Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koku Ryu no Ai ❯ Cousin Yusuke ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Sesshy's-Soulmate: hello ever one sorry about the pen name mix up the other one dark thorn rose is from the other site. That site pissed me off. Anyways my pen name for this site is what you see at the top okay. Like I said in the last chapter I will explain what's going on. Kagome finished her quest in the feudal era and the jewel is still hers to guard but there's a twist to it Kagome can still go thought the well so can Inuyasha. The others can do so also because they made a wish on the jewel Okay that sums up Kagome. Hiei is the Ryuujin of the dragon's. The reason why is because the Dragon Of The Darkness Flame fused with Hiei. So now Hiei is still the forbidden child but he just has a new demon from and demon blood which is dragon. He can tell when his mate is near and all that stuff. If you have ever read a story with Draco and Hermione and Draco is a veela or any of the dark series by Christine Feehan Then that's what I'm doing. Hiei might be a little different or in other people opines(sp) he might be a lot OOC.
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“Hey! Kagome!,” Yelled Yusuke
Yusuke was wearing a green shirt with black pants and his raven hair was slacked back. He stand at the height of 6'3. His brown eyes sparkled with joy of seeing his cousin again, he was around the age of 22 at least. A young woman with sort brown hair and brown eyes(I don't remember what color her eyes are) wearing a baby blue halter top with a pair of blue jeans on with blue sandals. Stand beside Yusuke. She looked around the age of 21. If memory savers Kagome right her name is Keiko.
“Hello, Yusuke, Keiko,” Said Kagome as see turned back to watch her son eat his sweet snow. Yusuke and Keiko made their way over to the table where Kagome and Tamashii sat at. “You don't mind if we sat with you do Kags,” Said a hopeful Yusuke. He hadn't seen his cousin in years. The last time when he saw her was when he was 13 or 14 years old. He wanted to cachet up with her Keiko probably wants to do the same thing. They were all childhood friends after all.
“Sure! Yusuke you can sit with us,” said Kagome. Yusuke told Keiko to go ahead and set with Kagome and to save him a seat while he goes and gets their ice cream. Keiko took a sit with Kagome. She noticed that Kagome has change some over the years, but Keiko would bet that she still has that big heart that forgives even the most evilest people in the world.
“Tamashii stop eating you ice cream so fast,” said Kagome. She was trying to stop her son from eating his ice cream so fast because he's demon he can eat around ten bowls of the stuff and never get a brain freeze, but that's at home this is at a ice cream polar. Where a lot of people is and when they see a boy around age 4 eating that much ice cream it freaks them out really bad.
“But Momma it's melting,” whined Tamashii. Yusuke made it back just in time to hear Tamashii. He sat down beside Keiko and gave her ice cream to her. Then he looked over at the kid named Tamashii that he didn't even noticed until now. What he saw socked the hell out of him. The kid was almost looked like Hiei. He had ruby red eyes and jet black hair but instead of sticking up like Hiei's, his was in a ponytail past his shoulders but there was no white star bust like Hiei had. Kid was demon at that a forbidden kind to he guessed he was fire and ice. What freaked him out more was that his innocent little cousin Kagome had taken in a mixed demon. There was something strange going on and he was going to find out what.
So, Kagome what have you been doing all this years?” asked Yusuke. Kagome looked over at Yusuke and saw that he had a grin on his face.
“Trying to get thought what they call school,” Said Kagome. Yusuke winched at the word school that place was a living hell hole for him and Keiko dragged him ever year but not anymore.
Tamashii having finished his sweet snow looked up at the two young adults sitting by his momma. The one with the black haired one had a strong aura around him and the girl didn't have much aura but the boy's aura was wrapped around her Dearing anyone to try and take her away from him.
“Momma who are they?” asked a instand(sp) Tamashii.
“Huh? Oh! Tamashii this is your Uncle Yusuke and Aunt Keiko.,” Said Kagome, “Yusuke and Keiko this is my son Tamashii.,”
“Hey ya, kid” Yusuke said.
“Hi, Tamashii” Keiko said.
Kagome looked at the time on her watch. It was time to get going. “It was good to see you again Yusuke and you too Keiko, but me and Tamashii have to get going now.;” Said Kagome. She picked up Tamashii and got her stuff. Yusuke was thinking of something to spending more time with Kagome and decide to go over to her shine and visit her. He probably end up taking all the guys and Keiko with him, but all while if he wanted to spend more time with his cousin. He had to suffer the price.
“Hey! Kagome!,” Yelled Yusuke. She turned around and saw Yusuke making his way over to her.
“Yes, Yusuke?” asked Kagome.
“How about some friends and me come over to your shine and spend some time with you?” asked Yusuke.
Kagome thought about some and decide “Okay sounds good. Be there at noon okay.” Said Kagome.
“You bet Kagome,” said Yusuke.
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Done!! That took awhile to do that well hoped you enjoyed chapter two. The next chapter is about Hiei and how he finds his mate.