Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Circle of Truths: Part 6 ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
Ayumi: So, Kenshin, what's your answer?
Kenshin: Oro...[looks blank] I am...undecided? That I am?
Botan: Oh, come on! You have to pick someone!
Aoshi: How about we take a vote?
Kagome: You mean, you guys vote on who you - as a whole - think is the hottest girl?
Aoshi: Exactly.
Keiko: You're just trying to make it easier for yourself.
Kia: Yeah! This way, he doesn't have to say his choice out loud.
Kouga: Some people are such cowards.
Misao: And you really want to say someone's hot besides Kagome?
Kouga: [confused] Huh? Why would I have to do that?
Kuwabara: Because we would consider Kagome as your girlfriend for this question.
Kouga: [slightly blushing] Oh...Hey!!! What do you mean by "for this question"!? Kagome's my girlfriend PERIOD!!!!!
[Kouga gave Kagome a hug, which she didn't seem to like too much.]
Esanan: Good thing Inuyasha isn't here.
Sanosuke: Darn it! No fighting this time!
Shizuru: [to Sanosuke] You do realize you're obsessed with fighting, right?
Sanosuke: [nodding] Yep! Of course!
Yukina: Well, why don't you boys go into the bathroom or the storage and do your voting?
Yusuke: [standing up] Okay - off we go!
[The rest of the boys followed Yusuke into the storage room.]
Sango: What do y'all want to talk about while their gone?
Kilala Li Fang: "Y'all"? Since when did you become a southerner?
Sango: Tokyo's in the southern half of Japan.
Morgan: She means a southerner from America, like Yami and the gang.
Kaoru: Don't the northerners use "y'all" too?
Morgan: Some of them - I guess it kind of "migrated."
Ayumi: But you have to admit, it is fun to say!
Botan: You know, this room is about half empty without the guys.
Kagome: I prefer to look at it as half full.
Esanan: I'd say "half-and-half."
Keiko: Well, it's not half whatever anymore - here they come!
Yusuke: [coming from storage] We are victorious!!!
[All the boys, who have emerged from the storage room, sweat-dropped.]
Miroku: By a majority vote, the hottest girl of this party is...
[Miroku handed Yami a slip of paper.]
Yami: [reading paper] YUKINA!!!
All girls: Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!
[Yukina blushed a VERY deep red.]
Kia: Guys, that was so sweet of you!
Kuwabara: [rushing over to Yukina] Now everybody's jealous of MY girlfriend!
Aoshi: Now that that's over with, we need another question.
Kouga: But first, we need Hiei and Inuyasha to come back!
Sanosuke: Why do you want Inuyasha to come back?
Shizuru: [sarcastically] So he can give you some more "quality entertainment."
Sanosuke: COOL!!!
[Everyone except for Sanosuke Anime-fell.]
Everyone: [calling] HIEI AND INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!
Inuyasha: [coming out of the laundry room with Hiei] Do you guys think you could yell any louder? I don't think they heard you on PLUTO!!!!!
Kagome: SIT!!! [Inuyasha crashed to the floor.] Kouga, would you drag him over here for me?
Kouga: Anything for you, Kagome!
[Kouga dragged Inuyasha back on the couch, then sat down himself. All the other boys took their seats as well.]
Yukina: What about Sesshomaru?
Sesshomaru: [coming out of the library] Don't bother yelling.
[Sesshomaru sat down between Miroku and Kouga.]
Yusuke: So, does anyone have a question?
Kurama: I have one: If you could get anything at all for your birthday, what would you want?
Misao: I'm first! I would want to be with Aoshi-sama for the rest of our lives!!!!!
[Aoshi blushed slightly and looked at the floor.]
Yami: [to Ayumi] Sometimes, I'm soooooo glad you're not hyperactive.
Ayumi: I'm just plain active!
Sango: What would you want, Hiei?
Hiei: I would like a device that detected and identified any fangirls within a five-mile radius.
Morgan: What about my sister?
Hiei: And stunned them.
Morgan: I thought so.
Kia: I would want Hiei to love me and be with me forever and ever and ever!!!
Kilala Li Fang: [glaring at Kia] Same here.
Shizuru: I want my brother to stop being stupid.
Kuwabara: I'm not stupid!!!
Miroku: [sarcastically] And I'm not perverted.
Kilala Li Fang: [to Miroku] You know you just admitted you're perverted, right?
Miroku: [shrugging] If everyone says I am, I probably am.
Kaoru: And everyone says that Kuwabara is stupid, so...
Kuwabara: [yelling] I AM NOT STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inuyasha: Whatever you say, Kuwabara...
Kenshin: What about you, Ayumi?
Ayumi: AOSHI'S COAT!!!!!!
[Aoshi shrank back and pulled his coat closer.]
Aoshi: [muttering] My coat...
Hiei: [to Ayumi] Why the heck do you want his coat?
Ayumi: It's just so darn cool!!!
Yami: I'd like to be Pharaoh again.
Yukina: I'd like to find my brother...
[Ayumi, Kia, Kilala Li Fang, Morgan, Esanan, Botan, Yusuke, and Kurama snickered softly.]
Kuwabara: I would like for Yukina and me to be together for all times!!!!!
Botan: I'm sure you would, Kuwabara!
Kagome: Yukina, I feel sorry for you...
Kia: Why? You think being that loved by one person is worse than being loved by three guys?
Inuyasha+Sesshomaru: [yelling] SHUT UP!!!!!!!
Keiko: I think being in denial is worse than both those scenarios.
Yami: Denial is a river in Egypt.
Kouga: I like it better when they're drowning in denial!
Misao: Anyway...what's your answer, Botan?