Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ A New Mission Begins, While Another Comes Close to an End ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart
Chapter Two: A New Mission Begins, While Another Comes Close to an End
"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Yusuke asked.
Kagome simply smiled happily at him while replying, "That's my little secret!" He simply shrugged and they continued walking to their next class.
School passed rather slowly for Kagome Higurashi. It seemed like forever before the final bell rang and she was off heading for home. Already her fight with Yusuke had spread through the school and people were now looking at her in a whole new light.
"That was an interesting day. I met a demon, sensed a demon, and met two guys with high spirit energy. Man, will I ever have a normal life?" Kagome was mumbling to herself, not noticing a group of guys coming up behind her.
"Hey girly, what are you doing out here all alone?" Kagome looked around at the gang, sizing them up.  The leader was most likely the guy who spoke, and he didn't seem very tough.  Come to speak of it, the whole gang seemed pretty weak.  Oh well, at least she wouldn't have to waste any energy.
"Well, I was walking, and I have to say, I feel very sorry for you.”
"And why is that?" asked the gang's leader.
"Well, you must be blind, or else you could have been able to tell that I was walking.  If you want a fight, I'm sorry, I'm afraid that it is normally against my code to fight disabled people," she said, smiling at them.  They all growled and ran at her, their fists up raised.  Sadly, they had formed a circle around her, and when she jumped into mid-air they all collided.  They fell into a groaning heap.  Kagome landed on the semi-conscious heap and shook her head.
"Now see, I really tried to warn you.  I don't fight disabled people.  Now look what happened!  Next time be more careful, really!" Kagome said, shaking her head, "I'm sorry you're blind, but you really must adjust to that state.  I'm going now!  Bye!"  Ignoring the amazed or horrified gazes of the observers she smiled and ran off.  But without her noticing it, one man stirred among the pile of the fifteen downed gang members.
That's when she heard it, a whistling through in the air that seemed to be getting closer. Thanks to reflexes obtained while battling youkai, Kagome jumped to the side only to have a pocketknife graze her arm. If she hadn't moved when she did, it would have been in the back of the neck.
Turning around, anger burning freshly in her eyes, she spotted the offending man who had no honor to attack someone who had their back to them. She glared one of her famous glares that sent the man quivering and searching for anything to hide behind>
Her eyes narrowed as he tried to escape. "No one attacks after a battle is won. Especially to an opponent who's back is to you!" Kagome screeched at him, making him trip on his own to feet. How dare he do such a thing? And she had gone easy on them, as well!
She ran at him with speed that left him shocked. No, it wasn't inhuman speed; it was just human speed at its limits. With no other warning other then the deadly glare she had sent him, he was slammed into the tree with a hard kick to his face. This effectively knocked him out cold. 
Dusting herself off, she began to head home, finally noticing the warnings her spiritual powers were sending to her, telling her a demon was near. She ignored it though; he hadn't proven himself a threat as of yet, other then the fact he kept trying to prod her mind. Whenever he did she filled it with girly stuff making him beat a hasty retreat. Obviously he was the kind of demon who despised such useless babble.
She didn't want him to know of her powers, she didn't want anyone to know. If she kicked him out, he would know that she had some powers.  That would not be allowed.  At least the fighting could be attributed to raining. She just wished he would stop following her; it was really starting to get on her nerves!  If only she could think of something to throw him or her completely off track, wait, that was it!  No one could stand the constant dumbness of Hojo!
After being with him for one minute, she felt the demon presence leave. 'Just like I thought.' Kagome smiled happily at her friend. 'I guess he is useful for some things after all?' She was so happy about Hojo being useful for once she forgot the fact that she was encouraging him.
"So, Kagome, you want to go on a date this Saturday, if you will be feeling any better?" Hojo said with a smile.  Kagome had time for one thought before she had to get out of this crisis, 'Yeah, I just had to smile at him. Maybe I should have stuck with the demon, at least he or she wouldn't have asked me out on a date!'
Flashing him an apologetic smile, Kagome began to devise her plan to escape the offending date, “Oh Hojo, I'm really sorry but I've got shrine duties all week long! I'm afraid that I can't! Sorry, well I have to go it's getting kind of late, bye!” Kagome then headed out the door, leaving a sad Hojo in her wake.
Later that night Kagome headed back to her shrine. She decided to take a little cruise around the neighbor hood instead of going straight home after Hojo's. The one to first greet her was her little brother Souta, who was practically bouncing up and down wanting her to finish telling him about her trip back to the feudal era.
She smiled fondly at him while rubbing the top of his head. "Stop doing that!" he said, sounding annoyed, while Kagome just chuckled and just rubbed his hair harder.
The two walked in to the house together as Kagome began telling him about her adventures. Here and there he would given an, "Oh cool!" or a, "Really! Oh my gosh!" and Kagome would just laugh at him.
"Hey toddler, what do you want!" came the annoyed voice of Yusuke as he step/ed/ into Koenma's office.
A person who appeared to be only four years old turned around in a black chair glaring at the offending boy. He wore blue hat with the words JR on the front of it along with a blue shirt and yellow-checkered pants. In his mouth was a pacifier that to the normal eye looked like a simple baby toy, but to those with special abilities they could tell that the pacifier is where his powers lay.
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?" the lord of the spirit world exclaimed, annoyed at the ever-persistent Yusuke. He simply smirked at him as he waited for his 'boss' to tell him what the new mission was. Luckily, this time he wasn't on a date with Keiko.
Everyone was in the office. Hiei, Kurama, and even Kuwabara, they were all waiting for him. 'Why am I always the last one to find these things out?'  Yusuke thought annoyed as he waited for Koenma to hurry up and tell him what this new mission was.
"We've been getting reports on some kind of spiritual power in a shrine for some time. It has been going on and off for a long time now without us being able to trace it but now we have been able to get a lock on it's source and I want you to check it out for us," he stated, and the team waited for him to continue.
He looked at them all, as if waiting for them to do something. It was then that he realized he hadn't told them the location of the shrine. "Oh! It's at the Higurashi shrine in Tokyo; I believe it was called Sunset Shrine. Botan, please make a portal to the shrine."  With a nod Botan opened the portal underneath them and they all fell in.
"What do you mean the Higurashi shrine?" Yusuke called out just before he fell. Koenma looked over to Botan for answers but received a shrug. "I don't know what he's talking about so don't look at me," Shrugging it off himself he returned back to his paperwork.
"And then Miroku sucked him up in his wind tunnel!" Kagome had just finished telling her baby brother Souta about the fight with the youkai bear when she felt it. Some kind of energy was forming in the sky near the Higurashi shrine.
"Souta, you stay here for a second, ok?" He nodded at her, curious as to what could be bugging his sister.
Cautiously, Kagome walked out of her house onto the shrine. Whatever it was, it hadn't appeared yet so she decided to hide until she could better see what she was up against. She was shocked when a purple portal-like thing appeared out of nowhere with four people falling out of it.
The thing that shocked her the most was that she recognized them all. Yusuke, Kurama, the boy with the `code' Kuwabara, and that demon energy she sensed at school. 'What the hell?' Deciding it was best to remain hidden, Kagome hid her aura and her scent so they wouldn't catch onto her.
"Do you guys sense anything odd around here?" the one Kagome recognized as Yusuke asked. The others shook their head in negative while the idiot Kuwabara who had dared interrupt the fight, simply scratched his chin and looked around.
"I sense two demons!" Kuwabara spoke out all of a sudden. 'Does he not know his two teammates are demons?' Kagome couldn't help but wonder as they all tensed up, ready for battle.
"Where, I can't sense a thing! Are you sure?" Yusuke asked while peering around suspiciously. "Oh my god! Their right beside us!" the stupid ape gasped out. The other's lowered their defense; now knowing whom the buffoon was referring to.
Yusuke smacked him in the back of the head while yelling, "Idiot! That's just Hiei and Kurama!" while Kurama made a calm, shushing noise for him to keep it down. He complied, still glaring at the orange-haired idiot beside him.
Yusuke looked around once more, 'this is a nice place, I wonder if it's the same Higurashi that I met today that lives here?' Yusuke wondered. It was then that he realized he sensed no spirit energy at the shrine.
"I don't sense anything, lets go!" he called out to his friends who nodded in agreement.
"Yes, no spiritual energy is at this place, well except for that tree. It holds a pure energy though, nothing to fear." Kurama said in his calm, passive tone. "Hn." was all that the demon Kagome assumed to be Hiei said as the group turned to leave.
'So they were sent here to find the spiritual energy were they? I have to be more careful with the well.' Kagome thought, turning to look at the well house. She would have to place some type of spell on it to keep its power hidden. She was just glad that they left without a thorough investigation, otherwise they would have sensed the tiny bit of energy radiating off of it when not in use.
"I wonder what that was all about anyways? Who sent them here to find spirit energy, and how did they sense it?" Kagome wondered to herself as she walked back into her house. 'I guess I'm not the only one with secrets.'
The next day Kagome awoke with the sun. She got up and got into her new school outfit, which she didn't like too much. Personally, it was the blue; she didn't think that blue looked good on her. She liked the longer skirt because that way people didn't think she was some kind of hooker. Their last principle was a perv so he gave them all short skirts, at least the pretty ones. It was almost a pervious compliment, in a strange way.
Stretching, she began her morning ritual, which consisted of the following:
-Wash face
-Brush teeth
-Get supplies together
-Cook breakfast for family if mom hadn't
-Eat breakfast
-Run to school and hope that you're not late
Luckily, she wasn't, as a matter of fact, she got to school right when the bell rang. Rushing inside she got all her stuff out for her first class. Finally she made it just as the second bell went.
Kagome wasn't worried about attending this class. It was based on something that she went through everyday. Feudal Japan was the unit they were currently studying in history. She sighed as she looked out the window, the teacher was telling them about the sacred jewel.
"So the priestess pinned the hanyou to the tree with the last of her strength, causing her to die almost imminently after. But not before she asked her younger sister to burn the fabled jewel with her body so it wouldn't fall into the hands of those who would abuse it." The teacher was talking about Kikyo, though she didn't know that. She only knew the story, not the names of those who were in it.
"Fifty years later a mysterious girl showed up all of a sudden. No one knew where she came from, the legends just tell of a well that she would run into and disappear. Anyways, she was captured by the villagers and they later found out that this girl was the reincarnation of the priestess that pinned the hanyou to the tree fifty years ago." Kagome just tuned her out at this point; she hated being reminded that she was the reincarnation of a walking clay pot.
"She shot the bird youkai with an arrow that had the foot of the bird tied onto it, but in the process she hit the jewel and it shattered into a million pieces and it spread across the lands of Japan." The teacher continued with the story Kagome lived every day. The only thing that she was waiting for was the ending to it. She wanted to know if they made it or not, though she was almost afraid to find out.
"Kagome, are you listening?" The teacher spoke to her all of a sudden causing her to jump a little. "Of course." Kagome replied to the question, knowing she could answer anything she asked for proof.
"Then would you kindly tell me who the third person to join the group was?"  The teacher smirked, thinking he had got her. He was surprised though when Kagome cleared her throat and began to speak.
"The third person to join the group was a demon exterminator. She, her family, and some close friends, had been sent on a mission to a castle far away from her village to destroy a demon. Shortly after the demon was destroyed though, her brother was possessed by another demon and began to slaughter everyone they had come with them.
At the time they didn't know that though. It wasn't until the demon exterminator had to do battle with her little brother that she saw the thread leading back to the king of the castle. She than realized that the king had been killed and an imposter was in his place.
Kicking her little brother to get him out of the way she headed over to where the king was. However he knew that she knew his true identity so he told the guards to kill both her and her brother while he released his hold on her brother. The men shot them with arrows just as the prince came out and killed his supposed father.
However, the demon exterminator wasn't dead, and was nursed back to stable health by the prince for payment of the horrid deed. It was then that she found out her village had been slaughtered by the hanyou, or so she thought.
She later found out it was the demon that the group was currently chasing that had slaughtered her village. So she joined up with them in the quest for vengeance as well as the quest for the shards," as Kagome finished, the class was looking at her in awe. The teacher hadn't even managed to tell the story in that much detail, so they wondered how she knew so much.
"I live at Sunset shrine so I have to know these things," Kagome told them quickly while sinking into her chair. They seemed to buy it for the teacher continued on with her lesson.
Finally lunch rolled around and Kagome went outside to sit alone at a bench near a tree. The tree just happened to have a demon in it, not that she chose that spot because of it. (A/N: In cause you didn't catch that, I was being sarcastic)
Again she felt the demon probing her mind, so she filled with the first thoughts that came to mind, hot guys. Almost instantly the demon retreated, she was sure if she looked she would catch him blushing. Smothering an amused chuckle she began to eat her lunch that she had made the other day.
It wasn't long before she sensed Yusuke coming near her. She knew he would ask her questions about where she lived; he had after all, stopped by at night to look for some spiritual energy.
"Kagome! There you are, so you live on Sunset shrine?" 'Here it comes.' Kagome thought as she smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that's where I live!"
"Has anything out of the ordinary happened there before?" 'Like I would tell you if it did.' Kagome shook her head in a negative, "No, why?" she asked, not really expecting the truth to come out.
Yusuke just shrugged, "I don't know, I was just wondering because I heard from a little kid once that strange things happen at shrines. I guess I'll never believe him again," he trailed off, going into thought. About what Kagome hadn't a clue but she could care less.
Kagome finished her lunch as Yusuke stood up to walk her back to class. This action surprised her; she knew that Yusuke was known for being a punk and only showing emotion to his friends. 'Could that mean I am his friend?' Kagome brushed the idea off.
For some reason she had a foreboding feeling in the pit of her stomach,
Like something big was going to happen soon that would change her life forever. She knew that the final battle would be held quite soon, could something horrid happen in the battle? She could only begin to imagine.
"Kagome? Are you ok?" the voice of Yusuke snapped her out of her thoughts, which she was thankful for. 'For now, I think I'll enjoy what happiness and free time I have. I'll worry about the other stuff like Naraku later.' Decision made she shot him a reassuring smile while replying, "Yes, of course! Why wouldn't I be?"
School ended without anything remotely interesting happening. Once again, Kagome walked home, this time not running into anyone. Her grandpa was there to greet her when she first walked into the house. She could tell right away that Inu-Yasha was there to pick her up.
Spotting her walking through the door, Inu-Yasha bolted to her, trying to make her jump back in surprise like she used to. To his disappointment, she merely said, "Hey Inu-Yasha, I thought I said one week, not two days!"
"Keh, we need to go train in the feudal era. I'm sure you know all that's left of the shards is the ones the wimpy wolf has and the bastard Naraku." Kagome looked at him with a venomous glare that sent him rushing for cover.  But he was too late for… "I thought I told you not to swear in front of my brother! SIT!" Inu-Yasha met the floor, again.
After many yells and sits later, Kagome found herself riding on the back of Inu-Yasha in the feudal era, searching for as he called him, 'the wimpy wolf'. They headed to the mountains where his den was located, hoping to find him there.
"Ginta, is Koga here?" Kagome asked kindly to the wolf prince's friend. "Yes sister, he's-" Before Ginta could even finish his sentence, Koga appeared in front of Kagome holding her hands, causing Inu-Yasha to growl threateningly at him.
"Heh eh, hey Koga. Can I have my hands back please?" Koga simply smiled sheepishly at her while he released her hands. "Sure, but what brings you here?' this caused a sigh to escape Kagome's lips as she prepared for what was sure to be a long battle of yells, sits, and fighting.
"Koga, all the shards of been collected, all that's left now are the ones in your legs, and the ones in Naraku's possessions. You know what that means, I have to take your shards away," she waited for him to yell at her, to deny her the things she knew she would most likely have to take by force. To her surprise however, he simply handed them to her, having already taken them out of his legs long before.
"I know Kagome. It is for the best anyways; I must learn to rely on my own strength and not the powers of magical shards. If I ever want to be a good leader, I need to set an example, don't I?"  To say Kagome was shocked would be an understatement, she was damn well ready to believe anything and everything, even that pigs could fly!
"So… you're just gonna give them to me? No tricks, no fights, no yelling, no take-backs? Just. Hand them over like that?" Koga laughed at her shocked and confused look while Inu-Yasha just went "Keh, he knows I could take them back by force without a problem anyways."
"Sure mutt face, and humans can go to the moon! No offense to you Kagome." he added the last part when he realized he had just insulted his 'future mate's' race. Inu-Yasha burst out laughing at his statement, causing him to be the confused one. 
"You stupid wolf! Humans do go to the moon! HA HA! You're so stupid!" he broke out into another laughing fit and rolled around on the cave floor, not being able to stand from laughing so hard. Koga simply blinked at him, still too confused to really understand.
They left Koga's den when Inu-Yasha finally got control of his laughing fit. Tears from laughing so hard were still in his eyes as he carried Kagome on his back. He rubbed them away; the time to be serious was at hand.
When Kagome first got off of Inu-Yasha's back, a flying orange fur ball latching onto her stomach attacked her. "Kagome!!" the childish voice squealed out in delight as Kagome hugged the orange fur ball closer.
"Hey Shippo, I missed you!" Kagome chirped happily as she held her practically adopted son close. Inu-Yasha just snorted as he waited for the rest to show up.
"Kagome!" A female voice echoed across the field and reach Kagome's ears. Her face light up with a bright smile of welcome as she turned to greet her sister-like friend. "Sango!" Kagome called out to her happily as she hugged her when she finally arrived.
"Lady Kagome, it is good to see you." A male voice from behind alerted Kagome to the nearness of the certain individual. As if on cue, rub, grope, rub, grope, SLAP!
"PERVERT!" Kagome screeched out, this was followed by Sango's giant boomerang coming down on his head, effectively knocking him out. "He's such a letch!" Sango bit out unhappily as she stared at the poor excuse for a monk.
"That's Miroku for you, stupid pervert!" Kagome yelled at his unconscious form, not caring that he wouldn't hear her even if she yelled in his ear. Shippo and Inu-Yasha just shook their heads at the raging girls, both wondering when, if ever, Miroku would lean. They all then headed to the village leaving poor Miroku on the ground by the well alone.
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Well, there is chapter two! I'd like to thank reviewer Um…Hi for the ten reviews needed for this chapter to be posted. And if you're wondering what the pairings are, simple review and tell me what you want them to be. In later chapters the votes will be counted up and the pairing will be announce. The next chapter will be posted tomorrow!