Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ The New School and the New Girl (Edited) ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu or Yu Yu, there, yeah happy!?
Summary: Kagome's life start's to change when transferred to a new school. Things go from bad to worse as the approaching battle with Naraku draws closer. If things weren't stressful enough four boys she encountered at school suddenly show up on her shrine leading to only more questions. Can Kagome keep her secret and survive her ever-changing life? Read and find out!
Missions of the Heart
Chapter One: The New School and the New Girl (Edited)
Sunset Shrine shone brightly in the afternoon light as birds tweeted happily and leaves blew blissfully in the wind. An old man was sweeping the grounds in an attempt to keep them clean, while a young boy with black hair and brown eyes ran happily about.
"Hey grandpa! Guess what?" the boy asked the older man with gray hair tied in a pigtail and a long moustache reaching his chin. He was wearing a white kimono with black pants and his face was wrinkled in age while his chin held a beard.
"What is it Souta?" the old man questioned as he stopped sweeping and looked to his grandson. His eyes practically bulged when he took in his appearance.
The boy known as Souta was jumping up in down with excitement that only an eight year old could have. His orange shirt with an aqua green stripe in the middle was covered with mud and his blue jeans were torn in places.
"Souta! What happened to you? It looks like a demon swallowed you up and then spit you out!" His grandfather shouted, perplexed at his appearance.
Souta grinned sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Well you see grandpa, that's what I wanted to-SIS IS BACK!" he suddenly shouted happily not bothering to finish the rest of his sentence. With a huge grin he bolted past the confused senior and ran up to his sister.
"Hey squirt!" she called happily at him as she set her rather large yellow bag on the ground. With a smile she rubbed his head and watched in amusement as he protested the action greatly, “Stop it sis!” she only chuckled.
Souta smiled, it was nice having his sister back, he often missed her. Stepping back, mostly to escape the constant head rubbing, he took in her battered up appearance.
Her long raven tresses were caked in mud and her green and white school outfit lay torn in her hands. Once again she was wearing the traditional miko garbs that were no doubt given to her by Kaede. Bruises adorned her arms and face and it looked and smelled like she really needed to have a bath.
Souta put a hand over his nose while waving the other one like a fan in front of him, “Hey sis I think you really need a shower.” He mumbled as he pretended to die from the smell.
Her cinnamon orbs narrowed as she huffed and crossed her arms, “Just for that Souta I'm not telling you about the awesome fight with a huge bear youkai.” She stated with a smile, knowing that instant complaints would follow. Souta loved hearing about all her adventures.
Souta's mouth hung open, “But sis! Come on I was only joking! Please tell me!” he begged getting down on his knees, “I'll do anything!” he whined which only served to make Kagome laugh.
With a smile she closed her eyes and shook her head, “I don't know, I'll have to think about it. Maybe later tonight or something, but don't hold your breath.” Souta smiled, he knew that she would tell him.
“Thanks Kagome!” he said standing up off his knees. She blinked at him, “Hey, I said maybe!” Souta only laughed and bolted into the house; “I know you will!” he called back to her.
Shaking her head once more she gathered up her giant yellow bag and followed him into the house. Upon entering she was greeted with the smell of pizza, the sound of running water and dishes being placed and washed in the sink.
A woman who looked to be around her thirties was humming a happy tune while she cleaned. Short black raven hair covered her head down to her ears while honey brown eyes glowed with warmth and relief upon her daughter's entrance.
"I see you're finally back Kagome. Tell me how was it. It looks like I need to wash and sew your school uniform again.” She sighed and set down her washing rag, “I was worried about you, you were gone longer then you normally were."
Kagome winced, she hated to make her mother worry. She knew that every time she went on the other side of the well she did, but it was her destiny to gather the shards and defeat Naraku, that's how she felt anyways.
"Sorry about that mom. It's just that we heard a rumor of a Shikon shard near the end of my time back there and had to check it out." She explained regretfully, though she would never admit that she was the one who insisted they go and check it out.
Mrs. Higurashi smiled warmly at her daughter, "Don't apologize sweetie, just as long as you're ok." With that said and done she went back to washing the dishes.
Kagome sighed and watched her mother, she really did feel bad. Her eyes landed on her brother standing beside her and she smirked evilly, "Souta, go help mama with the dishes,” she said pushing her younger brother towards the drying towel.
Souta glared at her, why was he the one drying dishes? A scent in the air was an answer to that, and he figured that he'd rather dry the dishes with mom then make her smell how icky Kagome was. He sighed as he picked up the drying towel, `The things I do for you mom…'
Without even waiting to see if Souta had started on the dishes Kagome headed up stairs. She needed a long, warm, relaxing bath after that little adventure, especially since she smelled so horrible. `It wasn't my fault that the bear slobbered on me.' She muttered inside her head remembering the long battle they had only a day ago.
It seemed like nothing would kill the bear youkai and Inu-Yasha was growing more frustrated. Even though Kagome shot purifying arrows at it, whatever limbs were destroyed re-grew again due to the magic of the four jewel shards inside it.
Aggravated, Sango threw her boomeranged and hit it dead in the stomach. Instead of cutting the bear in half the boomerang simply bounced off of his huge hide. However, it did cause him to spit up huge amounts of fluid, which sadly landed all over the group.
As if Inu-Yasha's frustration hadn't reached its peek, now he was really pissed. With a roar he threw his sword and charged the beast. The sword imbedded itself in the head of the bear, which thankfully was were all the jewel shards were.
Now without the protection of the four shards the huge youkai was no longer immune to their attacks. All of them attacked at once and within no time the bear was destroyed.
Kagome snapped out of her thoughts as the bath water reached a dangerously high level, “Gah!” she screamed and quickly turned the tap off. A sigh of relief escaped her and with a smile she climbed into the warm soothing water, `Yup, this is the life!'
"Kagome! Souta! Time for bed!" Mrs. Higurashi called up at her two children before she headed off to her room to sleep. Souta groaned and called out to his mother, "Five more minutes! It was just getting to the good part!"
Kagome was telling Souta about her adventures in the past. After an hour of story telling (purposely `forgetting' certain incidents during some battles and moments with Inu-Yasha) she had reached the part where they were battling the giant bear youkai. When she had described its strength and height Souta's eyes bulged out of their sockets. Sadly, that was the moment when their mother deemed it bedtime.
"I'll finish telling you the story tomorrow Souta, ok?" he looked at her with a sad face but didn't argue and headed to his room to go to bed. Sighing, Kagome headed to her room for a well-earned sleep before she had to wake up for school.
She awoke as soon as the sun shone through her window. It was out of habit that she got up with the sun now days because of her travels with Inu-Yasha.  He would always get them up and moving at the first crack of light to go and find the jewel shards.
Stretching, she began to dress. Her outfit of choice; the usual green and white school uniform. Just as she got her shirt over her head there was a knocking on the door. Surprised she called out, “Who is it?”
Souta's pleading voice reached her ears, "Kagome can you finish the rest of the story now? Please?" his actions only made her laugh, “Not now Souta, maybe after school!” she heard a sad sigh and then footsteps going down the stairs. She rolled her eyes; honestly he could be so immature sometimes.
"Hurry Kagome or you'll be late for school!"
Kagome jumped slightly at her mother's voice, was it time to leave already? She glanced over at her alarm clock and sure enough it was only a few minutes until she normally left the house for school, "Just a second mom! I'll be down in about a minute, besides I've still got time!"
Her attention quickly turned back to the shards in her hand and the whole piece in her other. `This will only take a minute anyways.' She thought as her eyes closed in concentration. She suddenly slammed her two hands together causing a faint pink glow to erupt, when they were separated the shards were gone and the whole piece was bigger.
Kagome blinked, "We have that much already!” her heart contorted with the knowledge. By the looks of things, Koga and Naraku were the last remaining people with jewel shards. Her eyes widened in realization, "The final battle will be next when I go back.” She looked at the jewel sadly “They must know this already…”
"Kagome! Kagome! You're going to be late!" She heard her mother call and her eyes darted to the alarm clock. It was past her leaving time.
“GAH!” the scream was heard throughout the house and everyone instantly cleared the stairway and door. Souta counted down, “Three…two…one…” Kagome came bolting down the stairs looking nothing more then a blur. She grabbed her lunch and said a quick, "Bye mom! Bye Souta! Bye grandpa!" over her shoulder as she raced out the door.
"Finally I made it." She let out a relieved sigh as she looked at her school. "I'd hate to be late on my first day." She mumbled bitterly as she made her way through the crowed of on-looking students.
During supper last night Kagome's mother so kindly informed her that she was transferred to a new school because her old one kicked her out for too many absences. Her mother simply laughed and apologized for not informing her sooner claiming that she had forgotten until late.
Of course she hadn't screamed at her mother, it wasn't her fault. However that didn't mean she wasn't extremely ticked about it either.
"Well here goes nothing." Kagome mumbled as she walked through the doors.
Unfortunately she stuck out like she was wearing a goblin mask at a wedding. Her mother had also managed to forget to pick up her new uniform and thus she was forced to wear her old one. She sighed; this was going to be a long day…
"So Kurama, which one would get the highest IQ? The dust bunny or Kuwabara?" a boy with short black hair and stunning brown eyes ask a boy with long fire red hair and forest green eyes.
Kurama smirked, "The dust bunny of course."  Normally he wouldn't participate in teasing Kuwabara but for some reason today he felt like making some mischief.
Yusuke laughed as a boy with orange hair in the style of Elvis tried to figure out what exactly they meant. Suddenly his face light up in rage when he realized what they were talking about, and he lunged at Yusuke. A simple sidestepped was all it took to dodge him, and instead of hurting the one planned he hurt himself by landing face first into a locker.
The action only caused Yusuke to laugh, “Your such a moron Kuwabara!” he said clutching his stomach. Sometimes the buffoon just did the stupidest things.
Kuwabara stood rubbing his head, “Am not! You wanna go Urameshi!” he raised his fist threateningly which only caused Yusuke to roll his eyes, “You mean I have to beat you in front of school again?” he mocked and then ducked when Kuwabara took a swing at him.
However, Kuwabara hadn't missed and hit the locker. Instead his fist came into contact with Kurama's shoulder. The boy blinked and looked at Kuwabara surprised, as did Yusuke, “You actually hit Kurama?” he said in shock.
The two of them looked at Kurama in question, usually he was more aware and wouldn't let himself get punched, especially not be Kuwabara, “Apparently I did.” He said simply and his eyes traveled to the sea of students in the hallway.
With a raised eyebrow Yusuke followed his gaze. A girl with raven black hair going just past her shoulders was walking angrily down the hallway towards the office. She was simply stunning in her green uniform that obviously wasn't from this school. Her cinnamon eyes were blazing and her velvet lips were parted a bit in aggravation. No doubt she had probably been teased, seeing as her uniform was from one of their rival schools.
Yusuke smirked as a sudden realization hit him; Kurama was looking at a girl instead of a girl looking at him.
“Like what you see?” he asked and Kurama simply shrugged. His eyes never left her form; almost like she had placed a spell upon him. Yusuke scratched his chin as he sized the girl up. He hated to admit it but she was very hot.
Kuwabara was fed up with not knowing what they were talking about. His eyes narrowed and he was about to demand answers when he finally seen the girl walking down the hallway, "Who's that? I haven't seen her before. Does she go to our school?"
Before Yusuke could do anything, like hit Kuwabara upside the head for such a stupid question a female voice called him from further up the hall, "Yusuke!" A girl with short light brown hair and light brown eyes made their way over to the group of boys.
"Oh no! Keiko is gonna kill me!" Yusuke whined when he remembered his last mission made him miss his date with her. Kuwabara snickered and Kurama retained his calm look as Keiko finally reached them.
"Yusuke! You didn't show up for our date! You better have a good reason for this!" she screeched at him in outrage.
He flinched backwards and waved his hands in front of his face in defense, "Keiko! Just listen! I had a good reason really! It was a…you know..." He trailed off knowing that she would pick up what he was trying to say.  She sighed and nodded, deciding that she would for once let him off the hook.
He was relieved when the bell rang signaling them that it was time for class. He was about to make an escape when Keiko grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him off, “Aw Keiko!”
She sent him a glare, "Not this time Yusuke! As punishment you have to go to class today!" Yusuke only whimpered as he let himself be dragged to class.
"Thank you and have a nice day!" Kagome called over her shoulder when she heard the bell ring. Quickly she grabbed her uniform from the secretary's hands and zoomed off.
Desperately she looked around at the numbers on the door, trying to find the right one. Her eyes looked back to her schedule, “Number 402!?” inwardly she wondered just how many rooms this school had. At this rate it was going to take her a decade to find the right one!
She looked at the numbers on the door again and blinked in surprise, “Number 401?” her eyes traveled to the room across and sure enough 402 was sitting right there, the door wide open.
Mentally she sweat dropped, “Guess a decade has been reduced to mere seconds…” she stated as she walked into class. Students were just taking their seats causing her to smile a relieved smile, `I'm not late!'
"Ah, Kagome Higurashi I presume. You better not make it a habit of yours to arrive when the bell rings. Now come and introduce yourself before we all grow old and die!" The teacher snapped while motioning her to the front of the room. With a nod she obeyed and looked around the class with a bit of a nervous glint. 
With a small bow she began her introduction. "Hi, I'm Kagome Higurashi and I just transferred here from Willow High. I live at a shrine called Sunset Shrine and I hope to have a good rest of the year with you." She finished with a smile. The class remained silent and only stared at her with criticizing expressions.
"Right... Excuse me, Mr. Benjiro, where do I take my seat?" she asked, a bit nervous at all the criticizing gazes she was retrieving. 'What was with these kids? They were looking at me like I grew an extra head or something.' She thought a bit freaked out as she waited for the teacher to answer her question.
"You can sit in the back by Mr. Minamino.” The teacher thought for a moment, “He will also be your school guide. Mr. Minamino please raise your hand so Ms. Higurashi knows were and who you are." A hand in the back shot up and Kagome headed towards it. The kids still watched her, glaring at her any chance they got, most especially the female population.
Taking the empty seat beside the redheaded boy Kagome focused all her attention to the front where the teacher was now telling his lesson. She couldn't get rid of the strange feeling telling her there were youkai and people with powerful spirit energy around. Besides, that redhead was staring at her and it was driving her crazy!
Classes finally ended so Kagome packed her things getting ready for lunch. Still that feeling of youkai surrounded her and she had yet to figure out its current location. It was like there was more then one!
"Hello Ms. Higurashi." A masculine voice spoke from behind her. Turning around she came face to face with Mr. Minamino.  Putting on a smile she said, "Hello Mr. Minamino!"
"Please, just call me Shuichi." The boy known as Shuichi spoke. He was still staring at her! It was like he was studying her appearance and looking at her soul. It was really agitating.
"Only if you call me Kagome," Kagome stated firmly. Shuichi smiled and nodded his head as the two walked down the halls. Kagome was still getting glared at. 'Right, this is really annoying!'
"Uh, Shuichi. Why is everyone staring at me like I grew a second head or something?" Shuichi laughed which only made Kagome glare at him. "It's because you're from Willow High. That High school is a rival of this one.  I'm surprised you didn't know."  He stated calmly like it didn't matter. 'Great, now I'm gonna get picked on. Wait...demon aura...NO WAY!' Kagome looked skeptically at Shuichi, finally figuring out the source of demon energy.
"Shuichi, I have to…to...go over there!" Kagome said, then bolted away from him, leaving him slightly confused by her actions. 'That was odd.' he finally thought while shaking his head and walking to go join his friends.
"Oh my god! I thought there weren't any demons here; guess I was wrong. I wish I knew were those spirit energies were coming from though." Kagome talked to herself, still trying to figure everything out. It was then that she noticed another demon aura close by and froze.
'What is it today? Did I break a mirror or something?' she thought, annoyed as she scanned the area and found it coming from a tree. She glared at it, this demon was hiding and usually when they do they are planning something.
During the year that she had been collecting the jewel shards, Sango said that she needed to learn how to protect herself in case Inu-Yasha couldn't for some reason. Of course the hanyou objected, not wanting her to fight but in the end, after a few sits he saw it their way.
So the group began training her to the best of their limits. They had taken three months off just to train her non-stop in anything they could think of. Now she was a master with hand-to-hand combat, the sword, staff, her miko abilities that had sky rocketed, and many others. She always kept small daggers with her wherever she went in cause of emergencies and she now could take the most powerful demons on.
Luckily for her, she had kept her spirit aura hidden and only had that of a normal human being at all times in case she ran into someone who could feel spirit energy. If she appeared weak and naive it could give her a great advantage in fights.
So cautiously, Kagome made her way towards the tree, no longer glaring at it. If this demon didn't have anything planned for her, she didn't want to give it a reason to. So she ignored it, but made sure to keep an eye on it's aura in case it became threatening.
After she finished lunch, she gave one last look at the tree before heading to class. Suspicious crimson eyes watched her leave.
"That girl, I'm sure she sensed me." The mysterious figure said as he zoomed off in a black blur. Unknown to him, Kagome had felt him leave the instant he left the tree.
"What do I have next? Oh, something easy for a change, archery." Kagome said off handedly as she went to her next class. It wasn't like it was something she never did before; on the contrary, she was an expert archer man, or archer woman in her case.
"Alright class, raise your hand if you ever used a bow and arrow before?"
None of the class, excluding Kagome, raised their hands. Kagome could only thank whatever god was listening that the freaky cute red head youkai wasn't in her class this time. However, there was a powerful spirit energy coming from a boy with slicked back black hair. Kids seemed to fear this certain individual, but Kagome didn't give a damn, her power was stronger then his.
"Ok Ms. Higurashi, could you give us a demonstration?" The teacher asked with a smirk, obviously disbelieving that she ever used a bow and arrow before. Actually, the whole class seemed to carry the same look with them, which only aggravated her to no end. They didn't even know her for god sake!
"I would love to!" she spoke happily as she made her way over to the court to grab a bow and arrow. She looked around for the furthest target before aiming her arrow for a shot.
As soon as she found the furthest one, she lined herself up and fired her first arrow, followed in quick succession by nine others. After, the class headed down the target she shot at and all gasped.  In the third outer ring, were six arrows making a circle, in the second one, were three arrows making a smaller circle, then right in the middle was one arrow that hit the bulls eye. Kagome smirked triumphantly as the students and teacher all gazed at her in amazement.
"Would you like another demonstration?" Kagome asked mockingly with a small smirk. The teacher simply smiled, happy to finally have some kind of talented student to teach.
"So what, you can shoot a bow! Can you fight?" the boy with the high spirit energy mocked her, he dared mocked her after what she just did. He passed it by like it was nothing!
"As a matter of fact, I can!" Kagome seethed at him, he only smirked in response making her angrier then she already was. "Well prove it little girl." He taunted with that same annoying smirk playing out on his lips. 'Why that!'
"Fine, you wanna go big boy? I've taken stronger!" now it was Kagome's turn to smirk, but that didn't seem to affect him. Apparently he thought she didn't know what she was getting into.
The students all scurried away like frightened dogs while the teacher watched in a bored expression like it was an every day occurrence. The boy walked up to Kagome in a fighting stance, Kagome did the same. Suddenly a tall boy with an ugly orange Elvis hairstyle pushed his way through the stampeding crowd and walked up to the boy, shouting and waving his hands in the hair.
"Yusuke, you can't fight a girl! You'll hurt her! You can't hurt a girl!" he yelled. Yusuke was about to knock him out but before he did he happened to look around Kuwabara to see the new girl's reaction. Her face was furious. He smirked and inclined his head to her. 
She barely took the time to acknowledge him, just nodding her head briefly, and then she tapped Kuwabara on the back.  He whirled around, and looked down at the cute girl in front of him. She was wearing the gym uniform of a sweatshirt over a bathing suit and she looked really hot.  'Remember Yukina, remember Yukina!' he thought over and over again.
"I'm sorry about my friend, he can be a bit dumb, beating up on a girl, I mean, really," he exclaimed, smiling really big and rubbing the back of his head, waiting for her to jump on him and hug him enthusiastically. That was not the reaction he got.
"You idiot, I agreed to fight him!  And who said anything about him beating me up!" she shouted, about to explode.  His mouth dropped open.
"But...but...he's Yusuke Urameshi!  A pretty little girl like you can't beat him!  He's almost as good as me!" he shouted.  Kagome almost smirked to herself seeing Yusuke's angry face, but the idiot's words helped her to stay furious.
"I don't care if he is that martial artist Genkai in disguise, he is not going to beat me that easily!  Now, if you don't back off now I am going to have to remove you forcefully!" Kagome shouted, stepping right up to him and standing on her tiptoes to give her a slight advantage since he was so tall, and by the end of her speech she was emphasizing each word with a poke in the chest.  Everyone was now laughing, even the teacher.
"But...but...I can't fight a girl! It's against my code!" he protested, moving away from the girl who was starting to scare him, and who had also unfortunately started to sound like his sister before she beat him up. Everyone laughed harder. Maybe the preppy from Willow High wasn't so bad. She had guts. Too bad the school punk Urameshi was going to destroy her.
"Well, fortunately for you I am not fighting you, I am fighting Yusuke. Now, step out of the way before you are either get beaten up or forced to break your code to defend yourself," she said, waving a fist.  He backed off quickly. The laughing continued for a while, but finally died down eventually. 
A ruckus came from the back as a man forced his way through the crowded class. Yusuke groaned, it was their martial artist teacher. `Great, I was looking forward to kicking her ass to…' he inwardly grumbled as the teacher finally made his way to them.
The class began to go in an uproar, as the teacher appeared to be stopping the fight. He waved his hands around trying to silence them, "Now, now everyone, calm down!” he shouted before turning to face Kagome, his eyes serious, “Ms. Higurashi, are you sure you want to do this?  He is very strong, and while I generally don't condone fighting, I will allow this as long as it is handled in a fair matter.  If this is to continue you must agree to hold back your punches and if it gets too serious I will stop the fight immediately.  Agreed?" he looked at the two participants who nodded at him. 
The teacher smiled at Kagome. He could tell right now that the girl would surprise them all. The only strange thing about this was that this girl had been transferred to this school because of absences due to illness. Maybe if he allowed the fight to continue he could judge Higurashi's condition better.
"Fight!" One person from the class yelled out and immediately the two charged each other.
She blocked one of his punches before giving him a hard kick in the stomach. Her physical strength had also improved with the gruesome training those slave drives had made her do, but in the end it all paid off.
Yusuke looked at her a tad bit shocked, before that stupid smirk played at his lips again. Without warning, he punched her hard in the face and she went skidding along the grass. A simple look was enough to warn him that he would instantly regret that move, and he did.
With a burst of speed she was suddenly behind him, “Hello.” Was all she said before elbowing him in the back. With a growl he fell the ground and swung his leg effectively tripping her.
He smiled as she landed right beside him, “Hello.” The only response he got was a glare and a kick in the stomach. Damn she kicked hard!
Kagome was quickly up on her feet and ready for the attack. Wasting no time for Yusuke to recover she continued her onslaught and went to kick him in the side. Yusuke had different plans however.
Before the blow could be landed he caught her foot. The class gasped as they continued watching in shocked awe at the two fighters. Without hesitation Yusuke swung her towards the brick wall, which she crashed into quite painfully.
Falling to the ground Kagome grumbled. `Damn him, he's stronger then I thought!' Recovering quickly from having been inflicted with worse wounds, Kagome bolted at him and punched him hard in the face; what she didn't count on was him grabbing her shirt while he went flying back. She was dragged down with him only to be flipped and thrown down on her back knocking some of the wind out of her.
She forced herself up off the ground and attacked again, he was ready for her for he had blocked her punch, which was followed by a kick that he blocked also. Angry she twirled around making him lose his hold on her while she kicked him in the side.
Yusuke retaliated by jumped behind her and grabbing her by the neck with his arm. His other hand snaked around her waist trapping her. She squirmed in his hold but he kept his tight grip on her. Aggravated she elbowed him in the stomach and freed herself, doing back flips to gain distance.
Glaring, Yusuke awaited for her to charge once more, deciding a better strategy would be to figure out her fighting technique. Sure enough the girl charged.
Expecting another punch attack, he decided to put one of his own in to bypass hers. What he didn't expect was for her to duck under his punch, dodge to the side when he tried to kick her, and roll on his back to the other side of him. Shocked he could do nothing when she elbowed him hard in the ribs.
He went flying and landed on the ground hard. He spat out some grass and stood, sending her another cocky smirk, “Not bad, but not good enough. I think I have you figured out Higurashi.” Came his taunting remark and Kagome only stared at him, "Is that so?"
“Yes, it is.” And he charged.
Expecting a front assault, Kagome prepared for blocking, but he instead did a flip and landed behind her, surprising her for a second. Before she could do anything he hit the pressure point in the back of her neck, knocking her out. "Guess I win." Yusuke said simply.
Two minutes later, Kagome stirred awake. Rubbing the back of her neck she got up cursing herself for her own stupidity. She looked to Yusuke and sent him a smile and an outstretched hand, “Good fight!”
He nodded while shaking her hand a little half-heartedly. It really wasn't his style to be friendly with someone, but this girl had earned his respect, hell, she earned the whole classes respect!
"Um...how long have I been out?" she suddenly asked.
Yusuke smirked, "three hours.”
Kagome punched him hard in the arm and he winced slightly rubbing it, `great another Keiko.' He moped mentally. Sighing he complied, “Two minutes.” And she smiled at him. Perhaps Yusuke Urameshi wasn't as bad as she had first thought?
……………………… ;…
I fixed some things up, added a few others, and changed little things here and there. I know this is the second time this has been edited, but it was bugging me. All the other chapters are gonna be edited to, except for the newest ones. Also, chapter nine is almost complete. Anyways, bye!