Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Demon of Makai ❯ Chapter 7
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I'm back! Actually, I've been home for a while, but I haven't been able to get on the computer because my sisters claimed it. But to make it up to y'all, I'll post two chapters today!
Crystal stared out the window. She was ecstatic that she and Jordan not only managed to escape with nothing broken, but they also found their brother and a new home. She sighed. She was happy, Jordan was happy, why did she get the feeling that it wouldn't last for very long, that they were leaving soon? Not just her and Jordan, but a lot of others were going, too.
Turning to her bag, she snapped her finger at it; the drawers of the dresser popped open, and her clothes flew neatly into their proper compartment. The other contents in the bag went to their `spots' on the dresser and nightstand.
Next thought: what to do about a brooding sister who is obviously taken with the redhead who barreled her over earlier. I can see why she's infatuated with him, but it doesn't seem like the smartest thing to get attached to someone on just their looks. I know she isn't shallow enough to go after someone just because they're drop-dead gorgeous, but still, one must worry.
Turning her gaze from the window to the wall that separated their rooms, she continued to worry. Maybe I'm jumping at shadows, but this doesn't seem right. It's like they shouldn't be together. But who am I to decide that? If that's what makes her happy, there's not a whole lot I can do about it.
<You know she'll listen to you.>
I won't be the reason she's unhappy. I can't ask that of her. I know she wouldn't do that to me, and it's only right to return the favor.
<She'd sulk if you found someone that she thought “replaced” her in your love. You know she'd hate that person, no matter who it was.>
Stop it! She wouldn't stop me if I found someone else, and I won't do it either!
No answer.
A sign appeared in her mind, saying, “Please stand by for further instruction.”
I need to get out more. Walking to the door, she cast her gaze around the room again before leaving, and smacking right into someone.
“Oh, sorry,” they apologized to each other. He, being the first one on his feet, helped her up. “Sorry about that. I wasn't looking where I was going.”
“It's fine,” she assured him, mentally checking herself to see if she was still in one piece. “I'm sorry I startled you, as well as for running into you.”
He put a hand behind his head and laughed. “It's fine, I'm sorta used to it by now. What's you name?” he asked curiously.
“I'm Crystal, Michael's sister. My other sister, Jordan, is probably brooding in her room. Who are you?”
“I'm Ryo Sanada, at your service.” He half-bowed to her. “And what would be so pressing that it would call a beautiful girl like you to come and run me over?”
She chuckled at his mock gallantry. “Well, my lord,” she answered, playing along, “I felt something telling me that should go out and run into someone, I should go in the opposite direction of him as fast as possible and I would find my heart's desire.”
“And what is your heart's desire?” he asked.
This is fun! “Well, aside from finding a diamond mine hidden in my room, I guess I'd like to be ruler of the world.”
“That's quite a desire,” he said, looking at her strangely. Now he seemed serious. “What would you do if you ruled the world?”
What's with the mood swings? “First off, there would be no more wars. I mean, wars are really expensive, so that would waste a lot of money. And it ruins the land. People tend to make their land unlivable and unusable if they let the enemy run it over, so there's less land for growing things. I'd have to think about the rest of it.”
He smiled and gave her another bow; this one was a full bow, and it seemed to be respectful. “Your views are pretty much the same as someone else's here. I overheard her talking to a friend of mine. I don't know how it came up, but there you have it.” Now he was playful again. “A worthy wish, my lady. I'm sure that if you are ever to gain full control of the world, not a soul would stop you except the most stupid of people.”
She smiled back at him. “I would very much like to be ruler of the world, but then I would have to part ways with your company. Which direction were you going?”
“The kitchen; there's probably no better room in this place, except the pantry.”
Boys always think with their stomachs. “I'll join you. Maybe I can be ruler of the world at some later time.”
Jordan heard the whole exchange. She even stopped her thoughts on what “might have been” between her and the boy to listen to Ryo Sanada talk with her sister, her anger growing each second. He's flirting with her, she raged. He's flirting with her and she's too dumb to notice!
Regret immediately followed that thought. How can I think that? Of course she knows what he's doing. She's a lot smarter than people give her credit for being. It's because she's so nice. Everyone gets along with her, and since she doesn't want to make someone unhappy, she tries to please everyone. And that's why people think she isn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box. Why am I rationalizing her get-along-with-everyone ability to myself?
She could still hear their voices outside, which did nothing to improve her temper. Why does Crystal seem to get everything she wants? I wouldn't deny her anything for the world, but why is that? It looks like she's hooked herself a guy, and she's always perfectly happy with what she's given. Why can't I be a little like her? She charms everyone and everyone loves her. I have to work to get my friends. Why is it that she is happy, and I'm miserable?
Her conscience decided to put in its unwanted two cents. <The only reason you're complaining right now is because it looks like Crystal's getting along with a boy, and the one you're pining after is just about permanently out of your reach.>
Shut up.
<Sorry, doesn't work like that.>
<Whatever you say. Now stop thinking badly of your sister; she hasn't done anything to deserve it and you know it.>
So? What if I like whinging?
<Then whinge about something else. You'll feel bad later when you think back on this. What you need to do is find this “Tanner” fellow and tell him he's being dogged.>
But what do I know about that kind of thing? How would I even find this guy?
<You heard them. He's here at this shrine a lot, so just ask around for a Tanner, and eventually you're bound to find him. I mean, how many people around here are named Tanner?>
Fine. I'll find this Tanner guy and tell him…what?
<That four people are following him.>
And why would he believe me?
<That's none of your concern. You'll have done your duty, and whether he believes you or not isn't your problem.>
This it tiring. Good night. She rolled onto her back and closed her eyes. Unfortunately, Jordan's conscience was “shouting” and prevented her from sleeping. Finally erecting a “barrier” between the two of them, she managed to pass into oblivion even with her conscience yelling at her.