Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Demon of Makai ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, the usual (or not so usual) update. Unfortunately, this might be the last update for a while. On Monday, I'm going to California and probably won't be able to update since my grandparents have dial-up connection, not cable. If I get some feedback before 9:00 p.m. tomorrow Pacific Time, then I'll update again. If I get nothing, then you'll have to wait for me to get to a computer or come back. So, in case I don't get to update before coming back, I'll miss everyone.
Oh, on a different note, I've made a few minor changes to dialogue in the other chapters, but I don't know if they changed anything.
DYquem: You're right, the characters are OOC. I've tried correcting some of the OOCness, but when I tried to edit the chapters, they looked the same to me, so I don't know if anything changed. I'm going over the rest of it and trying to make some more changes before I update, but if you still don't feel like it's enough, just send some suggestions my way. I find it more helpful if I'm looking at what needs to be changed, but that's just me.
Jordan woke to the sound of voices coming from somewhere to her left. Muttering to herself about inconsiderate people talking too loudly in the morning, she slowly stood up. Why do people get up so early? she grumbled to herself. Keeping herself hidden in the foliage surrounding her, she crept towards the voices. When she got closer, she began to distinguish four individual voices and what they were talking about.
“So, when did Koenma say that Tanner was coming on another inspection?” asked Voice 1.
“I don't know, Kuwabara,” said Voice 2, sounding bored and angry.
“No need to get mad about it, Urameshi,” said Voice 1.
“Of course he's mad,” said Voice 3. “King Yama's detective stole his girl, and he'd like to hurt him as much possible, but then he would be thrown into Makai.”
“Shut up, Hiei,” snapped Voice 2.
“Please, let's not fight amongst ourselves,” pleaded Voice 4. “What we have to do is make sure that Tanner doesn't see anything that can get us thrown back into Makai.”
Someone snorted at this comment. “He'll get us thrown back if we sneeze,” shot Voice 3. “King Yama doesn't want us here in Ningenkai and will use any excuse to get rid of us.”
“True,” agreed Voice 4, “but we haven't done anything wrong since we've already atoned for our sins by helping Yusuke at the Dark Tournament, and getting rid of the four Saint Beasts.”
What are they talking about? Jordan couldn't understand what in the world they were babbling on about. Maybe they're spies, or criminals. But then why were they talking about detectives? Oh, if they were criminals, they would have to worry about that, wouldn't they? But that doesn't explain King Yama. He must be the code name for the big boss of their rivals. She carefully crawled closer, careful not to make unnecessary noise.
“What exactly is he looking for?” Voice 2 was asking.
“Well, he never found out what all those flares of power from the Higurashi Shrine were,” said Voice 4. “He's still investigating, but I doubt he's found anything.”
“I've been asked by Koenma to investigate that place as well, and I've been keeping an eye on him. He hasn't come even close to finding out what it is.” Voice 3 sounded very smug about that.
“Have you found anything?” asked Voice 1.
Voice 3 didn't answer.
“Hiei,” warned Voice 4. “If you've found something, then tell us.”
There was silence. “Some of the people living there are mikos,” Voice 3 finally said. “Their power sometimes flares when they exorcise demons from around the shrine. We'll have to be careful around that place. They can sense demons that come near them.”
“Then how come they haven't done anything to us?” questioned Voice 4.
“I suspect it's because we've befriended ningens,” said Voice 3. “For you, though, it could be that they only sense your human side. You're no longer a full demon, not since you possessed the child.”
“So as long as you don't harm humans, you're safe?” asked Voice 1.
“Yes, baka, I think so,” said Voice 3 coolly.
“Chill out, Kuwabara,” ordered Voice 2.
Voice 4 spoke up. “I think we have an eavesdropper among us.”
That was enough for Jordan. Even if he wasn't talking about her, she was getting out of there! Still being careful to not make much noise, she fled back to Crystal, who was looking out around her.
“There you are,” she said exasperatedly. “Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?”
“Sorry, Crystal,” she said, repenting. “I just got carried away listening to either spies or crooks. I think we'd better make tracks out of here.”
Her twin nodded, and the two of them left at a semi-leisurely pace. Going to fast would mean guilt and attract attention. However, if they already knew it was her, it wasn't a good idea to go too slow.
“Where are we going?” asked Crystal.
“I don't know. I don't think we've ever been to this place before. I think it's Tokyo.”
“The capital?” Jordan nodded. “We don't have any place to stay, and we don't have any money for food. Why don't we just look around for a job or something like that?” Crystal suggested.
“Sounds fine to me,” agreed Jordan.
They walked around for a while before coming to a hill with stairs on it. Crystal walked up to a group of people going up and asked, “Excuse me, but what's on the top of this hill?”
The person she asked answered, “This is the Higurashi Shrine.”
She thanked him and came back to Jordan. “He says it's the Higurashi Shrine. Maybe we can rest here and see if they have any slots open. They might know where there are vacancies even if they don't need the extra help.”
Jordan couldn't help but admire her sister. She never would've gotten the courage to ask for directions from a stranger. Sure, she could beat the crap out of anyone that messed with her, but to do a simple thing like ask directions was beyond her. There were so many things her sister could do that she couldn't do easily. Like making friends. Crystal made friends right and left, while Jordan had to work for hers. Everyone loved Crystal; she was just so easy to love. Jordan was more of a loner. She didn't have many friends other than her sister. Crystal was all she needed. She was the reason she kept going at times. Some people thought that she was jealous of Crystal. Maybe if she tried hard enough, she could be, but it wasn't in her to be jealous of her sister.
Finally, after many long minutes hiking up the steps in the dead heat, they made it to the top. Crystal started walking over to one of the booths, so Jordan sighed and stumbled after her.
Kagome sighed to herself. Why does it have to be so hot in the summer? This heat is deadly, especially when it's the middle of the day. She noticed some more people were coming her way. I never knew being a water seller was so much work. I think I'm going to take my old tour job back after this. Putting on a smile she asked, “Would you like some water? In this heat, water's essential.”
They shook their heads. The taller one spoke up. “We were wondering if you were shorthanded, and could use some more workers.” They looked at her hopefully.
“Um…” We don't really need more help, but I can't just send them away. I spent too much time helping people in the Sengoku Jidai; I can't let people in need go without trying to help them. “Well,” she said, “how about I take you to Michael; he'll probably find some place to put you. If we don't need help, he'll find somewhere for you to work.”
“Thanks,” they said together.
“Hey, Cye, can you watch the stand by yourself for a bit?” she asked the water lover.
“Sure,” he responded, trying to haul more water out of its box and into the ice.
“Thanks.” She led the girls to where Michael was selling his food and souvenirs. “Michael, we have two girls looking for work. Do you know where we could put them?”
“I don't think we need any more help,” he said while giving his customer his change.
The girl who asked Kagome about work threw herself on the ground and got into a begging position. “Please, we need this job. We'll even pick up trash if that's what you need.”
Michael started when she dropped to the ground, as did the customer. Now he was staring at both of them. “Have I met you somewhere before?” he asked. The customer mumbled something and wandered away.
“Maybe,” said the other girl. “Have you been to Momiji's Orphanage?”
“No.” He shook his head. “Well, if you're willing to pick up garbage, then I think we can help you. What are your names?”
“I'm Crystal Lee, and this is my sister, Jordan Lee,” said Crystal, who had gotten up off the ground.
Again, he stared at them. “Did you have an older brother?” he asked.
“Yeah, his name was…” Crystal trailed off. Looking hard at him, she asked, “Michael?”
“That's me,” he said softly, coming from behind the stand. Good thing, too, because the two girls threw themselves on him.
Kagome watched the scene unfold, nonplussed. I sure hope they know each other, she thought worriedly. Robin will be a little upset if they're not related or childhood friends.
“Um, mind explaining what's going on?” she asked, more like demanded.
“These are my younger sisters, Jordan and Crystal Lee,” he informed her. “When I was taken by Zaizen, they were only ten.”
“It's been six years since we saw you,” said Crystal, holding onto his shirt with fists so tense her knuckles were white.
“So, I'm going to assume that I need to prepare two more rooms for them,” Kagome hazarded a guess. He nodded. “Okay, then.” She headed towards the house. On the way, she ran into Serena and enlisted her help in making the two rooms.
“So Michael's sisters just showed up out of nowhere?” Serena asked.
“Yeah. I'm surprised to see them, actually. I didn't know he had sisters, but they were in Momiji's Orphanage. I've heard rumors about that place, and I don't like what I hear. They're rumors, though, and rumors tend to exaggerate or make something out of nothing.”
“I don't know,” said Serena while making the bed. “Rumors do have some fact in them. They might be exaggerating, but something triggered those rumors, so something bad had to have happened at that place at one point.”
“I guess you're right. This place is clean, so let's work on the other room.”
Jordan was helping her brother and sister sell food and souvenirs to the tourists wandering around. I never would've thought I would run into my brother. I thought that those tall men killed him. Who knew he would be here? Now, why does the name `Higurashi Shrine' ring a bell? I don't think I've ever been here before.
“Jordan?” A concerned voice cut through her musings.
“What?” she looked into Crystal's worried face.
“We've been calling your name for the last five minutes. Maybe you should take a break. I mean, we haven't had time to get much food, and you look like you're ready to fall over.”
“I'm fine,” she growled. She hated being fussed over.
“Why don't the two of you take a break?” suggested Michael. “Enjoy the sights while you two are out.” Seeing their looks, he laughed. “I'll still be here when you get back. My shift's not over until sundown.” They reluctantly agreed and left to see what the place had to show them.
“So, where do you want to go first?” asked Crystal.
“How `bout we go see how big this place is? The tour?”
“Sure.” They made their way over to what would occupy them for the next hour.
“Wow, I didn't know any place that could be so big. Even the orphanage wasn't this big,” said Jordan in awe. Crystal nodded in agreement. “Now where to?”
“Let's just wander for now,” her sister suggested.
“Fine by me,” agreed Jordan.
They walked around, looking at what booths sold, and asked a few questions of the people dressed like they were from the Feudal Era of Japan. It was amazing how much these people knew; most of it wasn't even in the history books. Actually, most of it wasn't in any books.
“Let's get something to eat,” complained the weretiger. “I'm starving. We haven't really eaten since we left the orphanage.”
“Fine,” laughed her sister, used to her griping. “Let's try to find Michael again, and see if we can borrow money off him.”
Somehow, Crystal managed to not only find their brother again, but also get money as well. When questioned about it, she just shrugged. “He's our brother. He won't let us starve or anything.”
Knowing better than to pursue the subject, Jordan let it drop. She could always find out later. “What did you want to eat?” It had been a while since they had been given a choice in what they wanted to eat.
“Let's just see what the stands have to offer, and when we see something we want to try, we'll buy it,” she suggested.
They went over quite a few food booths before finding something. As they were eating, a strangely familiar voice reached Jordan's ears. “Where is he? I don't see him. If Urameshi's sent me on a wild goose chase, then he'll have a bashed-in face when I find him.”
Jordan's insides went cold. That's one of the people I heard talking this morning. I think he was Voice 1. Looking around cautiously, she listened for Voice 1 to speak again so she would have a face to go with the voice. It came again, and from a stupid looking high-schooler.
“Where is he? That punk is so gonna regret this if Tanner isn't even here.”
That Tanner guy again. I wonder who he is. Jordan resumed eating while still keeping an eye and an ear on the boy. Maybe if I can find this `Tanner' guy first, I can warn him that he's being hunted. He started moving away, out of Jordan's line of sight, but her ears were still trained on him.
Her head snapped around to face her sister again. “Sorry, what?”
“Are you okay? Maybe you should rest for a bit.” Crystal was always concerned when something was wrong. It was like she had a sixth sense about that kind of thing.
“I'm fine,” she assured her twin. “I can still run around and work. No need to worry.” She smiled, for her more for her sister's benefit than anything else.
“Okay,” she said doubtfully. Her sister knew her too well. She knew she was faking, but didn't want to call her on it.
“Let's get back to Michael, shall we?”
Threading their way through the crowd, they were almost there when someone ran right into poor Jordan. BAM! Boxes went flying in all directions. Whichever idiot did that will die a horrible and painful death, Jordan swore as she tried to get up, ignoring the twinge in her lower back.
“I'm terribly sorry, miss. I couldn't see over the boxes.” The person who ran into her was trying to escape her wrath with sweet talk. It wouldn't work. Oh, no, it wouldn't. She looked up to snap at the person, but the words died on her tongue. Staring into the greenest eyes she'd ever seen had melted all her anger away.
“Again, I'm dreadfully sorry,” he said again. The words, however, didn't quite penetrate her mind. “Here, let me help you up.” He offered her a hand.
Normally she would never have accepted this kind of help, but she just took it and kept trying to lose herself into his eyes. The still working part of her brain was screaming “Don't you recognize his voice?! He's Voice 4 from this morning! He's one of the crooks!” However, its voice wasn't heard, as the majority of her mind was still swimming in his gaze.
“Jordan!” The voice of her sister finally penetrated the fog that had surrounded her mind. “Are you okay?” She then began berating the gorgeous human that was currently the only thing keeping Jordan standing.
“I'm fine,” she said, causing Crystal to stop her tirade against the redhead supporting her.
“Are you sure?” Crystal asked anxiously.
“I'm sure,” she affirmed. Almost painfully, she took her hand from his and started picking up boxes.
“You don't have to do that,” he protested. “First I run into you, and now you're picking up my boxes.”
“I know I don't have to. I want to,” Jordan huffed as she put boxes on top of each other. Between the three of them (Crystal wasn't going to just leave the boxes laying there) it was put back together fairly quickly. He picked them up and started to go. “Wait,” Jordan called, wondering why she was doing this for a stranger, “did you need help?”
He smiled. She started wishing she had sunglasses; his smile was bright enough to rival the sun, stars, and moon all together. “I'm fine, thank you for the offer.” He left.
She stayed there, staring at the space where he once stood. He's gone? I might never see him again. Wait, he was carrying boxes for these people, right? He works here. I can see him again. That thought cheered her tremendously.
“Jordan?” queried her sister. “Are you sure you're feeling okay? You're acting strangely.”
“Hm? Oh, I'm fine. Just fine.” Except for the fact that I'm here and he isn't. I don't even know his name!
“No, you're not fine. I'm telling Michael you need to rest,” Crystal said.
Jordan knew better than to argue when she took on that tone. Most people thought that she was the dominant twin, as she was the older of the two, but it was actually Crystal. She lived for Crystal, and would always obey when she insisted on something. Thankfully, that wasn't often, but when she did Jordan knew better than to argue.
“Michael,” Crystal called, “Jordan's feeling a bit unwell.”
“Hey, Serena, watch the stand for me?” He went over to them and asked, “What's wrong with her?”
“I think she's just had a bit too much excitement. I don't want to invade your space or anything, but--” He cut her off.
“You're not invading anything. You're my family; of course I'll take care of you. Come inside.” He led them to the house. Turning to Jordan, he ordered, “You lay down. No one would appreciate you getting sick or something along those lines.” He smiled at her. “I'll get you some water, and you can watch TV or whatever you want as long as you stay on the couch. Or the computer.”
I hate it when people fuss over me! “Okay, I'll be fine. Seriously, I will.”
“Do you want someone to stay with you?” asked her caring sister.
“No, I'm fine!” she stated. “I don't need to be fussed over.”
“She's fine for the most part,” Crystal said to Michael, now ignoring Jordan, who was trying to inform them that she really didn't need anything, and that she was fine.
“I'll get her some water and food, then,” said Michael to Crystal, taking his cues from her. He came back a few minutes later with the water and food. “Here. It's not much, but I think it'll do.”
“Thank you,” Jordan replied grumpily. Why does this always happen to me?
“Okay, are you sure you don't want someone to stay with you?” asked Crystal again, giving her another chance.
“I'm perfectly fine,” Jordan huffed.
“All right,” they said and left. Now she was left alone with her thoughts. Unfortunately, they made a beeline for the redhead and her mind latched onto it, blocking out the rational part of her brain.
He's so hot. I've never really thought about guys this seriously before. I mean, the only smart guy I know is my brother and…that's it. The other boys I know are all perverted and only interested in…other things. He was polite, and there's not even a comparison in the looks department.
<He was Voice 4>, the thinking part of her mind finally made itself heard.
But he seems so nice, she argued back. Why was he so polite? And why would a crook work instead of steal?
<Then they must be spies! You saw Voice 1 earlier here. And they were all talking about the Higurashi Shrine, which is here! You can't ever trust a spy!>
I don't care! Maybe this Tanner guy is from somewhere else. They could be spies for the Japanese government and Tanner is from an unfriendly country.
<Probably not. Tanner could be from a different country, but so could these people. Just because a really, really, really hot guy is looking for something doesn't mean that his intentions are good. Those are the most dangerous kinds! They hook people like you and then disaster happens.>
He might not be a spy at all.
<“King Yama”? “Makai”? “Ningenkai”? Those are code names, you moron! You know better than to trust strangers. Especially with Momiji and her people looking for you.>
They won't find us. They aren't smart enough to look for us here.
<But what if they are? Then what? Don't underestimate your enemies, Jordan. Are you willing to take responsibility for leading them right to this place? Let's say that they don't catch you. What if they catch Crystal? Can you live with yourself, knowing it's your fault that your twin sister is now a slave somewhere in Africa? Most likely she will die within a few years. Can you live with that?>
Jordan had no answer to that one. Her one weakness was Crystal. It always was, and would keep being her weakness. And her inner voice, or conscience, knew that. Now she was stuck with just daydreaming about him, but knowing that even if she did see him again, she couldn't `get to know him'. Crystal comes first; always did, always will.