Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Meilin ❯ Naraku's Back? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me...maybe...at least, not yet.
I decided since my reviewers have been so good, I decided to put up two chapters. Also, I hate this stupid thing where I try to put in symbols and it is all perfect until I submit it. Then there are spelling mistakes and all that stuff...And I'm just too lazy to fix it. At least it's there...
Where we last left off:
"You stupid, stupid girl," Kikyo glared, holding her bow, "You just couldn't die. And you had to go and have that stupid brat. I should've made sure you died when I had Inuyasha push you down the well."
"So it was you," I growled. Kurama held my arm, otherwise Kikyo would've been dead now.
"Who else?" she sneered, "Inuyasha was too chicken to hurt you. You was pregnant with his kid. A good-for-nothing brat. I wanted my soul back, so I manipulated Inuyasha into thinking that it was best for you to die so I can get my soul back."
"Well, guess what," I countered, "this is my soul, not yours. You're nothing but a corspe now. You're not even worth my time. I could've killed you all this time, but I decided to humor you, to let you think that you were in control. And my daughter is more of a human than you ever will be."
"You know what, Kikyo," I continued, "You two deserve each other. Inuyasha, sorry but you were never meant for me. You were stupid into thinking that you could kill me and a fool to be manipulated by Kikyo."
I turned and walked off, to find my daughter. Kurama followed me.
"This is not over," Kikyo shouted.
And now...on with the story.
iiiiii are thoughts.
uuuuuu is Yoko talking to Kurama and Kagome
+llllll+ is Kurama talking to Yoko and Kagome
-aaaaa- is Kagome talking to Yoko and Kurama.

You did real good, kitten Yoko praised as we went to find Meilin.
-That doesn't help me now.- I responded.
Who's that with Meilin+ Kurama asked.
I glanced and saw Sesshomaru, with his toad servant, Jaken, and his young human friend, Rin.
"Who is this girl?" he asked.
"My daughter," I replied, "I'm sure you know by now that she is your niece."
"You mated with Inuyasha?" he asked.
"Long time ago," I explained, "it was a mistake and will never happen again. My daughter is my pride and joy, although I'm not speaking with your brother."
"And what did my brother do to you now?" he asked, no expression on his face. I didn't answer.
"Meilin," I said, "this is your uncle Sesshomaru, Jaken, and Rin." She looked up at Sesshomaru.
"He's so big, mommy," she said in awe, "he's nothing like daddy and that dead lady."
"Since my brother obviously has done something stupid, yet again," Sesshomaru stated, "I wish to extendthe family'sprotection to you, your daughter, and the kitsune."
I nodded, grateful that at least one of the dog demons was smart. "Thank you, Sesshomaru," I bowed. He nodded and with one last glance at Kuramaleft, Rin and Jaken on Ah-Uhn. note: is that how u spell it?
"Not very talkative, is he?" Kurama asked, trying to lighten my mood.
"Let's go back home," I sighed. We said our goodbyes to everyone, then we headed back to the well.
What a day I thought.
What's wrong+ Kurama asked.
-Nothing- I replied.
Liar Yoko responded We know you well enough by now, kitten, to know when something is wrong. Tell us.
-How about...- I started...I picked up Meilin.
"Not!" I shouted as I ran to the well.
Meilin screamed in joy as I raced to the well, Kurama following behind me. He tackled me and Meilin once we made it to the tree. We toppled over and rolled on the ground, laughing.
I stood up and stared at the tree. The tree where my adventure began...where I met Inuyasha.
"You sure that you are alright?" Kurama asked, concern in his voice. Meilin looked up at me with worry.
"I'll be fine," I replied. I picked up Meilin and we jumped down the well.

After dropping Meilin off at home, we met up with Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei. Yusuke Urameshiwears a green outfit and has black hair. He has a temper and stubborness that rivals Inuyasha. He isa spirit detective and uses atechnique called spirit gun. As I have said before, he goes out with Keiko Yukimura. He used to be a bully, but has calmed down since then. He died once before but somehow came back after enduring a trial.
Kazuma Kuwabara wears a blue outfit, has orange hair, and uses a spirit sword. He has an unusual sixth sense and has a love for kittens. He also has an honor code not to hit girls. He has an older sister, named Shizuru, who also has a sixth sense.
Hiei, on the other hand, is a demon. He is a half fire, half ice apparition. He is what we call a forbidden one. Usually, forbidden ones are exiled or killed, but he somehow survived all these years. He has a sister, an ice apparition named Yukina. She does not know that he's her brother. Come to think of it, neither does Kuwabara. Hiei has tremendous skills in swordsmanship. He is also capable of using thedragon of darknessflame (I'm not sure if that's what it is called, but that's what I'm calling it), and has a Jagan eye, which he uses to read minds. Both he and Kurama were brought into this as a way of getting out of punishment for stealing some rare artifacts.
Koenma is the son of Enma, ruler of Spirit World. He usually gives us the missions. Yes, somehow I was conned into being a spirit detective. Koenma is usually in his toddler form, but can transform into an adult if he wishes. Botan is the one who opens portals for us to Spirit World or to Makai. She is also know as the Grim Reaper, and guides spirits who pass on.
Then there is Genkai. She is Yusuke's teacher. She taught him all he knows, and then some. She has a shrine that is similar to mine, except that her's doesn't have a well that lets her time travel to the Fuedal Era. After I became a spirit detective, she became my teacher. Through her, I was able to learn to control my Miko abilities, as well as learn to use my spirit energy the same way Yusuke does.
"The toddler wishes to see us," Yusuke grumbled. Botan was there, so she opened a portal for us.
"What do you want this time?" Yusuke glared at Koenma. Obviously, he was missing a date with Keiko.
"Sit down," Koenma ordered. We all sat down and looked at the screen.
"Here is Naraku," Koenma explained as Naraku's picture came on the screen.
"But I thought he was dead," I said, not believing this.
"Turns out he survived somehow," Koenma explained, "he is a lot stronger than before, with a new source of power. He seems bent on revenge from you, Kagome."
"Why is that, Koenma?" Kurama inquired.
"Because I killed him, all those years ago," I answered.
"He is located in the city as we speak," Koenma stated, "he seems to be heading to your place, Kagome."
I gasped...He couldn't...He wouldn't...
"Meilin!" I cried, running out of the room.I found Botan.
"Open a portal to my house," I commanded.
"Why are you leaving so fast?" she asked.
"Open a portal, please," I repeated, "my daughter is in danger."
Quickly, she opened a portal, and I jumped in.

I ran up the stairs to my house. I quickly scanned the area for my family.
"Mom?" I called, "Grandpa? Souta? Meilin?"
I ran inside the house and screamed.
There was blood everywhere. I found my mother, with her head cut off, and body chopped into pieces. My grandfather was beside her, a gaping hole in his stomach, blood everywhere.
I ran upstairs and found my brother, pinned against the wall, as lifeless as the other two. On the wall was a message:
"My dear Miko,
I'm sure by now you have found my presents all over the place. I still have your daughter. I can kill her just as
easily as I killed your family. Return to me what is mine, and I will return her to you. If not...let's just say that
she will not like the consequences. You will find me in Makai. Look long and hard...Or Else!"
I fell to the floor...sobbing uncontrollably...
"How...how could he do this?" I sobbed.
It was all my fault. I should've been there, to protect them, not on one of Koenma's escapades. I should've made sure that Naraku was dead. I failed them. I failed everyone.
I took my brother down from the wall. I held his lifeless body in my arms and cried.
"Souta!" I sobbed, "Mom! Grandpa!"
Kurama entered the room. He wrapped his arms around me and held me as I cried.
"Kagome," he whispered. Hiei, Yusuke, and Kuwabara entered the room.
"He killed them...all of them..." I whispered.
"What about Meilin?" he asked. I pointed to the wall, where the note was written, in Souta's blood.
"He killed them..." I repeated.
"We can still save Meilin," Kurama said.
I shook my head. I couldn't let them get hurt.
"Go get Inuyasha, Kurama," I said, "please." He nodded and left quickly.
I got up and walked to the window.
"Where are you going?" Yusuke asked.
"Where else?" I snapped, "to get my daughter back!" I jumped on the ledge.
"Not without us, you're not," Hiei answered.
"Too bad," I shot back, "because I didn't invite you." I used my powers to transport me to Makai.

And that's that chapter...What's gonna happen?Here's a little preview.
"You will pay, Naraku!" I cried, "You will pay!"
"Do you think that I would let my daughter do that to me?" he roared.
I froze...what is he talking about?
"No...it can't be..." I whispered...