Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Koku Ryu no Ai ❯ The Ancient Prophesy and Hiei's Mate ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Hello, ever one sorry that I haven't uploaded over the weekend. I had to go to Little Rock and visit mom in the hospital. She had a bad car wreck. Well I don't have much to say right now so I well get on with the story.
Disclaimer: I do not own IY or YYU
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The seer walked into the Kings throne room with her assisted right behind her. The seer might be an old lady, but was wais(SP) in many ways. She had long white hair that comes down to her keens in a low ponytail and wrinkles on her face. She wear a robe that was blue and purple with a touch of gold on the edges. Her assisted had long bluish hair and purple eyes. She wear a robe that was cut at the keens and had fishes on it that was a lighter blue. She was 5'5 while the seer was at 5'2. The seer also had a crystal ball in her hands.
“Hello, my lord how have you be?” asked the seer. Hiei studied the seer to make sure that she was the real thing. Most demon girls would dress up as royals and sneak in the palace to just try and seduce him, which never worked the only one to seduce him is his mate. Seeing that she was indeed the real seer he answer her question.
“Yes, I am fine just a little tried.” Was Hiei's replay. Kurama wanted to know why this seer was here so he asked the question. He said, “Please excuse me but could you tell me why you are here?” The seer looked at him and smiled at him and Hiei.
“Yes, Yes, the reason why I am here is because my lord. I have news of your mate.” She said. Hiei looked at her in socked as did Kurama. Once Hiei got over his sock he rushed them into the library and said, “Tell me.”
“Yes, of course. Kumo being me a chair so I can get started.” Said the Seer. The girl called Kumo went to get a chair for the seer and sit it near the fire place where Hiei was light the fire with his powers. “Here you go Taki-sama.” Said Kumo in a none to friendly way.
Taki sat in the chair as Hiei sit in his right across from Taki. Kurama remind standing while Kumo sit on the floor next to Taki.
“Now before I tell you about your mate there is a prophesy you need to hear first.” She said. Hiei nodded for her to continue. Taki took a deep breathe and held on to her crystal ball and she began.
A Child born of a pure heart.
Shall come to the Dragon King with ruby red eyes.
She will be at his side for better and worse.
He will do all he can to proctor her.
She will love him like no other just like he will with her.
When agreatevil comes from the darkness and rain evil upon the
Lands. The Dragon King will destroythe evil with the help
Of the child with a pure heart which is his mate.
“That is the prophesy of long ago.” Said the seer. Hiei took a while to get the information in his head. He had never heard of a such a prophesy before it must have been ancient. He didn't know what it meant by a great comes from the darkness. When he finds his mate he will have to tell Konma as much as he hates that semi-child he has to proctor her.
“Now, about your mate Lord Hiei.” Taki said. Hiei looked at her and said, “ What news do bring of my mate Taki-sama?” It was more of a commend then a question. Taki looked Hiei over and smiled. That boy was as much impatient as any person she as seen in her whole life. She should know she has lived over 600 years. She guessed going 200 years without your mate can do that to you. Most of the dragon found there mates before their 200th birthday. Those who didn't find there mates before their 300th birthday died a lonely and empty death.
“Your mate is weather intending lord Hiei.” Said the seer, “She has a pure heart which no other has. She has accept a demon child such as yourself and a hanyou as a friend.” Hiei's eyes grow wide than back to normal as nothing has happened. “Where does she live?” asked Kurama who was now lending against the wall now.
“She lives in the human world with her family at the Sunset Shine. She is the miko of the shine and might I add a very powerful miko.” Said the seer. Hiei was socked but did not show it. He had showed too much emotion for his liking.
“Do you wish to see her?” Asked Taki. Hiei nodded and watched as Taki smiled and started to cant a ancient spell. Her crystal ball started to grow and a image of a raven haired woman a round the age of 20 walking down the street with a little demon-child in her arms that looked like 4 in human years. She was talking to the child and then started to laugh as the child said something. Hiei was socked there was his mate in all her glory. Her raven hair come to her mid-back and the deepest blue eyes that you will ever see.
She looked short for her age at the height of 5'4 she would probably come up to his shoulders. She looked to vigil to be a miko. She looked like a glass doll who would broke if was too rough handled. Her image started to blur. Hiei looked at the seer and give a frown. The seer just smiled at Hiei and Said and a soft tone.
“Her cousin is Yusuke Urameshi. He could probably be of some help.” She said. “ Now, I would like to go to bed. I am very tried from using my powers and would like some rest.”
Hiei nodded and told a savant outside to lead Taki and Kumo to there rooms. After that Kurama and Hiei agreed to talk to the directive in the morning. Hiei said his good byes to the fox before he left to go back home to see his human mother. Hiei made his way to his room and took off his day clothes and put on some night clothes knowing that falling asleep now he won't wake until next morning from all the activity he did today and finding out about his mate it was all tiring.
He fall asleep thinking about his mate.
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That took a while. Hope you like it.
Taki - waterfall
Kumo - spider
Ryuujin - Dragon King
Next Chapter Kagome meets her mate and doesn't even knows it while Tamashii thinks he just found a dad.