Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Circle of Truths: Part 8 ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
Kagome: Hmmmm...I would want my friends at school to stop convincing me to go out with Hoji!
All except Kagome+Ayumi: Who's Hoji?
Kagome: He's the classic "perfect guy" at my school.
Ayumi: And Kagome's three other friends at school keep on trying to convince her to go out with him.
[Kouga, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru noticeably growled.]
Kuwabara: Wait - how do you know that, Ayumi?
Ayumi: We go to the same school.
Yami: [to Kuwabara] Or have you not noticed that we're in Tokyo?
[Kuwabara glared at Yami.]
Sango: I think I already know, but what would you want, Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: TO KILL NARAKU!!!!!!!!
Sango: Thought so...
Esanan: I would want a cocoa bean tree so I can grow my own chocolate.
Miroku: What a delicious idea!
Morgan: [to Esanan] Would you share with us?
Esanan: [ponderous] Hmmmmmmmm...
Kilala Li Fang: What does that mean?
Kurama: Maybe she hasn't decided yet.
Esanan: I don't think I have to decide, because I don't have the cocoa tree yet!
Kenshin: It is unlikely that you will get it ever, that it is.
Kaoru: Darn! No chocolate!
[Everyone looked at Kaoru strangely, but then they realized they felt the same way.]
Inuyasha: How do we know what chocolate is when it wasn't discovered until after the Feudal Era?
Kouga: That's a good question...
Hiei: [to Kouga] You know you just agreed with Inuyasha, right?
Kouga: [startled] Huh? What!? No I didn't!!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Ayumi: Anyway...what would you want, Aoshi?
Aoshi: I would like an apparatus that copied items, so that I could multiply my coat and auction off the copies.
Kagome: On ebay?
Botan: [with narrowed eyes] Interesting...
Keiko: [to Aoshi] You'd get a lot of money for that!
Kuwabara: I think Ayumi would go crazy...
[Ayumi acquired a sly look on her face, making everyone else slightly nervous.]
Yusuke: Well...I would want all the evil demons to disappear!!!
Misao: That's really nice of you, Yusuke!
Yusuke: What are you talking about? It's so I can finally get some R and R!
[Misao Anime-fell. Unfortunately, since she was on top of the TV, she fell off of it and on to Hiei.]
Misao: [blushing] Oh! S-sorry Hiei!
Kilala Li Fang: [pushing Misao off] HEY!!! Get off my boyfriend, girl!!!
Misao: I said I was sorry!
Kia: [pushing Kilala Li Fang ON to Hiei] He's MY BOYFRIEND!!!!!
[When Kia pushed Kilala Li Fang on to Hiei, she momentarily forgot that was something Kilala wanted. (Hehe...^_^) Kilala smiled hugely, while Hiei looked incredibly disturbed. Meanwhile, Esanan was storming over to them.]
Kia: [shoving Kilala Li Fang aside] Get off him!!!
Esanan: [surprising everybody and shoving Kia away] Hiei's MY boyfriend!
[The three girls started fighting each other, while everybody else watched in amazement.]
[Yusuke punched Sanosuke, who fell off the Bowflex.]
Sanosuke: [half-consciously] Boooooooo...More fighting!
[Sanosuke fully conked out.]
Hiei: [yelling] STOP IT!!!!!!!!!
Kia+Kilala+Esanan: [stopping abruptly] Huh?
[Everyone looked at Hiei confused and expectantly.]
Hiei: [loudly] Why the hell do you have to fight all the time!?!?
Kia+Kilala+Esanan: [confused] Why? Over you, of course!
Shizuru: [to no one in particular] What else would they fight over?
Hiei: [to Kia, Kilala, and Esanan] If I gave each of you a hug, would you stop?
Esanan: Okydoky!
Kia: Hmmmmmmmm...
Kilala Li Fang: How about a kiss instead?
[The rest of the room snickered softly, but then gasped when Hiei gave each of the three girls a quick peck on the cheek. He then turned around and faced the TV. Esanan, Kilala Li Fang, and Kia sighed in unison.]
Yukina: That was really sweet!
Yusuke: So, now that that's over...What would you want for your birthday, Keiko?
Keiko: I guess I would like all evil demons to disappear, too.
Yami: That way Yusuke won't have to go on any more missions.
Keiko: Right. He wouldn't be in any more danger, and the world would be safer, too!
Sesshomaru: Aren't you the goodie-goodie?
Sango: Oh, shut up, Sesshomaru!
Morgan: Guys, it's Sanosuke's turn, and he's kind of unconscious...
Kurama: We'll just continue, and when he wakes up we can ask him.
Miroku: He probably would want the world to be full of fighting, anyway.
Kenshin: I don't really understand him, that I do not.
Kaoru: I await the day where someone does! Who wasn't a member of the Sekihoutai, of course.
[After a few moments, every one slowly turned their heads to look at Shizuru, who snorted.]
Shizuru: Don't say a word, and get along with the game.
Morgan: Well, I would like lots and lots of roses!
Kurama: [smiling semi-proudly] I have everything that I would like right here with me.
Ayumi: Awwww...that's so awesome!
Inuyasha: [to Kurama] Come on, there must be something you want!
Kurama: [shrugging] World Peace?
Botan: You can't get that for your birthday!
Hiei: You can't get half the stuff we want for your birthday.
Kagome: That is very true!
Keiko: Now all we need is for Sanosuke-
Sanosuke: [jerks upright] WhoWhatWhereWhyWhenHow!?
Kia: Woa! Calm down, Sanosuke!
Kouga: You're awake just in time!
Sanosuke: In time for what?
Kuwabara: You have to answer the "Circle of Truths" question.
Sanosuke: Oh...I would the world to be full of fighting!!!
Miroku: I'm right!!! I have ESP!!!
Misao: I highly doubt the latter, Miroku.
Esanan: He can have it if it stands for Extremely Stupid Personality!
[Miroku angrily tried to hit Esanan with his staff, but missed and hit the couch instead. Surprisingly, this caused it to bend.]
Miroku: What the jigoku!?!? CHIKUSO BAKA YAROU!!!!! OUSHIKUSO, TEINOUSHA!!!!!
[Miroku furiously tried to bend his staff back into shape.]
Shizuru: You desperately need to chill.
[Shizuru walked over to Miroku, grabbed the staff out of his hands, and easily bent it back.]
Miroku: [flabbergasted] Wha...? How'd you do that?
[Shizuru shrugged and walked back to her seat, where Ayumi gave her a Japanese-style high-five.]
Yukina: Can we play another game now? We've been playing "Circle of Truths" for a long time.
Yusuke: I agree! I'm getting tired of it.
Yami: Actually, this party's almost over.
Sango: We still have time for one more semi-short game, though!
Morgan: I got it! Let's play...