Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lunacy and Excitement ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing that is owned by somebody else, and I am leaving it at that. Please review…I really want to know what you think.


Kyoki let the water wash away the blood caused by the glass of her window.

Never, in her range of memory, had she ever felt this relaxed. She had let down her guard completely, something Nekkyo had told her to never do. At that moment, though, she didn't care. At that moment, she didn't notice the exceedingly humongous arachnid sneaking up on her from behind, until he was right above her, and she opened her eyes.

At first, she didn't know how to react. She wasn't sure if she was still dreaming, or if it was some strange figment of her wild imagination.

Okay, so there is a super-sized, giant of a spider staring down at me, with toxic acid dripping from it's Great Dane sized fangs, melting the rock that I am currently lying upon. Should I run and scream, or say `Hi!' How about both, ne?

She looked up at it, as if she were looking at Echidna, mother of all monsters, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Hello," she said. "Now that I said that, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave, okay? Not to be mean, or anything, because I have nothing against you personally and I can't believe I'm about to say this but, have you ever thought about going to a dentist to get that gum disorder looked at? I'm serious, man, and that is too."

The large monster growled, spewing the deadly saliva everywhere, looking directly at Kiko.

Uh-oh…I think I'm in trouble.

"It was really nice meeting you, but I think I hear my guardian angel calling, so, yeah, later, dude!"

Kyoki sprang to her feet, ignoring the pain searing through her veins as she ran, the large spider hot on her trail.

She turned through the trees, swerving around large rocks in the way, watching as all the little animals scurried in opposite directions. Kiko passed by a deer, loping away from the racket that was passing it. She didn't have the time or the concentration to wonder why she had just outrun a wild animal that should have been running far more quickly than her.

She made her way into clearing, turning to see the spider was still at her feet, and cursed her luck.

Wouldn't you know? Anytime I'm comfortable and near water, there always has to be a spider. This time, though, it couldn't be the size of the one's back home, could it? No, it had to be big enough to rival a Mack truck, damn it! Curses, curses, curses!

She whirled around just in time to find her nose inches away from a plate of spiky gray armor, worn by a silver-haired…being, bloody sword in hand. Kyo realized a moment later, just who's blood that was and slowly turned around, face-to-eight eyes with the spider, who had babies crawling out of her back…and straight towards Kyoki, who suddenly became dizzy, falling backwards into her savior's arms. She looked up, her red eyes meeting gold.

She saw and felt so many emotions pass through one glance, than she herself had felt in her own lifetime. The sensations made her knee's weak, making her liberator fully support her as she closed her eyes tight and clenched a fist full of silky white kimono, trying to make the vibe of feelings stop, to concentrate on her breathing, and to forget about the spiders crawling up her legs.

She didn't have to worry about his feelings for long though, because all of hers came flooding back as the baby arachnids bit into the flesh of her waist and chest, arms and legs and neck, spreading their poison through her.

It was too much for Kyoki to take in at once, the emotions of the man, the poison and shock of the spiders, the strange new place she felt at peace in.

"Perhaps," she whispered hoarsely, her head leaning back to look into the face of her knight in shining armor, "Perhaps it wasn't the best plan to be bitten by a vampire hybrid…Damn that Kyuketsuki…"

Her eyes closed as she trailed off, not noticing the surprise of the demon lord who held her. This strange woman, of the likes he had never seen before, had just spoken of a vampire, kyuketsuki in his tongue.

He turned to Rin, the young woman sitting upon the back of Ah-Un, staring wide-eyed at the corpse of the once-was mother.

"Rin." He spoke with a cold voice, though warm to the girl's growing ears. "Help her. You know what to do. I won't be gone long."

He set Kyoki down at the two-headed dragons feet, trying not to notice the thin black nightgown immodestly covering her. She was a strange one, not human, not demon…not completely kyuketsuki. She seemed to have an earthly feel to her that was ethereal at the same time, something not even the greatest healers and spirit doctor's had.

One that was as powerful as that, however, would not have been afraid of a low class demon such as the one chasing her. And the look of pain that crossed her features after looking into his eyes puzzled him to no end.

He would have to question her when he returned, that was, if he ever left her side.

Rin watched him stare at the lady, amusement in her eyes as he forced himself to look away. Her young brain began to plot, but she would need help. Perhaps Kohaku, and his sister could help, maybe a few others as well. Who knows, after Sesshoumaru found a love, maybe he would let her have hers.


Neko paced the living room, biting her thumb as thoughts ran through her head. Six pair of eyes followed her, curious to her actions. There had to be some reason for Kyoki's disappearance other than the well. But it was impossible to find any other cause; the well was the only explanation. She growled out, distraught, and crossed her arms as she stopped in front of the group on the couch.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand how Kiko could get through the well, and I couldn't!" she exclaimed, obviously angry. Then an idea came to her. She walked to the phone, dialing Souta's number. A few moments later had everyone covering their ears. "Jon! What the hell are you?!"

Kagome and the boys waited while Nekkyo seethed on the receiver, until she nearly dropped when she heard Jon reply.

Neko set the phone down gently and turned to the others. "This-is not-good," she said at length. When she saw the questioning glances, she continued. "Jon is a vampire, and mixed with whatever Kyoki is does not make a very good match."

"Kyoki's human, isn't she?" Yususke asked, as confused as the others.

"Uhhh…No, not exactly. I'm not entirely sure what she is, but I do know that it is a far cry from human. Very far."

"How do you know?" Inuyasha inquired.

"And why didn't she tell you?" Kuwabara queried.

"She didn't even know what she was, so she couldn't tell me, and how I found out what she was, well, let's just say I tracked down her pops. Young lookin' fella if ya' ask me. I thought he'd be in his fifties or sixties or something, but he still looked like he was in his twenties. Maybe he's demon or something, I don't know…"

Neko suddenly stood straight, eyes wide as she remembered something, a small, "Uh-oh," escaping her lips. She turned to Kagome, biting her lip and frowning.

"I think I know what she is, but it's not exactly what one would call `good news', seeing as how it's forbidden for her kind to mix with something as unholy and unearthly as a vampire."

Nekkyo let the info sink into everyone's brains, as well as her own, while she concentrated on how she'd tell them what Kyoki was. In the end however, she just decided to blurt out, "Kiko is an Elvin daughter of the High Council. Her mother and father were banished, though, because they, too, were forbidden. You see, her mother was a pureblooded `golden' elf--silver hair, blue eyes, pale complexion and all. Her father, however, wasn't pure. He was half dark elf, half elemental fey. And…that means she's not telekinetic! She was just controlling the wind in the room…! This is not good…She has major power and she can't control it one bit."

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, "do you think you can go ask Sesshoumaru and Kouga to keep an eye out for her? And Miroku, too? He'd definitely notice someone like her, even though he's got Sango."

"Yeah, yeah," Inuyasha muttered as he turned to the door, not wanting to ask his brother or the mangy wolf for help.