Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Mild Language, and violence
Slowly, the Arrancar's hand lowered, and pointed at Kagome, who immediately built a wall of energy around herself.
A wall of jagged, black energy shot forward, everything in its wake turning to ash and smoke.
“Bakudo 81, Danku! Bakudo 39, Enkosen! HachigyÅ SÅgai!” Kagome yelled, forming a mass of defensive energy to block the attack.
While two massive walls formed in front of the wave, a large fortress of energy took shape around their group, Kagome's demeanor unnaturally calm.
“My my, you have gotten more power. And you're even using Hachi's custom Kido, too. I'm impressed,” Urahara mused, watching as the Arrancar's attack was held off by the barriers.
“Be impressed when the attack stops,” Kagome said, power exploding around her. “I've picked up a trick or two from Hachi. You guys might want to stand back,” she said to the others, her entire body caught in a wall of pure, silver energy.
“Maybe we'll actually see something impressive,” Genkai mused, smirking as the power built more and more.
“The four crowns of the Heavens. Silver fire of the holy, shield of the righteous. Sear thine soul, and breathe justice of the dead onto the corrupt. Hado, Tenrai Kujiku!”
The building power erupted, a massive wave of silver lightning streaks crashing into the earth. The Arrancar watched in surprise as slowly, his attack began to disintegrate under the pressure of the miko's own attack, a spinning torrent of the lightning.
“Well now, that is a sight to behold,” Yoruichi said, whistling low.
The Arrancar vanished, just in time to avoid the crushing power of the miko's holy attack.
And the place where he'd been detonated, the ground completely gone with no trace of its existence besides a massive, crescent moon-shaped crater.
Kagome looked up at the sound of slow, steady clapping to find the Arrancar standing atop her barrier, smirking down at her.
“Well now, that was certainly an interesting attack. I don't remember Shinigami being that strong. Either way, I still have to slay that child you carry, I'm afraid,” he said, his voice sending a chill down Kagome's spine.
“You're not the average Arrancar,” Urahara mused, glaring up at him.
“Indeed. My name is Zetsumei, at your service,” the Arrancar said, jumping down from the barrier and giving them a mock bow. “And this is my beautiful muse,” he added, bringing up his Zanpakuto.
“Hado 90, Kurohitsugi!” Kagome yelled. reacting instantly to the power that built along his blade.
“Too late,” he sneered, diving away before the black coffin ensnared him. “Kirikorosu, Muchitsujo!”
The blade exploded, and they all watched as the Arrancar tripled in size. Slowly, the mask completed itself, forming a terrifying mask in the form of a black skull, pure red eyes glaring out from the jagged eyeholes.
Zetsumei now had six long, scorpion-like legs, and massive claws where his hands had been.
“It's a shame that half-breed's not around. I wanted to see if his dragon could hurt me,” the Arrancar said offhandedly as a corona of black energy surrounded him. “Ah, well. Danpen,” he sighed, pointing at the barrier.
Kagome's eyes widened in shock as a single, small ray of black energy shot from his extended finger, and shattered her powerful barrier the second of impact.
“What the hell!?”
Zetsumei launched, barreling into Kagome and dragging her along with him before any of the others could react.
“Well, now you're going to die, I'm afraid. If you've got last words, say them fast, but begging for mercy won't get you anything,”
Kagome's eyes narrowed, her body pinned beneath him but her arms free. She acted without thinking, planting her hands firmly on his chest.
Spirit Wave!”
His eyes widened in shock as power flooded through her body. Seconds later, he released a loud howl of pain as the entire left half off his body was decimated, his body flung impossibly hard away.
Kagome slowly returned to her feet, her breathing somewhat labored as her energy began to leave her.
“So, after six months, I'm good for this much? Master Genkai, you really are incredible,” Kagome said to the elderly psychic, her eyes still on the Arrancar.
“Yes, it is quite impressive. But I'm afraid you'll have to do better, miko bitch,” Zetsumei snarled, standing up.
Kagome's eyes widened in shock as his body suddenly regenerated, not a scratch on him. Two massive, jagged blades formed, and he launched, the weapons aiming alternatively for Kagome's stomach and throat.
Kagome lifted her hand, power building rapidly around her fingertip.
“Spirit Gun!”
The ball of energy blasted forward, smashing right into Zetsumei's chest. And, with the distraction, she launched forward, her Shikai in the air.
He had not chance of reacting as she drove both her blades down, effectively slicing him in half before she dove backwards.
“That hurt,” he snarled, making Kagome's eyes widen in shock.
Slowly, both halves ignited with the black energy, and now two, fully completed and unmarked Arrancar stood where one had been.
“That's it.”
Both Zetsumei launched, a wall of energy forming around the Spirit Detectives and trapping them.
To her credit, Kagome managed to fend off both of them adeptly with her Shikai, blocking every strike that came her way. But, slowly her energy began to drain, and nausea hit her hard. And, unfortunately, that distraction was just the chance the two needed.
Kagome watched as time slowed down, all four blades heading for her exposed throat as she went down.
Just as it was all about to end, there was a loud explosion and the ground shook. Before either Kagome or either Zetsumei could react, a painfully loud screech filled the air.
In the span of a second, a god in human shape formed before Kagome, silver hair flowing in the breeze as a massive, hellish monster of a plant rose up from the ground, completely devouring one of the Zetsumei.
And, before the other half could even register what had happened, yet another mass of roots rose up, and he was engulfed in sharp, spiny stems. Loud screams filled the air from both plants, and the man seemed to relax.
“The Mimosa and Death Tree will slay you, but rest assured that they'll take their sweet time,” a smooth, honey-like voice said from the silver-haired man.
Slowly, the man turned around, his toga-like cover swaying as he did so. Kagome's breath hitched when her eyes met with the two molten, sweet orbs of gold, their power holding her complete focus.
“Are you alright, Kagome?” he asked, his voice bringing her back to reality.
“Y… Yeah, I think so,” she said, running a quick check for any signs of anything wrong. “Thank you…”
“My pleasure,” Youko said, kneeling at her side and gently caressing her bruised face.
“Well, looks like my training's good for something after all,” Genkai said, bringing their attention to the others who'd gathered around them.
“I almost died… I thought I was better.”
“Oh, trust me. You're definitely better than before,” Yoruichi said, smiling softly.
“You didn't even think about it before you took on both of them by yourself. Admittedly a bad idea, but still impressive. Especially since you almost won,” Urahara commended.
Kagome slowly stood, a smile on her face.
“Thanks, everyone. Urahara, that wasn't a normal Arrancar.”
“No. It was stronger than any of the previous Vizards,” Urahara said, nodding.
“Yeah. If Aizen's got an army of Arrancar that can absorb other Hollows and youkai and become stronger instantly, we're going to be in trouble.”
“We'll be sure to tell the old man as soon as we get back,” Urahara said, nodding.
“I'd say you should get back to sleep, from the look of you,” Yoruichi added, noticing how pale she was.
“Ya know, normally I'd say no, but that doesn't sound like a bad idea… I just have to go check on Shippo, first. I'll do double the work tomorrow,” she added to Genkai before slowly ambling toward Yukina and her son's energies.
“She's stronger than I thought,” Genkai mused as she watched the miko head inside.
“Anyone else notice she didn't use even a tenth of what she had in `er?” Yusuke asked, eyes wide.
“If she's like that now, I can't imagine what her power will be like once she's not pregnant any more,” Urahara said, whistling at the thought.
“She might give you a run for your money, dimwit,” Genkai added, smirking. “Just think. She hasn't even mastered the fundamentals of the Spirit Wave yet, and she blew that thing in half with ease.”
“That's a scary thought,” Yusuke said, shuddering as he imagined what kind of power she really had…
Munashii- void
HachigyÅ SÅgai- Eight Joined Twin Cliffs
Tenrai Kujiku- Divine Crush (and yes, I made this up, but if Hachi can do it, so can I)
Zetsumei- death
kirikorosu- slay
muchitsujo- chaos
danpen- shred
I know, that's a lot of Japanese. Anyway, hope you're enjoying the story so far, and that you'll continue enjoying. As always, be sure to tell me your thoughts, good or negative.