Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Freedom ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Two
Hiei's short, heavily battered, body trembled with suppressed rage as he was dragged out of Koenma's office in warded chains. His rage was mostly focused on himself. He shouldn't have let his guard down. Shouldn't have fallen into the trap that Koenma had led him into. But he had and because of that he had not noticed the trap being sprung until it was too late to avoid it.
He had seen Koenma nod to someone that he could not see and then the floor had suddenly dropped out from under him. The drop had only been about ten feet, but it had left him ill prepared to defend himself against the danger that had awaited him.
A woman whose very soul screamed purity had been waiting for him and advanced before his balance was secure. It was only by the barest of margins that Hiei had managed to avoid the massive wave of purifying energy that the miko had sent at him. Less then a heartbeat later, Hiei had drawn his sword and was advancing on the woman carefully. The very fact that she was a miko, especially one of considerable power, gave her the upper hand in this battle and Hiei was not stupid enough to allow himself to forget that.
The battle that had followed had been intense and there was more then one time that Hiei had only narrowly survived one of the miko's seemingly endless purification attempts. With each attack that he evaded he had closed in more and more on his target. With each foot that he had gained the more and more rattled the miko had been rattled by his proximity and her inability to deal with this one demon.
It was just as Hiei had prepared to go in for the kill that a blast of purification had all but obliterated the wards that kept Hiei's dragon in check and Hiei had not been able to keep it contained. It had launched itself from his arm, even as its power had caused his bandana to disintegrate and reveal his jagan eye In all its glowing, purple glory.
The miko had had no chance against the fearsome power of the Dragon of the Darkness Flame and was reduced to nothing but a burnt spot on a wall within moments. When the dragon had returned itself to Hiei's arm he began to feel the familiar lassitude that always followed his use of the dragon's power. Just a few seconds later he fell into a deep, deep sleep. No one had been there to catch him when he fell to the ground.
And now here he was being dragged from his former boss's office in heavily warded chains by an ogre who usually feared him. The rough stone floor of the hallway was tearing up his clothing and cutting up his back. Hiei bit his lip to keep from crying out as his wounds, new and old alike, were being worsened by the rough treatment and irritated by the dirt on the obviously unswept floor.
Now he could no longer be there to protect his sister. Yukina deserved so much better then that. He had let down his allies who were to him, though he would never admit it out loud, closer to him then anyone else had ever been. That is except for his sister, Yukina.
A sudden drop caused Hiei to cry out in pain as his head hit the sharp edge of a stone stair, but he bit his lip and managed to silence it quickly. Every step that the ogre took down that staircase jolted his body and sent new waves of pain throughout his body. By the time that the ogre was halfway down those Hiei's consciousness was fading and by the time he reached the bottom Hiei was unconscious.
Koenma recoiled in fear when he saw the look on his adopted sister's face as she stormed into his office.
"What are you up to Koenma? I've been hearing things that I don't like." asked the very angry princess.
"But, Ariana." began Koenma.
"But nothing. Boton burst in to the apartment I share with Ariel and she was in tears. She told us that you had ordered Hiei's execution and that you had purposely sent both Yusuke and Kuwabara up against Mukuro's entire army by themselves. She even told us that you had gone as far as to lie to and threaten Kurama, saying that our father had given Yusuke and Hiei to me and my sister for our sixteenth birthday." Said Ariana.
"So what." Said Koenma.
"Well Ariel and I really do want them and we would be quite upset If you killed them because of your petty fears and prejudices." Said Ariana.
"Fine. You can have them but don't come crying to me for help when you need it." Said Koenma.
"Help? Like you could do anything. You who fears the possibility of the Forbidden Child finding true love, even when it would pose no threat to you. You who would solve that non-existent problem by slaughtering both parties involved. You are a weak, pathetic nothing who knows nothing of real power and even less of true strength." Said Ariana before she turned and stormed out of Koenma's office.
Much later Hiei woke under the covers of a large bed in a seemingly empty room. His clothes and katana had been taken. His injuries healed. He started to get up, but was stopped by someone whose presence he had not sensed. She appeared at first glance to be a normal human girl with dark purple hair and light blue eyes, but Hiei's senses told him another story. Hiei knew that she was by no means a normal human girl because he could not identify what she was. All that he knew was that this girl was neither human nor demon. She was something unlike anything he had ever sensed before.
"Not so fast, Little One. You are not getting away from me so easily." Said the girl.
Hiei tried again but the girl was faster then he was and had the strength to block every move he made. He couldn't even get out from under the covers. Three attempts was all it took for Hiei to realize the futility of using speed to get away from his captor so he decided to use fire, but the fire he usually controlled so easily would not come to him. Hiei began to panic as he realized that he could not access any of his youki and without that it would be useless to try to summon his most powerful attack. That very lack of youki was probably why the dragon had not launched itself despite the lack of both wards on his arms and his bandana to cover his jagan eye.
Moments later Hiei's arms were pinned to his sides and his captor had settled her weight over his hips. Hiei tried to buck her off, but she easily rode out the attempt. He tried again with the same results. It was then that Hiei realized he didn't have a chance to escape. He really didn't want to admit it, even to himself, but he had been totally defeated. He forced himself to relax his wire tense body, but it was difficult.
Hiei felt the girl shift as he relaxed his body, pinning his arms with her legs instead of her hands. A small part of him wanted to close his eyes so he wouldn't have to see what would happen next, but a larger part of him was angry and wanted answers. Hiei was a lot better at being angry then he was at being scared.
"Who the hell are you and why won't you let me go?" asked Hiei as he glared angrily at his captor.
She just smiled at him for a moment while running the fingers of her right hand on his left cheek.
"Such an angry demand, but I suppose I'll answer your questions anyway. After all those are things that you do need to know and I was planning on telling you anyway. My name is Ariana. The reason you are here is because Koenma, being the prejudiced and hateful bastard that he is, attempted to kill both you and Yusuke. He didn't succeed on either count but Kuwabara got caught in the crossfire and killed when Mukuro made a rather hasty and angry reaction to reports of your disappearance by sending her entire army after Kuwabara and Yusuke while they were on a minor mission for Koenma. Boton begged me and my twin, Ariel, to intervene so we did. Too bad she wasn't smart enough to do it while my twin was gone." Explained Ariana as she continued to run her fingers over Hiei's cheek.
Hiei just closed his eyes. Even if he could trust that this strange person was telling the truth, It was too much to take in all at once. He knew that even if she had ordered the attack that Kuwabara would not have been her target. The human's honor code had probably brought him into the battle with as badly outnumbered as Yusuke would have been. The goal of such an attack could not have to kill Yusuke for Mukuro's army together would have been beyond overkill if the goal was to capture the Detective. But who had given that information to Mukuro? That information would have had to come from Koenma, but even if he had told Mukuro, Mukuro wouldn't have believed him. She would have sent people to look for him and any response wouldn't have come for at least another week. Who could get such a quick reaction from Mukuro and what was it that person told her?
When Ariana continued, he opened his eyes but she didn't say much more.
"There's more but I think it can wait for later. I think what you need right now is some more sleep. Besides I need to go deal with more of Koenma's stupidity.
When Yusuke came to, sometime had passed and he had no idea where he was. His arms were still bound behind his back and he could feel cold metal chains on his ankles. He opened his eyes but only saw darkness. He thought that he was being carried in some fashion because there were frequent jolts that would send excruciating waves of pain through his heavily injured body. He could hear muted voices that he could not and felt that he did not want to understand. He could not put names to the voices and part of him hoped that one day he'd be able to forget them because he knew what those voiced would be saying in his nightmares.
What seemed to be several hours later, the jolting suddenly stopped. Soon after a new voice seemed to join the others and though he recognized the voice he recognized the voice he could not recognize what the voice said. He knew that voice belonged to Mukuro who was one of his fellow demon lords who ruled the majority of this level of the Makai. At this point in time Yusuke's best hope was for Mukuro to realize that her soldiers had tortured, raped, and captured one of her heir's allies, because then she would free him and harshly punish the ones whose orders had caused all of this to happen. At least that's what he thought and hoped would happen.
Then Mukuro came closer and Yusuke's stomach clenched when he could suddenly understand what Mukuro was saying. She would not be coming to his rescue. She had been the one to give the orders.
"Throw him in the dungeon." Ordered Mukuro in a cold voice. "That'll show Koenma that not even he can get away with what he's done to my heir."
Seconds later, Yusuke heard the sound of wood scraping against wood and then there was a jolt much larger then any of the ones that had come before it. Yusuke's head banged against the surface that he lay on causing him to lose consciousness for the second time since his capture.