Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Love For You ❯ Kyle meets Kagome! ( Epilogue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kyle-Otcel: Hey this is Akire's brother. Ok since she likes Inu Yasha so much I have Kagome, and I love her dearly, and this is a story about Kagome and me. I do not own Inu Yasha or any other anime/manga that appear in this story. So read and review.


Prologue: Kyle meets Kagome!

I was walking to school late for football practice as usual, but that didn't matter to me I walked slowly to school. Soon I came to the Hiromeshi Shrine (I think that's right); I looked over and saw a girl.

'I've seen her before but where?' I thought as I stopped walking 'Ah! She's that Kagome girl' so I remembered and then I leaned against the fence.

"H-hey Kagome!" I yelled as I waved, signaling to come over.

'Ah!! It's Kyle from school!! What's he doing here?!' thought Kagome as she felt a chill go down her spine 'What should I do?'

"Uh... Hi Kyle... What are you doing here?" asked Kagome as she walked over slowly and cautiously

"I was just walking by and I saw you here, and I wanted to know if you want to walk to school together?" I asked as I stood up straight and put my hands in my pockets

"Uh... Sure just let me change and I'll be right down okay" said Kagome nervously

"Okay I'll wait here for you" I said as I winked at her, so Kagome left to her house ( Which was the largest building at the shrine). Soon Kagome returned wearing a fresh new school uniform and carrying her book bag

'Inu Yasha's gonna kill me' thought Kagome as she walked and arranged her books inside her bag

"Here let me carry your books I wouldn't want you to hurt your back" I said as I took her book bag and flung it over my shoulder. "So how your tunnel vision, carpel tunnel, mental fatigue, and I-uh don't know what else?"

'Urgh!!! Grandpa!!!' thought Kagome *Sweat Drop*

"I'm fine, they were all uh...cured, I guess" said Kagome as we turned the corner

"Wow those must have been some doctors" I said as we walked into school

"You have no idea" said Kagome, then some girls, three of them, rushed over to Kagome

"Could you excuse us for a second" said one girl (This is girl #1) as they grabbed Kagome

"Uh... sure" I said then they dragged her away.

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"Wow Kagome your some player" said another girl (This is girl #2) as they surrounded her

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Kagome in a very confused manor

"Well first you ditch school come back and have Hojo at your feet. Then your reject him and go after the psycho boy and once again ditch school for days. Now you come back and you have the champion tennis, soccer, and football player/ exchange student/ super hot stud at your feet!!! What is it with you? What do guys see in you?" asked yet another girl (This is girl #3) as they all stared at her.

"Uh..." said Kagome "Hey Wait!!! What are you talking about? First of all Hojo was just a friend and I still like Inu Yasha and finally Kyle is just being nice"

"Uh-hu you may say that now but all Kyle has to do is ask you to the movies and you're officially a guy magnet" said girl #2 as she put her hand on her forehead

"I think it's kind of sweet that Kagome's getting so much attention" girl #1 said as she clasped her hands together

"Oh Be Quiet!!!" yelled girl #2 and 3 "Yah just because you and Kagome are getting all the attention that doesn't mean you have to put us down"

"Wow you got a boyfriend?!" said Kagome excitedly

"Yah he's your ex, geez Kagome keep up will you" said girl #3

"Well sorry but I was sick you know" said Kagome "Look the bells about to ring and I can't leave Kyle there so I'll see you later ok" then she left and walked twards me.

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"Hey Kyle sorry about the delay" said Kagome as I handed her, her book bag

"No think nothing of it" I said as I smiled, we walked inside the building.

Soon we were walking threw the hall and people would pass by and say hi to Kagome and me. Mainly the boys said hello to Kagome. While many of the girls said hi to me. Some of the time both the boys and girls would say hi to both of us.

"Hey Kagome where's your first period class?" I asked as we walked on

"Uh... Oh! Its class 3B" answered Kagome as we turned the corner

"Great!" I said "My class is right next to yours"

"Really, so you have class...Uh...4B right" replied Kagome, I nodded as I smiled

Then we arrived right outside the door and Kagome was about to walk inside when...

"Kagome wait I want to ask you something" I said as I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her back

"Uh... Sure what is it?" asked Kagome as she stopped

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to you know hang out after school, you know or I could walk you home or uh... Something" I answered as I let her hand go and blushed the slightest bit

"Uh... Ok sure how about we go walk around then you can take me home if you want to" said Kagome as she blushed deeply and looked down at the ground

'Oh no! What am I saying?! Inu Yasha's going to kill me if I don't go back to the feudal era soon' thought Kagome

"Ok great! Now where's your last class?" I asked in happiness and joy

"Oh, I have Mr. Kati in room 20A" responded Kagome

"Ok it's a date then" I said as I walked off "Bye!"

'Oh great just what I need a date' thought Kagome 'Inu Yasha's going to be pissed for sure...'

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In the feudal era...

"Where's Kagome!!!" yelled Inu Yasha angrily as he sat by the well *Head vein*

"Settle Down Inu Yasha" said Miroku as he stood by Inu Yasha "I'm sure she is just gathering provisions"

"Well It Shouldn't Take Her This Fucking Long!!!" yelled Inu Yasha as he now yelled louder than ever and even more pissed.


Kyle-Otcel: Ok I hope you like it because I spent months writing the first draft just for you all. Ok now my cousin Akire is going to act like Kagome and we're going to do this Inu Yasha style...

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Next Time On Inu Yasha...

I'm going on a date with Kyle and am going to have to make Inu Yasha wait for me to get to the feudal era. Unfortunately Inu Yasha's not very patient and he comes to our time to see what's the hold up. Kota, my brother, tells Inu Yasha I went on a date with some guy. Inu Yasha gets depressed and goes back to the feudal era to await my return. Will this date with Kyle end my relationship with Inu Yasha?! Find out next time in "The Revealed Secret" See you soon!