Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kuronue's Pendant ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
- Chapter 2 -

'How did my partner get into a human body?' Kuronue's voice asked almost immediately after the apartment door had closed behind Kurama, followed closely by 'And when the hell did he get so blasted emotional?'

"It's..... a long story." came Keiko's reply.

'Do you know the story?' Kuronue sounded serious.

Keiko shrugged. "Some... not much, really. You might want to wait and discuss that with him."

'I suppose I can do that, though I hate waiting.' Kuronue replied, 'Now then, do you know when he got so blasted emotional? I always knew that he cared, no matter about that emotionless facade that he's had for centuries now, but this was a little unexpected.'

Keiko shrugged, "I can't say for certain. This is a first for me too. Kurama's usually more...aloof. It was very strange to see him like that."

'Trust me, meikinrui, it's all a facade. The fact that he gave you a hug, even a brief one, indicates that he cares for you, deeply.' He paused, 'I don't suppose you can pull me out of this shirt, can you? The view is very nice, but more than a little distracting.'

Keiko blushed as she pulled the pendant out from between her breasts. "Sorry about that."

'No need to apologize, trust me. They're a fine pair, it's just that I want to have a serious conversation here and well, it was drawing my mind to other subjects, so to speak.'

"Hentai." Keiko scolded, but her voice lacked an offended tone.

'Sorry, but it's been quite a long while since I got that kind of view.' Kuronue paused, 'Now where was I? Oh, yes. Kurama looks emotionless, and can be, especially if you've hit one of his, I guess you could call them 'anger spots'. He doesn't get outwardly angry, instead, the agrier he gets, the colder he gets. Neutrality seems to be his normal state. So were there any questions that you wanted to ask me?'

Keiko thought for a moment. There were actually quite a few things she'd always wondered about the mysterious kitsune but had been either too shy or too embarrassed to ask. Now she had a chance to learn about her friend, from someone who had known him and knew him well. Looking into the face of the pendant, Keiko met Kuronue's dark gaze. "What was he like... back when you first met him?"

'Back when I first met him?' Kuronue paused. 'Well, he was feared, with good reason, don't anger him, and don't get on his bad side. But other than that, he was pretty much carefree, never lacked for companionship, though it never lasted. Didn't need to worry about money. He was a little bit of a daredevil, always wanting a challenge. He loved to laugh, and pulling off a good heist always brought out the playfulness that the kitsune are notorious for. Is this the kind of thing that you wanted to know, Keiko? Please, tell me what he's like now. I can see from your face that this is making you either sad or troubled.'

Keiko nodded, "A bit of both really. It just sounds so different from the Kurama I know, or at least have seen thus far. He keeps alot of his emotions well hidden. It's very hard to judge what he's thinking alot of the time."

Kuronue looked back at Keiko solemnly, 'If what you tell me is true, then he has changed a great deal. Course it hasn't exactly been a picnic being stuck in a pendant for this long, either, but Kurama was always hard to read what was truly going on in his mind. He obviously had some ghosts haunting him and I am sorry to say that I seem to have become one of them. I wonder if there is any way to get my soul unstuck from my silly pendant.'

"I don't know," Keiko replied softly, "But there's always hope. I mean, Kurama got a body after he was seriously injured in the Makai. So, there must be a way. Kurama's smart, I bet if we work together then we could come up with something."

'It sounds as though there is a small saga hiding in that statement that you just made, my songbird.' Kuronue summarized. "I think we need to sleep on this and work on it with my old partner. It will be good to work with him again. You have a sharp mind and a quick wit. Well suited to working with the two of us. You were an able apprentice for the theft aspect, too. Good hands. Shall we sleep on it and rejoin with him in the morning?"


Kuronue's compliment brought a blush to Keiko's cheeks. His reminder of her childhood escapades with her "imaginary friend" brought on a sense of embarrassment, mixed with a small degree of happiness. She knew now that her "natural skills" as Kuronue had called them was very wrong, but it was still a fond memory that she shared with one she'd considered her closest friend. Before Yusuke that is. The sudden remembrance of Yusuke caused Keiko to wince. She would eventually have to tell him about Kuronue and the pendant and its ties to Kurama. For some reason, she didn't think that the Toushin would take the news very well...

***********The next morning***************

Keiko looked around at the debris, aka, boxes. She sighed, wondering where she should start. Yusuke was supposed to come over around one this afternoon to help, but she needed to get a start earlier than that. She decided to start in the kitchen with some of the dishes, though she had brought paper plates and napkins as well as some disposable cups and plasticware, knowing that she would have no time for dishes yet. She unpacked for most of the morning, taking a quick break about noon to eat some leftovers that she brought from her parent's house for today. She sighed in relief as the knock came for once on time. She had a good dent in the kitchen and next to tackle was the living room.

Kuronue had been silent for most of the day, only making occasional comments on things that he liked that she owned, sensing that she wanted to get as much done as possible today without many distractions.

As she worked, Keiko wondered when they would get the chance to talk to Kurama again. He had called that morning, saying that there was something extremely important that he needed to take care of, and considering he was skipping the opportunity to talk with an old friend he'd thought was dead, it must have been very important.

Kuronue had grumbled about it, but finally digressed when Kurama had told Keiko that he would be by later that evening. She'd barely hung up the phone when it had rang again. It was, of course, Yusuke, offering his assistance and she'd readily accepted it. So now, here she was, rummaging through the sorted boxes and waiting on the ex-Tantei to arrive.

Yusuke knocked on the door of Keiko's new apartment. He had been wanting some time alone with her for quite some time and this seemed to be the perfect opportunity. He wanted to explore and hoped that he had a chance. He made sure to be prompt, considering her anger at his tardiness was not something that he wanted to face at the moment. He knew that Kurama had helped her move the boxes yesterday and he would help her unpack what he could. He heard her moving around the boxes, mildly cursing as he heard a soft thump, undoubtedly stubbing a toe or something. If he was lucky, then maybe he could 'kiss and make it all better.' He grinned as he heard the door open.

Keiko met Yusuke's smile with one of her own as she invited him inside the apartment and closed the door afterward.

Kuronue looked at the older teen standing just inside the doorway. He was not terribly impressed despite the fact that he could feel the power radiating off of this deceptively small built young man. Short, black hair that was slicked back in a very punk style and brown, almost hazel eyes. This kid reeked of sexual tension and while loyalty was inspired for some reason and that he could be trusted with it, something was off kilter. 'Keiko, I hate to say it, but if this is the guy you were saving yourself for, I don't think he's worthy of you.'

Keiko stiffened, for the first time wishing she could communicate with Kuronue mentally instead of having to speak aloud. She'd tried that before and found that the only way Kuronue could hear anyone was if they spoke vocally, including her. She wondered what it was about Yusuke that made Kuronue make that assessment. It was a bit disconcerting, hearing that the man you've always loved just...didn't measure up in someone else's eyes. So, instead, she settled for a questioning glance down at the pendant. Which unfortunately brought Yusuke's attention to said pendant.

Yusuke saw Keiko's questioning look and followed her eyes. It was a magnificent pendant, obviously old. "Where did you get that from, Keiko?"

Keiko's eyes immediately snapped back up, front and center. "Eh? O-oh! Um, well, you see, this was a gift I recieved from my grandmother when I was really young. I just ran across it the other day in my mother's attic." She said, absentmindedly rubbing her fingers across the pendant's surface, almost lovingly.

Kuronue could not hold back the groan that escaped him at the feel of her fingers caressing his pendant. He knew that he was connected to the pendant, and somehow, her, but it seemed that his link to reality was getting a little stronger, especially in her presence. 'Keiko, love, as much as I love to feel your hands on my pendant, I somehow don't think you quite realize what it's doing to me, and I don't even have a body to respond with!'

"What?!" Keiko took in the hint of confusion on Yusuke's face and could feel the makings of a bright red blush erupting on her face. She quickly turned away from Yusuke, her hand coming down and away from the jewel. "I'll get you for that later." She whispered to the youkai spirit.

'Not if I get you first, my songbird.' Kuronue whispered in her ears. 'Sorry, but I never realized that I was sensitive to touches on my pendant. I felt it yesterday, when Kurama held it, and cried over it and now I feel your touch. We'll talk later, for now, get what you need to get done.'

Keiko regained her somewhat askew composure and turned back to Yusuke. The dark haired Toushin looked somewhat annoyed at her turning her back on him instead of explaining. "What gives, Keiko?" He asked, crossin his arms across his chest.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just remembered that I have a job interview this evening that I can't be late for!" Keiko covered smoothly. "So, let's see if it takes us half as long to unpack these things as it did to pack them, ne?"

"You sure? I've never seen you this jumpy for a job interview." Yusuke looked her hard in the eyes.

Kuronue caught the look. This young man was no one's plaything, that was for sure. His songbird needed someone still tough, but tender and gentle as well. This 'Yusuke' had hard edges everywhere he looked. The eyes promised that they could be gentle, too, but Kuronue hadn't seen any sign of it so far.

"Of course," Keiko replied, oblivious to Kuronue's continued assessment of her boyfriend. "Now, where to start." She said, looking around.

"Why not in here?" Yusuke asked. Keiko found him standing casually by the door leading into the bedroom.

Keiko heard Kuronue snort even as she hurriedly blocked his path. "Most of what's in there is just my clothing and I have my outfit for my interview all ready to go! I really need help here in the living room, though."

Yusuke got a small look of disappointment on his face before finally saying, "Oh, okay. Sure thing." And followed her toward the stack of boxes beside the couch.

Keiko opened a box of DVD's that Kurama had placed next to the appropriate rack yesterday. It was nice to know that she did have some thoughtful friends. She bent over her beloved anime series, wondering which should go on which shelf. She made her mind up quickly, putting Fushigi Yuugi on top, followed by her collection of Ruroni Kenshin and then started on the rest of her collection of movies, ignoring the way that her backside was turned to Yusuke.

Yusuke watched the tempting sight as he idly rummaged through his box, not really unpacking it. But then again, he had a viable reason for being a bit distracted. Not being able to stop himself, he rose up from his crouched position and moved in behind Keiko's stooped form. Positioning himself, Yusuke quickly wrapped his arms around Keiko's waist and pulled her back against him, ignoring her sudden gasp of surprise. He leaned down to nuzzle her behind the ear even as he subtly ground his hips into her backside. "Ah, alone at last." He murmured suggestively.

Keiko momentarily leaned back into Yusuke's embrace, but knew where that would lead and she heard Kuronue's snort of disgust, even as Yusuke wrapped his arms around her waist. She playfully slapped his hands away and told him, "Yusuke! I have too much work to do to get distracted now!"

She heard a small cheering from the pendant, even as Kuronue whispered, 'Good girl. Work and pleasure don't mix well. Good way to get killed.' Kuronue thought silently to himself, Now to see if he respects her wishes.

Yusuke released her, albeit reluctantly, and went back to his box. Keiko sighed and continued to unpack, but it wasn't two minutes before Yusuke was whirling her around and pulling her to him in order to draw her lips to his in an urgent kiss. Keiko was taken off-guard and stiffened momentarily before beginning to push lightly at Yusuke's chest. The kiss was pleasant enough but really! She'd already expressed her desire to finish unpacking as soon as possible. Couldn't he keep his hand off of her until then? Keiko mentally snorted, of course not, this was Yusuke after all...

Much to Keiko's consternation, her attempts to push him off her were uneffective. Yusuke simply proceeded to deepen the kiss by swiping his tongue across her bottom lip as his left hand strayed down to cup her behind and giving it a squeeze. Keiko gasped in surprise, thus giving Yusuke's tongue the entrance he desired. Yusuke turned them so that Keiko's back was to the couch, wary of her slap, which somehow still sent him reeling.

Kuronue could feel Keiko's panic rising and Keiko could feel the anger swelling within the pendant. She couldn't manage a verbal 'no' not with their lips locked together like this and she couldn't get enough leverage to shove him off. Kuronue decided to try something he'd never either felt the desire to do, or the inclination to do, he pulsed his energy through the pendant, in time with one of Keiko's shoves against Yusuke's chest, effectively throwing him off of her.

Yusuke stumbled back somewhat, but managed to catch himself before falling. He blinked, looking at Keiko in surprise that she could push him so forcefully. A few moments passed in which Keiko used to catch her breath. Yusuke composed himself and opened his mouth, intent on asking Keiko something along the lines of "What gives?" when the sound of someone knocking on the front door interrupted him.

Keiko hurried over to the door, avoiding Yusuke's sharp eyes for the moment and very grateful for Kuronue's intervention, as well as whoever had knocked on the door. She opened the door. "Oh, hi, Kurama!" She had never been so grateful to see their red-headed friend.

"Greetings, Keiko and," His sharp eyes noticed the Toushin before he could add Kuronue's name on the end, instead saying, "Yusuke. I am surprised to see you here."

Yusuke looked hard over at the kitsune, "I could say the same thing about you, Kurama. It's Monday, shouldn't you still be at work?"

"Indeed, normally I would, however something came up that I needed to deal with, and I needed to get my desk cleared." Kurama told him.

Kuronue chuckled, the sound echoing through Kurama and Keiko's minds. 'You still know how to sidestep an issue, don't you, Youko?' He called him by the public name the kitsune had gone by in the Makai, just to not fall out of the habit. He did not know this Yusuke, even though Kurama obviously did and until Kuronue decided which side Yusuke was on, he fell into the area of Public, not Private.

An amused smile crept onto Kurama's lips as he glanced down at the pendant hanging around Keiko's neck. Yusuke noticed. He had also noticed the slight pulse of youki that had flared when Keiko had pushed him away so forcefully a few moments ago. Despite the fact that he was often labeled a delinquent, he was definitely not stupid. He kept his suspicions to himself though and instead continued to observe Kurama and Keiko's interaction.

Kurama wanted to shake his head in amusement. It was telling that Kuronue called him Youko with Yusuke present, meaning that he either did not trust, or did not like the toushin. "Can you use an extra pair of hands, Keiko? I cleared my desk for a couple of days to help." He knew that she would pick up on the issue of figuring out the pendant, too.

Keiko nodded, a hand subconsciously rising to rest on the pendant."Of course, Kurama. We were just getting started on the boxes by the couch. Besides, it'll be much more fun with an extra pair of helping hands, right Yusuke?" Keiko turned, just missing Yusuke's look of disappointment at Kurama's offer to stay.

"Right," Came the grumbled reply.

Kurama noticed the tone concealed within Yusuke's reply. That coupled with the fact that Kuronue apparently didn't care for Yusuke that much led Kurama to believe that the toushin had done something the bat youkai hadn't liked. He also wondered at Keiko's flustered state and how she had almost pounced on his offer to help. Despite those apparent signs, Kurama hoped they didn't mean that his friend had been forcing himself on Keiko. He knew that Yusuke was looking forward to her moving out on her own and knew that he was getting impatient to be alone with his girlfriend, but surely Yusuke would have better sense than do something like that?

"I see you've got your favorite series out already," The kitsune finally spoke, hoping to disperse the tenseness that seemed to have flooded the room. "How about I start on hooking up the electronics?" He went over to the entertainment center and the boxes that he had placed there.

Keiko smiled brightly, "That's a great idea, Kurama. You do that. Yusuke, why don't you finish with the boxes we started on and I'll go finish up in the kitchen. That way I can fix us a snack for later." Without waiting for a reply, she spun around and exited the living room.

Kurama started on the electronics, seemingly unaware of the hostile looks given to him by the former team leader.

Yusuke finally said, "Okay, what gives?"

Kurama looked up from the DVD player, "I offered to help Keiko unpack. Is there something wrong with that?"

"I don't know, Kurama, you tell me." Came the response, "I mean, come on, you normally don't associate with Keiko unless I'm around her and suddenly you're clearing your schedule for the whole day to help her out?" By now Yusuke was fully facing the red head, arms crossed over his chest as he arched an eyebrow.

Kurama turned as well, slowly mimicking Yusuke's stance. "And might I ask what is wrong with helping out a friend? That is what Keiko is after all."

"Since when?" Yusuke snorted softly. "Admit it, Kurama, you've never spent this much with Keiko. So why start now?"

Kurama didn't want to admit that it was because of his friend's pendant, and hence his soul that was in Keiko's keeping. He knew that ever since Kuronue called him Youko, he still considered Yusuke an outsider. "You are right," He acknowledged, "I never have spent this much time with Keiko. However I am a friend to her, and we do live in the same apartment complex. Is there something wrong with my being here?" He kept his tone as even as he could, though he found it somewhat disconcerting to be almost verbally attacked by his friend.

Yusuke looked about ready to respond with a heated reply to that when Keiko's head popped in through the doorway leading to the kitchen. "Kurama? Could you possibly come in here and help me for a moment?" She asked, completely oblivious to the current dispute.

"You know what," Yusuke suddenly spoke up, his eyes never relenting their intense gaze upon the kitsune. "I just remembered that I have somewhere else I have to be right now. Keiko, I'll see you later." Not even waiting for a reply, Yusuke stormed out of the apartment and closed the door quite a bit more forceful than necessary.

Kurama sighed, knowing that his former leader was jealous. He put his hand out to the entertainment center leaning on it slightly. "I really don't like to see Yusuke this way, Keiko. What happened just before I got here?" He saw her open her mouth, and hurriedly added, "First Kuronue calls me Youko, an old sign of trouble between us, and then you pounce on my offer of help like I'm an oasis in a desert. Now Yusuke's stormed out like I'm stealing you from him." He turned his troubled eyes to Keiko, and Kuronue.

Keiko shifted uncomfortably under the inquizzitive emerald gaze. Kuronue felt Keiko getting uncomfortable, and he was also starting to sense his old partner's sorrow. 'It's like this, Kurama. Yusuke showed up, and for some reason he just doesn't seem right for my songbird here. I let her know that, of course. They start unpacking, well, she does anyway. He wanted to help her in the bedroom of all places!' He paused, wondering how to tell the rest.

Keiko once again shifted uncomfortably as she saw Kurama's eyes widen in realization. "It was nothing, Kuronue. Yusuke does that sort of thing all the time. It wasn't his fault that I just felt it wasn't the time for it." She knew that her excuse was a feeble one at best, but it was all she could say.

Kuronue growled, 'I was right, he doesn't deserve you. You need to be treated with respect! If I hadn't of added my kick in with your push, when Kurama got here he would have had quite a show, and you would have been getting an ear full! I have not been that angry at anyone in quite some time. Most who knew me called me almost too easy going for a demon.'

Kurama nodded. "Kuronue and I both loved to play." His face turned very somber, "Kuronue is right, though, you should be treated with respect. How long?"

"How...long?" Keiko sounded confused.

Kurama turned to fully face her. "Keiko, how long has Yusuke been trying to force himself on you? You said that he does that sort of thing all the time."

Kuronue remained silent, waiting to hear her answer.

Keiko felt her face begin to heat up and she turned away from Kurama, her hands rising to cover her cheeks. She didn't say anything, simply stood with her back turned, head bowed down, which worried him.


Kuronue's voice was sharp and demanding. Sensing something was wrong, Kurama moved to stand behind Keiko, placing a hand on her shoulder and urging her to turn around. As she slowly turned, the scent of tears hit his nose, increasing Kurama's worry. Placing a gentle hand beneath her chin, he lifted her face so that he could see it. It was currently red, not only from her blushing but from the effort she was putting forth to stifle the apparent sobs that were caught in her throat.

"Oh, Keiko..." Kurama began before pulling her into his arms comfortingly just as her resistance faltered. He held her while she cried, and amidst his own state of concern, he could sense Kuronue's as well. Though he said nothing, Kurama could tell that his old friend was distraught with the sight of Keiko in tears.

Finally, her crying abated and after another moment's silence, Kurama simply said, "Tell me."

Keiko finally pulled back slightly from Kurama's warm arms. "It's been like this for about six months now, more or less. When I started looking for apartments. Yusuke started to get impatient. But my parents were always around, or he was always off doing something else. I didn't realize what was actually happening until Kuronue gave me a jolt and then you asked the question. I think I was in denial."

Kurama pulled the girl back to his chest. "I was afraid of this. Keiko, Yusuke has always been a bit agressive where you are concerned, and I knew this. He was also possessive, but as a human, he never would have forced the issue. Now that he's a demon, and a toushin at that, well, they are known for getting what they want, and very little stands in their way. Tell me as much, or as little as you want, but know that I am here, and I will protect you." He heard the snort from the pendant, and gave a small chuckle that had no amusement to it, "Kuronue's more than willing to help." He looked down at her mahogany hair, "Shall we sit down and talk?"

It sounded odd, Kurama offering protection to her, and from Yusuke of all people. The one man she had always imagined being married to since they were kids. But now that Yusuke had began to display more sexual aggressiveness where she was concerned, Keiko was surprised to find that it was wholly unwanted most, if not all, of the time. Slowly, Keiko nodded against Kurama's chest, the silky material of his shirt feeling nice and cool against her skin.

"I think that would be good. Thank you," She said softly, pulling back. Then with a glance down, added, "Both of you."

Kuronue let his own brand of possessiveness ooze from his pendant. 'You are our songbird now, Keiko. You shall be protected, treasured and God I wish I had a body!'

Kurama could feel Keiko's shoulders shaking from the stifled giggles at Kuronue's outburst. He himself was finding it hard to remain serious in face of his old friends antics. Apparently, Kuronue hadn't changed a bit. He lost the battle as he chuckled himself, the tension having been broken. "Our songbird?" He quietly asked his friend.

'What else would you call her? Songbird has fit her ever since she was six. She's beautiful, intelligent, quick fingered and she has a lovely voice. And unless I miss my guess, she is ours. Not yours, not mine, ours.' Kuronue could feel the sudden stillness enveloping Keiko. 'Do you object to this?'

Kurama felt the stillness enveloping Keiko. "I know I don't have any objections, Kuronue. The question would become, does Keiko have any objections. This is her we are talking about, after all." He reached down and tilted her face up to look at him, "So, Keiko, do you?"

Keiko felt as if she would melt at any second, Kurama's eyes were so intense. She also felt Kuronue's attention focused on her radiating from within the pendant and nearly swooned. She knew that she should be having reservations, but for the life of her, Keiko found herself not objecting in the least. Feeling a small blush creep onto her cheeks again, this time for a completely different reason, Keiko shook her head.

"No," She smiled, "No, I don't mind at all."

Kurama embraced Keiko tightly, the pendant trapped between them, who seemed to rest between them. There was a feeling of a third set of arms, even if they weren't corporeal. "Kuronue, can you use my body?" He whispered.

Kuronue was shocked. He had never tried to possess someone's body, even though all demons could and here his partner was, asking if he wanted to try. "Am I allowed to?" He whispered back.

"Please try." Kurama offered from where he still had his arms wrapped around Keiko. "I can feel how badly you want to hold her in your arms."

Keiko was literaly holding her breath with anticipation. She was enjoying being held by Kurama and she had seen Kuronue in the pendant, but she wondered how his body posture would change if Kuronue took over.

Kurama forced his body into a trancelike state, awareness retreated even as his telepathic ability reached out to Kuronue, 'Please, I am leaving the door open.'

Kuronue felt the retreat of Kurama's consciousness and with an effort, wrenched his soul out of the pendant and into his friend's body. 'Thank you.' He said, and settled into the body of his old partner turned human. 'You've kept this body dang fit, for a human one.'

The body settled into the more relaxed and easy going posture of Kuronue. "I finally have a body, I wish it were my own, but my friend's will have to do. This will not last terribly long, I feel my pendant calling me back. But while I'm here, holding you will have to do." He cradled her in 'his' arms.

Keiko could not convey the emotion that swept over her as she finally registered that in a sense Kuronue was holding her. It had felt good when Kurama had been in control of the body, holding her tightly. But now, there seemed to be more to the embrace. A longing so intense that it took her breath away and urged her to do something impulsive.

She kissed him.

To be continued . . .