Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ An Old Friend and New Obligations ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 7 )
Ithilelda :( Ithilelda runs out onto stage) Phew I think I lost them. Oh, Hi everyone! Just thought I'd treat you to another chappie while I'm on the run from this angry mob. (Voices of an angry mob begin to be heard) Uh oh! Looks like I gotta go! (Ithilelda runs off just in time for the angry mob to make the scene.)
Angry Mob: Must find Ithilelda! Must force her to write more! (Angry mob runs off in the direction Ithilelda took)
Old Friends and New Obligations
Chapter 6
Kagura walked the halls of a modern day mansion. She hated every inch of it.
"I can't wait to go back home. I hate this time period." she thought.
"There's no need to worry Kagura. As soon as Kagome is dead we can leave. I am no more fond of this time than you are." Naraku's voice said. He had been listening to her thoughts again.
"I hate it when you do that Naraku. And I hate you! I am the wind! I shall be free!"
Naraku laughed. It was a low and sinister laugh that made a persons blood freeze in their veins.
"Now now Kagura, no need to get feisty. I have a job for you. I want you to go and see what allies Kagome has made for herself in this time period." Naraku said
"Yes…Naraku." Kagura said dejectedly. Naraku laughed at the sound of defeat in his incarnation's voice. He had made her a slight bit too independent but it had worked out well in the end. Her independent spirit had made her strong, if a little tougher to control. He had no reason to fear her threats. At least that was what he thought…
"Your friends will be arriving in about a day. I have to reconfigure the well to allow more than just yourself and Inu Yasha through it. Then you will have to go back and find them and bring them through." Koenma said," I will contact you when you are needed. In the meantime I suggest you brief Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei about the Shikon and Naraku."
"Okay." Kagome said cheerfully.
Kagome left and the group followed her. They went back to Yusuke's apartment.
"Alright, Kagome, just who the hell is this Naraku guy and what does he want with that Shikon thingamajig?" Yusuke asked as he let himself fall onto the couch.
"Well, Naraku is a half demon, like Inu Yasha, I'll tell you about him latter. Naraku wants the jewel to finish his transformation into a full blooded demon. He started out as a thief who was so injured that he couldn't move. Kikyo, when she was still among the living, tended to him. Eventually his lust for the jewel and Kikyo lead him to call upon the demons for a new body. They responded by devouring his old body and form him a new one. He then tricked Inu Yasha and Kikyo into hating each other. Kikyo pinned Inu Yasha to a tree but died soon after of mortal wounds given to her by Naraku in the form of Inu Yasha. Inu Yasha slumbered in death against the tree until I showed up 50 years later and freed him. It turned out that I was Kikyo's reincarnation and that the jewel was inside my body. To shorten things up, I screwed up and broke the jewel into hundreds of pieces."
"Okay, that explains Naraku. Anyone else we should know about?" Yusuke asked
"Well Naraku does have Kagura, Kanna, and Kohaku." Kagome replied
"Who are they?" Kurama queried.
"Kagura and Kanna are incarnations of Naraku and…" Kagome began
"WHAT?!" The others asked in shock.
"Yeah see Kikyo was brought back to life by a witch named Urasue and she stole a bunch of jewel fragments from me a little bit after that and gave them to Naraku. They gave him the power to create incarnations of himself with various powers. Kagura can control the wind and dead bodies. Kanna has a mirror that reflects attacks and steals souls. They work together sometimes because a soulless body is just like a dead one. They are really a pain. Kohaku however isn't an incarnation of Naraku he is a young boy, a demon slayer in fact, that Naraku killed and brought back to life with a jewel shard. That jewel shard allows him to control Kohaku. Those are pretty much all the bad guys we will have to worry about."
"So what of our allies?" Kurama asked
"Alright, well there's Inu Yasha, he's a half dog demon who has a really cool sword called Tetsusaiga. Then there's Miroku and he's a really perverted monk who has a hole in his right hand that can suck up anything. Sango, she's a demon slayer and Kohaku's older sister. Shippou, he's a fox cub that can use illusions. There's Myouga, he's an old flea that is kind of Inu Yasha's vassal. He's smart. Um… oh yeah Kouga, he's a wolf demon that is really fast and has a major crush on me. Uh…Sesshoumaru, He's Inu Yasha's older half brother, full dog demon and really cold too. Sesshomaru will probably bring Jaken, his little frog-like servant. Rin will probably come too. She's Sesshoumaru's human ward. Uh…I think that's it `cus Kaede will most likely stay behind to take care of the village." Kagome took a breath when she finished.
"What?" she asked as everyone stared at her.
"Anyone ELSE we should know about?" Hiei asked sarcastically
"Oh yeah, there is this one fire demon who's a REAL pain in the ass…Oh wait…that's you." Kagome retorted.
"At least I don't talk a mile a minute." Hiei flung back
"At least I'm not some stupid little midget obsessed with fire!" Kagome yelled
(Staring at each other with flame aura going full force. Think jealous Starfire type.)
The fight continued for hours until Koenma showed up.
"Kagome? Kagome! KAGOME!!!" Koenma yelled.
"Uh…yeah?" Kagome asked
"It's time. You must go back to the feudal era and bring your allies forward. Everything is ready." Koenma said solemnly
Ithilelda: (breathing hard) So did you like it? I hope so. Please come back. Next chapter: Yuyu gang meets Inu gang. Stay tuned. (A voice in the background shouts `Hey there she is!') Uhohgottagobye!
Angry Mob: (runs onto the scene)
Leader of Mob: Lets camp out right here. She got to come back to start the next chapter and when she does… (Makes grabbing motion)…she's ours!
Angry Mob: YEAH!