Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Circle of Truths: Part 5 ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
Yami: Sesshomaru has to answer it first!
Sesshomaru: Now I will go sit in a corner far, far away...
Sango: Like you're getting out of it that easily!
Sesshomaru: Watch me.
[Sesshomaru walked across the room. Then he stood in the opening of the hall for a few minutes.]
Ayumi: Uh...Sesshomaru, do you know the way around my basement?
[Sesshomaru shook his head. Everyone else Anime-fell.]
Kagome: The library is the first door on the left.
Sesshomaru: [walking into the library] Thanks.
Morgan: You have a library in your house!?
Esanan: Yeah, but it's pretty small.
Miroku: I've never realized how big your house was...
Ayumi: And you haven't even been to the second floor!
Kurama: You have a second floor, as well!?
Kilala Li Fang: Where else would the bedrooms be?
Kenshin: This is kind of off subject, that it is.
Kaoru: Oh, yeah. Too bad Sesshomaru didn't answer.
Aoshi: I believe I know who he would have said.
Botan: Really? Who do you figure?
Aoshi: Why, Kagome, of course.
[Kagome blushed.]
Keiko: Kagome, I'm afraid you have three bishounen after you!
Kagome: Oh, why me?!?
Kia: You're just lucky, I guess.
Kouga: But no one else will get MY Kagome!
Inuyasha: Just keep on telling yourself that...
Kouga: I think I will, because it's TRUE!!!
Inuyasha: What world are YOU living in!?!?
Kuwabara: They're going to start fighting again...
Misao: I'm betting they're going to fight AT LEAST 10 more times before the morning's over.
Sanosuke: How much do you want to put up?
Misao: I'm not REALLY betting!!!
Shizuru: It's just a saying, Sanosuke.
Yukina: We really should get along with the game...
Yusuke: Go ahead, Hiei.
Hiei: [looking at Kia and Kilala Li Fang] What about them?
Yami: We'll just count them as your girlfriends.
Kilala Li Fang: Even though I'M his real girlfriend!
Sango: Here we go again...
[Kilala Li Fang and Kia glared at each other.]
Morgan: So, what'll it be, Hiei?
Hiei: [looking around the room] Um...how about...ALL OF YOU GIRLS!!!
Miroku: I believe Misao said singular "girl."
Kurama: It's okay. That's probably the best answer we're going to get out of him anyway.
Kenshin: It's now Kia's turn, that it is.
Kia: Well, from my experiences, I have learned that there are two boys - out of the ones in this room - who EVERYONE thinks are the hottest.
Keiko: I see! So all us girls could say their names at the same time!
Kagome: On the count of three - One...two...three!
All the girls: HIEI AND INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!
Hiei: [blushing like mad] Inuyasha, will you do the honors?
Inuyasha: [twitching and blushing like mad] My pleasure...
Inuyasha and Hiei: HELP!!!!! THE FANGIRLS ARE AFTER US!!!!!!!!!!
[Hiei and Inuyasha rushed down the hall and into the laundry room.]
Aoshi: You girls are extremely weird...
Botan: You're just jealous!
Kaoru: Did anyone besides me realize that Aoshi used that unusable phrase?
Keiko: [glaring at Aoshi] Oh, yeah...Your right, Botan!
Aoshi: [confused] What did I do?
Kilala Li Fang: The number one rule of talking to girls is that you never, NEVER begin a sentence with the phrase, "You girls"!!!
[All the girls - except for Misao - glare menacingly at Aoshi.]
Misao: [sweetly] Lighten up, girls! I'm sure he didn't mean to! Right, Aoshi?
Aoshi: Uh...right...
Kouga: I've learned that people are weird in general.
Kuwabara: Yeah, but some are weirder than others!
Esanan: Like you, for instance.
Sanosuke: Uh, oh, Kuwabara...they're going to start teasing us again!
Shizuru: Let's just get along with the game...
Yukina: It's so sweet how she defends him like that!
Shizuru: Yukina!!! Not you, too!?
Yusuke: The virus must be spreading!!!
Sango: But she's right that we should get back to the game.
Morgan: Okay - whose turn is it?
Miroku: Well, we can skip all the girls since they already said their answer.
Kurama: Therefore, it's Yami's turn.
Yami: [looking around] Okay, um...I'll say...Sango, I guess.
[Sango blushed a little.]
Kuwabara: I will say Botan!
Kenshin: Kuwabara has a thing for blue-haired girls, that he does.
Kaoru: That's certainly true. He's gone after Botan, and now he's after Yukina!
Ayumi: So, Kenshin, what's your answer?