Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 20: Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Major Inuyasha Bashing in this chapter, well for a section of this chapter, a very large section...

*What Revenge Brings*

By: Kage Otome

Chapter 20: Sesshoumaru

“What do you think of emotions, Kagome-sama?”

Kagome glanced at the quiet ice apparition that had decided to make it her mission to befriend her. She was pretty with blue hair and light red eyes but she wasn’t suited to Hell. She was to quiet, to kind, to soft. Completely opposite of herself, perhaps that’s why Kagome was so confused as to why the apparition was so interested in her. It was unusual and a tad bit unnerving to say the least.

“They are useless.”

Yukina looked at Kagome, who was not much taller then herself with something akin to sadness. Kagome cocked a brow at her unsure about the look being directed her way. She’d almost mistaken that look for pity, however if it was a piteous look, Yukina very well may have been seriously injured. Kagome detested pity.

“How do you do it?”

Kagome blinked drawn from her thoughts by the soft voice.


“Block out emotion.” Yukina was truly amazed at how Kagome could do it, how Kagome could feel nothing or at the very least appear to feel nothing.

“You want my advice about blocking out emotions?” Kagome asked.


“Tell your heart you don’t care, tell your heart it will only bring you pain and eventually--your heart will believe you.”

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Yu kina stood alone in the gardens pondering what Kagome had said. It was probably true. A small sigh escaped her parted lips, she didn’t understand it. Of course she didn’t know of Kagome’s past either and she really had no right to ask. Kagome reminded her a great deal of Hiei, distant and somewhat cold. But something just felt wrong about the whole situation. If there was one thing Yukina could tell it was that Kagome had suffered.

She’d suffered more then anybody should.

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“ ;Kagome.”

“Lord Jigoku.”

Kagome glanced around wearily, Jigoku, Sesshoumaru and herself were the only ones in the room. Something told her she wouldn’t like whatever it was he had to say. Sesshoumaru’s disgruntled expression was more than enough to set her on guard. It was clearly obvious he did not want to be there either.

“What is the meaning of this?” Kagome asked bluntly, staring straight at her father. Sesshoumaru too turned towards Jigoku, questioning their purpose for being there. His answer made both their gazes turn fiery.

“WHAT?!” Two voices growled in anger.

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“ I am not sleeping with you.”

“Hn. It’s not like either of us have a choice.”

“You aren’t--”

“Take that stick out of your ass, your father approved too.”


Kagome glowered at the ground.

“I am not sleeping with you.”

“You know, you aren’t that great of a catch either.”

He growled.

She growled.

And then glaring at each other---They both charged.

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Drawn to the room by the loud noise everyone gathered outside of the meeting room. Jigoku and Inutashio had a pretty good idea of what was going on in their. Either their two children were mating in their true forms or they were going at it in a battle royale. Guess which one they were betting on.

They paused outside the door arguing about letting the others into the room until Inuyasha and Yusuke finally got fed up with waiting.

“Feh, what the hell don’t you want us to see?”


“What the fuck are you waiting for?”

Rang through simultaneously. However neither men had the chance to respond as they barely dodged the doors that came flying open, both combatants were so engrossed in their battle they didn’t even notice the stunned looks on their audiences face. Jigoku drew them behind a barrier. Wouldn’t do to have any casualties because of this ‘friendly’ fight.

“Stupid Bitch.”

“I ain’t a bitch for your information, you overgrown mutt.”

Sesshoumaru growled. Kagome snarled back in equal anger.

Extending his claws Sesshoumaru released his Dokkasu, his hand emitting a green like poisonous substance. Kagome hissed, that poison was damned potent. He wanted to play like that did he?

“I’m not having sex with you.” He stated again for the third time.

“Tu preferais pas baiser un cadavre?” Kagome taunted.


“She said, ‘Do you want to have sex with a cadaver instead?’”

Some of them turned green in disgust.

Both of them charged again, this time drawing swords, Sesshoumaru drew his Toukijin while Kagome drew her own baby Ninjouzata, the bloodshed. Both of their swords possessed equally bloodthirsty aura’s. Something about Kagome just made him lose his calm edge. And something about him made her lose her own calculating precision she was known for. Maybe because neither of them respected each other but they respected each other....Get it? No? Don’t worry.

The aura’s of the swords themselves clashed as their wielders danced the dance of blades. Both were equally matched in skill. However Sesshoumaru was slightly stronger and Kagome slightly faster. They clashed and all most could see were blurs of white and black. Eventually when both stilled it was to a stalemate. Grudging respect filled them as they sheathed their swords. Reluctantly Kagome and Sesshoumaru nodded to each other, showing a truce. For now.

“Baka.” Inuyasha muttered.

“Ama.” Inuyasha flared in challenge.

“Did you just call me a bitch, wench?”

“Your name is Inu Yasha is it not?” Kagome taunted.

“Yariman.” (Whore/Slut)

“Inu Kuso.” (Dog Shit)

“Chibi.” Kagome gave him a dry look.

“Don’t worry, Brains aren’t everything. In fact in your case they’re nothing.”

He growled, Kagome bared her fangs at him.

“Yeah, well your momma’s so ugly when she was born her mother said “What a treasure!” and her father said “Yes, let’s go bury it.” “

He actually looked happy with himself. Kagome pondered this for a minute before replying to Inuyasha wiping that smug look right off his face.

“I’d have to agree with you there.”

His jaw dropped.

“Keh. All women are idiots.”

All women present glared at him.

“And you’re a male chauvinistic piglet.” Kagome said simply.

“Hmph.” Inuyasha stated. “I am no piglet, I’ll have you know. I am a full grown pig!”

“Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru began, “Have you ever heard of the saying ‘It’s better to remain silent and have everyone believe you are a fool then to open your mouth and erase all doubt?’ You really should take it to heart.”

Kagome shot him a small smirk.

Maybe they could get along after all.

“Sesshoumaru’s right you know. Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today?”

“No, I’m not making any effort!” He replied indignantly before realizing what she said. Inuyasha was not a happy puppy, he just couldn’t seem to win.

“Wait, I didn’t mean that...I was just lost in thought!”

‘That should fix that.’ Inuyasha thought confidently.

“I see why you find yourself lost in thought--it is after all unfamiliar territory to you, isn’t it?”

He twitched.

“Ama.” He muttered.

“Tu es completement débile.”

(You are a complete imbecile.)

“What did you say?” He snarled

“She was complimenting you.” Hiten said a smirk decorating his attractive features.

Inuyasha grinned.

“Keh. I know.”

Kagome shot her brother a look that conveyed her amusement.

“Huh?” Kuwabara asked confused.

“She called him a complete imbecile.”

“That is a compliment for him, anything else (like saying he was smart) would’ve been a lie.” Kagome said, turning to hide her smirk as Inuyasha turned red in anger. Kagome walked down the hall, braid swinging behind her. No one could see the strain around her mouth of the grin threatening to find it’s way onto her face.


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Sesshoumaru sat meditating on the balcony of his room overlooking the gardens, the sky was a pitch black with wisps of red and violet. But this was the palace, he wondered to himself absently what the rest of the underworld looked like and if they’d be allowed to see it.

Probably not.

Hell was a dangerous place, but so was Makai, and so was the Ningenkai. But there was a system in all the realms. He knew hell’s system had to deal with the submissives and dominants along with masters. Perhaps he’d ask someone tomorrow.

A face flashed to mind.


She was different. At least they had a few things in common. They were skilled fighters, they despised Inuyasha, they were of royal and mostly pure blood. Mating with her would not be a disgrace considering she was of higher ranking in the youkai classification system. Being part angel. She wouldn’t bear him a child. Maybe he was to quick to judge. Besides he needed someway to relieve the tension building up. Sparing wouldn’t cut it. Two weeks. Maybe he’d soften. Maybe she’d soften to it. Maybe they’d just fuck and get it over with.

‘That woman is more trouble then she’s worth. She’s too smart.’

Sesshoumaru thought rubbing his temples.

‘Perhaps that’s part of her allure...’

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Stretching her wings, Kagome took to the sky, flying past the palace towers she recalled that afternoons bashing session of insulting Inuyasha after that eventful--spar with Sesshoumaru. It seemed out of the twelve male’s her father was making her sleep with Sesshoumaru was first on the list. Shaking her head, Kagome landed in front of a smaller but elegant home.

The guard announced her bowing respectfully. Kagome walked past him acknowledging the guard with a nod. Inside of this home was a trusted and dear friend of Kagome. A tall man with light green hair and sharp red eyes peered out at her.


“Kunshi-sama.” ;

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A/n: Okay. I thank all my reviewers on both MM.ORG and FF.NET for their reviews. Reviews are encouragement! If you have any questions, ask!