Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Teamwork ❯ Mission and Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Mission and Meeting

~Kagome’s House~

Kagome’s POV

“Mom, I’m leaving,” I said excitingly.

“OK, have fun,” her mom answered.

Kagome grabbed her yellow bag and walked out to the well house in her back yard. “Well here I go,” I said jumping into the well.

*end POV*

~Spirit World~

Yusuke’s POV

“What is it toddler,” I yelled.

“Your next mission that’s what,” Koenma answered, “George get me Kurama and Hiei, pronto.”

“Yes sir,” said George running out to find them. In just a few moments Hiei and Kurama were walking up the stairs.

*end POV*

~Feudal Era~

Kagome’s POV

“Kagome, Kagome your back I’m so glad! Inuyasha’s been hitting me again,” said Shippo as I was getting out of the well. Once I got out of the well we started walking to Keada’s hut. They were almost there when Inuyasha jumped in front of them.

“Where were you wench? You were supposed to be here yesterday,” Inuyasha yelled in my face.

“Inuyasha you jerk I told you to stop hitting Shippo, Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, and good measures sit, sit and sit,” I said getting very pissed off.

Inuyasha’s face was kissing the ground. I grabbed Shippo, and walked on Inuyasha and finished going back to Keada’s hut.

~Spirit World~

^Yusuke’s POV^

“So what’s our next mission toddler?” I asked getting annoyed of waiting.

"I'm not a toddler! I’m sorry to inform you that kwuabara passed away and we couldn't bring him back due to some complications. In other news your new case is to find out what is causing some sort of energy flares." Koenma said talking like there was no tomorrow.

I was dumbstruck, " and that means?" I asked.

" Energy that isn't human nor demon is popping up over the charts. It's so powerful that it can be two of you yusuke, COMBINED. We need to know that it is. It normally pops up around your school yusuke." Koenma told us.

" What would you like us to do koenma-sama?" Kurama asked o so intelligently.

“I need you all to find out what/ or who is causing these flares!” Kurama you will be transferred to Yusuke’s school and Hiei you will be attending it.” Koenma said.

“how do we know when we’ve found it?” I asked.

“You’ll be able to tell. You will feel a strange energy like y you’ve never felt before. Kurama and Hiei will feel like there is a danger is near.” he said again. “you’re dismissed”

We left the office confused, Hiei didn’t show it, Kurama hid it well and me I look like a dumb person.

a/n: I know I know I hate these to but here it goes- Kuwabaka haters er…. I mean lovers I dislike him so I took him out! And these characters are gonna be a little oc! If you have any problems with that email me

~Feudal Era~

Kagome’s POV

“Kagome, you’re back. Hey where’s Inuyasha?” Sango said hugging her best friend.

“I’m right here,” yelled a mad Inuyasha walking out of his forest looking like a pig sty.

“I’m sorry I just had a really big exam yesterday,” I said. “To make up I’ll go start dinner. Hey where’s Miroku?” I asked.

“Oh Miroku he, ugh went home! He said he needed to get something fixed,” Sango answered nervously.


“guys I want ya’ll to meet Miranda ferou just made up a name, she has agreed to be my wife” Miroku said very happily. “since that has happened I can not travel with you all anymore. Please give Lady Kagome my deepest apologies.”

“uhh.. I’m happy for you Miroku. I really am.” Sango said very deeply hurt. She walked back to the hut.“Feh, go do whatever you want,” Inuyasha told him.

They Miroku and Miranda waved bubi and left.

*end Flashback*

“Oh, OK,” I said “it’s not like he went off and got married.” I started getting the water ready for the ramen.

After the ramen was made~

“Dinner’s ready,” I yelled bringing the ramen over to the group.

Everyone sat down to eat. Sango and me were engaged in a conversation about kohaku and the shards. Shippo was bugging Inuyasha by hitting him on the head.

“Oh Inuyasha I have to go back to take an exam in two days so we can’t go off very far OK,” I said.

“Feh! Oh no your not your staying right here,” Inuyasha said standing up pointing with a spoon.

“Oh I’ve had enough of you today and I‘ve only been here a little bit” I yelled running off to the well.

Inuyasha followed her, but he was too late she had already jumped in the well.

*end POV*

~Kagome’s House~

“Oh, Inuyasha gets on my nerves so much,” Kagome murmmered walking into her room to get dressed.

The Next Morning

*Kagome’s POV*

I heard my alarm clock going off and I screamed, “oh, no I’m going to be late for school.” I looked everywhere for where I put my school uniform the pervious night. After I found them I changed and ran down the stairs.

“Have a good day at school,” my mom told me.

I rushed to school. Once I got there, my friend Eri told me that I was wanted in the principle’s office. I ran to his office as fast as I could.

As I walked into his office he said, “Kagome we’re going to have two new students and I’d like for you to show them around the school. Could you do that for me?.”

“Of course,” I answered.

We heard a knock on the door.

“Oh here they are,” he said getting up to go to the door. I turned around to see two really hot guys. I got out of my seat to go meet them.

“Hi, I’m Kagome and I will be your guide for the first few days or until you all get used to your surroundings ,” I said blushing like a maniac.

“Hello, I’m Shuuichi Minimono, and this is,” Kurama said but was cut off.

“Hiei, Hiei Jaganshi,” Hiei interrupted.

Yo~ Oh my god Hiei actually talked to her. How come he never talks to me

Hi~ Hn.. I don’t know why it sort of came out!

“Shuuichi looked so surprised that Hiei told me his name why” I thought to myself.

SU~ Hiei since you don’t normally talk why did you?
HI~ Hn

Kagome was listening in on this.

~KA~ If you don’t normally talk why’d ya tell me your name?

~H~ who are you?

~Ka~ Uh…. Your subconscious…

I laughed.

“Why do all the cute guys have to be demons? There probably just after the jewel.” I said softly. Hiei and Kurama overheard her.

“what was that miss kagome?” Kurama asked.

“uh…. Never mind. Come on we have to get to class or we will be late.”Kagome said running to the classroom. They both went after her.

~After School~

Kurama’s POV

“Hiei let’s go find Yusuke,” I said to Hiei.

“ if your looking for Yusuke he’s not here,” Kagome said jumping out of nowhere, “Why are you looking for that punk anyway, you want to beat him or something? If you do I‘ll warn ya he isn’t one to take lightly to, I mean come on look at Kuwabaka he wasn’t born that way…. Never mind I take that back he was born uglier and Yusuke just tried to help him look at least a bit better but isn’t doing a real good job at it.”

“No, we’re really good friends of his,” I said politely, I saw her blush a little and so I took this to my advantage and gave her my most mesmerizing smile.

“Really? I didn’t know he had friends. even if you are his friends have you tried to beat him? I mean you both look like your semi-good fighters. I‘m the only one I know of, besides Keiko of course, that can punch some sense into that hard headed skull of his,” She said regaining her composure.

“Hn, like a girl like you could even hurt a fly, but yes I have ‘spared‘ with Yusuke and it’s a fight you wouldn’t want to see” Hiei said not liking to remember the time.

“Well, that’s just dandy. Fighting is a really good source of exercise to I like to do it as much as possible when I can. If you would like to spar sometime with me I can show you a good fight,” Kagome said.

“I wouldn’t spar with him he’s tends to be over the edge when fighting,” I said interrupting the conversation.

Kagome put her hand on her hips and said “Gheesh do all guys get like this when a girl want to ”

“Hn, whatever,” said Hiei.

“Oh never mind, if you wanted to know Yusuke’s at his grandma’s,” kagome said walking away.

Kurama and Hiei looked at each other uneasily and walked away towards Genkai’s.

Reiko: Sry, I cant right any more my hands are dead!
K-to: Yea the next chapter will be coming out soon.
Kureno: leaving me out already?
Reiko: Of course not (* gives him a kiss on the cheek)
Kureno: You didn’t have to do that!! @-@
Reiko: Yes, I did :P
K-to: And what about me?
Fox: (Kurama) *gives K-to kiss on cheek*
K-to: *Big time blush* *Wacks Fox upside head* PERV...
Reiko: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA hey k don’t be embarrassed its just a kiss I mean come on you’ve done stuff like ‘that’ before right!
K-to: *10 times the shade of red* REIKOO
Fox: come on K don’t be embarrassed they know already
K-to: KURAMA *chasing Fox around the room*
Reiko: time to do the disclaimer!

EVERYONE: *Except Fox he’s laying unconscious thanks to K-to* K-to hahahahahha
Everyone: Ja’ Ne WE DON’T OWN IY OR YYH

Well read and review. Lol

I have a new story I’m working on and its called Reikai Investigators. Its really good here is the summary for it.

Reikai Investigators

The Reikai Investigators are on a mission, which they need the help of the Spirit Detectives- Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, and Botan. The Reikai Investigators live in Hokkaido. They have all battled demons since the age of two. They have trained in many different types of fighting such as, Kendo, Karate, street fighting, and many more. They got the same treatment as Yusuke during his training with Genkai. Most of them act like one of the SD team

A/N: Except Kuwabara b/c he is just plain dumb?

Koenma hasn’t told the yuyu-tashi about the Reikai investigators. The RI’s live on rules, maybe just maybe they’ll loosen up. This mission takes place after the Three Kings. Someone is trying to dethrone Yusuke, so Havoc will once again rage Maikai. All of this is unknown to Yusuke and the gang. Tons of Questions will be asked but you have to read to find out. R&R!.

New Characters- They are all very rebellious.

·Mako- -demon name Tikahi Ohiharo -wolf demon- she is the leader, 17.5 yrs old, and can make weapons out of demonic and spiritual energy. She is the oldest and most experienced.
·Sai- dog demon- she is the tough one, 17 years old, and uses no weapons, only hand-to-hand fighting and never backs down from a challenge.
·Rikite- demon name Shiori Tama- fire fox- 15 yrs. old- very intelligent- uses a spirit staff. She only fights when necessary. She uses her intelligence to make strategies for the others to win fights. Her father was King Orama, her brother was Youko Kurama.
· Tori- tiger demon- 16.5 yrs. Old- uses swords. She has a loner experience, she is a good fighter with one on one.
·Kima & Kiara- twins 16 yrs. Old- can manipulate items with there energy.


Reiko: I don’t own YYH but I do own the RI’s.

K-to: wait a min …

Reiko: waT??? ?.? @.@

K-to: I own the RI’s I made them up

Reiko: Grrrr….. But I made up the story

K-to: but I made up the characters

Botan: *pops up* I have and idea! Reiko owns the story and k-to owns the characters.

K-to: sounds good

Reiko: Yea!Everyone: ENJOY THE STORY!