Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ Saying Goodbye ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart
Chapter Four: Saying Goodbye
"Hello Mrs. Higurashi, nice to see you once again," Kurama said happily as he bowed to Kagome's mom.
"What brings you here?" she asked as she eyed them with suspicion. They had been dropping by everyday since they came on that tour of the shrine. High school students weren't normally that devoted to meditation and reflecting on the state of their immortal soul.
"We simply came to see the shrine once more, it is quite lovely after all," Kurama replied, that polite smile of his still in place.
She smiled brightly at them as she moved to the side and granted them entrance onto her property. Still smiling, Kurama bowed and walked by her, the others followed suit, not bothering to acknowledge her presence at all.
Well, Kuwabara did, but no one else.
"Yusuke, I do not see anything different here that was not here yesterday. Perhaps you were mistaken?" Kurama asked, turning towards his friend. He seemed to be peering around, as if expecting a youkai to jump out at him any minute.
Yusuke looked irritably at Kurama. He still believed that something strange was supposed to happen at the shrine, he had that feeling. Glaring at Kurama for his lack of belief, Yusuke spoke to him; "I'm telling you that there's something not right here!" he bit out, still peering around suspiciously at the shrine.
Kurama simply shook his head, Hiei looked as indifferent as ever, and Kuwabara gazed stupidly at the sky, like a chicken hypnotized by rain. They all seemed too not believe him, or were too busy daydreaming about Yukina to care.
"Fine, you guys can go, but I'm going to stay here and keep watch!" Yusuke finally decided, getting annoyed with his friends for their lack of belief or belief and judgment. None of them argued with him as they silently walked off the shrine grounds, still not believing that anything interesting could happen there.
After waiting for three hours, Yusuke finally gave in; nothing was going to happen. He hated it when they were right, especially since he was too stubborn to listen to them. Sighing, he left the shrine, only looking back one last time after he reached the bottom of the stairs.
If only he knew how right he really was, and stayed there for just five more minutes...
Kagome gradually climbed out of the well, her wounds still fresh and stinging. She knew her mother was going to freak out at her, but she didn't care, they were gone. The jewel was back inside her, but they were gone.
Sighing, she heaved herself out of the old well, and slumped onto the ground panting. For some odd reason, Sesshomaru's Tensaiga didn't work on her wounds. He said that her purifying powers destroyed the power of the Tensaiga when it entered her body. I guess it made sense, since it was a demon blade.
Kagome sighed. She was still very sad, despite the fact that two of her best friend's lives were spared.
"Sesshomaru!" Kagome called out him, making him falter by the tone of her voice. It was so happy, despite the fact that her close friends, and even true love, were no longer among the living.
"Yes?" He turned to look at her, hope shone so brightly in her eyes. 'What could she be scheming'
"Your Tensaiga, it can bring back the dead correct?" Sesshomaru looked at her, a small nod to her question. 'I see where she is going with this.'
"You wish for me to bring back Sango, Miroku and Kohaku?" Kagome's face faltered a bit. 'Just Sango, Miroku and Kohaku?' the thought made her depressed, she wanted everyone back. 
Seeing the question in her eyes, Sesshomaru decided to explain, "I can not bring back the souls of those who do not wish to come back.” Seeing her puzzled look, he continued, “Inu-Yasha died with his revenge carried out, knowing also that he would meet his love sooner or later in the next world. The warriors and soldiers died as a warrior should die, performing their duty, which is an honorable death, their purpose in life.”
Koga and Ayame died knowing Naraku was dead, and also that they could be reunited with their family in the other world.
Nazuna died knowing that she died for a good cause. Also she can now be reunited with her family and fellow villagers she lost to that spider demon.
The only ones who have any regret dying were Sango, Miroku and Kohaku. Sango and Miroku wished to live so they could live a long and happy life together, and they left unfinished business.  They had promised to live so that they could get married.
Kohaku wishes to live so he could be with his sister, and to tell her he is sorry. He doesn't want her to be the last of her kind and to grieve for him. So that is why I can only bring back those three," Sesshomaru finished, knowing that Kagome was currently facing inner emotions. 
“How do you know this?” Kagome questioned silently, fearing the answer. Sesshomaru looked down at her, emotionless mask in place, “Because of the power my sword possesses, I can read the spirits dying wishes when they pass into the next realm.” This caused Kagome once again to go into deep thought.
'Inu-Yasha wishes to stay dead so he can see Kikyo again. It's like he's choosing her over me. I guess he never really did like me. I am happy that Sango, Miroku, and Kohaku can live though. I hope they live a happy life.' Kagome thought, happy and sad at the same time.
Deciding to leave her to her thoughts, Sesshomaru made his way over to the bodies of her two best friends. With a simple stroke of his sword, the life was returned to them, the pale color of death had left them, and the sound of a heartbeat and rhythmic breathing reached his ears.
Slowly, Sango and Miroku opened their eyes, confused as to why they were in the land of the living. It was then that they spotted Sesshomaru, his sword held in front of him like he just used it. The two humans smiled thanks to him, before embracing one another lovingly.
Next was Kohaku, Sango's brother. He decided to take pity on the boy, and revive him with the memory that Sango was his sister, and nothing else. Again, with the stroke of his sword the young eleven-year-old boy was brought back to life. During the final battle Naraku had taken the shard out of Kohaku's body for his own purposes.
The three rejoiced with one another, a happy sight indeed. Apparently they hadn't noticed that all was not well. Their most treasured friend was deeply depressed for her love refused to be revived.
Kagome walked over to the corpse of Naraku, disgust evident on her features. Slowly, she bent down to reach into his horrid flesh, her sights set on the glowing pink light. Resisting the urge to vomit, Kagome pulled the jewel out of his decapitated flesh.
Before she even knew what was happening, the jewel glowed a bright light of pink before it disappeared into her flesh where it was purified. Shock was evident on Kagome's features, before a spell of dizziness overtook her and she collapsed into darkness.
She had a dream; it was with the priestess Midoriko.
The noble priestess told her of a mission. She said she had to protect the jewel at all costs for a greater evil will be after it in her own time.
"But I will be alone! How can I kill a greater evil then Naraku by myself?" Kagome asked.
Midoriko laughed, "Who said you would be by yourself? Kagome, you must do something that will be difficult for you when you wake up. I can only leave you with a gift." Kagome looked at Midoriko confused, what was she talking about?
A bright light exploded from her hands before residing. Once Kagome was able to see again, she saw a small fire-ice neko, much like Sango's fire neko, except that were there was cream color, a pure white took its place, and where there was black, a glittery silver lay instead.
"You may name it whatever you please, I created it for you. You can talk with one another through a psychic bond," Midoriko spoke in a normal voice, sounding as if this was just an everyday occurrence. Kagome gave her a warm smile in thanks as the fire-ice neko jumped into her arms.
"You must go now Kagome, face your destiny," with that, Midoriko disappeared, and Kagome awoke to find Sango, Miroku, Kohaku, and Sesshomaru staring at her, worried looks upon their faces.
"Kagome, who is that on your lap?" Sango asked curiously as she gazed at the fire-ice neko who just appeared in a sudden blast of bright white light.
Before Kagome could answer, Kikyo appeared in the field. Everyone got to his or her feet, ready for an attack to come from the dead miko. They were shocked when she looked at Kagome, tears and a determined look in her eyes instead of the hostile glare look she usually gave them all.
"Kagome, I wish for you to kill me. Inu-Yasha is waiting for me in the other world, and Naraku has been defeated. I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you, and all the pain. My soul has been set free now; I can go to the other world with no regrets. I cannot kill myself though, it is to hard to end one's life with their own hands." Everyone stared at her in shock; surely it was a trick, everyone but Kagome that is.
Kagome stepped up to Kikyo, a look of understanding in her eyes. 'This must be the hard task Midoriko was talking about,' she thought saddened, but with a look of determination, "I will grant your final wish Kikyo."
Kagome grabbed her bow and arrow before aiming it straight at Kikyo's heart, tears starting to form in her eyes. She didn't want Kikyo to feel lots of pain, she had lost all her weapons during battle and this was the only one she had left.
Looking into the grateful eyes of Kikyo, she closed her own before letting the arrow fly. She could not look at the person she was killing; it was too much. She had become friends with Kikyo in secret, they become so close one might think they were sisters.
----End Flashback-----
Blood poured down her side, back, shoulder, leg, and head from the deep gashes she received. Her only hope was that she could make it back to the house before she passed out from blood loss, or from the concussion from the hit she took to her head. All over her body were minor cuts and bad bruises, a long slice here or there. The final battle was quite brutal, and ended even more brutally with the killing of Kikyo.
She remembered when they first became friends.
Kagome was in the hot springs, enjoying a refreshing bath. It was then that she felt a familiar presence approaching her and she quickly got out and into some clothing.
"Kikyo, we meet again. What brings you here?" Kagome asked as Kikyo stepped out of the shadows of the trees.
They both stood there, looking at each other, studying one another.
It was Kikyo who spoke first, "Reincarnation, Kagome, I wish to call a truce." To say Kagome was shocked would be an understatement.
"What do you mean?" this was all too strange for her liking, Kikyo always tried to kill her after all.
Sighing, Kikyo looked straight into her eyes, a sad and remorseful look crossed her features. "Because I realized my own foolishness. Inu-Yasha can never be mine, all that I want now is for Naraku to be destroyed," she spoke with such sincerity that it made Kagome's heart contort in pain. It must have been hard for her to realize that.
"Kikyo..." Kagome couldn't finish what she wanted to say, for she had no idea where to begin.
Kikyo simply put up a hand to silence her, flashing her a small sad smile while she did so. "Kagome, it is ok, I have come to terms with it. I only wish that you and I could be...friends?" once again Kagome was shocked; Kikyo was acting so strangely.
"Friends?" the thought rolled around in her head, could she trust Kikyo? The person who tried to take her soul back countless of times? The woman who caused both her and Inu-Yasha so much heartbreak?
Kagome looked Kikyo straight in the eyes, what she saw surprised her. It was a pleading for forgiveness and acceptance. A sad look of remorse for her past sins; a look of the utmost guilt was shining brightly in her eyes.
Kagome's eyes softened, how could she not forgive this woman, the woman who she was reincarnated from? The woman who already went through so much hardship during life, and death.
Smiling softly, Kagome nodded. It was then that a beautiful friendship had been formed between reincarnation, and incarnation.
----End Flashback----
"Man, I feel like crap, ow!" Kagome mumbled to herself as she forced her body to stand and move. If this kept up, she wouldn't make it out of the well house and no one may be able to find her until it was to late. She couldn't let that happen, she still needed to see Miroku's and Sango's wedding! 
Groaning in pain, Kagome continued her staggering walk up the stairs, blood dripping behind her. Now was not the time to grieve for anyone, or to worry about seeing a wedding, it was about making it out of the well house so you could live to see another day.
'One more step, another one, one more, another one,' Kagome kept repeating the words in her head, trudging forward with the little strength she still possessed while carrying her big yellow bag like it was a lifeline. It had the pictures of her times in the feudal era, the pictures of her lost love Inu-Yasha. 
Opening the door of the well house, Kagome stumbled and fell to the ground. "God, I don't know if I can make it," Kagome gasped out, crawling on the ground with her yellow bag still in hand.
It was then that a voice echoed through her head, 'Lady Kagome, do you need assistance? The young kit and me are in your bag,' Kagome was shocked, could that be who she thought it was?
Gritting her teeth, she sat up and opened her bag. Sure enough a sleeping Shippo and a small fire-ice neko lay there. One with a worried look, the other with the peaceful look only sleep could bring.
"You guys! What are you doing here?" Kagome gasped out, wincing a bit as she did. Shippo slowly opened his eyes before he blinked twice. He looked up to see Kagome and his face lit with joy.
"Kagome! I knew if I waited in your bag for your return I would be brought home with you!" he squealed in delight, jumping into her stomach and causing a shot of pain to travel through her abused system.
"Sh-Shippo! I am glad to see you, but I need your help." Shippo took in his 'adopted mother's' condition for the first time with wide eyes.
"Kagome you're hurt badly!" he wailed, latching onto her harder.
Kagome simply rubbed his hair with her fingers in a calming motion. He seemed to relax a little before he jumped of her and transformed into a carriage with wheels.
"Get the strange fire-ice neko to transform and pull the carriage with you in it," Shippo commanded. The fire-ice neko listened as he spoke and quickly turned into her bigger form before helping Kagome onto the small carriage.
'Lady Kagome, you mustn't fall asleep,' the voice of her fire-ice neko said sternly in her mind. Kagome was drifting in between consciousness and unconsciousness. She had lost so much blood.
They finally made it to the door of the Higurashi household. Kagome pushed herself up, ignoring the commands of her fire-ice neko to lay down and rest. She had to explain to her mother what happened.
"Kagome wha-Kagome!" her mother cried out when Kagome entered the house. She was in the kitchen preparing supper when she saw Kagome stagger through the front door bleeding heavily, looking as if she had been through a meat grinder.
"Souta, call the ambulance! Quickly!" Mrs. Higurashi commanded her only son, who complied quickly, terrified that if the ambulance didn't get there in time his beloved and adored older sister might die.
Moments later Kagome was being transported to the hospital in an ambulance. He eyesight was swimming, and she felt so cold. The last thing that crossed through her mind was, 'I wonder if I missed any tests?'
Hiei was resting in a tree when the calls of an ambulance reached his ears. It was leaving the Higurashi shrine that they had stopped by only three hours before. The only reason he was hanging around was because he got bored. A familiar scent caught his nose and he took a deep breath, trying to identify the smell.
'I recognize this scent. It is the blood of that girl, Kagome, I believe her name was. She was the one that could fight so well, and possibly sense me. ' What confused Hiei more were the emotions that smelling her blood made him feel. He had to suppress the urge to growl out loud and leap after the speeding vehicle.
Another disturbing thought occurred to him, 'I did not smell the girl at her house. Her scent was faded when we came to visit.' Hiei became suspicious of this strange new realization, so he took off towards the shrine to investigate.
An alarming amount of blood could be seen at the Higurashi shrine. You could not even smell any other scents; the smell of blood was too heavy. 'The onna is badly hurt.' Was his unconscious thought as he continued to trace the trail of blood.
What surprised him even more was the fact that it led back to the strange well they were supposed to be investigating. 'So her mother was lying. Kagome, what are you hiding?' Hiei thought suspiciously as he looked around once more. He was surprised that she even lasted as long as she did with that wound. If the trail of blood was correct, she traveled quite away.
There were no hints of why Kagome's blood led from the well to the front door of the Higurashi household. He was confused, though he would never admit it, but Hiei was confused about the whole thing.
It was clear that this Kagome girl held secrets of the unnatural sort. The only problem would be finding them out, especially if she died before he could. Yet again Hiei was confused by the feelings of her possibly dying brought up in him.
He was quite confused with himself. `Why did such a girl bring these strange emotions to me?' he thought irritably as he continued to scan the area. `Could I possibly be the fighting she did with Yusuke, or was it the flying knife she dodged with her back turned?' he continued to ponder over the fact, not even realizing that the strange girl had been on his mind for a while now.
`I have to admit, she is intriguing, even with her…disturbing thoughts…' he shuttered a bit as he recalled the images of hot guys without their shirt on making kissing faces at him. A disturbing thing to witness indeed.
'Maybe the onna placed some type of spell on me without my knowledge?' he had to admit; the thought was a lame one, even for him. Shrugging it off, he sped away from the shrine to go and report to the others about his findings. Perhaps they could shed some light on the situation?
"She is fine Mrs. Higurashi. Her wounds are healing at an alarming rate as a matter of fact. We haven't seen such fast healing before," the doctor quickly reassured Kagome's mother about her daughter's condition. She smiled, relieved.
"Do you know how she received such wounds?" the doctor asked, trying to sound normal but still containing a hint of suspicion, however Mrs. Higurashi was ready for such a question.
"Yes, she fell down a rocky slope while hiking," Mrs. Higurashi explained, no hint of a lie detectable in her voice. The doctor accepted it and nodded, motioning for Mrs. Higurashi to enter the room where Kagome lay sleeping.
She gave him a grateful smile and bowed before entering the room. Kagome's eyes opened, almost like she sensed her mother's arrival, which was actually quite likely. Mrs. Higurashi sat next to Kagome's bed, a sad look in her eyes as she gazed down into Kagome's. The doctor had left to give them privacy.
"Kagome, tell me. Are they all dead?" Mrs. Higurashi held her breath, waiting for Kagome to answer hoping for the best.
At the sad smile she knew not everyone was alive and her heart contorted a bit in pain in when she realized what her daughter must have been feeling. "Oh Kagome, I'm so sorry!" she said as she scooped Kagome into a gentle hug.
Surprisingly, Kagome never cried, in fact she seemed to go a tad bit limp in her arms. Mrs. Higurashi pulled her daughter out of the embrace and looked at her with concern evident in her deep brown eyes.
"Kagome?" she questioned, noticing the heartbreak in her daughters once shining eyes of happiness. It was something no mother in their right mind would want to see their daughter's eyes hold, she knew then who had died.
"Inu-Yasha, Koga, Ayame, Nazuna, Kikyo...they're all dead!" Kagome wailed, this time not bothering to hold back the flowing tears within her eyes.
Her mother took her into another embrace, making soothing sounds as she tried to offer her heartbroken daughter some small amount of comfort. She knew she couldn't take away all the pain, but if she could take a bit of it away, she would.
"S-Sango and Miroku died as well, but they were brought back to life as well as Kohaku, Sango's younger brother. Ginta and Haiku along with the rest of Koga's pack are all dead. All of the wolf tribes are dead, the lord and his men are all dead.  Everyone is dead! So many people died..." Kagome finished, trying to hold back the heart wrenching sobs so her mother wouldn't worry.
Even though Shippo, Sango, Miroku, and Kohaku were still alive, the other deaths still weight heavily on her heart.
It was all her fault after all, if it wasn't for her clumsiness the jewel would have never been shattered and no one would have gone through all the suffering they did. It was her fault that Naraku gained power from the jewel, her fault that Inu-Yasha along with some close friends and their comrades were dead. Her fault all of it was her fault.
"Oh mom..." Kagome spoke weakly before she cried herself to sleep, the memories of the battle haunting her very dreams with no place for the young girl to hide.
"What are you talking about Hiei?" Yusuke looked confused as he listened to Hiei tell them what he saw and smelt along with a few discoveries.
"Hn, I mean what I said baka ningen," Hiei stated coldly while he waited for a more brilliant answer to present itself. He was expecting that to come from Kurama like it always did.
"Perhaps we should go visit her in the hospital? See her wounds and determine if youkai or humans caused them? Then maybe we could question her about it if it is a youkai who hurt her?" like always, the ever-clever fox demon came up with the most logical solution to their problems.
"Fine, lets go right now!" Yusuke demanded of his group and they all nodded their agreement, even Hiei.
Yusuke started to walk away, before he stopped and turned to look at Hiei, a question forming in his brown eyes. "What hospital did she go to?" Everyone pulled an anime fall down, except Hiei.
"Now look who's stupid!" Kuwabara laughed, pointing a finger at him as he put his hand over his mouth. Yusuke simply knocked him out while waiting for Hiei to answer.
"She went to the White Dove Hospital," Hiei stated, rather annoyed with having to make so much conversation. It was driving him insane!
"Alright then, lets go!"
Well, there's another chapter folks! The next one will be posted up tomorrow. For those who are reading `Kiss of a Black Rose' it would be good for you to know that the REAL chapter was posted up today. I am SO sorry about the mix up, I guess I have more stories on this old computer then I originally thought. Well, later all!