Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Circle of Truths: Part 1 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, Inufox of an anonymous reviewer, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
[After everyone collected all the candy they could, they sat down in the same seats as at the beginning of the party. Inufox, Kia, and Kilala Li Fang crowded around Hiei, Morgan sat to the right of Kurama, Kouga sat in between Sesshomaru and Kagome, and Aoshi sat in between the Inuyasha-cast- filled couch and the recliner. Just as Botan was climbing on the refreshment table, there was another loud *thunk*. Botan fell to the ground, slipping on the table, which also caused the table to flip over and fall on top of her.]
Botan: [muffled] Owchie...
Aoshi: Did somebody say my name?
Esanan: [walking down the stairs] Good morning people!
[Esanan came down the stairs holding two platters full of donuts, muffins, eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, cups, and a variety of juices. Behind her was Esanan's and Ayumi's mom, also holding two platters full of pancakes, waffles, crepes, syrup, sugar, cereals, milk, bowls, plates, spoons, and forks.]
Esanan: Who wants breakfast?
Everyone: I DO!!!!!!!!!!
[Esanan and Mrs. Tamahaki laid the platters on the floor. Everyone dove for the food at lightning speed. Botan flipped the table over in order to crawl out, then leaped for the food as well. Mrs. Tamahaki went back upstairs.]
Shizuru: This is very good, Esanan. How did you make it?
Esanan: Very delicately.
Sanosuke: I didn't realize it was breakfast time already.
Misao: Time flies when you're having fun!
Kouga: Speaking of fun, we played "Spin the Bottle" without you, Esanan.
Esanan: Whoa - when did YOU get here!?
Kuwabara: Kouga, Miroku, Misao, Aoshi, Kilala Li Fang, Inufox, and Kia came after you went to bed.
Kia: I'm surprised he remembered them all.
Keiko: He didn't. Yukina was whispering the names to him.
Yukina: *blush*
Kagome: I don't think I've ever had a party with this many people.
Kaoru: And a good thing, too!
Inufox: How many people ARE there?
Botan: Let's see...[looks around the room] I count 25 people.
Ayumi: And to think, at the beginning there were only 18.
Hiei: Did your mother notice there were more people than there were yesterday?
Ayumi: I don't think she cares as long as there's enough room for all of us.
Inuyasha: There's barely enough room!
Kenshin: So...What are we going to play next?
Kilala Li Fang: "Circle of Truths"?
Miroku: I've never heard of that game before.
Kurama: I have. It's where someone asks a question, and everyone answers it going around in a circle.
Morgan: That sounds cool! Let's play it.
Sango: We don't have to move though, because we're already sort of in a circle.
Voice: Care if I join?
[Heads turned towards the stairs. Yami (from Yu-Gi-Oh!) stood on the bottom step. Ayumi rushed over to him.]
Ayumi: [giving Yami a hug] YAMI!!!
Everyone else: Awwwwwwwww.....
Yami: [blushing; returning the hug] Hi sweety.
Yusuke: What are you doing here?
Ayumi: [letting go of Yami] Yami and I are going bowling later!
Yukina: Come join the game, Yami.
[Ayumi sat back down next to Shizuru. Yami sat down on Ayumi's left.]
Yami: What are you guys playing?
Shizuru: It's called "Circle of Truths."
Sanosuke: Who wants to ask the first question?
Esanan: I will! Um...If you had to date someone in this room, who would it be?
Kouga: Nice question.
Kuwabara: Aoshi, you're first.
Everyone else: Oooooooooooo.....
[Misao crossed her fingers.]
Aoshi: *sigh* I guess...Misao.
Misao: YES!!! [Misao suddenly sat up straight, hitting her head against the ceiling.] Ouch! The ceiling is REALLY hard!
Kilala Li Fang: I think we could have guessed.
Kia: Are you all right Misao?
Misao: [rubbing her head] I think so...Ayumi, do you have any Advil left?
[Ayumi tossed Misao the bottle of Advil.]
Keiko: It's amazing Sanosuke didn't use all of it.
Kagome: I think he's knows it's dangerous to your health to take too much medicine.
Sanosuke: [surprised] It is?
Inufox: I'm afraid so.
Botan: Let's just get on with answering the question!
Hiei: It's your turn, Yusuke.
Yusuke: Hel-lo! Keiko!
Keiko: And I pick Yusuke, of course.
Inuyasha: What about you, Sanosuke?
Sanosuke: Uh...