Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love knows no boundries ❯ Inspecting the pack ( Chapter 10 )
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Kurama found the company to be an odd bunch, nice but odd. The hanyou had obviously surprised everyone by accepting Kurama into his pack. He liked the half demon; the rough exterior hid a caring side. Kurama turned his golden gaze to the other fox in the pack. The little cub, Shippou, was a bundle of joy. Kurama smiled as he watched the boy play around with the fire cat Kirara. It seemed like the two were best friends. Kirara had eyed and sniffed Kurama suspiciously several times and Sango explained to him that the cat was her childhood friend and companion. That explained the possessiveness. Kagome was a gentle and cheery person, he liked her. But he could sense a lot of insecurity inside the girl and he wondered what caused it. He would not pry into it though, no, he held his stance. The flea demon, named Myoga, was a funny fellow, a great source of knowledge he possessed, but what a coward. Kurama smiled inwardly. The old one eyed miko, she had more power than she would say she had. He could feel her purifying powers glow around her, like a second aura. Kagome had it too, but not as strong, perhaps she was untrained?
And then there was the monk, Miroku. Kurama could feel his blue eyes on him all the time. He was jealous, so jealous that it blackened his houriki, his spiritual power. It seemed like the monk had laid a claim on Sango, but she had declined it. "To bad for him, he will never get another chance, because she is mine. And I will never let her go." thought Kurama and tucked Sango closer to his form. He heard her whimper and he loosened the grip a bit and nuzzled her neck to assure her that nothing was wrong.
Kaede felt the power of black jealousy surround Miroku and she shuddered a bit. This was not going to turn out good at all. If he continued to let his jealousy and anger flare like this he was going to loose his houriki. The old miko knew he loved Sango, but Sango had turned down his proposal due to his wandering hands. She did not want to share her man with anyone. "But he is a man and men are thick headed, thinking they are the only ones for the women." Kaede wanted to snort. When Sango had realized that Miroku would not give up his groping and flirting of other women she had turned her attention to another male, a male that never would leave her side, never grope another woman. She had taken a demon as her mate. And now Miroku was dark twisted version of his old cheery self. "Houshi-sama, you need to cleanse your self of this energy…"
Kaede was not the only one sensing the dark energy forming around Miroku, Kagome felt it too. She could see his dark blue eyes being glued to the cuddly pair and flashes of azure coloured pain could be seen. "Perhaps I could take him for a walk, talk to him?" she thought and nodded absently to her own words. She got up on her feet and walked over to Miroku.
- Miroku-sama, would you please come with me? she asked gently.
- Why? he almost snarled at his friends.
- Please, I need to talk to you, she begged.
He grunted but got up and followed Kagome outside the hut. Inuyasha saw them disappear down the road and he smiled inwardly, perhaps his best friend could gather up her courage and tell the houshi what she really felt about him? She had told Inuyasha once that she loved Miroku, but she did not had the heart or courage to tell him her feelings. The little secret of hers had been told to him when he had went through the time portal once only to find Kagome being drunk on sake. Little prudent Kagome was drunk, just the thought was hilarious. Not that he would tell anyone about it, and he would never betray her trust, so he kept silent about her secret love. He felt a wave of loneliness, if Kagome got together with Miroku, that would mean that he was the only grown up in the pack that had no mate. "Keh, like I would need a fucking wench tied to me anyway." He snorted inwardly. But his words was just hurting him and he turned his attention back to the little group that still resided inside the hut..
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Ok, my writing goes on reserves right now... I am trying to figure out where the hell this story is going..
And who will I get for our little puppy? Suggestions?
I need more coffee... *snoops around to find more coffee for her...*