Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Family ties ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
She Wasn't the strongest person in the world, but she could hold her own. Four years.
Four years had passed since that fateful day she was stolen down the well. And today was now her Birthday.
She tried to keep it a secret from the others. After her coming of age last year, she didn't need more sex crazed men asking for her hand in marriage.
That made InuYasha mad as hell.
Giving a slight grimace at the thought Kagome knew she didn't want another episode like that.
Things had gotten better. They finally killed Naraku, he was purified into hell by an arrow from Kagome, right though the neck. She didn't believe Sango and Miroku at first, but after InuYasha came too and told her so, she had nothing to do BUT believe them.
Looking over to said hanyou, Kagome remembered the week before the final battle. InuYasha confessed to her that he indeed did love her, and always would; but he saw her like a sister, and nothing would change that. Though she was disheartened, Kagome took hope that one day someone would love her more then just a friend or sister. But for the time being Kagome swore to herself she wouldn't let anyone get close to her in that way, she would make sure of that.
Looking back onto the path beneath her feet she began to think of what they were doing. One shard. That's all that remained of their journey together. Four years, and it came down to but a mere few moths of searching. Kagome held high hopes that once the jewel was whole again, and the wish made; that she would still be able to go to and from the worlds. But their new ally, Sesshomaru, convinced her that it would be best that once in her time she seal the well, even if the jewel thrust her back to her time.
Considering that her time in the past was short, they lived everyday like it would be the last they would see her. She hated that she would be thrust back and never be able to see Sango and Miroku confess their love for one another. She would never see Shippo grow up, have a mate, and make her a grandmother. Fate was cruel. They all knew that.
Kagome didn't realize that she stopped along the path and was being separated form the now larger group that had traveled with them, as she spaced out in her own thoughts.
“Kagome! Mover your lazy ass!”
Kagome blinked from her stupor, and glared at the loud hanyou.
“I'm comin! Hold your freakin-”….Her eyes widened.
“What you say wench?!” InuYasha bounded over to the shocked and quiet woman. “What the hell is wrong?”
“A….a jewel shard….” She said it barely above a whisper, but all around her heard what she said. She might leave sooner then they had thought.
But a jewel shard also meant that Kohaku. His was the only one unaccounted for. Kagome looked over to Sango, the older woman's eyes began watering. She felt for Sango, she had a younger brother as well, Souta.
Sango understood that her brother would die, but that meant that she would be left alone, with no family left. Even the girl she knew and loved as family, would soon be leaving her.
Why did the gods hate them so much? Haven't they suffered enough? Now, they had to kill the one person that could make Sango smile, and laugh. Sure she did that now, but it was a hollow one at best. Would her soul die with Kohaku?
He lay there, for how long, he didn't know. It hurt to move. Many demons tried to kill him claiming he possed a shard. `What did they mean? Shard….'
With every movement the young boy made, flashes of what he presumed was his past, came to the surface. Sometimes it held numerous people, and some held a few. But in almost all of them, he was talking with a girl. She was older then him, `….my sister?'
They never had any sound, just like watching from another persons eyes.
He moved again. Pain coursing through his body.
she stood there, with a smile on her face.
She was sweating, but so was he. They were training he guessed. She held a large boomerang, him a syth on a chain.
What did these mean? Before the boy could move again, some one came through the trees into the clearing.
He looked at the woman with wide eyes, not noticing the five others with her. The only difference he could see, was instead of a smile…..she was crying.
“Kohaku……” Pain was the base of her voice. He didn't know why, but he wanted to make this woman smile.
“Is that my name?” He made to stand up, pain shot through his body as more flashes came to him. Hunting with his father, traveling with both of them, standing before a palace in armor, and that woman, holding his body, as she cried, Kohaku some how knew that he was dying in her arms.
But here he stood, standing with the help of a tree.
She stopped; dropping the boomerang. She ran to him and helped him stand. From her touch so much pain came crashing down onto him. He staggered away holding his head screaming at the top of his lungs. So many things he was seeing, so much pain he himself caused. And yet this woman, his sister, was still going to help him, show love and caring for him. A monster in his own right.
She came closer to him and they both fell to their knees crying. She held him against her breast like a mother would a small child, in comfort.
After what seemed like an eternity of being like this, Kohaku lifted his head and stared into the eyes of the woman who cared for him.
“What is your name?….I must know.”
She looked down at him and taking her hands from his back she rubbed softly at the trails of tears.
“My name is Sango. I am your older sister. “
Kagome watched with and let them have time to hold one another and say something of a good bye. With out knowing it, she had started to cry at the display before her.
Feeling a strong hand on her shoulder, she turned and looked at the stock face of the Inu TaiYoukia. She looked him in the eyes, they said all she needed to know.
It was time.
Sango held her brother close and looked up as Kagome reached them. She gave a small nod and held her brother closer. And whispered into his ear.
“Don't be afraid. All will be over soon. But always know this Kohaku. I love you so much.”
Kohaku sobbed into her chest and with an uncontrolled voice spoke to her.
“Though I remember little of you. I know that I love you as well….Sango.”
At this moment Kagome took the black jewel shard from his back and held it in her palm, returning it to it's rightful pink.
She left the two siblings. Letting Sango morn was the only thing she could let her do- `THE JEWEL!'
Kagome placed the shard into the crack the jewel still held, and in a small flash, it was whole again. Looking down at the cursed pick orb she made a wish. She didn't really mean to make it. But some how the jewel heard her.
A bright flash surrounded her and it seemed like time froze, Kagome looked around her and turned her attention back to the jewel. In the palm of her hand stood a small woman, but a few inches tall.
“You have made a pure wish, Kagome. Though you held power in yourself, the full power of the jewel is not used up. In a moment it will dissolve into your flesh, and the affects of it I do not know the extent. You will become more powerful then even Lord Sesshomaru. But know this, your life span is no longer that of a humans. It is that of a youkia. It is something I can give you. The well is now sealed, you will remain in this time. But you will see your family again. But because of the wish you made, though pure as it was, is still something of a personal gain. And though you have your friends now, they will die and leave you behind. That is a very light punishment. And to show how much the gods smile on you my child, there has been made a way to break the curse of long life. But you must find that out on your own. ”
Kagome stared at the woman for a moment. “But…”….tears began to spill from her water filled eyes. She understood the reasoning. She wanted to see Sango happy. That was what she was gaining. “Tell your name at least.”
“My child, I am Midoroko.” She smiled and vanished.
And in another flash time seems to resume. Kagome heard a large gasp of air from behind her and turned to see Sango holding a now alive Kohaku. She looked down at her hand, her eyes widening in horror of what was happening.
The jewel was dissolving into her skin! She opened her palm and clutched at her stomach, pain was engulfing her body. She fell to her knees and then to the ground and convulsed violently. It was hard for her to breathe even in the slightest. Tears streamed down her face and she was finally able to scream in agony.
She closed her eyes tightly and continued to convulse and soon the jewel was pumping though out her blood. The pain subsided and her breathing stopped for a moment. She couldn't hear the others calling out her name. And for a few seconds, she was dead.
In a rush of air Kagome was coughing and her eyes wide as she sat up and clutched her chest. As her breathing regulated Kagome looked around her at her friends. They were all right and some of them crying.
Kagome looked over to Sesshomaru, who was kneeling by her side. His eyes held worry, though he would never admit he was worried for a mere human. His hand was on her back helping her sit up. She looked down to her hand. Then back up at him.
“What happened?” She spoke as though someone was just in a car accident.
“You looked at your hand and fell to the ground screaming. You convulsed violently and started to scream. Then….it appeared that you died. And just now you woke up.” Sesshomaru looked over to the monk who explained what had happened. “Where is the Jewel Kagome?”
Kagome thought a moment and remembered what had transpired earlier….“It's I my body…”
Shippo landed into her lap and held her face. You smell different Kagome, and weren't your eyes brown?”
She looked at the kit oddly and then watched as he pulled out a shinny dagger that Sesshomaru had given him against her will, and looked at the blade.
Her eyes widened and looked harder, they weren't the lovely brown she once held. They had somehow turned blue. `The jewel did this….but why?'
Kagome put the dagger onto the ground and hugged the kit. She would be able to see him have pups, she would be able to see Sango, Miroku, and now Kohaku, happy. But then she remembered that she would also see them die.
Her life was now bittersweet.
Kagome walked though the halls of what was now her home. For two and a half centuries she had lived with Sesshomaru, training and becoming a lady of the west. They never married but he had made her a lady of his own will. She might out live him, and he thought that only she would rule, as he would have liked. She was a strong and caring ruler. The people loved her, and she loved them. She protected them and they gave her loyalty.
Kagome had been ruling the western lands in Sesshomaru's stead for a long while now, all demons had somehow disappeared. She was prepared for something like him leaving, but not this. She sent messengers all over in search of answers, and all came back that the ruling youkia were gone, disappeared into the night.
She was now ruling the whole of Japan in a way. She was protecting it. She knew history couldn't be changed, so she stepped down as ruler and let others take over. It wasn't easy, she had to fake her own death.
When the first world war started, Kagome left Japan and went to travel the world; and wouldn't return until seven years after she left down the well. Her age to her family would be twenty-two.
That was when her life would start anew. Weather she liked it or not, this 523 year old woman would change the future yet again.