Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koku Ryu no Ai ❯ Hiei The Ryuujin ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Hello, one and all. This chapter is about Hiei. Ok now here's the thing Kagome and Hiei are the main paring (Sorry guys) you can only vote for the ones on the first page so if you voted for Kagome and someone else you can revote. Okay, and if you have anymore questions please e-mail me and I will explain as best as I can. Now on with the chapter.
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“My lord, we have word that the seer(don't remember what they are called but they are like future teller) is on her way here.” Said a guard. He might be tall but you can tell that is no ordinary human. He has long sharp purple horns on top of is head and large purple wings that comes out of his back. He's eyes looks like a deadly dark purple with black silts for his irises.(you know like a cats) His hair is a light purple color with highlights of a darker purple. He stood at the height of 5'5 but sense he is on his keens you wouldn't know the diffidence.
“Mmmm, is that so?” question a dark figure that sat on a thorn. You could tell that he was the lord. Even if you can't see his face you can see dark red eyes that looked like ruby's. He had a strong build body that any woman would love to get their hands on. He was the lord of the dragon clan. He has great strength and speed. If anyone cross him they will be likely to face a slow and painful death. The dragon clan respected there lord and would not cross him.
“Yes, My Lord, it was said that she would be arriving here around noon just when the sun sits,” replied the young guard. The lord thought for a few minutes about this then spoke. “Heiwa take some of the savants and prepare(SP) a room for her would you.” The lord said even if it was more then a commend then a question. “Yes, my lord” replied the dragon called Heiwa. He gartered some savants and left.
Right after Heiwa left the room. The lord sense something outside of his palace. He dismissed the rest of the guards and savants. Once they where gone he let a small smirk on his face and said, “Now Kurama you know what happened last time you tried to get in without permission don't you?”
A dark figure came out of the shadows to reveal a man with red hair with silver highlights and forest green eyes with amber sparks in them. He stood 6'3. He was dressed in a white t-shit with a pair of blue jeans on.
“Why, Hiei I was making sure you where on your guard. Don't want to be slacking off now do we?” Said Kurama. Ever since him and that fox became one Kurama is like good and evil paired together in one body.
The dark figure know has Hiei stepped off the throne and made his way over to his long time friend. Hiei was nearly as tall has Kurama but was short by a inch.(6'2) He was clothed in a black shit with the dragon clan's crest on it which was a blue dragon with red eyes. It looked like it was proctoring something like a précis jewel. The jewel looked like it was pink with purple add to it. Hiei also wear a pair of black pants with a cape coming off his shoulders which was also black with a red dragon with blue eyes on it but with the same jewel. He wear a pair of black boots.
“How are you? Kurama?” asked Hiei. Kurama looked at Hiei and saw that his friend was as tried as Konma was when he finally got done with all his paper work. “I have been fine Hiei. But you should go to bed soon or you will fall flat on your face.” Said Kurama with concern for his fried on his face.
“I am find fox. I'm just waiting for the seer to get here and than I will go to bed.” Said a tried Ryuujin. The fox was socked to say the least a seer was coming to see Hiei, but why? For what reason was a seer to come to visit him. Unless it was that she knew who and where his mate was!
His friend has been the Ryuujin for more than 200 years and has needs a mate or he will go into madness and will forever stay in the darkness which part of the dragon clan's blood. All dragons has to have a mate before or at the age of 300 or they would forever be gone. Hiei was not that far away his 300th birthday is a moth away and if he doesn't get his mate by then lets say that it won't be pretty.
“Hiei, Do you know why she is coming?” Asked Kurama. Hiei looked at the fox and sighed at what he saw. Kurama had a hopeful look on his face. Hiei as well had hope that the seer was coming to tell him about his mate. He wouldn't care if she is a weak human, he could be her Procter that way she won't be hurt. All he wanted was his mate so he won't have to bare this loneliness anymore.
Suddenly the doors of the throne room busted open to revel a old woman with a crystal ball in her hands.
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Okay I know that I said that you would fine out who hiei's mate was going to be but I got tried plus it's getting late and I have school tomorrow. Anyways I said that the main paring is Kagome and Hiei so you should know who his mate is. If you don't than I feel sorry for you. I will try to upload as fast as I can okay and thank you for the reviews everone.