Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart
Chapter Seven: Dreams
Kagome's eyes snapped open, how long had she been asleep? Taking a quick glance out the window she seen it was pitch black outside. In a panic she shot out of bed and picked up her alarm clock to check the time, “What!!! It's three AM?!”
Yoru opened her eyes and gave Kagome an annoyed look then looked over at the slumbering Shippo beside her. Kagome smiled a bit sheepishly, she forgot everyone else was still asleep. `Why had I woken up so early anyway?' she wondered, looking around her room. Shrugging, she got up and decided to head downstairs for a glass of warm milk.
“Let's see here…aha, this will do.” Kagome said with way too much perkiness for three AM. She pulled out a small black mug and poured some milk inside it before proceeding to heat it in the microwave. Sighing she slouched in her chair, remembering the strange dream she had before she abruptly awoke…
Kagome sat on her kitchen chair, drinking a glass of warm milk, why could she never fall asleep. Casting a quick glance at the clock, she read that it was 2:30am. Great, its only half an hour difference from last time.
Suddenly, a strange presence alerted her senses. Standing up she looked towards the doorway, watching as the knob started to slowly turn. Her body turned to ice, she knew what was coming.
“Daddy?” Kagome asked, her voice trembling. The man before her had to be a ghost; she thought that monster had left for good.
The tall broad shouldered and muscular man stepped out from the shadows, “Kagome.” He whispered as if she would fall into a billion pieces if he spoke to loudly.
Kagome stepped away from him, “Why are you here?” she asked, reaching for some type of weapon for defense. Kagome's dad glanced at her hand then looked at her with his bored cinnamon eyes, “Still, Kagome?” he asked advancing on her.
“You shouldn't be here.” She said, backing away from him into a corner. Her hand had come across no form of defense that she could use.
“I told you I would come back.” Her father said, still stepping towards her. Kagome's eyes grew considerable wider; out of all the demons she had fought and killed, this one still haunted her. “Why did you come back?” she managed to question in a normal voice, her body trembling from head to foot.
Kagome's dad looked at her, “Do you still fear me Kagome?” he stated more then asked as he rubbed the ledge of her face with his finger. Kagome recoiled away from his touch like she had been hit by venom.
Her father sighed, “Kagome, you hate me with a passion, don't you?” he said, looking at her with regretful eyes. “I can fully understand that.”
“Why did you come back?” Kagome asked again, still fearing the man before her. Kagome's dad sighed, “Because, I said I would.”
The beeper on the microwave went off, snapping Kagome out of her thoughts. Slowly she walked towards the microwave and grabbed her now warm milk. Smelling it, she aloud a blissful sigh to escape her as she settled into a chair at the kitchen table. Slowly, she drank her milk, savoring the feeling of it as it trickled down into her stomach.
“I'm sure that dream meant nothing.” Kagome said in finality while she set her cup in the sink. The effect of the warm milk was starting to take its toll; a warm feeling had spread inside of her whole entire being.
Yawning and stretching, Kagome started the long climb up the stairs to her room. She had to get up early tomorrow if she didn't want to miss Miroku's and Sango's wedding. They had told her as soon as she got back they would start the wedding. She smiled at the anxious looks on their faces, knowing they secretly wished she came back the next day despite her many wounds.
With a slump Kagome fell on her bed as a small-relaxed sigh escaped her lips. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep almost instantly, and this time no nightmares made their way into her dreams.
“Kagome dear, get up, its already noon.” Her mother's musical voice reached her ears causing Kagome to bolt out of bed. How long had she been asleep? Looking at her clock, it read 12:00pm. “I need to stop making a habit of this…” she mumbled, climbing out of bed and getting changed into her feudal age clothing.
“Kagome, don't forget you promised me you would be back for supper tonight!” her mother yelled up the stairs again, knowing that if she waited for her daughter to come down she wouldn't get a word in before she was out the door.
Running down the stairs, Kagome grabbed a piece of toast, slipped her shoes on, then zoomed out the door with a, “Good bye mom, I wont forget! See you at supper tonight!” with Yoru and Shippo quickly leaping on either side of her shoulders.
The feudal era smelled and looked just like before, but a looming sadness filled the air. Sighing, Kagome climbed out of the well, trying not to think of the fresh wounds that still covered her heart. It would be difficult to come back to this place without the many memories of all those lost. She tried not to think how odd it felt not to have Inu-Yasha pull her out of the well.
Shippo and Yoru both shared knowing glances, as much as Shippo still hurt, they both knew Kagome hurt ten times worth. Each rubbed against her cheek in hope to comfort her. Kagome smiled at the gesture.
“Kagome!” Miroku's smooth voice traveled across the distance, and Kagome could see his smiling face when his eyes landed on her. Sango was calmly walking beside him, though her face was split into an ever-lasting grin as well.
“Hey guys!” Kagome welcomed as she waved to them. Shippo jumped off her shoulder and ran up to them with a big, “Sango! Miroku!” before leaping up into Sango's arms.
“Kagome, are you sure your well enough to be back so soon? It has only been three days…” Sango ask, slightly worried as she glanced over her sister-like friend's appearance. Kagome only smiled that brightening smile of hers and nodded, “I'm fine!”
The group of them walked back towards the village, each trying not to think of odd it felt to have Inu-Yasha missing. They wanted their thoughts to be of happy things, like the up-coming wedding of Miroku and Sango. Yet, their thoughts couldn't escape of how weird it was not to hear the command “Sit boy!” or the trademark, “Keh!”.
Sighing, Kagome's head drooped slightly, though it was very slightly, it didn't go unnoticed by the group. They all looked at each other, pity and understanding shinning in their eyes. They missed Inu-Yasha to, but Kagome missed him ten times more.
Suddenly Miroku's eyes took a slight gleam. Slowly and gradually he made his way over towards Kagome, his moves unnoticed by all but Shippo. Suddenly Kagome let out a scream and slapped Miroku so hard he actually went flying slightly.
“Miroku you perv! We're getting married!” Sango screamed, veins popping on the side of her head. Kagome only rubbed her head with a sheepish smile; she had to admit she over-reacted slightly. Perhaps she was deeper in her thoughts then realized and the action startled her.
Miroku only smiled his goofy smile, “It was worth the pain!” he said dramatically while smirking on the inside. His little distractions always worked, and they aloud him a good feel to!
“Hey, there is something that I just realized…” Kagome started, her hand resting on her chin in a thoughtful look as her gaze traveled to the sky. “How did you guys know to come to the well right when I was coming back?” Kagome asked, gazing at them with suspicion. Sango and Miroku only laughed.
“Kagome, Sango and I have come to the well every day to check and see if you had returned. We had a feeling you wouldn't stay in your world long knowing that we were waiting to get married.” Miroku stated, gazing at her with happiness, it was nice to have Kagome back.
Kagome only nodded, she should have figured that. Yoru still sat on her shoulder, watching the group with mild curiosity. Smiling, Kagome continued the walk to the village with her friends, for once letting her mind wonder off of Inu-Yasha.
Hiei sat in the tree called the god tree at that strange girl's shrine. He peered around the place, wondering where that troublesome girl could have gone. `Doesn't matter, she will have to return home sometime.' He thought, a smirk lining his lips. Then he would get his answers from her, he would see to that.
Meanwhile, Yusuke was taking a stroll, his thoughts on Kagome as well. `I don't understand it, why can't I get her image out of my head? There is just something about her that I feel like I am missing, something that I just can't see.' He sighed, looking to the sky for guidance.
“Yusuke?” A familiar soft male voice questioned, snapping Yusuke out of his thoughts. Glancing towards the source of the voice, Yusuke was not surprised to find Kurama sitting on a bench staring at him with slight disbelief.
Raising an eyebrow, Kurama ventured on, “Can it be? The Great Yusuke Urameshi out taking a walk, and by the looks of it, thinking?” Kurama mocked, watching as Yusuke's expression turned from one of stress to one of annoyance.
“What of it fox?” Yusuke shot back, glaring heatedly at Kurama. “Is there a law against me thinking?”
Kurama only chuckled, “No, not at all, I just find it unusual for your type of personality Yusuke.” Kurama watched as Yusuke's face transformed into one of rage, perhaps he shouldn't have said anything. He never knew Yusuke was this flustered.
Yusuke glared, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately. He was mad, boiling with rage, and the thing that got him even angrier is that he didn't even know why he was angry! Kurama was right, he didn't usually take a stroll to sort out his problems, but he was still entitled to do so! Maybe he was just to stressed and was using Kurama as an outlet…that sounded about right…
Kurama was shocked when he seen Yusuke suddenly turn around, and walk far away from him. He had expected yelling, swearing, even perhaps a physical fight, but not for him to just up and go. That was something else all on its own. Shaking his head, Kurama returned to his own thoughts. Surprisingly his and Yusuke's thoughts were on the same person; Kagome.
The rain poured down from the heavens. She stood there, standing, looking up towards the crying clouds, her own tears mixing with the raindrops. She hadn't cried these tears in a long time.
The last time these tears were shed was when her father was still around. And just like then, a question echoed in her head, “Why?” the sound was but a whispered word, the voice that of a shattered soul, and like her heart, it was lost in the winds.
Yet, she knew the answer to that, it was because she was weak. She wasn't strong enough, she didn't train hard enough, and she let them all down. When her friends, the last remaining friends she had, actually needed her, really needed her, she couldn't be there. Yet, she knew what was coming. She watched them fly away, out of her life, away from her future, leaving the past for her to morn over. She could have followed them, but now their location was lost.
They could be dead even now.
Misty eyes filling with more tears, she let out a cry, “Miroku, Sango, Shippo! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!!”
Kagome bolted up in bed; she was covered with an icy sweat. Her heart was beating a thousand miles per hour and her breaths came out in fast, heavy pants. Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Yoru were all beside her bed, looking at her with worry.
“She has a fever.” Sango said, touching her sister like friend's forehead only to take away her hand as if burned. “A very bad fever.”
Miroku looked worried, “Perhaps we should send her back to her own time? Maybe she has some sort of bad infection because she left the hospital before being fully healed?” he suggested, looking at his friend's pale and sick completion.
“Miroku, why's her skin so pale!” Shippo wailed, worried over the health of his `mother'.
Sango picked Shippo up and started petting him, “Don't worry Shippo, we'll take Kagome back to her own time and they will make her all better.” Truthfully, Sango didn't know if her own statement was true. She didn't know how far advanced Kagome's time was; maybe whatever Kagome had was not yet curable. Instantly Sango forced herself not to even think that possibility.
Kagome could only watched with disorientation as her second family talked about her like she wasn't even there. In a way, it was true, her mind was else were, in a panic that all the people before her would suddenly be snatched away by the person of her nightmares. She only vaguely noticed when they picked her up and started to carry her towards the well.
“Wait.” Kagome managed to choke out in her dazed mind. Things were starting to slowly clear up. “Stop, I'm fine.” She stated more clearly, more loudly. Her friends all turned to look at her.
“Kagome, stop being foolish, its obvious your not!” Sango lectured, worried about her friend and annoyed how she, still in her state, had the idiocy of saying she was fine. Honestly, she wondered sometimes how smart Kagome truly was.
Kagome huffed, her head clearing and the sick feeling in her stomach quelling, “I am fine Sango! I just had a…a really bad dream!” she stuck out her tong, showing that she was well enough to make jokes and act childish. The four of them only looked at each other, before slowly setting Kagome on the cold icy ground.
With a smile Kagome stood up, her pale skin returning to its normal color. Whatever it was that she had, her miko energy took care of it, probably still on the look out for infections or bugs due to her recent injuries.
“Kagome, what happened?” Sango asked, looking at Kagome in concern. She still wasn't satisfied that her friend was well, it had only been three days since she was severely injured after all.
Kagome gave a thoughtful look; she wasn't to sure herself. What did happen to her? Could a strange, but horrible dream really make you physically ill? Shrugging, she looked to Sango, “Truthfully, I'm not exactly sure. Can horrible dreams make you sick?”
Shippo shrugged while Sango and Miroku held a solemn face. At the same time, they answered, “Yes, it can.” Before looking at each other with knowing eyes.
Kagome winced slightly, not from her own pain, but from the pain she knew her friends had felt in the past. They were probably cursed with horrible nightmares, like Miroku being sucked into his own wind tunnel and Kohaku killing his family.
“Lets go to bed.” Miroku suggested, then they all turned and walked back towards the hut. `Horrible nightmares of the past, or what is to come.' Kagome thought, walking slower then anyone else.
Hiei sighed, the girl was taking longer then expected. He had been waiting for over a day now and still there was no sign of the blasted woman. Just her strange family milling about the shrine, talking about when she would be back from this `feudal era'. Must be some type of carnival or something, how would he know? He was only glad that he didn't have to worry about the others finding him; this would be the last place they would look for him.
Smirking at the thought, Hiei continued to wait. He had patience, and he had all the time in the world. He would see the girl, one way or another. And when he did, he would get all the answers he wanted, even if he had to break into her blasted female mind. He forced himself not to shutter at the thought.
While Hiei's thoughts were on the memories of the shirtless boys winking at him, Keiko's thoughts were on Yusuke. He was acting very strange, and he was hardly seeing her anymore. `What if he's seeing someone else?' she thought horrified. Quickly she forced herself to think of more reasonable things, perhaps he was sick?
“Whatever it is, I wish I could help with it.” Keiko sighed, leaning over on a railing as she watched the birds in a near by tree. Maybe she should go visit him, perhaps she could find out his problem and try her best to help him with it. It sure beat sitting around mulling and worrying over it.
Decision made, Keiko stood up and headed over to Yusuke's house. As his girlfriend, she had the job of making him happy, and being there for him when he was sad or sick.
“Kuwabara you idiot! You got us killed!” Yusuke moaned, hitting Kuwabara upside the head. They were playing a video game where you were on a team and you had to battle monsters to get to the next level while sharing lives. Kuwabara kept dying and using up all of Yusuke's lives.
A doorbell stopped Yusuke from clobbering Kuwabara right there and then. Getting up, he opened the door only to find Keiko standing there with a smile on her face. “Hi Yusuke!” she said happily while proceeding to hug him, “I missed you!”
Yusuke blinked slightly, not used to all the affection he was getting from Keiko. Usually it was a slap to the face, not a kiss, or a punch to the gut, not a hug. Either way, he liked this new Keiko that showed up on his doorstep.
“Hey Keiko, what brings you here?” He asked, a smile gracing his lips. Truthfully, he had missed Keiko to.
Keiko smirked at Yusuke, “Aren't you gonna invite me inside? Or did you not miss me?” she put on her best pout face causing Yusuke to laugh and invite her in. Smiling, she walked into the door, happy to see Yusuke so happy.
“Hey Keiko!” Kuwabara said, walking up to her with his goofy smile. Yusuke glared at Kuwabara, “Don't even think about it you dolt!” he warned, raising his fist. Kuwabara waved his hands in defense, “I wasn't gonna!” he said, taking a step back.
Keiko smiled even brighter; right now, things were normal. Yusuke was happy, she was happy, and Kuwabara was Kuwabara. Things were as it should be.
It was perfect; the day, the outfits, the setting, the feelings; all perfect. It was exactly how Kagome had always pictured it to be in her mind, except better and real. She cried slightly with happiness when she seen them kiss, both able to put the horrible lonely past away and able to travel the future together as a couple.
Miroku and Sango looked stunning in their silky wedding robes, both smiling and full of love and happiness, yet anxiousness all the same. They would finally be a couple, married and in love, a perfect relationship. They would have a big family, they had already unconsciously agreed on that part.
When the vows were read and the kiss was made, everything at that moment in time felt so right. All their friends, some family, and others considered family, were all there to watch them finally be wed and become a couple. It was perfect.
When the wedding was over, Kagome came over and hugged the two, “Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both! So where is the honeymoon going to be?” her eyes turned clever as she gazed at them both with a knowing thought.
Miroku may have always asked to Sango bare his child, but if she said yes he wouldn't know what to do. Sango had found out that Miroku never once got laid in his life, he was all talk, no action.
Sango and Miroku blushed, “We'll decided that later.” Was all she said, her face turning redder then a tomato. It was fun teasing them.
They talked for hours on end, about future plans or names for future children. Soon the sky was growing dark, the many people at the wedding now only a meager few. The few left didn't care; most were caught up in to many good conversations or were simply enjoying the company and peacefulness of everything.
Kagome's watch went off and startled everyone there. Blushing slightly Kagome said with a sheepish grin, “Sorry, I have to go home now. I promised mom I would be home for supper.” With a smile, she left, telling Shippo and Yoru to stay here for tonight. She had the oddest feeling that someone was waiting for her on the other side of the well.
Hiei stirred from his peaceful sleep. A magical force was present and he had no idea what it was. With closer inspection he came to realize it was from that well they were sent to investigate. Ok, now he was interested.
Careful to hide his presence, he silently crept towards said well and drew his sword. He could already feel the strange girl's presence mixed with the magic of the well. The well was a portal, to what he had no idea. All he could do was wait for the girl to arrive then force the answers out of her. He smirked thinking of how that would go, from what he could tell the girl was as stubborn as a mule. This would be fun.
Kagome stretched when she arrived home in her own time. Sure, her home wasn't as cool as the one in the feudal era, but it was still the best because her real family was here. No place could beat that, no matter how much she loved it. Her family came first in her heart; that includes all her second family in feudal Japan.
She smiled at the thought of telling her future family (oh great, now she has names for her two different families) that she liked her home in the feudal era better then here, there reactions seemed quite funny. Her grandpa would probably put a sutra on her, calling her a demon while her mom smiled and said it was fine. Souta would probably ask to come with her so he could meet the group of his dreams.
Shaking her head, she climbed up the well, allowing her powers to seep out of her. She did that all the time so demons wouldn't bother her family in seek of the sacred jewel now in her side.
Hiei had to hold back a gasp. The sudden power flow of pure energy had caught him off guard, especially since there was so much of it. `How could one person hold so much pure power?' he wondered, amazement clear in his eyes. He held his sword at the ready when he heard the door to the well give a small click. Instantly he had the sword to her throat.
Kagome's eyes widened, how come she couldn't sense his presence? Maybe she was too distracted, because she could sure feel it now. Quickly she absorbed her flowing energy back inside her body, just as a sword came to her neck, blood seeping down when pressure was added. She sent a glare over at Hiei, “Do you mind?”
Hiei only returned her glare, except his was fierce, “Yes, girl, I do mind. Now tell me, what is that well a portal of?” he watched as her expression turned to one of slight shock, then to one of a black mask. He didn't like the looks of this.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” She stated, her voice not betraying the panic she felt, or the lie she told. Maybe if she acted dumb he would get fed up and leave her alone?
Hiei pressed the sword harder onto her throat, “Don't play with me girl.” He warned in a deadly voice. He knew she knew that she was in no control over the situation, why couldn't humans just admit to things for a change?
Kagome contemplated her possibilities. She could try and escape, but she already knew Hiei was way faster then her and would most likely pin her down. Or she could stand here with a sword to her throat and spill her life story…Maybe if she could run fast enough…put up a barrier…purify him slightly…
Kagome looked over at Hiei, then down at the sword. It didn't take a genius to know what was coming next. Quickly she grabbed onto the sword and charged some of her miko energy into the blade, resulting in Hiei's hands to burn. With an angered cry he dropped his weapon and Kagome bolted for the door.
Glaring at the stupid girl for pulling such an idiotic stunt, he used all his speed and appeared right in front of her, causing her to crash into him. Quickly he grabbed onto both of her hands, halting her in her fall, but also making it impossible for her to escape. Kagome only pouted, it wasn't fair!
“Now girl, tell me everything.” Hiei ordered in a demanding voice, Kagome only looked at him with a bored expression. Honestly, you'd think he would be a little smarter then to hold onto a miko who could shoot purifying powers out of her hands!
Smirking she said, “Why don't you make me?” before she blasted him with another round of pure power, and escaped into her door, putting a barrier around the house. Hiei cursed loudly before zooming away. He would get her if it was the last thing he did!
“Hi mom! I'm home!” Kagome called cheerfully into the house as the smell of supper greeted her. Eyes closed in utter bliss; Kagome dashed to the nearest bathroom and washed her hands before seating herself at the table full of steaming food. `Another thing you can't get in the feudal era!'
“So, how was the wedding?” Her mother asked when her daughter practically dove to the table in eagerness. She smiled inwardly to herself as she waited for her daughter response.
“It was beautiful mom! The sun was shinning, the birds were chirping, people were smiling, it was perfect!” Kagome said with happiness, the happy memories still fresh in her mind. Besides, it was a welcoming thought then remembering the confrontation with the firecracker outside.
“Kagome, what happened to your neck?” her mother asked with worry, looking at the long red line of blood tinkling down onto her daughters clothing. Kagome blushed. In her rush for food, she forgot to clean up, her bad.
“It's nothing, really mom. It will heal in a matter of seconds.” She said, trying to reassure her mother. Sure enough the wound started to close.
“Yum! Smells good mom!” Souta said, entering the kitchen along with grandpa. The two took their seats and they all started to dig into the wonderful meal before them. Kagome smiled, it was nice to eat normal meals with her family sometimes.
Later that night, Kagome sat wide-awake in bed. For some reason she just couldn't fall asleep. Looking towards the clock she read 2:20am, wonderful. Sighing, she got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen for another glass of warm milk.
Sitting on a kitchen chair, Kagome drank her glass of warm milk, wondering why she could she never fall asleep. Casting a quick glance at the clock, she read that it was 2:30am. Great, its only half an hour difference from last time.
Sighing she leaned back in her chair, looking towards the ceiling. Perhaps it was because of all the strange dreams she had been having recently? Shaking her head she looked into her glass of warm milk, `Probably not.'
Kagome froze as she brought her cup to her lips. Slowly setting the cup down with a quivering hand, she looked towards the door. `It can't be!' her mind screamed as her whole body started to shake. Standing up, she watched as the door handle started to rattle, before a dark figure walked in.
Taking a deep and shuttering breath, Kagome whispered out, “Daddy?”