Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Truth or Dare: Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi.
[The group was in a basement with a rug floor. On one couch sat Kagome between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. The two brothers faced opposite direction, refusing to look at each other. Sango sat beside the couch. Yusuke was in the recliner with Keiko on his lap. On the other couch Kuwabara and Yukina sat next to each other; Shizuru sat on the other end. Kurama and Hiei were on the floor, leaning against the TV stand. Kenshin and Kaoru crouched on the floor. Sanosuke was trying out the Bowflex. Botan lay on the table, carefully dogging the refreshments.]
Kaoru: What should we start the party with?
Kuwabara: Um...good question...
Hiei: How about we have death matches?
Yusuke: How about not?
Kagome: We could play "Cocktail Party."
Kenshin: What's that?
Kagome: It's where one person is the host of a party, and all the other people come to the party pretending to be different people or things. The host has to guess who they are pretending to be.
Botan: I know! "Truth or Dare"!
All boys: Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
All girls: Yeeeeeeessssssss!!!!!!!
Yukina: That's an excellent idea, Botan.
[Suddenly, there was a thump of the stairs. Everyone looked up to see a girl coming down. She had blueish-black hair and navy eyes. She was wearing Jean shorts with a Yu-Gi-Oh! T-shirt, carrying a large bowl of Cool Ranch Doritos.]
Sango: You can put those chips right next to Botan, Ayumi.
Girl: [placing bowl on the table] Have you decided what we're going to do?
Sanosuke: Apparently, we're going to play "Truth or Dare."
Ayumi: [sitting next to Shizuru] Excellent! I love that game!
Shizuru: Too bad none of the boys do.
Kurama: Who's going first?
Botan: Oh, me! Me! Pick me!
Kurama: Go ahead.
Botan: Okay, Kuwabara, truth or dare?
Kuwabara: Hmmmmm...Heck, I'll be daring. Dare!
Botan: I dare you to jump off the roof, onto the trampoline, and back on the roof.
Kuwabara: What!!!???
Shizuru: This should be entertaining.
[Kuwabara went upstairs to climb out the skylight. Everyone else went out the back door.]
Kuwabara: [standing on the roof] That's a long way down...
Yukina: You can do it, Kazuma!
[Kuwabara looked down at Yukina and smiled happily. Then, he jumped. He landed on the trampoline really hard, which caused one of the legs to break.]
Kuwabara: [hitting the ground] Ouch!
Ayumi: Hey, that was expensive! You'd better pay for that!
[Yukina runs over to Kuwabara to see if he's all right. All the boys burst out laughing. Then, they went back inside and sat in the same places they were before.]
Kenshin: Ah, Kuwabara, did you close the skylight?
Kuwabara: OOPS...
Ayumi: Do it! I don't want my living room floor to be wet when it rains!
Kurama: The weather forecast said "light showers" for tonight.
[Kuwabara left to close the skylight.]
[A few minutes later, he came back.]
Kuwabara: Okay, it's my turn. Hmmm...Kaoru, truth or dare?
Kaoru: Truth, please.
Sanosuke: After that, I don't think anyone will want a dare anymore.
Kuwabara: Are you in looovvvve with Kenshin?
Kenshin: [falling over backwards] Ohh......
Kaoru: [blushing] Um....ah....um....
Kagome: You have to answer it!
[Miscellaneous "c'mon"s rose from the crowd.]
Kaoru: [annoyed by the prompting and shouting] YES!!!!
[Silence immediately overcame the group. But not for long. Soon, they were laughing (except for Kenshin and Kaoru, that is).]
Kaoru: Let's just see who's laughing after I get through with you!
Keiko: Uh-oh, it's her turn!
Kaoru: [with an evil look in her eyes] Sango...truth or dare?