Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / SD Gundam Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Realm of CHAOS!!! ❯ Day 4: Ghost of Rick and more Peeps join us ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Realm of CHAOS!!!
By: May-VeggieGirl1

-----hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! *hits ground and dies* X_________________x

RW: ...
Krysti: ...
Hiei: *still beating Kuwa* ...
Kuwa: ...
Vegeta: ...
Savay: ...
Zero: ...
Kyo: ...
Yuki: ...
Kai: ...Is that a hamster?
Baku: *peers out from under bed at floating glowing rodent* AHHHHHHHHHH!!! MY PET HAMSTER HAS RETURNED FOR REVENGE!!!
Veg. Jr.: ...What?
RW: Keh?
Emu: ...Marshmellow anyone?
RW: Shaddup.
Baku: *crying* I...I had a pet hamster when I was little...and then he bit me cause I was squeezing him too hard...and I threw him in the air...and he hit the ceiling fan!!! *bawls*
Savay: Hey, that sounds like how-
RW: Yah, that's the point.
Baku: ;_____; Please don't hurt me, Rick!!
Kai: Rick? What kind of name for a hamster is that?!
Zero: One Baku would use...
Hiei: I'm enjoying this...
RW: And the more you enjoy it, the more candy I give you!
Hiei: ...
RW: ...I mean, the more candy I give to Yukina.
Hiei: ...She likes candy?
Krysti: Who doesn't?
Veg. Jr.: Stupid people.
RW: No, Baku loves candy. But Kuwa on the other hand...>.> That reminds me, because I know nothing about Vegeta Jr. (;_;), I'm just going to invite my fav. character's most hated enemies!
Krysti: *eye twitch* *holds up baseball bat*
Veg. Jr.: What?
Frieza and Kibaomaru come in.
Fri.: What's going on here?
Kiba: ...?
RW: Welcome to the Realm of CHAOS!!! Dun worry Krysti, MY fav characters. Akito shall not be blessed with our presence!
Yuki: *takes Krysti off leash*
Savay: What about Vegeta Jr. and Hiei?
RW: As I said before, I dun know anything bout Jr.. Hiei hates everyone.
Hiei: ... *continues to beat Kuwa*
RW: >.> Yeah...Well, your here to torture and be tortured!! Example...None of you will ever see food again.
Vegeta and Veg. Jr.: =_____________________=;;
Sav: ! When did Moof get here?
Zero: ...Moof?
RW: Long story. To be breif, it depends on mentality.
Kai: How so?
RW: If you find the cup half-full, you call him Goku. If you find the cup half empty, you call him Kakarot. And if it depends on the drink, you call him Moof.
Kai: Okay...but why Moof?
Krysti & RW: 9_9 Looooooooooooooong story.
Savay: ECHO...ECHo...ECho...Echo...echo.... ^_^
RW: -.-; Mm, yeah...
Kuwa: 9_6 *too numb to feel Hiei beat him*...at least Yukina can heal my wounds once he stops beating me with a stick... (or a strange person will save you next chapter...but until then CONTINUE THE BEATINGS!!!)
Hiei: _/+ *beats harder*
Kiba: Well, if there's no food, at least I can eat people...
Everyone: <.< *scoot away from Kiba*
Savay: ...? I thought you never seen Kiba before...
RW: We haven't. We just enjoy putting titles on people we know are evil. If you come from Ark, you eat constantly. If you come from Lacroa, your a pervert.
Kyo: ...So, Shigure is from a place called Lacroa?
Savay: *lol*
Krysti: *also lol*
RW: Maybe Kakarot/Moof's from Ark and isn't a saiyan!
Vegeta: He is a saiyan...unfortunately...
RW: Work with me people. Goku/Kakarot/Moof...you are no longer a saiyan...now you are from Ark!!
Goku: *suddenly transforms into a gundam* ...? What the?
Everyone: O_O Holy!
RW: Whoops. ^^; I forgot there are no humans in Ark.
Baku: That's because Kiba ate them all.
RW: O.o; Maybe I shouldn't have brought him here...
Rick: *attacks Baku*
Krysti: O.o Moof's creepy- change him back!
RW: Ah, I'll leave it for a while.
Kai: *working on Zero shrine*
RW: It's coming along good. BUT mine's better! ;p
Kai: Is not! XP
RW: Is too! XP
Kai: Is not! XP
RW: Is too! *shows Kai her shrine*
Kai: Oh...it is... ^^;
Zero and Vegeta: T_T;;
Goku: *looks @ hands* OMG!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around like a maniac*
RW: ...Anyone up for furry-foot mammoth pee? ^^;
Krysti & Savay: O.o WTF?
Kai: -.-; another long story.
RW: You ain't kidding. IT'S FORTY PAGES LONG!?!?!??!
Savay: Oh THAT one.
Krysti: Do you still write DBZ fics?
RW: Hello, this IS a DBZ fic. But it's crossed over with SD Gundam, Yu Yu Hakasho, Fruits Basket, and DBGT. That won't be the end though.
Savay: O.o More?!?
Inu Yasha appears in a random bubble
RW: Yup. I also have Ultimate Crunchies and Munchies up on this website.
Savay: Did u update from chapter 5?
RW: Nope.
Savay: -.-+ *smacks RW over head*
RW: *punches Savay 20x's harder*
Savay: Ow...X_x
Inu: O.o What the heck?!?
RW: Up for grabs, people! Git em' while he's hot!
Krysti: He's always hot! ^~
Inu: O_o I remember you...
Krysti: Don't worry, I gave up my 128 crushes for Yuki alone! Even though you were on the top of that list...
Kai: <.< 128 crushes?! V_V That's sad.
Krysti: ^^; YUKI!!!
RW: I thought I told you not to do dat! >_<;;
Krysti: Oops. Well, it slipped my mind.
Savay: Everything slips your mind.
Krysti: Yup. ^_^
Vegeta: -.- *still as super vegeta*
RW: ^__________________^ PSYCHO SPIKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps head once again* Well, anyone out there want's Inu in their own bubble or anyone else, leave me a review, kay?
Vegeta: _/ Woman....
RW: I can't hear you!! ^_^
Vegeta: Hear this! *powers up and it blows RW off his head*
RW: ;_; Your no fun! I'm giving you a time out! xp
Vegeta: *disappears*
Savay: Where did you send him?
RW: hee hee hee...

Somewhere in Disney...
Little people: It's a small world after all! It's a small world after all! It's a small world world after all- it's a small, small world!!

RW: MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He'll behave...he will... *laughs evilly again*
Veg. Jr.& Hiei: O_o
Savay: Kyo and Goten! In my little bubble! ^_^ All for ME!
RW: Which reminds me...
Chester from Linkin Park appears in a seperate bubble like Inu.
Ches: ???
Savay & RW: CHESTER!!! ^____^
Savay: ...*looks at RW*
RW: ...*looks at Savay*
RW & Savay: MINE!!!
RW: Mine!! XP
Savay: No, MINE! XP
Savay: MINE! XP
Rick: *gnawing at Baku's head*
Baku: MAKE IT STOP!!!! ;___________________;
RW: Well, I'm the author! XP
Savay: Well, I'm your neighbor! XP
RW: I'll tell these people your name!
Savay: I'll tell these people YOUR name!
RW; I'll give them your address! XP
Savay: And your address is right next to mine! XP
RW: Well, Chester likes me more! XP
Savay: No, I bet he likes ME more! Besides, I have a poster of him!!
RW: SO?!? _/+
Savay: SO?!? _/+
Goten: ...*eating a brownie*
Kai: ...I'm gonna ask.
Krysti: Niether will I.
RW: You wouldn't get it, cause you two are blondes!
Kai & Krysti: Hey! We're blonde's and PROUD of it!...you...you...not blonde people!! XP
Veg. Jr.: Hm. They're all fighting.
Zero: -.-;; Whew. Kai didn't do anything to me today...
Hiei: *gets out sword to finish off Kuwa*
Kuwa: Meep! >_<;;; *can't look*
Goku: *still running in circles* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri: ...Yeah. 9_9 I'm gonna go masterbait over here.
Veg. Jr.: *eye twitch* *blasts frieza into oblivion*
Kiba: ...I wonder if I could eat the bubble...