Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Spin the Bottle: Part 1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself (at fanficion.net).
[When Botan came back from washing her hands, the group was ready for a new game. Esanan had to leave, for it was her bedtime.]
Sanosuke: What game are we playing now?
Botan: I say-
Kaoru: Uh-uh, Botan. You got to choose the first game.
Botan: *sigh* All right. But you have to admit it was a good game.
Ayumi: I have the perfect idea for a game!
[Ayumi stood up. She walked behind the counter at the back of the room. A few minutes later, she reappeared, holding the empty, glass bottle that Esanan had brought when she first came down.]
Yusuke: Are you suggesting the game I think you're going to suggest?
Kagome: [excited] "Spin the Bottle"!?
[Ayumi nodded. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Sanosuke had sly expressions on their faces. Inuyasha, Kenshin, and Hiei looked seriously displeased; Kurama only slightly. Sesshomaru was staring into space. All the girls had dreamy eyes, except for Shizuru and Sango, who showed no opinion.]
Kenshin: Oro...
Kaoru: [sarcastically] Is something wrong, Kenshin?
Kenshin: [shaking his head vigorously] No, no. Not at all, Miss Kaoru.
Sango: It's a good thing Miroku isn't here.
Voice: Did somebody say my name?
[Everybody looked up to find the source of the voice. On the stairs stood none other than the perverted monk himself. Misao was standing next to him.]
Inuyasha crew: [screaming] AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Miroku: [sitting next to Sango] I'm offended...
Sango: [edging away from Miroku] Why do I get stuck with Mister Pervert?
Inuyasha: You're just lucky, I guess.
Misao: [bounding across the room] Hi everyone!!! Aren't you happy to see me!? [Everyone looked away, humming or whistling.] Humph! [She sat on top of the TV.] So, what did I miss?
Kuwabara: We finished playing "Truth or Dare," and we're about to start "Spin the Bottle."
Misao: [upset] You played "Truth or Dare" without ME!? That's one of my favorite games! [back to normal] Oh well. At least I get to play my other favorite.
Botan: [to Misao] If Aoshi were here, you'd like it a lot better, huh?
Misao: [dreamy] Oh, Aoshi....[singing] Sono aoku kooru hitomi, kono mune ni dakishimetai...
Hiei: Look what you did, Botan! Now she's singing "Ice Blue Eyes"!!!
Botan: [nervous] Now, now, no need to be angry!
Keiko: Calm down, Hiei. Let's all get in a circle so we can start.
[Everyone crowded into a circle. In order to yank Sesshomaru off the couch, Inuyasha needed the help of everyone in the room (much to his displeasure). As Ayumi laid the bottle in the middle of the group, they heard a loud *crash*, followed by an *ooph*! They looked over to see Kenshin face-first into the floor with a girl on top of him. She had blond hair pulled into a ponytail and blue eyes. She was wearing blue jeans and a pink tank top.]
Girl: You forgot about me! I have to play, too!
Kurama: Who are you?
Girl: [getting off of Kenshin, sitting next to him] You can call me "Kilala Li Fang."
Hiei: [to Ayumi] Do you know her?
Ayumi: Yep. I met her at a fanfiction convention.
Shizuru: How should we decide who goes first?
Ayumi: First, RULES! One: It's the closest person of the OPPOSITE GENDER the bottle points to, and TWO: You have to kiss mouth-to-mouth for at least two seconds - as in "one Mississippi, two Mississippi."
Miroku: [interested] Mouth-to-mouth...mmmm.....
Kuwabara: [to Ayumi] Why do you get to make all the rules!?
Kurama: Because it's her house.
Shizuru: Back to my question...
Yukina: [shrugging] How about we go in backward alphabetical order?
Kagome: But that means YOU go first!
Kaoru: No, it doesn't. Yusuke goes first. They both begin with the first two letters, and "k" comes before "s" in the alphabet.
Sanosuke: And since we're doing it backwards...
Yusuke: I'M going!
[He spun the bottle around really fast. After a minute or so, it came to a stop, pointing to...]