other then all that, everything went pretty well. Kaihei and Toushi had taken to caring for the little foxes. The two boys were nearly inseparable to their parents happiness. Hiei and Kurama sparred often with the Saiyans in the gravity room. This helped to lift their power levels even further.

No portals or demons appeared in these weeks, actually making lives somewhat peaceful again. The demon family had actually started to feel like they were part of the Saiyan family and they were treated as such. Yusuke, Kayko, Kuwabara, and Yukina visited as often as they could. Koenma and Botan visited as well when their jobs permitted. The Jr. god was unable to find any information on who was behind the attacks. He had even researched Mukuro at the fire demon’s request, but still nothing. It all was a complete mystery.


Hiei and Kurama had just started sparing with the Saiyans in the gravity room when another prank unfolded. The small training robots quickly got frisky. They were trying to hump every leg possible. The expected flash of light went off at the worst possible moment. It was then Vegeta had enough and then began to destroy the robots. The other Saiyans followed suite and the demons as well. Soon nothing was left, but bits and pieces scattered across the tiled floor.

“I am damn tired of these pranks!” Vegeta roared, his energy flashing around him.

“I am too, father!” Trunks spoke up. “But don’t lose control because of them.”

“Hn, he’s right. Anger will get you nowhere.” Hiei agreed, sheathing his katana.

“You can say that only because you haven’t been pranked.” Goten countered quickly, kicking a piece of robot away from him.

“No I haven’t, but I’ve been in more battles then all of you put together. I know from experience. The worst thing you can do is lose your temper, no matter what has happened.” Hiei said, before turning and exiting the gravity room. Kurama smiled nervously at his friends and then quickly followed his mate.

“Hiei, next time try not to be so rude.” Kurama said as he caught up to the fire demon.

“Hn.” Hiei grunted in reply. “They are fighters and should know what I told them to be fact.”

“I know that; I believe the Saiyans know that as well. It’s just these pranks are starting to get to them like they would anybody else.” Kurama laced his fingers through his mate’s.

“I suppose so, but even with my jagan I can’t figure out who’s the prankster.”

“Hmm….and the prankster isn’t leaving any clues either. This person is very good at these jokes.”

Kurama and Hiei walked out of the house and towards the pool. They were about to sit down in a double lounger when one of the Saiyan kids came running up to them.

“Have you seen Kaihei and Sakana?” Lacy asked quickly, coming to a stop.

“No, we haven’t.” Kurama answered, shaking his head.

“Why?” Hiei asked almost harshly. He didn’t like where this was heading.

“We were all playing hide and seek, but now we can’t find them.” Lacy answered softly, scared of the two demons before her. She was even more scared to tell her great-grandparents their daughter was missing.

“What?!” Hiei snarled, baring his fangs thus making the girl take a step back. The fox stepped between the two, worry clearly present on his face.

“Lacy? You go tell your family what you know. Hiei and I will start looking for the two children. Where is the last time you saw them?” Kurama quickly took over the situation.

“Over there in the woods where everybody else is.” Lacy pointed to the east

Kurama only nodded before taking off at a full run in that direction. Hiei was right beside him, worry clear in his movements. Lacy ran into the house to tell her family. The Saiyans of course rushed to the scene and started searching the area as well which kept getting larger and larger. The group found nothing of the two children and was starting to get very concerned

“We have got to find Sakana!” Chi Chi cried, clinging to her mate. Goku tried comforting her the best he could. The fox was in no better shape. He had collapsed to his knees and was strangely quiet, just staring blankly into forest.

“I say we head back to the compound. Maybe they just went home.” Gohan tried to help matters and keep spirits high. He turned and headed towards home. The other Saiyans slowly followed his example. Goku ended up having to carry Chi Chi after she completely collapsed.

Hiei squatted down in front of his mate. “Come on, fox. We need to go and contact Koenma.”

“Hiei, our baby is gone.” Kurama barely whispered.

“We don’t know that yet.” Hiei said gently. He was trying to hold it together for the both of them. “We will find him and the Saiyan girl too. Whoever has them will pay with their lives.”


‘ Don’t finish that; you’re scaring Toushi.” Hiei glanced over to their kit. The boy was clearly broken up over this. He had uncontrolled tears running down his cheeks. This separation from his brother was hard on him and he was obviously blaming himself for not keeping a closer eye on him.

That seemed to focus Kurama on the here and now because he glanced to the kit as well. He then looked back to his mate and nodded. He started to stand, but his knees buckled under him. Hiei saw this and easily caught his mate, sweeping him up into his arms. The fox didn’t protest; he just settled in for the ride.

The fire demon looked over his shoulder and offered a rare tender smile. “We’ll find him, Toushi. Now let’s get back to the compound.” They took off running towards Capsule Corp., and reached the big building in no time to find everyone very quite.

Hiei sat Kurama on the couch and turned to the silent Saiyans. “What’s going on?”

“We found this when we got here.” Goku walked up to the demon and held out a piece of paper.

Hiei took the paper and began to read aloud. “If you want to see the two brats alive again send Kurama south in the morning. A portal will open for him alone. If he’s not alone or doesn’t come at all be expecting two small headless bodies in return.”

It was then Kurama lost it and everything came rushing out in the form of tears and sobs. Hiei didn’t like that his mate was doing this in front of others. He quickly picked up his fox and darted up the stairs to their room. He wouldn’t let anyone see the weakness this was causing in both of them.


Well, what do you all think? Thanks for reading and please review. This story will be updated again.