Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lunacy and Excitement ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing that is owned by somebody else, and I am leaving it at that.


Kagome had finally made it to Los Angeles. She had to say it was indeed a large city. Inuyasha hadn't wanted her to go though. Not without him, anyways. Oh well, he'd get over it soon enough. He always did.

She got to meet Jon, who was from England. What part, she didn't know.

Not long after she got settled into the small apartment, a pounding on the door had sounded and a girl not much younger that herself came bursting in, wearing only a towel and mumbling about perverted spiders in the bathtub.

Souta went up to her, trying to hold back his giggles, and began slowly, trying to catch his breath, "You died your hair, didn't you?"

Kyoki had decided to grow her hair out and had dyed it black. She figured she was compensating for Nekkyo, who had cut her hair short, making it chin level.

Her hair was currently damp, and her bangs were plastered to her forehead with the rest covering her back. She turned to Souta, her heart pounding in her ears out of terror.

"Yes," Kyo answered him cynically. "Is it that obvious?"

He looked at her dryly. "Well, I never know with you and Neko! Some days it's streaked red and blue, other days its green and purple, then other times it's totally freaky!"

"Chill, Souta," Kagome warned as his arms started to flail to show his emphasis. "You're Kyoki, I presume."

"And you are Kagome."

"I'm Nekkyo and this good fellow here is the Almighty Spider Exterminator!" Another girl exclaimed as she introduced Jon-again. He bowed low, his blond hair falling into his blue eyes, a wide grin plastered on his face.

It had been a strange first meeting, but they all became fast friends. Nekkyo and Kyoki had shown her around L.A., went shopping together, even had a girls night out! In fact, they went to the same bar Kyo worked at. That evening was hilarious!

The three of them got up on stage, singing and dancing…and getting major applause.

A few days ago, Kagome had asked the two of them to go back to Japan with her.

"I want you to meet Inuyasha. He's sort of my husband," she explained.

"Inuyasha?" Neko asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes.

"As in half dog demon Inuyasha?" Kyo finished.

Kagome nodded slowly, her raven hair bobbing slightly. "How do you two know him?"

"If I remember correctly, Kagome Higurashi is our pen pal, and it just occurred to me that you are Kagome Higurashi," Neko supplied.

Kagome was surprised. Other than her family, these two were the first she had told about her adventures in Sengoku Jidai. She had no idea they would end up to be Souta's neighbors! Who would have thought?

They readily agreed, though they had some trouble with getting Nekkyo to board the plane. It wasn't so hard when Kagome began to explain some things about her home and her friends. Besides, she'd be aloud to get something into her system once the plane was in the air and to be seated on the aisle-far away from the window, which made her nerves settle a bit.

Before they knew it, they were in Japan, exiting the plane and clearing the ramp. There was a loud declaration of joy from Neko as the three women walked to the awaiting crowd of people.

"I made it!" she yelled, throwing her hands into the air and jumping around, obviously proud of herself.

"Yeah, now all you have to do is make it through the plane ride back," Kyo said, ruining Neko's mood, who crossed her arms and looked away as if she were angry, then mumbled, "Now who's the pessimist?"

Then turning back to poke at Kyoki, she began again. "You were the one that looked as if you had never seen the light of the sun before, and kept turning off the light so you couldn't see…"

"Actually," Kyo corrected, "That was so I could see. And there are two reasons for my lack of color. One: Jon bit me a few days ago and ever since, I've been feeling woozy. Two: There was a very dark cloud that could rival the color of my room sitting just outside my window, making me rather uneasy. Oh! And then there's the fact that you were squeezing my hand like a stress ball!"

"You…You! Grrr!"

"You know you love me," Kyo said sweetly.

"Only because you keep me busy," Nekkyo retorted bluntly.

At this, the five men waiting for them raised their eyebrows, along with Kagome, while the two conversing began to laugh.

"Well," Kyoki started, trying to catch her breath, "I guess it's not as bad as `I can't get it up!'"

They broke into hysterics again, then noticed the group staring at them and straightened out the best they could.

"Sorry, inside joke," the two girls said in unison, trying not to snicker.

"Hello, ever…" Kagome began, but was cut off by a burst out from Neko.

"He bit you?!" She waited a few moments; reading Kyoki's thoughts as if they were as clear as day. "You provoked him to bite you?! You cut yourself on `accident' and then let him bite you?! Oh, sure! I'll really believe that you didn't know he was biting you until he actually bit you! You…Him…What?! Huh? He's…Really? He's bi?"

Kyoki nodded, seeming to be the first time she was actually involved in this one-sided conversation. There was one thing Kagome didn't quite understand, as well as the others listening in.

"Where did he bite you?" she asked.

Kyoki suddenly reddened as she tried to run, though getting nowhere due to the fact that the collar of her shirt was being firmly held by Neko, and saw Hiei smirk. Finally having enough, she whirled on him; scowl set upon her face, finger in his.

"Oh, you just shut up, you sadistic little fire demon!"

That seemed to wipe the look away, only to replace it with a deadly glare met with her own, just as fierce. But she forgot someone: Nekkyo, who could also read her mind.

"Whoa! Nice first kiss, Kyo! Very nice!" Then to the others, she said, "Jonny boy bit her on the tongue. Tell me, Kiko, did it hurt?"

Seething, Kyoki slowly turned, and in a deadly calm and sweet voice, told Nekkyo, "No, but you are." Then proceeded to chase her around the airport.

Somehow, the combined efforts of Inuyasha, Yususke, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, and Kagome managed to stop them before they hurt each other seriously. They loaded themselves into a minivan, Kyoki stuck between Hiei and Kurama, with Kuwabara by the door, and Nekkyo sitting between the window and Yususke; Inuyasha in front with Kagome driving.

"Ya' know, Kiko," Neko began, "I'm really glad those spiders weren't poisonous."

"Me, too, considering you fed them to my Fluffy-chan."

"Fluffy-chan?" Inuyasha questioned, unsure if he had heard right.

"Yes, Fluffy-chan. He's my pet cobra, thank you very much."

Yususke, listening from the middle seat, began to laugh. "Why would you name a snake Fluffy when it doesn't have fur?"

"Because," Nekkyo supplied, "She said that she wanted a large three-headed dog like the one Hades has in the underworld, or like the one Hagrid from Harry Potter had. But since the apartment manager didn't let cageless animals inside the complex, we decided on snakes. She, being as silly as she is, named it Fluffy. And no, Inuyasha, I do not think it has anything to do with your brother."


"-Did she know? She's the psychic in our odd little village of idiots, and I'm the empathic, unfortunately."

"That's how you matched my glare," Hiei observed.

Kyoki took her head off of Kurama's shoulder to look at the little demon. "Yeah," she said. "I felt your rage, what little bit it was, and channeled it back at you through myself."

"But you are untrained," Kurama stated. It wasn't a question, but Kyoki decided to answer as if it were.

"Yes, and again, unfortunately. The waves of emotion I felt from Neko and her Mom, through Neko and Ivy, brought me to tears. It's why I've never enjoyed being anywhere near fights, or anywhere near men, well touching distance anyway. No offense to you guys."

"Speaking of men, Kiko," Kagome asked, keeping her eyes on the road, "Why aren't you acting like you did with the other men with these guys?"

"That's easy," Neko jumped in. "They're `Double-D's'. `Decent, and Demon.' More or less, anyway."

At the shrine, Kyoki and Nekkyo were given spare rooms to stay in, on opposite sides of the hall. By dinner time, the three girls were tired and headed up to their rooms, but no matter how fatigued Kyoki felt, she couldn't get to sleep, even after rotating her feet one hundred times clockwise, then one hundred time counter-clockwise. Finally, however, after a few long hours of listening to Inuyasha snore on one side of the wall, and Grandpa on the other, she fell into a restless slumber.

She tossed and turned all night, kicking the walls and tearing the sheets on which she slept. It would be utterly amazing if the room were not destroyed by the time she woke. Ill at ease and tense as she was, she slept.

She slept through a book being tossed out the window next to the head of her bed; slept through the pain of a shard of glass tearing at her feet as she stepped out the window; slept as she floated down to land softly on the ground, though leaving bloody foot prints behind as she walked to the well house.

She pulled the door open with a small squeak of the hinges and entered the darkness of the shed. Kiko sat upon the edge of the well, feeling the pull of magic at its base. Listening to her heart and the power pulsing at her temple, she slipped to the bottom, the beautiful purplish light encasing her before she hit the sturdy foundation.

She came to the other side, an open sky above her instead of a wooden roof, and seemed to be lifted by the wind out of the well. It carried forward, into the woods, but not before the moonlight found the silver chunk of hair covering her red left eye.

When Nekkyo awoke the next morning, she knew there was something wrong; she couldn't feel Kiko's presence in the house anymore, nor on the entire property. It was possible she had went to the store or something to help with the shopping, but Neko still should have felt the small thread that had bonded them. The only thing there was was nothing.

It seemed as though she did not exist in this time anymore.

Suddenly, Nekkyo remembered the well that was on the grounds and became terrified that the impossible had happened.

Without thinking about her state of dress, she bound down the stairs in a fast flurry to find herself as the center of attention…in her underwear. Kagome pointed up, in the direction of the spare rooms, telling Neko to go get dressed, while trying-and failing miserably-to cover the eyes of all the men in the room.

Nekkyo shrugged it off. "I've been less dressed than this in a room with far more men that were definitely more perverted than these guys." Waving her hands to clear the air of the previous conversation, she continued. "Anyway, Kiko's gone. I can't feel her anywhere, and the only explanation I have for that is the well, which is impossible because it only works with you and Inuyasha."

Kagome looked towards the floor, coffee cup in hand, and sighed like she didn't want to say what she was about to.

"We found on of Kyoki's books outside, a little shredded having obviously been thrown through a closed window, on which we found blood on the pieces we found on the ground; bloody path of feet belonging to Kyoki leading to the well…and into it. We're not sure how it's possible as of yet, but Koenma is trying to help us find a plausible explanation."

"We can't sit around here and do nothing in the meanwhile!" Neko shouted, feeling the fury building within her. "There are…things in those woods that she doesn't know about, and she can't defend herself if she gets attacked. The only power she has other than her empathy is a small bit of telekinesis, which isn't much considering she can't control anything she does! I've made her mad, I should know!"

She turned on her heel, flinging her hands as she marched back to her room, causing the pipe under the sink to explode, scaring everyone out of their wits, not expecting the loud noise. Neko looked back down at them, smiling innocently.

"Oops…" she tried, and then rushed to get dressed.

Kyoki rolled over, basking in the warmth of her blankets as she tried to burrow deeper, but there was nothing covering her. She slowly opened her eyes, turning away from the blaring light peeking through the canopy. She was sprawled out, arms wide as she played with the velvety grass tickling her palm.

Grass? But what happened to my bed, the room I was in last night?

She stood, or tried to, but fell to her knees in the attempt. Kiko spread her legs out forward, staring at the blood that covered her feet, cuts covering their bottoms.

Great, just great! Now I have to walk and I can't. Well, not without pain, anyway. Grrr! You stupid sleepwalker!

She got up again, this time careful to keep her weight in her knees and back, and looked for a Y shaped twig. Finding one, she cautiously lifted it, holding the two ends that were closest together. She felt the spirit of the waterfinder, pulling her to her destination as she heard the sounds of a stream ahead.

Kyo meticulously set it down once more, silently thanking the spirit that had helped her, and moved onward, sitting herself on a large boulder at the side of the rivulet, gently setting one foot in after the other.

The water was cool and cleansing, seeming to be untouched by the civility of man, as it lulled her into a light doze and laid her back against the boulder, unaware of the eight eyes watching her.