Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ Unexpected Meetings ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart
Chapter Six: Unexpected Meetings
Hiei continued to travel the city of Tokyo. He wasn't about to let some stupid onna get away with not answering his questions! The notion was just unheard of! Grumbling silently under his breath, he continued his speed towards the hospital, he would deal with it then.
"Man I am still tired," Kagome mumbled sleepily, closing her eyes ready for her long deserved rest. Sure, she had just woken up an hour ago, but her body was wearing thin with all the injuries she had and all the power she constantly used to heal it.
Sighing, she closed her eyes to let sleep take her, or she would have if an annoying voice didn't stop her. 'Don't even think about sleeping onna,' the familiar, and unwanted voice of Hiei echoed in her mind, she outwardly groaned.
"Go away! I'm not in the mood to deal with people who can go inside my head!" she called out grumpily to the door while shoving her head under her pillow. This was the last thing she needed right now!
The door creaked open and Kagome already knew Hiei let himself in. 'How nice of him,' she seethed in her mind loudly so he couldn't help but pick up on it. She was satisfied when she heard a 'hn,' from her unwanted guest.
"Just tell me what you want and why you're here," Kagome said in a sleepy tone, she really just wanted a good nap, more then anything. 'Why did he have to come now?' she couldn't help but think as she pulled her head back from under the pillow.
Hiei glared at her; apparently he head read her mind once again. 'Baka youkai.' she decided to stop her trail of thought there. Her anger grew when she seen a smirk play about said demon's lips.
"Listen, I'm not going to tell you anything until I get at least a small rest, got it?" Kagome asked, her eyes daring him to say otherwise. Hiei simply stood in a corner with his arms crossed, staring at her with his glowing crimson eyes. Kagome couldn't help but think of Naraku's eyes before he pierced the hearts of her loved ones. Shaking the thought away, she closed her eyes, taking Hiei's silence as a yes.
Hiei had decided to allow her to rest, so that way he could watch her dreams. Within every dream, there was a truth, and if something horrible happened, usually you dreamed about it. Perhaps he could observe her dreams to get an idea of what exactly happened to her.
When he tried to read her mind during his last visit, it was extremely difficult, and didn't make to much sense. Her memories, or dreams, he couldn't decide which, kept jumping too rapidly from scene to scene for him to get a clear picture or idea of what was happening. He knew there was a war of some sort, a battle, and that there were lots of lower class demons. But why, where, when, and how, still remained unanswered.
He watched as her breath slowly evened out and how her form relaxed visibly. The 'cats' on the bed were staring at him, their eyes gauging and untrusting. He simply glared at them, and was a bit surprised when they returned it. Deciding that searching the energy signals of the room would be a good idea, he found out that said 'cats' were actually demons. 'Figures, the onna can't seem to do anything without acting abnormal.'
Still glaring at them, Hiei began to enter Kagome's mind. He ignored the hisses from the 'cats' and continued to probe her memories. What he saw surprised him a bit. Apparently, Kagome was already entering a dream, the dream he had been hoping to see. The dream of the strange battle with demons, and a half demon with piercing red eyes a lot like his own.
The girl began to toss and turn uncontrollably in her bed. The two 'cats' shared knowing looks while they snuggled up to her form in hopes of comforting her. However, their attempts were in vain for Kagome continued to toss and turn like they weren't even there.
"It ends here Naraku." Kagome said, gazing into the most hated monster that would soon be dead. She notched an arrow in her bow and took aim for the final blow.
Just then, Naraku laughed. He let out a crazy, insane, denied laugh as he gazed at the disgusted Kagome. "You think you've won, don't you little miko? Tell me, what have you won when you lose your most precious possessions?" Naraku taunted, confusing everyone around him.
It was then that he released his tentacles that flew towards a shocked Inu-Yasha, hitting him right in the heart. It was then that others flew out towards Nazuna, Koga, Miroku, Sango and Ayame, each one going right though their heart killing them instantly.
"NO!" Kagome yelled out, her heart wouldn't accept it. With a sudden burst of power, she let her arrow fly, hitting Naraku dead on where his black heart would beat if he had one. He exploded in a wave of miasma, knocking everyone left off their feet and causing them to fly twenty feet into the air.
"Inu-Yasha...no..." Kagome cried out one last time as blackness overtook her vision.
Kagome bolted up in her bed screaming, "INU-YASHA!" before realizing she wasn't at the battlefield, but in a hospital bed with a shocked demon staring at her in bewilderment.
Panting heavenly, Kagome began to reorganize her frazzled mind. Why on earth would she fall asleep with a youkai in her room in the first place? Now she remembered, he had rudely barged in when she was about to get some much-needed rest. Since she knew Hiei was no threat, she had allowed herself to sleep in his presence, forgetting about her constant nightmares of the past.
Hiei continued to stare at her with confusion and shock. 'Was-was that real?' he wondered silently in his mind. He still wasn't too sure what happened, but he wasn't stupid. This 'Inu-Yasha' person was someone close to her, someone real. He was a half demon, and he wore olden day clothing. He was so confused, and he hated it.
"Kagome," he spoke her name for the first time, and Kagome turned her wide and frightened eyes on him. Realizing she must look really stupid, Kagome willed herself to calm down, 'it was only a dream.' she repeated in her mind constantly.
"Explain," was his simple demand, and Kagome just glared at him. So what, he seen a bit of her battle with Naraku, she wasn't going to spill her guts to him! He had no right being here anyways, let alone going about and demanding things from her! She barely knew the guy for crying out loud!
"Explain what?" she asked innocently, tilting her head to the side for good measure. Hiei's glare deepened, he knew that she was toying with him.
Gritting his teeth and cursing his curiosity, Hiei unwillingly said,
"Explain that dream to me." Kagome continued to look at him with fake innocent eyes.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," she spoke out in her same sweet voice, knowing that Hiei was growing quite annoyed with her forgetful act. It was fun to toy with him though!
Glaring his deepest glare, Hiei advanced towards her. Kagome remained impassive as she gazed up innocently at him, "Tell me, now." His voice held venom that lashed out at her, but Kagome kept her act up, no demon had gotten information out of her yet and she would be damned if that changed!
Placing a finger on her chin in mock thought she looked towards the ceiling, Kagome replied, "I still can't remember what dream you're referring to." Kagome only thanked god that the sleep gave her enough power to hold Hiei at bay in her mind.
Seeing that he was getting nowhere, he was about to use more force to break through her weak barrier when his communicator that Koenma insisted he had, went off. Inwardly cursing, he reached inside his pocket to answer it. "What?" he hissed out, causing Botan to look at him funny.
"Someone's grumpy!" she retorted back before continuing on with the mission, "There's a youkai loose in a remote part of town. It's pretty strong so you'll all need to be there to battle it. That means now Hiei!" she added when she realized that he might not leave right away. Hiei simply glared at her while Kagome looked on with curiosity. 'I guess I'm not the only one with a secret.'
Glaring at Kagome once more, Hiei shut the communicator and went towards the hospital window, "I will be back," he stated before leaping out. Kagome only sighed. He was a pushy demon that was for sure!
"Hey look! Shorty's finally here!" Kuwabara bellowed at he smiled widely at Hiei, who punched him hard in the face. He wasn't in the mood for Kuwabara's idiocy, the meeting with Kagome left him bitter.
Yusuke laughed when he seen Hiei punch Kuwabara in the face, he obviously didn't notice how annoyed Hiei was. He fell on the ground laughing like crazy; it was the look on Kuwabara's face that got to him. Where was a camera when you needed one?
Kurama remained calm and serene, his thoughts still on a certain miko. 'See, you like her, admit it!' Youko spoke loudly in his head, cutting off any further thought of Kagome. Inwardly rolling his eyes, he replied back, 'I simply think she's interesting.' This time Youko rolled his eyes. Sometimes he just didn't understand his other half.
"The demon is here," Hiei spoke, alerting the group into battle stances. They all looked on a bit grossed out at what they saw.
A huge ugly demon that looked like a walking pile of vomit, and also smelled like one, made his way towards them. A smirk played on his lips; this made the group start to gag slightly. "Well, well, well, two weak demons and two pathetic humans. What are you doing in my territory?" the 'thing' questioned as the looked at the four of them.
Yusuke, Kuwabara, and even Kurama never got a chance to reply however, for
Hiei had already started his attack. He sliced down mercilessly at the giant pile of vomit, only to find that his blade was useless. The vomit monster was like water, unable to be cut in half. Wherever Hiei's blade sliced, the skin seeped back like nothing happened.
"Kuso," Hiei cursed when he landed back on the ground. His main weapon was useless in the fight, so that meant he had to rely on his other tactics. This annoyed him greatly for he couldn't vent as much frustration off when he used his special abilities, for if he did he would surely destroy the whole city.
The others watched as Hiei stepped towards the mightily beast, looking up at the demon with a bored expression at its mocking height. 'I still don't see why Botan needed us all here. This beast is nothing, Kuwabara could have taken care of it!' he inwardly seethed as he lit the thing on fire. He watched with satisfaction as it withered in pain, screaming like a coward.
When the thing was finally done burning, it was nothing more then a stinky pile of ashes. If anything, Hiei was even more annoyed. There was no need to ask them all to be here, this demon was actually quite pathetic! What was Koenma thinking when he asked for them all to be there!
Growling, Hiei took off towards the hospital again, he had a job to finish. The other's just watched his disappearing form silently, wondering the same thing that he was. The demon wasn't strong at all, so why were they all needed?
"That toddlers gonna pay! He made me miss another date with Keiko for this!" Yusuke yelled, already pulling out his communicator. 'When I see that toddler I'm gonna,' he started to picture horrific deaths for the prince who wasn't supposed to be able to die.
Kuwabara simply shrugged and left, it wasn't like he had anything else important to do. Besides, now he could see his lovely Yukina and perhaps play with his kitty! Yeah, that would be fun! Smiling, he left while Yusuke started to shout at Koenma.
Kurama remained watching where Hiei left. He had been spending a lot of time doing something, but he had yet to find out what. Ever since the case got linked too Kagome in a way, he had been suddenly 'busy'.
'He better not be after our future mate!' Youko shouted, Kurama sighed. After being with the sometimes-immature silver fox for his whole life, he had learned how to tune him out. 'I am not immature!' He heard Youko pout, unknowingly proving him right. Chuckling, Kurama left to his apartment, leaving a yelling Yusuke all alone.
Kagome sighed; she was already feeling much better due to her miko powers.
During the day her miko powers had returned due to the long naps she had and all the medication she was getting. Since they had once again resurfaced, they were able to heal her battered body to the point were she could most likely leave the hospital. The only problem was the small fact that people didn't heal that fast. 'Now what do I do?'
Sighing again, Kagome turned her attention to the two balls of fur resting on her lap. One was her fire-ice neko Yoru; the other was her adopted son Shippo. They meant so much to her it wasn't even funny. Shippo, because he was her adopted son, and Yoru because they had some kind of spiritual connection, like their souls were one. It was odd.
'Maybe I can't just leave, but I can escape! I'm sure mom would understand. Then I wouldn't have to face the doctors from hell.' Kagome thought grimly, just wanting to be aloud to leave the small stuffy hospital room. 'I hate hospitals, they smell.' the thought of escape was looking more appealing by the minute. Besides they reminded her of watching her grandmother die, with a grieving grandfather standing watch.
"Maybe, I'll just use Yoru to escape. Shippo and I could fly on her out the window and hide up in the clouds so no one could see us! Yeah!" the idea wasn't that bad, and it could possibly work!
With a wide grin, Kagome awoke Yoru who looked at her grumpily. Laughing, she mentally told her plan and the fire-ice neko agreed. It turns out Yoru hated hospitals as much as Kagome and wanted to leave as soon as possible.
Waking Shippo up, who turned to her with annoyed cat eyes, Kagome told him her plan and he quickly agreed. 'Guess we all hate hospitals.' Kagome mused silently to herself as she waited for Yoru to transform outside the window on the balcony. If she transformed inside she wouldn't fit through the window after all.
Kagome un-plugged her IV's, even though it hurt to do so. They were in her veins after all! She then proceeded to get the clothing her mother left her on before heading to the window with Shippo on her shoulder.
With a wide grin, she jumped onto the small balcony below and landed on her transformed fire-ice neko. With a smile and a, "Lets get out of here Yoru!" they were off into the sky, leaving the hospital far behind them.
Hiei had finally made it back to the hospital. Not wasting any time, he went inside before heading to the place where Kagome was residing. 'That onna is going to give me answers to her condition whether she likes it or not!' he thought determined, even though nothing showed on the surface of his face.
Quickly he found her room and opened the door. His eyes widened slightly, the only indication that could tell you he was surprised, before they went into a menacing glare. Closing the door with forced calmness, Hiei marched up to a random nurse and pinned her up against the hospital wall. Ok, not the smartest move but he was pissed off!
"Onna, tell me where the girl in room 241 is," he spoke in an emotionless voice, causing the nurse to stare at him in fear.
“S-She should be there!" the nurse managed to squeak out, Hiei simply glared at her before shoving her into the room Kagome was supposed to be in.
"Does it look like she is?" he questioned the nurse, who only looked around in shock.
"But she was here not even fifteen minutes ago!" the nurse shouted perplexed before starting to tear the room apart looking for Kagome. Apparently she had completely forgotten about Hiei still being in the room.
"Onna, clearly she is not here. Explain," he stated, growing angrier by the second. 'That onna better not have escaped!' he inwardly seethed, glaring around the room in hopes of finding her. He knew she was not there though, his jagon eye told him so.
Scratching her head in thought as she peered around the room still in search of Kagome, the nurse stood up. "I am sorry, but I have no idea where she is!" the nurse finally spoke out, shivering in thought of what her boss was going to do to her.
"Hn," Hiei said with disdain before zooming out of the room. The nurse looked back at his location in shock, wondering where he went. "Great, now I lost another person!" she cried out with exasperation.
"I hope I don't get anyone into too much trouble," Kagome voiced her concern, glancing back in the direction of the hospital. She didn't really take the plan into too much thought when she left. 'Oops,' she thought sheepishly while rubbing her head.
Shippo and Yoru shook their heads, obvious to the thoughts going on in Kagome's head. She gave them a sheepish grin before motioning for Yoru to land. Obeying commands, Yoru descended and landed with a soft thud onto the ground.
"I figured here was a good place to stop, no one was around," Kagome said happily, beaming at Yoru and Shippo who in turned smiled back at her. They were in a school park, hidden behind trees. Classes were in session so no one was outside.
"Mama, what do we do now?" Shippo questioned, looking around the abandoned park. He resisted the urge to run out of the miniature forest to go play on the equipment, but that didn't stop him from looking at it with pleading eyes.
Kagome shook her head before allowing him to go play; they had a little bit before recess started. It wasn't like it was uncommon for visiting kids to go play on the equipment anyways. Sighing she went to sit on a swing while watching him, Yoru jumped onto her lap and curled into a ball. Kagome smiled down at her, the fire-ice neko was so cute!
'I'm glad you think so,' She heard Yoru's amused voice inside her head as she continued to rock slowly back and forth on the swing. Kagome's smile brightened. "We still have to go back for Miroku's and Sango's wedding you know," Kagome spoke, looking off into the distance as Yoru mewed her response.
"Mama! Look at me!" Shippo said as he swung across the monkey bars, Kagome smiled and waved at him, "I see you sweetheart!" she called happily to him as he began to do tricks on the monkey bars. Yoru watched with amusement.
Kagome glanced at her watch; recess would be coming soon. "Shippo, we have to go now sweetie," she called to her adopted fox kit, who pouted in response.
"Do we have to?" he asked sadly, looking at her with big watery eyes. Kagome laughed.
"Yes, come on Shippo. The bell will ring soon. I can't let anybody see me out of the hospital," she told him firmly, silencing any more arguments. Shippo grumbled under his breath but complied. Yoru jumped from Kagome's lap to her shoulder, and watched as Shippo jumped onto her other shoulder.
Looking at both of them making sure they were holding on tight, Kagome took off from the playground, laughing as Shippo almost fell off her shoulder when she did a sharp turn.
"What!" Yusuke yelled after Hiei relayed his information. He was furious. "What do you mean Kagome's not in the hospital? We saw her there only earlier today with blood seeping through her bandages!" he continued to rant and rave while pacing back and forth.
"Detective, stop your babbling before I make you," Hiei seethed in his normal threatening voice. Honestly, Yusuke was so annoying sometimes. The detective just glared at him, not knowing what else to say.
"I say we go to Koenma about this, there is no way she could be out of the hospital that quickly with those wounds," Yusuke declared, already pulling out his communicator to call Botan. Hiei remained silent while waiting.
Kurama watched with amusement. It was always fun watching how Hiei and Yusuke interacted, they were complete opposites at times. While Hiei was cool and indifferent, always relying on himself and no one else, Yusuke was loud and easily rattled, believing that friends helped fuel his determination, which helped him fight. It was fun to watch these to battle it out.
Kuwabara had been knocked out when he had 'insulted' Yusuke, who proceeded to bonk him hard on the head. The orange-haired buffoon now lay on the ground, out cold for god knows how long. 'I wonder if all this damage to his skull will affect his brain?' Kurama thought quietly, not really concerned. 'Then again, it might have already taken affect.'
"So toddler," in the background you could here the spirit prince yelling about being called a toddler, "we need to know where she is!" Yusuke screamed into his communicator over Koenma's loud rants about how he got no respect.
Kurama sighed; he had a very odd group of friends. There was no question within his mind, they all were an odd bunch and by many rights should not even be together. But they were, as close as glue, and it seemed like nothing could ever change that. Silently Kurama hoped that was true, for he knew from experience that nothing lasted forever. 'Yes...nothing,' Youko repeated his thoughts inside his head.
"Kurama, hello? You there! Botan is here with a portal to spirit world! Come on, we don't have all day!" Yusuke's shouting got him out of his stupor. Botan had indeed arrived with a portal ready to go. Shrugging to himself, Kurama followed the group into the portal that took them to spirit world.
"Mom! I'm home!" Kagome called out happily when she entered her house. Her mother poked her head out from the kitchen, smiling brightly.
"Kagome, the hospital phoned and said you were missing. You know it isn't very nice to leave without telling someone, you got a poor nurse fired!" her mother scolded lightly, she couldn't be mad at Kagome for long. Especially after what her poor little girl recently went through, it must be so hard to keep that smiling face up.
Kagome smiled sheepishly, she didn't mean to get someone fired for her little disappearing act. Now that she thought about it, she felt really bad that someone lost her job because she didn't want to stay in the hospital like she should have.
Slumping her head, she went up to her room, Shippo and Yoru following a bit worried. 'Mistress, are you all right?' she heard Yoru's concerned voice echo inside her head, she smiled brightly at Yoru.
"I'm fine, a bit guilty, but all right! Please don't worry," Kagome replied to her neko, who in turn jumped back onto her shoulder. Shippo, seeing that his 'mother' was all right, headed down to the kitchen in search of chocolate, Kagome laughed at his antics.
"Shippo honey, don't eat to much or you'll get sick!" Kagome warned him, knowing that he wouldn't listen anyways. 'People learn from experience,' was all she thought as she and Yoru headed up to her room.
"Yoru, tomorrow we're going to the feudal era to see Miroku and Sango. They said next time I get back they were going to have their wedding. Let's not make them wait any longer ok?" Kagome asked and Yoru nodded.
Smiling, she fell onto her bed and closed her eyes. Despite being healed, she was still rather tired. She gathered it would only take time before she was up to full strength, after all, she still had some injuries. 'I wonder how they're all doing in the other world?' this was her last thought before her nightmares claimed her.
Well, there's another chapter! I'm really sorry for the long wait, really I am! I have been working hard on my other fics, as well as this one and in the end, it took longer to up-date. Also, there were times when I just didn't feel like writing, as well as times when I was to busy. So, I am terribly sorry for the long wait! I hope this makes up for it!