Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 21: Challenge ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Thank you Crazy Mishka for pointing out the typo, I only noticed it as I reread my chapters. I have since fixed it. Thank you. This chapter also contains a LEMON with an OC as per request to my friend, warnings will be posted for those of you on MM.ORG who do not wish to read it and

Dedications: Crazy Mishka--thanks!
Jacey--Who wanted to see Kagome with an OC. If you(readers) don’t like it, sorry.

*What Revenge Brings*

By: Kage Otome

Chapter 21: Challenge

Kunshi, known as ‘Kun’ to Kagome was well known throughout Makai, Reikai and the Underworld. He was a seer, his visions were never wrong and never failed him. But they weren’t always clear, some were up for interpretation by certain ‘higher lords’ of the realm in which they concerned. He’d never really had many friends growing up, but as a child he remembered Kagome. She was always the one sitting alone by the palace gates, just looking out. And even then his breath had caught. It wasn’t that she was extraordinarily beautiful, or powerful, but something about her caught his eye. And he was glad he’d followed his instinct, otherwise they may not be as close as they were now.

He made an attempt to talk to her, he could tell she was surprised by the look on her childish features. But after that her face absolutely transformed into a beautiful smile and she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He must’ve been 10 at the time, she was such a sweet five year old girl who had affectionately dubbed him her ‘Kun-kun’ later shortening it to ‘Kun’. She was chained to a duty she did not want, to a life she couldn’t handle. He hadn’t been there when she was taken, but he wished he had been, maybe then he could have protected her.

Drawn out of his thoughts by a gentle touch, he turned startled to the small woman standing in front of him. His lips pulled up into a smile, Kagome couldn’t stop the small corresponding smile from forming. Looking over her petite form, she hadn’t changed a bit since he’d last seen her, a few days before the arrival of the royals. Perhaps a little more weary but that was to be expected. Strangers, powerful strangers in her home, paranoid? Perhaps a bit.

“How are you Kagome?”

“Fine Kun. A bit tired. May I stay for the night?”

“Of course.”

“Come on Kun, we have a lot to talk about.”

The two left his study down the hall, unaware of the light violet eyes following their every movement.

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Arri ving at his room, he opened the large oak doors, revealing the massive bedroom. Her lips upturned at the familiar sight, upon his pillow lay a beautiful black rose with a white starburst. How he got it that way, she’d never know. Turning around she managed a small, shy smile. His lips curved before he leaned down and covered her lips with his own. Their lips met in fiery passion, familiar and new all at the same time. Her hands curled around his broad shoulders as his mouth trailed down her neck, placing small nips and licks here and there. A soft growl of pleasure escaped her lips.

Lemon Warning!

Suddenly he pinned her against the wall, his claret eyes flashing completely crimson. He had to have her. He could be sweet and passionate later. Ripping off the white hakama she adorned, along with his own black garb, he entered her, swiftly and without mercy. Kagome cried out, a loud primal sound. Kun wasn’t as large as other’s, but he wasn’t small either, he was however thick. His girth stretched her as her claws raked down his back leaving angry red welts. He paid them no mind. Giving her no time to adjust he thrust, three hard, two deep, repeat and then three deep and two hard, repeat. She clenched him tightly as his thick erection pounded her, over and over.

Panting softly in his ear, she bit down softly at his pulse, tearing another groan from his body. Her legs came up, wrapping around his waist, burying him deeper into her body. Over and over, it was like he couldn’t control himself, like he was a man possessed. She didn’t mind it rough. She just didn’t expect it from him--what a pleasant surprise. Clenching her inner muscles, he let out a surprised yelp at the sudden tightening. It was clear she’d done it on purpose. Grinning wickedly at her he whispered naughty words into her ear before being thrown roughly from her, back onto his large bed.

Kun took the rose between his teeth and carefully cut his tongue on a thorn. “Oops.” Kagome smirked. She leaped onto him, removing the rose with her own fangs, before tossing it to the side and lapping at his injured tongue.

“Kun is such a bad boy.” Kagome purred. “I’m going to have to punish you.”

Kagome moved down his body sensuously before licking the tip of his erection sending little flames of purification, not enough to hurt him at all but just enough to give him a little shock. Kagome grinned wickedly---something that would be totally out of place on her face, had anyone out of Hell seen it. Suddenly he was chained to the wall, with shackles he had placed for their ‘play’. He pouted.

“C’mon, Kagome, It’s no fun if I can’t touch you.” He whined.

“It’s very fun. For me.” Kagome said before engulfing the head of his cock in her mouth. She couldn’t take much of him into her mouth due to his large width. He cried out wanting desperately wanting to clench her silky locks in his hands. Her loose hair tickled his thighs as she worked him to the point of no return. Just a little more. She stopped before he reached climax, causing him to groan in disappointment, before abruptly gasping as her hair tickled his cock.

“Do you like that Kun?” Kagome asked, eyes half lidded.

“Yes.” He choked out.

She let out a breathy laugh. Moving up his lightly tanned body, she admired him. He had such a beautiful body. Lowering her body over his cock, he cried out as she teased him, never allowing him full entrance into her body, she moved her body, so the head of his cock rubbed against her folds. Kagome’s eyes were alight with lust and a tinge of something else. Kun whimpered.


She impaled herself on his large cock, it was his turn to scream as she tortured him, moving ever so slowly, allowing her body to stretch in order to accommodate him. Pulling up, off his cock she clenched her vaginal muscles, tightening the passageway, torturing not only him but herself. The exquisite tightness of her body, was causing him so much pleasure it was almost to the point of pain. With a burst of adrenaline he broke the shackles and his hands gripped her tiny waist and began guiding her, thrusting up harder, pulling her down to meet his thrust, fast, and hard. Kagome rode him with equal need. Ripping her top off he leaned up taking one of her rosy nipples into his mouth, suckling like a little pup.

Kagome threw her head back and clenched his hands as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body tightened painfully around him as she hit her peak, ecstasy in her scream. Kun followed her shortly snarling as he ejaculated, coating her womb in his hot semen. She collapsed against him, breathing hard. His panting mingled with hers as their mouths found each other, tenderly.

End Lemon

They lay curled against each other, breathing just beginning to return to normal from their ‘activities’. Lazily she trailed a dark clawed finger down his lightly tanned chest, nuzzling her face into his shoulder, she inhaled his familiar scent and her eyes softened immensely. He was perhaps the only one besides Lirin who had tried to befriend her as a child, before the kidnapping, before her initiation into power. And for that--nothing could replace that joy, that friendship, that affection she had for him--Nothing.

Kunshi stroked his hand down her naked back enjoying cuddling with her, seeing as it was such a rare occurrence. Leaning down he pulled her into a soft kiss, not lacking in any passion. Tracing his tongue over her lips he waited for entrance into her mouth. It was granted as she took the initiative to battle her way into his mouth instead. He smirked against her lips. It was just like her to do something like that; she had to be in control. Personally, he didn’t really mind.

Stretching, she bent down and brushed a chaste kiss against his lips before walking into the adjoining onsen, completely ignoring her nude state. Nothing like a good soak in the hot springs after hot, steamy sex. Kun stood, his short, spiked green hair up at all angles, and light red eyes drowsy. Perhaps he’d join her; maybe have a little fun. His lips twitched upwards into a soft smile, thinking of her. The things she did to him, the way she made him feel; It wasn’t just the sex it was the cuddling, the kissing, the talking, just being near her. She could relax around him, tell him things she didn’t tell those at the palace.

She smiled with him.

------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------

She frowned, it was a barely noticeable downturn of her lips. Something was wrong. Otherwise Kunshi would have joined her. Some problems with his land? His guard? Sighing she let her tense muscles relax, her light amber eyes closed, half-lidded in pleasure, her mind going over what she had planned for today. Her olfactory senses were suddenly assaulted by the tangent smell of blood. Kun’s blood. Her Kunshi’s blood. Growling she moved out of the water and dressed within second. Rushing into his bedroom, she snarled, blood--and lots of it.

She found a letter, smeared with Kunshi’s blood, on the bed that they shared, laid upon his dark crimson silk pillows. Glancing around, making sure she was the only one present she picked up the letter as dread filled her making her body go cold and tense.

Only one thing stood out, the seal.

The Seal of the Spider---Naraku.

------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
She was cold.

The whole way back, that iciness of dread froze her blood in her veins. Darting through the woods surrounding Kunshi’s home she quickly made her way towards the palace, leaping over the tall gates she rushed into her home, towards her fathers study, note still clenched tightly in her hands. So tightly her own blood began to mingle with Kunshi’s. Why didn’t he warn her? Why?

Opening the door to her fathers conference room where she sensed him, she was not prepared for everyone else, staring at her. Here she was dripping wet, dressed only in Kunshi’s spare haori. ‘I’m sure I look downright charming.’ Kagome sneered sarcastically in her head. But the biggest surprise was Naraku’s face, staring at her, through the large screen.

“Naraku.” Kagome hissed.

“Ah. Kagome-dear, did you get my lovely little letter.”

She held it up, face height.

“And did you read it, my dear?”

“I am not your dear.” Kagome spoke quietly. She’d read it.

And she wouldn’t forget it.

“What do you want from me, Naraku?” Her voice was darker now.

“You want your precious ‘Kun’ back, right?” Narrowed eyes watched him warily while everyone else stared between the two confused. Most people wouldn’t notice it, but those who knew here well enough saw it. The clench of her jaw, twitch of her hands, flash of her eyes, and the furrow of her brow.

“I purpose a challenge.” Naraku continued on as if he were completely ignorant to her rising ire. Kagome growled out softly,

“What is this challenge?”

“You and one of my children will battle.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“What’s the catch?”

“What do you mean?”

“With you, Naraku, there’s always a catch.”

He laughed. Kagome visibly twitched now as if restraining from flinching away from him, from that horrid, maniacal laughter. His bloody orbs looked at her as if drinking in the sight hungrily, before they suddenly took a turn and jealousy and spite filled them.

“So what does it take to get into your pants, what’s he got that I don’t?” Naraku sneered, showing Kagome, Kunshi, battered and bruised. Kagome couldn’t stop the snarl that escaped her throat. Kun’s normally spiky, soft green hair was covered in grime, his beautiful wine colored eyes, dark with pain. He coughed out blood.

“Kagome. “ He panted. “Don’t---” Naraku kicked him.

She lost it.

“Don’t touch him!” Her claws began to lengthen into sharp knives.

“Protective aren’t we?” Naraku mocked.

She said nothing.

“What. Is. The. Catch?”

“Fight with what you were born with. No magic, no powers for you, Kagome. Except what you learned, before you turned eight.” Her blood went cold again.

“You want me to fight you, with only strength, speed, and what I learned before I came into power. Before my inherited powers were enhanced and gained to full, and before my magic came to light?” Kagome asked.

Naraku nodded.

“You want me to fight--Powerless?”

“Yes.” Naraku’s mouth twisted into a wicked smirk. “Against Goshinki.”

Kagome froze.

Goshinki--She remembered him. She’d be at a great disadvantage. It would be like pitching an innocent kitten against a great large carnivorous lion, who hasn’t eaten since yesterday. One thing was certain. It was going to be painful. After all Goshinki was born with tough, armor-like skin, super speed, strength, mind-reading, and that was all she knew about him. For all she knew, he could have other abilities, since technically he wasn’t ‘born’ but ‘created’.

“Do you accept?”

The room was silent and tense awaiting her answer.

Kagome’s eyes met Naraku’s through the ‘screen’.

“I accept your challenge Naraku.”

“Good. Three days--Valley of the Dead.”

Three days.

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A/n: Okay, everyone since I am quite swamped with my schooling and work, I may not be updating as often as I’d like. But I have the next chapter started and hope to finish it soon. I’m not going to give a date, because I don’t want to have to, break that date. Review!