Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ Memories and Missions ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart
Chapter Eight: Memories and Missions
“Hello Kagome.” The familiar deep voice greeted. The man took two steps before a beam of light reached his muscular figure.
The man, no monster before her was like a distorted mirror in her blurred childhood memories. He still held the family traits; raven black hair and honey brown eyes, but they weren't the same. His once shimmering clean hair had dulled with split ends; it looked like dust had been smeared over every strand.
Nothing beat the change in his eyes however; eyes that chilled instead of warmed. Eye's that were terrifyingly almost the duplicate evil that she thought only Naraku could hold. The realization of this caused a small gasp to escape her lips as she gazed into them.
“Why are you here?” her voice sounded alien to her, not the one she was used to hearing. It sounded like her younger self; weak and afraid, desperate and worried. Never had she thought she would hear herself use such a voice again.
The man advanced towards her in slow, purposeful steps. She felt her heart rate increase and sweat start to perspire on her forehead. Desperately she searched for some form of defense as she stumbled backward trying to get as far away from him as possible. Her father gave her a bored look, “Still Kagome?”
Kagome stopped her retreat and looked up to the looming man before her, “You shouldn't be here.” She whispered, her breathing increasing as time lapsed on.
“I told you I would come back.” He answered, the cold honey brown eyes still glued to her form. Silently she withheld a shutter that wanted to travel through her body. His stare felt so much like that of Naraku's.
Her father smiled, “You've changed Kagome.” He stated simply, his eyes closed as his head shook slightly, “Your not the same innocent girl I left all those years ago. Look at you standing there.” His eyes opened and again he gazed at her with an unreadable expression, “You carry yourself differently, with defiance and courage.”
“Why did you come back?” Kagome asked again trying not to look away from him. The last thing she wanted to appear was weak, though, she sort of blew that one a bit.
Again her father smiled, “Do you still fear me Kagome?” the question would have normally caught her off guard, but since this was a major case of deja vu, it didn't, “No.” she answered, her voice strong.
Her father simply stared at her for what seemed a long while before saying, “You should.” Here, she chuckled slightly, “If you knew the things I've come to discover about myself, and you, I doubt you would hold no fear of me.”
Kagome looked at him confused, “I don't understand?” this had never happened in her dream. Her father sobered up, “You wont understand, not for a little bit yet, then perhaps maybe.” And with that he grinned, “It was nice seeing you again Kagome. Be sure we will meet in near future.” Then he turned and walked out the door with a small `click'.
Kagome stood there in shock and utter disbelief. Slowly she sank to the floor, her expression remaining as she stared unblinkingly at the door, “Why?” was the maddening question that kept popping in her scattered brain, “Why after all these years does he show himself now?”
Kohaku turned in the direction of the voice with a smile, “Coming!” he called back and with a stretch he stood before running off to his sister.
Since he was brought back to life things had been peaceful, for Sango and Miroku anyways. He however sat in silent turmoil as he mulled over his forgotten memories. He knew Sango, he remembered her and their childhood, but everything after that up until the moment of his revival was nothing more then a mixed blur that gave him a headache.
His pace turned into a slow walk as thought began to consume him. `Sango always warned me to be careful when trying to remember things, especially when I'm not around her. I don't know why though…' his eyes turned into that of troubled ones, `Why am I so afraid and yet desperate to remember what was in the past?'
“Kohaku are you all right?” the worried voice of his sister snapped him out of his musings and he gave her a reassuring smile, “Of course I am.” He said with a cheerful grin.
She watched him for a long moment, as if she didn't believe him, and for good reason too. Finally, after what seemed an eternity she shook her head as if to dismiss her assumptions and smiled cheerfully, “Good, now are you hungry at all because Miroku made us something to eat!” it seemed ever since the wedding her attitude could never dampen.
The reply she got was a growling tummy and a sheepish smile, “I guess my stomach answered for me.” Kohaku said his sheepish grin still in place, “Let's eat.” And with that the two walked off to Miroku.
Breakfast was silent. It was almost like the family could feel the nervous and anxious vibes coming off of her. Why did they all have to stare at her though?
Kagome set down her fork and pulled away from the table, “Breakfast was good mom.” She thanked as she gathered up her dishes before heading to the sink, “Do you mind if I go out to Feudal Japan for a little while?” she asked as set her dishes in the sink.
Her mother looked at her slightly confused, “Well I don't see a problem with that but Kago-”
“Thanks mom see you in a bit.” She quickly cut off before any questions about her odd behavior could be asked.
“I should be back before dark. If anyone comes looking for me, tell them I'm gone to my aunt's for the day.” She said as she tucked on her shoes. Giving them a slight tap to make sure they were on all the way she opened the door and started to head out, “See you tonight!” and the door shut with a small click.
The family looked at the shut door for a moment before sighing.
“Back in my day kids never ran off when there were choirs to be done.” Grandpa huffed as he sipped on his coffee.
“That's because in your day everyone was crazy.” Souta mumbled in response and his mother only chuckled, “That's not very nice dear.” She scolded lightly.
Grandpa only glared, “They never talked back to their elders either. In my day old people were respected and treated like kings!” he shouted holding his newspaper in the air like a sword.
Souta looked at him for a moment, as if debating whether or not it would be worth his breath to comment, “It's hard to respect someone who slaps sutras on anything that moves…” he stated dryly and Grandpa could do nothing but scratch his chin sheepishly, “I think that's a little over exaggerated there Souta…” he muttered quietly.
“Where do you think your going onna?”
Kagome sighed as she heard the voice and soon enough the demon dressed in black appeared, “Hello Hiei.” She greeted tiredly.
Hiei only glared at her “Trying to go back to whatever word is on the other side of the well?” he asked bitterly, staring at her with his cold crimson eyes. Kagome quickly looked away as memories from the previous night resurfaced.
“Going for a walk actually.” She countered, trying to make it look like the demon hadn't predicted her path. The response was a satisfied smirk, “So it is a portal then.” He stated and Kagome froze. `Damn him!'
Hiei's smirk only widened, “Tell me girl, how do you plan on covering this one up?” he questioned as he leaned against the god tree, “I could easily get you arrested and forced into questioning from the investigators of spirit world. Hell, I might be the one to investigate you.” he watched her closely for a reaction.
Kagome stood there, her back stiff and her shoulders tense. What on earth was she going to do now? Her mind raced, this was turning into a very bad week, “You could, but you wont.” Was all she said, all she could think of.
Hiei raised an eyebrow at her response, “What makes you think that?” honestly, this must have been the longest conversation he ever had with someone…
Kagome turned to him, this time a smile was planted on her face, “Because I know you wont.” Her voice held confidence, which only caused Hiei to frown, “You hardly know me, how can you be so sure.” As if he was trying to make his point more evident, he pulled out his communicator. He watched as the girl's eyes traveled over to it.
And she stared at it.
And stared at it.
And stared at it for what seemed a long time.
`Damn, it won't disappear…' she thought sheepishly. Finally she looked away from the object and focused on Hiei's eyes, “I know you wont.” She said again.
Hiei stared at her in utter amazement. He couldn't believe what he was hearing! How dare this mortal girl assume she knows what he would and would not do! Perhaps the thing that ticked him off the most was the fact that she was right…he wouldn't phone Koenma.
Satisfied she looked away, “See you later Hiei.” She called as she continued her walk towards the well house. Hiei was in front of her within a second. She sighed, could he ever just make things easy for her?
“Not so fast girl, I want answers.” His eyes narrowed on her, watching her every move. Apparently he didn't take to kindly to being purified the other night, or being thwarted either.
With a tired sigh Kagome looked at him pleadingly, “Can't you just let me continue on my own merry little way?” she asked desperately, her eyes never leaving his face, “Why do you care so much about what I do anyways. It couldn't be because of your job…Excuse me for saying but you don't seem the type to really go all out on something someone tells you to do…” Hiei cursed inwardly, the stupid ningen had a point…
Why was he so interested in finding out all her secretes? She was nothing more then a stupid mortal girl, which made his actions all the more strange to him. `These questions will have to wait.' He told himself, instantly stopping his thoughts on a puzzling topic.
“Well?” her voice brought him fully back to reality, and he stared at her. She raised an eyebrow at his actions, “Are you just going to stare at me all day or are you going to answer me?”
Kagome rolled her eyes, were they back to `hn' again? Shaking her head she moved past him, hopefully this time he wouldn't stop her, “Good bye.” She said, her footsteps moving faster and faster as she got closer to the well house door. `I'm going to make it!' she thought happily, surprised that Hiei was letting her go.
Hiei smirked at her and waited. He wasn't letting her go, but it was fun to let her think that he was. Her hurried footsteps and hopeful eyes were humorous. Finally, when her hand was about to reach the handle of the door, he appeared right in front of her.
“Hiei!” she gasped startled, ah the wait was worth it for her reaction now was comical, “Don't make me hurt you again Hiei…” her voice held warning, and this only caused him to glare at her.
“I wouldn't try that again miko, least you get yourself into a situation you wouldn't find all to pleasing.” This time it was his voice that held the warning, and he smirked as she only glared at him in response. He knew right then and there what she was going to do, and he was ready for it.
`I'll show you…' she mumbled in her mind as she glared fiercely at the fire demon before her. She was so close to the well, so close! With one quick motion her hands moved in front of her as she prepared to blast the ignorant youkai with pure energy.
However, before she could do anything more she suddenly found her hands pinned behind her back facing each other while a dagger was placed against her throat. She blinked, how the hell did that happen?
Hiei continued to smirk down at the girl; he was more then a fool to let her blast him a second time, “I warned you miko, now tell me…where does this portal of yours lead to?” he had her right where he wanted her, there was nothing the girl could do to escape now.
Kagome's mind raced frantically as she tried to figure out an escape. Her eyes traveled down the blade held so dangerously close to her neck, before looking towards her hands that were pinned facing each other making them useless. `Damn him…'
Hiei pushed the blade closer to her neck, cutting her skin slightly, “Answer me or I swear your life will end here.” His voice was deadly and quiet causing a small shutter to emerge from the girl he was holding. Power; such a wondrous thing indeed.
`He wouldn't dare end my life…empty threat, just stay calm Kagome.' She told herself mentally, trying to keep her heart from racing. The last thing she wanted the ignorant demon to know was that she feared him. It would only fuel his gigantic ego…
`Think girl think! How can you get out of this with the least amount of damage possible?' she frowned, her eyes bolting this way and that before saddening slightly, `I wish…Inu-Yasha was still here…he always kept me safe….' Quickly she forced her thoughts away. Inu-Yasha wasn't here, she was, alone. It was time she started fending for herself, without the aid of her friends.
Smiling, she started to laugh, “You think you have me don't you Hiei?” she asked as a smirk played upon her velvet lips, “Well your wrong.” Hiei looked at her in confusion.
Kagome closed her eyes and concentrated. Inwardly she worried if what she had planned would work. It was a new attack, one she was still training herself on. How she happened by it was complete chance. Yet, if she pulled it off, the attack was quite useful, especially in situations like these…
“What are you planning onna?” He frowned, not liking the rising energy he felt around her. She couldn't think of blasting him, she couldn't, not with her hands the way they were. Yet her energy continued to rise in warning levels that only told his senses to prepare for a blast…but what kind of blast?
Suddenly a faint pink glow erupted all around the girl's body. Hiei cursed as his hands started to burn before it felt like they were on fire. The faint glow grew stronger and with it the burning grew more painful, “Damn you!” he shouted letting go with an enraged growl.
As soon as she was free Kagome took off, the pink glow disappearing as her concentration left. Already she felt the side effects of her little stunt and cursed, it took so much energy just to make a little glow. She defiantly had to work on that.
She opened the well house door without bothering to shut it; worried that Hiei would try to pursue her. Not bothering to walk down the stairs, she leaped and landed next to the small dry well. Without a glance behind her she continued to leap into its dark depths before being consumed with the pleasant blue magic taking her to Feudal Japan.
Hiei looked at his shaking tomato red hands. Curse that blasted miko. His gaze traveled down to his clothing and he noticed how parts were scorched. It seemed that any piece of him that touched the miko was damaged, where the hell did she learn to do that?
His gaze then traveled to the open door of the well house. She had escaped yet again. Damn his day was turning crappy. Crossing his arms he gave one last look at the well before disappearing in a wisp of speed.
………………………&# 8230;..
Yusuke was bored.
His eyes traveled over to the clock beside his bed and he groaned. It was only noon! Grumbling he rolled over and faced the TV. With a tired sigh he grabbed the controllers and turned it on. Of course the first thing that came on was the news.
Despite his punk nature he liked to keep up with the world. I mean after all he was the one protecting it…He couldn't help it if an unexplained story caught his attention and he just happened to go investigate it himself…and run into a pathetic demon who was causing the unexplained story…
The shadow was how many described this strange creature that stalked the night. Police have been unable to find any clues as to who the identity of the mass murder is. We have been told to urge citizens to travel in groups if they are going to be outside at night…”
Yusuke sat up in bed, this sounded interesting. A creature called the Shadow; sounded more like a run-away demon that got past Koenma's sensors. Smiling to himself he continued to listen to the news, trying to find out where this creature was known to strike.
…Especially if you are in the urban area of Park West. So far the attacks have been circled around there…”
A beeping sound pulled his attention away from the TV. He looked over to his dresser and sure enough it was his communicator. `Now what does diaper face want?' he mumbled in his mind as he snatched it. At least it would give him something to do while he waited for night to come.
“Yusuke here.” He answered, opening the communicator with a bored expression. Koenma's anxious face appeared on the screen, which only caused Yusuke's interest to be sparked.
The baby looking ruler gave Yusuke an annoyed expression before speaking, “Yusuke, I need you here in spirit world immediately. I've already sent Botan to get you.”
Yusuke rolled his eyes, great it sounded like it was going to be a long mission to get the child ruler so riled up. Just what he needed…Keiko is going to have a fit with him when she finds out he has to skip on their date that was later on this afternoon. Inwardly he winced as he rubbed his arm where she usually punched him.
“YUSUKE!” a yell brought him back to reality and he realized he hadn't said anything to Koenma yet. Giving the ruler an annoyed look he said, “Yeah sure.” Before closing the communicator with a snap.

Not a second later Botan appeared on her oar with the usual peppy smile, “Hi Yusuke!” she said in a singsong voice, “Ready to go?”
Rolling his eyes he put his communicator in his pocket, “Yeah, just make the portal already…” came his grumbling reply, but Botan didn't really seem to notice.
“Sure thing!” and with a wave of her hand the portal was opened.
Yusuke took one last look around at his room before sighing and walking into the portal. Surprisingly he had only thought about Kagome twice today, it seemed that Keiko's visit had cleared some things up for him.
………………………&# 8230;…
“Kagome!” the child voice yelled and before she knew it Shippo was huddled in the belly of her stomach. Smiling she patted his head and cuddled him close, “I missed you Shippo! Where you good for Sango and Miroku?” the Kitsune nodded and puffed out his chest, “I sure was, I even helped start the fire for supper!”
`Greetings mistress, I to had missed your company.' Came Yoru's wistful voice inside her mind and Kagome looked up to see her fully transformed neko looking right at her.
Shippo jumped up to her shoulder while she patted the neko hello, “I missed you greatly as well.” She said with a smile, her heart still racing from the encounter only moments before.
Slowly she sat on the cool grass, panting as she tried to catch her breath. Shippo and Yoru gave her worried looks and she patted them each on the head reassuringly, “It's ok, I'm just a little worn out still from the hospital is all.” She lied. She didn't want them to know that a demon was stalking her.
Shippo seemed pacified at that information but Yoru however knew better. Having a psychic confection he knew better then to fall for his mistress' lies, `I expect an explanation later on Kagome.' He told her with a look that left no room for argument. A slow nod was his only reply but it was good enough for him.
Shippo didn't seem to notice the interaction between the two for he shouted out with glee, “Sango, Miroku! Over here!” and waved.
Sure enough, not moments later the now husband and wife appeared in the clearing along with Kohaku by their side, “Kagome!” they all shouted when they noticed her state and rushed over to her side.
“You guys I'm fine.” She assured them all causing Yoru to snort and turn his head. Sending him a warning glare she looked back to her second family, “Really I am.”
None of them seemed to believe her, but they left it alone all the same. Only Yoru noticed the small cut at the top of her neck. His eyes narrowed further as he contemplated the true scenario that happened on the other side of the well. `I wont be leaving her side ever again, no matter the pleading and reassuring she does.' Inwardly he vowed as he gazed at her purposefully.
Standing up Kagome sent them all a warming smile, “So, how was your night?” her question was asked to all but was mostly directed at Miroku and Sango, who both blushed considerably.
“I had a great time! I gathered firewood and Miroku taught me how to start a fire without using my powers!” Shippo announced proudly with excitement and Kagome only laughed, “That's wonderful Shippo!”
Kohaku spoke next, his voice quiet, “I spent some time in the god tree keeping look-out for demons.” He looked timidly up at Kagome noticing how her smile faltered slightly. Instantly he regretted saying anything.
“My, taking up the family trade already I see.” Her voice didn't hold as much cheer when she answered compared to the joy it held with Shippo. Everyone had noticed.
Quickly Sango spoke before an awkward moment could be formed, “Me and Miroku,” She blushed, “Cuddled by the fire that Shippo made before going to bed…” her voice trailed off but Kagome got the jest of what she was leading to. She sent them a sly grin, which only caused them both to blush deeply.
The remaining members of the shard hunters headed towards the village, all laughing and talking about this and that. Only one remained silent…
Kohaku glanced over at Kagome. It felt like he needed to tell her something important but what? He grinded his teeth together in frustration, damn why couldn't he remember! His eyes traveled to the sky, as if he were pleading with the gods to restore his lost memories. Yet his mind remained blank with a mixture of unexplained blurs which only caused his frustration to grow.
The voice of his sister brought him back to reality and he looked over at her. Apparently at some point in his walk he had stopped and trailed behind the group. Now they were all looking at him with confused worried eyes probably wondering what his problem was.
Blushing he apologized, “Sorry, got lost in my thoughts.” Before running to catch up with the group. They all looked at him before continuing on when he didn't say anything further. Inwardly he sighed with relief, that was close…
`Fox.' A smile graced the plant kitsune's lips and he stopped his steady pace. “Hello Hiei.” Came his pleasant greeting as said demon appeared beside him. He started to walk again and Hiei followed.
After a while of silence he turned to his spiky haired friend, “So what's bothering you now?” Kurama questioned, facing the path once again as he awaited an answer.
Hiei grunted before answering, `What makes you think something's wrong?' he shot; obviously he wasn't in a very pleasant mood. Kurama sighed; this was going to be a long walk…
Botan suddenly appeared in front of them both, “Hello guys!” she cheered and waved. Kurama mentally sweat dropped while Hiei simply turned away and did his trademark `Hn.'
Ignoring the emotions brought forth by her appearance Botan continued, “Koenma sent me to come take you to spirit world. Apparently you guys have a new major mission that needs to be taken care of right away.” She said opening a portal.
Hiei seemed aggravated but he walked through it nonetheless. Kurama shrugged and walked in as well, he would figure out what was bothering Hiei eventually.
“Bye guys!” Kagome waved to her friends as Shippo and Yoru sat on her shoulder's ready to go. The sun had set and night had spilled into the beautiful lands, which meant that it was time to leave.
Sango, Miroku and Kohaku all waved back, “See you later Kagome. Do you know when your next visit will be?” surprisingly Kohaku asked and Kagome contemplated an answer.
She had been going to the feudal era a lot lately, and she was sure her mother wanted to spend some quality time with her. Especially since she had been gone so long during the final battle, “Maybe in a few days, I think my mom misses me.” She chuckled and the other's nodded.
“Then see you in a few days lady Kagome.” Miroku said as he gave her a gentle hug, “Please don't get into to much trouble.” He whispered in her hear and Kagome hugged him a little tighter, “I wont.” She said.
Smiling Miroku pulled away and held Sango's hand. Sango smiled at him before looking over to Kagome, “See you in a few days Kagome.” She said with a warm smile. Kagome nodded to all of them and gave a last wave before jumping into the well with Yoru and Shippo on her shoulders.
………………………&# 8230;…
“Here we are.” She landed with a soft thud at the bottom of the well back in her time. Instead of unleashing her miko energy like always she hid it as her movements grew cautious.
Yoru growled slightly and Shippo peered around suspiciously, “What are we looking for Kagome?” he whispered on edge.
Kagome blinked, not even noticing that the two had gone on guard, “Um…nothing.” She said finally not wanting to alarm them. Yoru gave her a look but she ignored it. Now was not the time for questioning.
Silently she climbed the ladder placed in the well. When she reached the top she poked her head out hesitantly half expecting a blade to greet her. When nothing happened she smiled and climbed all the way out.
“So did you guys have fun?” she asked the two as she walked towards her home. Yoru gave a small mew and Shippo nodded vigorously which caused her to laugh, “I'm glad, but I think we need to stay here for a little while now.”
Shippo frowned, “How long is a little while.” He asked, obviously wishing they could go back the very next day. Kagome chuckled, “At least five days Shippo, but don't worry, we'll go visit at least once after that ok?” she said, trying to pacify her kit's gloomy mood.
Reluctantly Shippo nodded.
“Alright, let's go home!”
………………………&# 8230;……..
Yusuke glanced over to the door as Kurama and Hiei walked in. Figures the two would be found together. His eyes traveled over to Koenma as he waited for the anxious ruler to talk. Now that everyone was here he could finally hear what all the fuss is about.
“Everyone, I have an important mission for you.” he spoke slowly, drumming his fingers together as he spoke to his desk, “I need you to protect this girl,” a picture appeared on a large screen and everyone gasped.
It was Kagome.
………………………&# 8230;..
Well that's all for now. Sorry it took me so long to up-date. I had a major case of writers block for ALL my stories. I have some new ideas though, so hopefully you'll see some more up-dates in the near future. I lost track of the pairings…so I'm not going to put them up. Well bye for now!