Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Truth or Dare: Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan.
Kaoru: [with an evil look in her eyes] Sango...truth or dare?
Sango: [slaps herself in the head] Just great...Let's see. I'll take a -
[*thump* They looked up at the staircase to see another girl - shorter than the first - with black hair and black eyes. She was wearing khakis and a maroon sleeveless tee, carrying a HUMENGEOUS bowl of Nacho Cheese Doritos.]
Girl: Sorry I'm late, but the store didn't have any nachos so I had to get this. I also got this for later. [She holds up an empty, glass bottle.] *wink*
[The girl sat next to the table Botan was on.]
Yusuke: Hi, Esanan. Just lay those on the table.
Botan: Watch out for me, though.
Esanan: What are you doing?
Sango: We're playing "Truth or Dare." I'll have a dare.
Kaoru: I dare you to slide down the banister on your boomerang into a bucket of pig slop mixed with water and glue.
Sango: Oh, lord.
Inuyasha: How is she supposed to do that!?
Ayumi: Kurama?
[Kurama nodded instantly. He reached into his hair and pulled out a large bucket (5x5x5), a package of "instant pig slop", a gallon of Elmer's wood glue, a gallon of water, and a large wooden spoon. The casts from Inuyasha and Rurouni Kenshin gaped, along with Esanan.]
Kurama: [mixing the concoction] Here you go.
Sango: [in a high-pitched voice] Ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!
Esanan: I think I'll go get an umbrella.
[Esanan walked over to Kurama. She reached in his hair and pulled out 16 umbrellas. Kurama didn't look too happy about this. Esanan tossed an umbrella to everybody. Sango got ready to slide, while Kurama laid the pig- slop-mixture at the end of the banister. Everybody readied their umbrellas.]
Sango: [hopping on her boomerang] Gerannimo!!!!!
[Sango slid the banister in the blink of an eye. She made a huge splash when she landed in the goop. Pig slop went flying everywhere. A minute or so after the splash, umbrellas started uncovering faces. Sango was stepping out of the bucket with a disgusted look on her face.]
Ayumi: You can use our shower if you want.
Sango: Thanks.
Hiei: No need for that.
[Suddenly, the room was engulfed by heat, which melted away all the muck. Kurama picked up the bucket and stuffed it back in his hair.]
Esanan: Darn it, I wanted to clean the boomerang.
Kenshin: Who's next?
Sango: Hmm...Keiko, truth or dare?
Keiko: Me? Oh no! Um...truth.
Sango: Which boy in this room is the cutest - besides Yusuke?
Keiko: Besides Yusuke? Then that would be, Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: [blushing] *snort*
Kagome: [giggling] It's the doggy-ears that does the job.
Keiko: Now it's my turn. Yusuke, truth or dare?
Yusuke: Ah, truth.
Keiko: Who's the prettiest girl in the room besides me?
Yusuke: Probably...Yukina.
Kuwabara: Hey, Urimeshi!
Yukina: *giggle*
Yusuke: Okay, my turn. Sesshomaru...truth or dare?
[All eyes turned to the silent Sesshomaru. He had not uttered a word yet this day.]
Sesshomaru: Dare.