Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Circle of Truths: Part 7 ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
Misao: Anyway...what's your answer, Botan?
Botan: I would like a kayak paddle.
Esanan: Kayak paddle!?
Botan: So I can go forwards or backwards without turning around!
All: Oooooooooooohhh...
Sanosuke: [dumbfounded] I don't get it.
[Everyone else sweat-dropped.]
Sanosuke: What? No Anime-falling?
Yukina: You don't deserve an Anime-fall - only smart people do.
Sanosuke: [Anime-falls] Argh...
Yusuke: Nice one, Yukina!
[Yusuke high-fived Yukina. She blushed slightly.]
Yami: Apparently we're releasing our true selves today.
Sango: [glancing suspiciously at Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Shizuru] Not all of us...
Shizuru: [glaring at Sango] Aaanyway...Kenshin, what's your answer?
Kenshin: [Battousai-like] I would want my past to be changed...
[Everyone gave Kenshin strange looks.]
Kenshin: [normal] Uh...that I would?
Kaoru: [gradually getting angry] I would want Yahiko to stop being such a BRAT and to respect me more and SANOSUKE to pay for what he EATS and KENSHIN to stop being OBLIVIOUS all the time and FOR ME TO COOK BETTER!!!!! [By now, she was screaming]
[Everyone stared at Kaoru with wide eyes. After she calmed down, she realized that everyone was looking at her, so she blushed a little in embarrassment.]
Kaoru: [innocent-like] Uh...Please?
Miroku: [to Kaoru] You are very demanding.
Kaoru: Only when I'm not given whatever I want!
Morgan: Apparently, you don't get what you want very often.
Kaoru: [sad] You're right, I don't...
[Kaoru suddenly burst into tears. Kenshin desperately tried to calm her down, but it didn't work. Then everyone else tried too, but nothing worked.]
Kilala Li Fang+Hiei: [restraining the urge to shake Kaoru] SHE'S NOT SHUTTING UP!!!!!!!
[Kilala Li Fang and Hiei looked at each other, then turned away, blushing.]
Sesshomaru: I know how to make her quiet.
[Sesshomaru suddenly smacked Kaoru on the head REALLY hard.]
Kaoru: OOOWWWWW!!!!! [glares at Sesshomaru] What the jigoku was that for!!!!?!!? YOU'RE SUCH A TEINOUSHA, YOU YAROU!!!!!!!!!
Kurama: What on earth did you DO to her, Sesshomaru!?
Kenshin: Miss Kaoru! Are you all right!?
Kaoru: [blinking] Huh? [sweetly] Of course, Kenshin, I'm fine!
[Everyone stared at Kaoru in wonder.]
Inuyasha: [twitching] I think she needs a kenshin.
Yami: Why does she need him more than usual?
Ayumi: That's not what he meant. She needs him, too, but "kenshin" is the Japanese word for a medical examination.
Yami: Oooooooohhhh...
Kenshin: I never knew that, that I didn't.
Aoshi: Kaoru's right - you ARE oblivious.
[Kenshin glared his Battousai-glare at Aoshi.]
Botan: We're glad you're back to normal, Kaoru!
Kaoru: I'm glad I am, too. That was EXTREMELY weird.
Kagome: You can say that again!
Kaoru: That was EXTREMELY weird.
Keiko: Well, now that that's over with...Sango, what's your answer to the question?
Sango: I would like Miroku to stop being perverted!
Esanan: That's asking quite a lot.
[Miroku glared at Esanan.]
Kouga: Hey Sango, is that so you can like him better?
[Sango glared at Kouga menacingly.]
Kia: You know, Sango, you're hypocritical.
Sango: How is that?
Kia: A while ago, you said, "Not all of us..." to Yami's comment, "Apparently we're releasing our true selves today."
Misao: And you're one of those who aren't!
[Sango looked surprised for a moment, then she snorted and looked away.]
Miroku: For me, I would like Sango to admit that I'm her koishii.
[Everyone besides Miroku and Sango snickered.]
Sango: [staring at Miroku] IN YOUR DREAMS!!!
Kuwabara: I want to know what Sesshomaru wants...[looks at Sesshomaru]
Sesshomaru: I want Inuyasha to have never been born.
Sanosuke: Jeeze...You're not very nice!
Shizuru: That's an understatement.
Kouga: I would like my dear Kagome and I to be together forever and always!!!
Yukina: [confused] Isn't that already going to happen?
Kouga: Oh, yeah...you're right!
[Kagome blushed a deep red.]