Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kuronue's Pendant ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kuronue's Pendant

Disclaimer: I realized that I forgot this last chapter. I don't own any of these characters, we can only wish. Just playing a bit.

A few Author's notes, here. Thanks to everyone who has read this and reviewed. This was kind of a rabid plot bunny that bit before we knew quite where we were going and put it out to get a feel for what you guys liked. Warnings are coming, this chapter and most of the ones following will have shonen ai overtones. I hope this does not offend anyone, but all we can do is follow the muses and the characters.

~Chapter 3~

Kuronue kissed her back, knowing that this would only last a few more minutes. He knew that while one male had been visiting unwelcome attentions on her, she had initiated this one. He did what he did best. He played with her lips. Giving her teasing kisses that hinted at more sober and serious play, but never materialized. He knew that Kurama could feel all this, just had no control. The two used to have very similar styles when it came to women, but he didn't know if that held true in this body, it seemed untried in this aspect. Even as he was kissing her, he could feel himself being dragged back into his pendant.

Kurama felt his body coming back under his control, even as his arms were wrapped around a moaning Keiko and his lips were pressed to hers. He changed the pressure to a more serious one. His partner's methods hadn't changed too much, but he had become a much more serious individual, learning that each moment and memory were precious in themselves. As he raised his lips from hers, breathing raggedly, he looked down at her eyes, hoping she didn't feel rushed.

Keiko's breathing matched Kurama's in its raggedness. Her mind was still trying to wrap around the fact that she'd had the gall to kiss Kuronue, especially while he was in possession of Kurama's body, and so in essence had kissed Kurama as well. And boy, could they ever kiss! She had had no problems recognizing when Kuronue had left Kurama's body and Kurama had taken over the kiss. Their techniques,while both effective and enjoyable, were subtly different and very telling. She felt Kurama pull away and knew that she had to face the consequences of her actions and opened her eyes. Her eyelids fluttered open once she had regained her composure to see Kurama staring down at her intently. She could also sense Kuronue's presence within the pendant, awaiting to see what events would unfold after what had just occured. Clearing her throat, she directed her comment toward both of her kiss' recipients.

"I-I'm sorry about that. I just don't know what came over me." Even as she spoke, Keiko could feel her cheeks flushing once more and wondered if this was going to be a common occurance from now on whenever she was in Kurama's presence.

Kurama looked down at Keiko. His reaction to her kiss had been more than a surprise. He had never actually thought of Keiko in any way other than as a friend, simply assuming that it was all they would ever be. But now, with her initiating a single kiss... and despite the fact that Kuronue had been in control at the time, Kurama felt something begin to blossom within his heart. A possible new affection for the slim brunette? Possibly. Vaguely, he wondered what would develop between the three of them if given the chance. With that, Kurama turned his thoughts to his old friend. 'What do you think, Kuronue?'

Kuronue wished that he could only send his thoughts to his friend, but as it was, Keiko deserved to know what he thought. 'I highly enjoyed that. Thank you for loaning me your body. Keiko, I have told you before and I'll tell you again, you are a very lovely woman, our songbird.' When Keiko remained silent, he started to worry. 'You don't regret your impulsive actions, do you?'

Kurama picked up the worry, "Kuronue has a valid question, do you regret kissing us? Because we do not."

Keiko stared into a pair of enchanting green orbs, their depths pulling her, causing her to forget her former worries. She should not have doubted them, they were her friends and having already felt their emotions as they had shared the kiss she knew what her answer would be. Gently caressing the pendant she leaned towards Kurama, a whispered 'No' fell from her lips right before she kissed him.

Kurama felt Keiko initiate a kiss with him and lost his restraint. It had been so long since he had been kissed like this. He just leaned into her, not forcing her, letting her guide him. Theirs was more a comfort type of kiss than a sexual kiss, though they felt the emotional backlash of the caresses that she was giving the pendant as well. Unlike before, she seemed to welcome their attentions. He knew this could not truly proceed without Kuronue getting his own body, but despite considerable time, he could not come up with a single method that would accomplish what they needed it to.

Once more there was the feel of incorporeal arms around the both of them, and they knew that it was Kuronue. 'You know, guys, it seems to me as if we need this kind of contact, though I haven't figured out why yet. But as much as we are enjoying this, Keiko still has some unpacking to do, and we still have much to discuss.' He gave them a squeeze and then reluctantly went back into his pendant.

Kurama pulled back from Keiko, "Well? Where should we start?"


Yusuke resisted the urge to slam the door as he exited the apartment complex. With as much restraint as he could muster, the majin continued to walk down the sidewalk, hands fisted and stuffed securely in his front pants pockets as he cursed and grumbled to himself.

The fire demon observed the definately aggitated toushin from the shadows of the tree branch he was sitting on. 'Hn, I can think of very few things that would upset Yusuke this much and all of them have names.' Hiei flitted down to land beside the toushin. "Greetings, Yusuke."

"Feh. What do you want?"

Hiei stopped Yusuke with a hand on his arm. Yusuke was very angry about something, and he didn't want one of his few friends to end up killing a human without the sanction of Reikai. "What do I want? Detective , I wish to prevent you from doing something idiotic, that is the province of the Baka. There is very little that can get you this angry. Do you wish to talk about it?" Hiei raised a brow at the glare sent his way from Yusuke, "Or are you just going to kill me?"

Yusuke's glare turned to a smirk under Hiei's red gaze. "Well, this is a turn around, isn't it? You asking someone else if they want to talk, mister stoic?"

"If you will quit with the jokes, Yusuke. I haven't seen you this angry in some time. Sorry for trying to be a friend." He turned as if to leave.

"Hiei, wait!" Yusuke heaved a sigh, waiting for Hiei to pause, though he didn't turn around right away.

Hiei paused. "What is it Yusuke? I've seen you scattered and frustrated, but never to this extent." He turned around, looking the toushin in the eye. He knew what Yusuke needed, but thought a moment, "Shall we go somewhere else, so that we don't accidentaly level the city?"

Yusuke's eyes softened a tad as the meaning of Hiei's words actually took root in his jealousy fogged brain. "Aww, Hiei. I didn't know you cared! I love you, too!"

Hiei snorted, "Hn, don't get emotional. I told you I've got your back. Now choose."

Yusuke cocked his head to one side, considering his options. A) He could go back to Keiko's apartment and bash in Kurama's skull with his bare hands, and in the process, turn Keiko against him. Not to mention the fact that he would never hear the end of it. Or B) Take Hiei up on his rare offer to help and take out his anger on the competent fire demon.

Yusuke shrugged. "Sounds like a plan. Any idea where we could go?"

Hiei gave Yusuke a glare that asked 'are you sure you're not stupid?' and just said, "Hn, follow me." He led Yusuke quickly out of the city and towards a familiar stretch of woods. The trees were stunted and it didn't appear all that long ago that there had been an explosion here. "While we can't completely let loose, to do that we would have to go to the Makai, we can safely spar."

Yusuke took up position opposite the shorter fire demon and both allowed their auras to flare a bit, no where near what both of them were truly capable, but they weren't trying to kill each other, just wear each other out. After a time of blows too swift for normal eyes to see and impossible jumps and the ground only getting torn up a little bit more, they both collapsed against a dead tree trunk, panting heavily.

"So, Yusuke, are you calm enough to tell me what happened now?" Hiei asked after he partially got his wind back.

Yusuke raised an eyebrow even as he panted out, "Since when did you become Dr. Phil?" When his question was met with silence, Yusuke relented. "I think something's up with Keiko."

"Hn, what happened?" Hiei glanced at Yusuke, "Maybe you should talk to the Fox? He would be better suited to help you if it's woman problems."

Yusuke scoffed, balling his fists. "I'm not asking that damn traitorous fox a thing. As far as I know he is the problem!"

Hiei looked at Yusuke in some surprise and for the first time, worry. "How so?"

Yusuke crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back further against the tree. "Oh, I don't know... it may have a little to do with how I just left the two of them at Keiko's apartment, acting all buddy-buddy with one another." The majin's voice rose slightly in anger at the last part of his explanation.

Hiei felt alarm at this news and sat up a little straighter. "Hn, why wasn't the fox at work?"

"Huh? Oh, he said he'd cleared the day in order to help Keiko with her unpacking. Sounds suspicious to me. He's never cleared his schedule for missions before." Yusuke replied, his tone taking on a slight resemblance to a whine.

Hiei's eyes narrowed in suspicion, "Hn, you are correct. The fox clears his schedule for no one. There have been times . . . But that is for another time. Was there anything else unusual in the situation?"

"Hey, yeah... Now that you mention it, there was." Yusuke began. He flushed a little, not liking to think of what his demon side was capable of sometimes. "Well, when Keiko and I were on the couch, kissing, this jolt came from this pendant she was wearing and threw me off of the couch. It felt like pure youki."

Hiei stood, looking off toward the city. "I need to talk to the fox. I shall inform you of what is going on."

"Right. You do that, Hiei." Yusuke replied, rising to his feet as well while Hiei zipped off in a darkened blur.


Two and a half hours later, Keiko emerged from her kitchen with two bento dinners that her mother had put together for her before she'd left home, knowing that Keiko wouldn't be able to do any cooking for the first couple days in her new apartment. Kurama sat patiently at the small table and smiled politely when Keiko sat one of the dinners in front of him before taking a seat beside him. They ate in silence for a while, neither quite sure what to say or where to begin. Finally, Kuronue grew tired of the silence and took it upon himself to begin the long awaited conversation.

'So, Kurama, you mind filling your old partner in? How the hell did you manage to become human?'

Kurama chuckled slightly, "Well, as to becoming human, I haven't, not really." He sighed. "This is a long story, Kuronue. But it connects with how I told you about after you died. Well, I was being hunted by a member of the SDF, the Special Defence Force, out of Reikai." He picked at his food.

Keiko sucked in a sharp breath at hearing the familiar name. She'd never heard the complete story about Kurama's past and how he'd come to be reborn in a sense and found her interest piqued. Leaning closer, she made sure not to obscure Kuronue's view of their red haired friend as she reached out to cover his hand with her own, silently urging him to continued his tale.

Kurama gave Keiko a small smile and glanced down at the pendant, which seemed to be glowering.

"The SDF, huh? Well, that explains how you died, but how did you get into a human body? That's not a possession, unless I'm totally off my mark." Kuronue asked.

Kurama nodded, "You are right, this is not a possession. It is a merger." He took a deep breath, then continued, "I refused to give in to death. I tore my spirit away from my dying body and transferred myself to an unborn ningen child before they had a soul of their own. Hence how a kitsune has a human body."

Silence rose between the three as Kuronue and Keiko let the summarized tale sink in.

After a moment, Kurama broke it by asking a question of his own. "Now then, since I told you how I came to be as I am, why don't you show me the same courtesy, ne, Kuronue?"

Kuronue chuckled. "Turnabout fair play? Ah, well, you both know how I died, sorry to bring up a totally depressing subject, but when my chain snapped that day, and I told you that I needed it? Well, let's just say that there always was more to this pendant than meets the eye. I've had it ever since I can remember and while I can't remember quite until birth, it's not too much after that I started to be aware. Now, with this being said, I have always been soul bonded to this dang thing." He saw the enlightenment show on Kurama's face and Keiko seemed to be catching the gist of what he was saying. "Don't ask me how, when, where or why, cause I can't tell you. But in short, when my body died, my soul got sucked into my pendant. Now, as to how it got into the Ningenkai and Keiko's family, well . . . Let's just say that 'I' was not always conscious. In fact there are large portions of the time that I have been in this pendant that I don't remember a thing. I do remember feeling pulled into the Ningenkai, though and picked up by a strange woman. She had a vision that one day a descendant of hers would meet the proper owner of the necklace and made sure to pass it on to her descendants. Since then, it's been touch and go. The stronger the ki that I am around, the more that I am aware and the more that I seem to be able to do and feel."

Kurama took time contemplating the tale that Kuronue told them. "It makes more sense now," He finally commented, then went on, "but there are still questions that need to be answered. For instance, is there a way for you to gain a physical body, and if so, how do we go about accomplishing this?" He worried at his lip. "I can't help but feel that within your own story is a clue and that the clue is how strong a ki that the person wearing you has. Is Keiko the strongest wearer that you've had?"

Both could feel Kuronue's emphatic nod. "I've been conscious before, I've seen things, well, from time to time, but this is the first time that I've actually felt things as if I had a body, even when I don't." He paused, "Which is just really wierd, ya know? Well, okay, you don't know. Yes, I realize that I'm talking, but not saying anything, so I'll shut up now."

Kurama had to laugh. Every time Kuronue got flustered, or really excited, he had babbled. "Ah, hadn't laughed like that in a long time! Now, if your perceptions and powers are based on how strong the person is who is wearing you, can you use that to kind of, make a body for yourself?" He asked dubiously.

Kuronue's voice sounded as unsure as his friend. "I doubt it would be something that simple. Kurama, you disappoint me. You're supposed to be the smart one, remember?"

Kurama snorted, "This does not mean that I don't come up with only half-thought through ideas, remember? I think that's the starting point, no more."

'Of course,' Kuronue replied in a teasing tone.

Keiko simply rolled her eyes. "Kurama, why do you think it is that I have a strong enough ki to cause such a change in Kuronue's condition? I mean, as far as I know I'm nothing special, and yet just by me wearing it, Kuronue can sense and feel things that he hadn't been able to before."

Kurama raised an eyebrow at her. "No?"

Kuronue emphatically protested, "What do you mean, nothing special! Excuse me, songbird, but I must disagree with you there. While maybe Kurama's idea is only half-baked, as the saying goes, you still bring me out stronger than anyone else can!"

Kurama just nodded. "Yes, there is only so much that he can do being worn by you, but maybe it's not just that, you two also have an emotional connection. Kuronue's never had an emotional connection with anyone, except maybe me." He whispered the last, half hoping and half dreading the reply.

"You know, I go away for what, half a dozen human lifetimes, and all of a sudden, you've gotten all melancholy on me! Now you know that you were the brother that I never had," He paused, "Though you might want to roll the kind of fatherly figure in there, at least in the beginning. You know that I love both of you! Kurama, you know that I've missed having you around." He paused again and Kurama felt Kuronue's ghostly arms close around just him, the way it had been so long ago. Kurama couldn't remember the last time he had been held in those arms. Kuronue went on, somewhat exasperated, "Keiko, what my partner/brother is trying to say without being too successful, is that the more emotionally tied I become, the more that I can do, I think." Kuronue added the last as he himself was trying to puzzle through what Kurama's intellect was trying to think it's way through.

Keiko looked from Kurama to the pendant that housed Kuronue's soul. She had the strongest feeling as to how Kuronue felt about her, but when it came to Kurama, well... she was very uncertain. As long as she could remember, she had never considered Kurama in a romantic way, and yet in just the span of a couple days she had discovered she was in possession of the soul of one of his past partners, not to mention she had kissed him in a more than platonic way. She could feel a blush rising to her cheeks at the rememberance and couldn't help but wonder yet again what was developing between her, the red headed kitsune and her once believed to be imaginary friend.

Kurama smiled mistily. "Thank you, Kuronue. I know I needed that, all of it. Now let's see if I can actually start working on a solution. Though will your soul always be tied to the pendant?"

Kuronue nodded within the pendant. "I think so. Soul-bonding doesn't exactly get undone, though if I have a body to return to, I think I'll be able to get out of this dang pendant! I hope, anyway, being stuck here is no fun! Though it felt good to hold you again, and Keiko, in my 'arms'. Next time I do it, though, I want my own arms, blast it all anyway!" He sighed, "Not a good sign, I'm getting depressed in here! Kurama, please, think quickly, I hate to sound petulant, which is how I sound right now, even to myself, but I want out!"

Keiko giggled lightly, "Well, together we'll figure something out. I'm sure of it!" She said encouragingly.

Kurama added, "Keiko is right, Kuronue. We'll figure it out, together. We disarmed more traps than anyone, and the two of us outwitted all of our opponents. Keiko's smart too, now we just have to figure out what we need to do to get you a body." He smiled at Keiko. "You'll help too?" He remembered the feel of her in his arms and his lips against hers. He had felt right, holding her. As right as it had ever seemed when holding Kuronue. He wasn't sure what exactly was happening here, but he knew that it was very potent.

Kuronue just laughed, "Of course, she'll help! Unless she wants me hanging around her neck for the rest of her life, cause do you honestly think I'm going to let her take me off? That's not a no, that's a Hell no! Though I might have to do something about a blindfold in here, otherwise, I'll go around constantly viewing down her shirt. Not that it's a bad view, I should know, but it does distract me very nicely."

Keiko's face erupted into a deep blush. "Kuronue!" She exclaimed even as rich laughter filled her mind. Kurama had an amused look in his eyes as well, and if Keiko wasn't mistaken, the emerald tint seemed to have a slight golden tinge to them.

Kurama lost the war as he laughed along with his partner. Keiko blushed so prettily, too. His eyes were almost completely gold as he asked, "Should I even ask, Kuronue? Or should I be jealous that you're looking down someone elses shirt?" He teased gently.

"Only if I have cause to be jealous of your kissing Keiko earlier after I departed!" Kuronue teased back. He knew they were shocking Keiko, but the two of them had always played off of each other. They just needed to teach Keiko how to play with them.

Keiko, for her part, was still unsure as to what to say. Their teasing had taken on a more personal tone and the subject of their past... relationship... was something that she was totally unprepared for. She knew through what Yusuke had told her that demons were not prudes when it came to taking sexual partners and from the sounds of it, Kurama and Kuronue had been partners in every sense of the word. Becoming a bit uncomfortable at being present during such intimate banter, Keiko began to fidgit in her seat.

Kurama noticed how uncomfortable Keiko was getting and his eyes returned to emerald. "Kuronue, I think we may have to take this up another day and introduce Keiko a little more gradually to our, ah, colorful past."

Kuronue felt Keiko, "Sorry, love, I keep forgetting how innocent you are sometimes. Are you alright, songbird?"

"Er... I suppose. I don't mean to intrude on you guys. I know you both would probably like to catch up and that sort of thing. Maybe I could... leave the room or something. I could leave the pendant with you Kurama if you'd like."

They both felt Kuronue emphatically shaking his head even as Kurama shook his head. "No, Keiko," Kurama said, "You keep it with you for now. Kuronue is comfortable with you, and seems to be getting stronger. I'm sorry this bothered you to this extent."

"I'm sorry, too, songbird, but only because it bothered you. Maybe we'll get to the day where we can all play with each other." Kuronue sent, "But my partner here is much more relaxed than I have seen him in this body. You are good for him."

"You think so?" Keiko asked softly, not quite sure of Kuronue's proclamation. She couldn't see how she could be good for Kurama. She'd never really thought about it until now.

Kuronue didn't give Kurama a chance to respond, "Yes, I do. You bring out all his protective instincts. Between the two of us, we could almost bring out the old him again! Don't think we'd bring back the terrifying Youko, but the old Kurama, definately!"

Kurama just sat silent, waiting for Keiko to respond. He liked her in many ways and she could fit in their team as almost no one else could.

"Well..." Keiko began, drawing in a breath. She felt a bit overwhelmed at being held so seemingly high in Kuronue's opinion. "Thank you, for accepting me."

"Songbird, I think we should probably call it a night. You need to sleep on what you've learned, and Kurama needs to think of a way for me to get a body, preferably my own, though how we'll do that is beyond me! And I need to I'm not sure what, come torture your dreams some more?" Kuronue chuckled at the last.

Kurama nodded. "I agree, though, Kuronue. I'll be back in the morning. You have my phone number if Yusuke comes back and tries anything, right?"

Keiko smiled wanly, not really wanting to focus on Yusuke and how she was going to explain everything to him the next time she saw him. "Yeah," She said and without thinking, leaned forward to place a light kiss on Kurama's lips, surprising them both.

Kurama quickly got over his surprise and, not wanting to rush anything, gently kissed her back.

Kuronue let out a chiding tone, "You know, Kurama, if you don't want that kiss, I'll be more than happy to take it over for you. Fer crying out loud, she's a wonderful treasure!"

Kurama pulled back, breathing heavily once again and looked down into Keiko's eyes, "Yes, she is, Kuronue. Which is why I will not pressure you and let you set the boundaries, Keiko. You set the pace." He looked at the pendant, "That is why I take what she gives and no more. Unless, Keiko, you would like more?"

Kuronue wanted badly to follow up on his partner's last comment, but he turned his attention towards the girl who wore him, waiting to see what she wanted first.

Keiko blushed and looked down as well, not exactly sure what it was she wanted at the moment. Everything seemed to be going too fast and well... she still hadn't officially broken up with Yusuke yet. Keiko froze. Where had that thought come from? Did she want to break up with Yusuke? True, she had become more and more adverse (i think that's the word i'm looking for) to his advances as of late, and she had been more than happy for Kuronue's, and later Kurama's, interruption of Yusuke's... ahem... affections. So, was that really what she wanted? To end it with the majin?

"I... I'm not sure. I think... we all just need to face on one thing at a time and focus on getting Kuronue a body, ne?" She murmured, still not looking at either Kurama or Kuronue's pendant directly.

"I'm sorry if I've been pressuring you, my songbird. Think it through and decide on what you want to do on your own."

Kurama gently tipped her chin up to face him. "Keiko, I agree with you. Let the future take care of itself. When we figure something out, then we will know a course of action. In the meantime, do not hesitate to call me if you need something. I will return in the morning to help you unpack a bit and see if there is something more we can do for Kuronue. I might recommend a trip to Genkai, but we'll see."

"That sounds like a good idea, Kurama. It's a start at any rate." Keiko said, "Thank you again, I'll keep what you said in mind and will call you if I need anything. Well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow then." She sighed, stepping back from the embrace she was quickly finding all too comforting.

Kurama let her go and watched the door close and heard the key turn in the lock. He whispered, "Kuronue, you had better keep her safe." He returned to his own apartment, wondering what his life was going to be like from now on.

To be continued . . .